Invincible in one touch

Chapter 259 Bloodthirsty stunts, god-level PVP skills!

Chapter 259 Bloodthirsty stunts, god-level PVP skills!

Although the physical damage was reduced a lot, the magic damage did not disappoint Ye Fusheng, and the dark mammoth lost [-] blood points in seconds!
Ye Fusheng was short of breath, and finally he let go of his tight heart.

As long as he can kill the dark mammoths in seconds, no matter how strong their stunts are, Ye Fusheng can still kill a bloody path!


There was a long howling sound, and many dark mammoths reacted, each rectified, and immediately rushed towards Ye Fusheng at an extremely fast speed.

They all radiate purple-black brilliance, and their impact skills are activated. If Ye Fusheng is attacked, he will definitely be repelled!

"Remnant spirit eclipses the moon!"

"Frozen Ghost Slash!"

In this regard, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, and instead of retreating, a light blue and pale white halo bloomed under his feet, spreading to about 10X10 yards. Once the dark mammoths approached Ye Fusheng within 10 yards, the thick and heavy hair on their bodies The hair was suddenly covered with a layer of frost.

Not only that, but their speed has slowed down, and their magic defense has been reduced by as much as 30%!

As the speed of the many dark mammoths slowed down, Ye Fusheng didn't hold back his hands, he released the Frozen Ghost Slash skill, and in an instant, the silver moon magic glow in his hands was frosty and cold, and he swung forward violently.


The deafening roar of ghosts and gods resounded, and a phantom of ghosts and gods emerged out of thin air, wrapped in an astonishingly cold air, and rushed towards the monster in front.


Almost at the moment when the phantom of ghosts and gods collided with the dark mammoth, the frosty air suddenly burst out and spread all over the body.

Only clear and crisp sounds could be heard, and the rows of dark mammoths in front of them that were hit by the frosty cold suddenly turned into ice sculptures, standing stiffly in place.


However, they were frozen in ice and could not move, but the dark mammoth behind them would not stop and charged straight up.

As many dark mammoths continued to collide, a strange force erupted from the body of the dark mammoth that was previously frozen.


In just a few breaths, the cold air suddenly exploded, like a blade. Apart from piercing through the frozen dark mammoth, those mammoths that rushed up were also injured by the cold air.

In an instant, countless blood-red damage figures kept flying up.

Almost every damage is as high as 15W!

Especially the monsters close to Ye Fusheng, under the effect of the residual spirit eclipse, the damage value is as high as 20!
Bang bang bang!
The ice cubes continued to explode, and the huge, especially fierce dark mammoth, in front of Ye Fusheng, couldn't even hold three breaths, and died directly.

However, the cooling time of Frozen Ghost Slash is quite long. After killing a bunch of dark mammoths with the skill, those monsters are not afraid of death, like moths to the flame, they rushed up again, taking all the vacant seats Fill.

As a result, Ye Fusheng couldn't do it even after rushing a few feet, and was blocked by a huge mammoth in front of him.


"The killing eye is on!"

With various BUFF skills activated, Ye Fusheng waved the silver moon magic brilliance, dancing wildly with sword energy, constantly attacking and killing the dark mammoth.

After all, those mammoths were only the first wave of monsters, their attributes were not considered strong, and they were directly killed by Ye Fusheng, so they did not pose too much threat to Ye Fusheng.

But in less than 5 minutes, all the dark mammoths that looked like the tide sea had died in Ye Fusheng's hands.

With that kind of monster-killing speed, I am afraid that a whole guild of players will be ashamed of themselves!

The silver moon demon brilliance waved and cut off the head of the last mammoth. Ye Fusheng controlled the furious flame horse, jumped over its corpse, and galloped forward.

The strong bloody smell was pungent and intensely irritating. Liana's complexion was pale, and she was particularly frightened. She didn't even dare to speak, but tightly grasped Ye Fusheng's sleeve.

Sometimes reminding a direction, the two went deeper into the mountains.


After a long time, there was another howling sound, and countless wolves jumped out, brandishing their sharp claws, attacking Ye Fusheng.

"The sword swings for nine days!"

The thunder exploded, and before the wolves got close to him, the intense thunder light had already exploded on them, sending them flying, turning into white light and dissipating.

Obviously, the second round of monsters still couldn't withstand Ye Fusheng's one skill damage!
As a result, Ye Fusheng didn't even bother to check the attributes of those gray wolves, but just kept swaying his sword energy and unleashing sharp attacks.

Under the continuous attack of sword energy, the wolf couldn't even approach Ye Fusheng within 10 yards, and died howling.

[What's wrong, how do you feel, this wave of monsters is worse than the first wave? 】

However, Ye Fu was so easy to kill, but he became suspicious in his heart.

Could it be that these twenty waves of monster attacks were just a cover?
Too weak?
Or, is this holding back and doing something?

Just when Ye Fusheng was surprised, not far away, the howl of wolves sounded, and then a giant wolf with blood-red hair more than three feet long jumped out. It was strong and steady like a hill.

The terrifying aura is constantly spreading from his body!
"Damn this directly a BOSS?"

"Doesn't it mean that there will be bosses appearing in every follow-up wave? Hahaha, you can earn experience and equipment again!"

Seeing the appearance of the boss giant wolf, Ye Fusheng was not only uselessly nervous, but excited instead.

Immediately releasing the skill, Frozen Ghost Slash, suddenly beheaded all the little blue wolves around, and using the skill Eye of Truth, scanning the attributes of the blood-colored giant wolf.

The panel floated, listing the attributes, and it came into Ye Fusheng's eyes.

It seems that because the BOSS is just an ant playing forward, its attributes are not strong, and even its rank is not high enough. After reading the attributes, the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth twitched, disappointed.

Why can't there be more legendary bosses?

Scarlet Wolf (Spirit-level BOSS)

Rating: 140
Blood value: 18000000
Attack: 13000
Defense: 9000
Bounce: Amazing jumping power, every time you jump, you can jump to a very high position, and you can release skills in the air, or attack
Bloodthirsty: Every time a player is killed, the attack power of the player is increased by 1%, and the chance of instant kill is 0.01%, which can be superimposed infinitely, and the effect lasts until the player goes offline
Skills: Wolf Flying to the Moon, Blood Devouring Strike, Shadow Killing
Description: The mutated leader of the wolf clan, with impressive strength
Weaknesses: fire, waist
"It's too weak... 800 million qi and blood, even if it doesn't trigger an instant kill, it can be killed in a while!"

"Attack power, defense power, plus that skill, are all weak compared to each other! The name doesn't look compelling. Killing this kind of boss is a waste of time!"

Ye Fusheng sighed unceasingly, but he should be killed, after all, this is a mission monster!
If you don't kill this BOSS, you can't proceed with the follow-up missions.

Fortunately, this boss's stunts are not bad. There are two stunts, one of which is special, jumping very high, being able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, ah bah, being able to stay in the air for a while and release skills.

If paired with bow-type skills, it can definitely exert a heaven-defying effect!
If he can grab this feature, Ye Fusheng can wake up from his dreams with a smile.

As for the other stunt, needless to say, it is even more divine!

It's still a magic skill for PVP!

Every time a player is killed, the attack power can be increased by 1%, and the chance of forced instant kill is 0.01. Although it looks low, it can be stacked infinitely!

The state lasts for a long time, until the player goes offline!

A guild battle, or a large-scale battle, at least hundreds of thousands, or even millions of players will participate. You don't need to kill too many players. Even if Ye Fusheng kills a thousand players, it will be a 1000% attack power bonus and a forced instant kill chance Not to mention, anyway, with the addition of Ye Fusheng's 9999+ luck value, the probability will definitely not be low.

Just talking about the 1000% attack power bonus, that's ten times the damage!
How about killing more players?

Kill tens of thousands of players, that is hundreds of times the attack power!
At that time, let alone a battle between players, even if the ten purgatory monarchs came, Ye Fusheng would dare to challenge them with his sword!

Hundreds of times the attack power of labor and capital, a skill, can you stand it?
[Phew... this bloodthirsty stunt is a bit strong, if I can snatch the bloodthirsty stunt, I'd rather not touch any girl for ten days! 】

【Well!Ten days seems too long, well, if I can grab the bloodthirsty stunt, I will not touch any girl for three days! 】

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, holding Lianna in one hand, driving the angry flame horse, and rushed towards the scarlet wolf.

The Raging Flame Demon Horse is not low in rank. It would be timid when encountering a high rank boss before, but when faced with a spiritual rank boss, it became arrogant and unafraid. He even raised his body and kicked the Scarlet Wolf on the head.

The Scarlet Wolf didn't expect this at all, got kicked on the head, and was stunned.

However, it was stunned, but Ye Fusheng would not be stunned!

The body sank forward, and the silver moon demon brilliance burst into a bright thunder, and it slammed on the head of the blood-colored wolf.


The thunder light exploded, and the hair of the blood-colored wolf was curly. Those who didn't know it thought it went to get hair done!

A blood-red number flew even higher!

With an output of nearly 100, in other words, with more than [-] swords, Ye Fusheng can take down this boss, and if he triggers other special effects, the speed will be even faster!
Although the damage was high, it was a pity that the looting technique could not be triggered, not to mention the special attributes, and even the basic attributes, which made Ye Fusheng very disappointed.

This boss is too weak, at most it can resist a hundred swords. In other words, if he wants to obtain the special attributes of this boss, he must trigger enough looting techniques within a hundred attacks.

Otherwise, after beheading this boss, it is unknown whether he can encounter a boss with this characteristic again afterwards.


However, Ye Fusheng and the angry flame horse hit the Scarlet Wolf's head one after another, which angered it, bared its teeth, and opened its mouth to bite Ye Fusheng's arm.


With one bite, Ye Fusheng felt the pain, and the moment he controlled the Raging Flame Demon Horse to retreat, he slashed down again.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the kiss BUFF of the goddess of fortune. The effect of any attribute will be increased by 10000%! The duration is 60 minutes!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, gaining 10 blood points, increasing the effect by 10000%, and increasing the total blood value by 1000 points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, gaining 1 point of special attribute bloodthirsty, increasing the effect by 10000%, and increasing the total bloodthirsty attribute by 100 points!"


"The kiss buff of Lady Luck is triggered again? Tsk tsk, Lady Luck is really powerful!"

"Get 100 bloodthirsty attributes all at once, I don't know how many points you have to get before you can activate the bloodthirsty stunt!"

Seeing several system prompts one after another, Ye Fusheng was taken aback for a moment, and then became ecstatic.

"It doesn't matter that much, just keep brushing, let's talk about bloodthirsty special effects! 60 minutes of BUFF effect, don't waste time!"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng saw the effect of Goddess of Luck's kiss buff, and immediately waved the silver moon magic brilliance more vigorously, chopping off at the head of the blood-colored wolf.

Well, the looting technique can only be triggered if the head is chopped off!

However, this time, Ye Fusheng slashed with his sword, but it was light and light, as if he didn't cut anything, he penetrated through it!


Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng looked down, and suddenly realized that the white light blooming from the body of the blood-colored wolf had dissipated!


"How did the Scarlet Wolf die?! Who killed it?!"

"Damn it, I haven't started using bloodthirsty stunts yet!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng couldn't help cursing in a low voice, he hurriedly looked at the system prompts, only to realize that he had missed a few!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the instant death effect, killing the Scarlet Wolf!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully beheading the spirit-level boss, Scarlet Wolf. You will be rewarded with 100 million experience points, 50000 merit points, and 1000 reputation points!"

"Hiss... the hint to kill the boss is so useless?"

"But this reward is indeed too shabby, the spirit-level boss is really low!"

Ye Fusheng was very disgusted. It seemed that compared with the benefits obtained from triggering the looting technique, the system automatically judged that killing a spirit-level boss was nothing, and the news was not as obvious as the other ones.

This made Ye Fusheng sigh constantly. Although the Scarlet Wolf is very weak, it has good characteristics. If it can be snatched, it will be a PVP magic skill!

Even if it doesn't work against monsters, it is very powerful.

It's a pity that the instant death effect was directly triggered, and Ye Fusheng had no chance to brush it.

The system is irreversible. When the Scarlet Wolf died, a lot of equipment exploded.

Ye Fusheng didn't even look at it, he just threw it into his backpack.

If other players knew about this scene, they would definitely cry bitterly!

Brother, that's the equipment that was released by the spirit-level boss. Didn't your mood change at all?

If you don't want it, you can give it to us!
After killing the blood-colored wolf, the rest of the little monsters are almost dead. This wave of monster attacks ends here!
Not too many wolves died this time, and their blood was not too strong. Lianna finally recovered a little bit and led the way again.


I don't know why, but walking further, the breath in the air is quiet and refreshing.

What surprised Ye Fusheng even more was that there were not many monsters in the follow-up!
Just when Ye Fusheng was surprised, following the angry flame horse crossing a stream, as if traveling through time and space, a huge palace, shining with colorful brilliance, stood in the distance!
The light of righteousness fell on Ye Fusheng and Lianna, like the jade hands of peerless beauties, stroking them and purifying their hearts!

For a moment, Ye Fusheng was stunned, staring blankly at the palace that was hundreds of feet high and full of colorful brilliance!

(PS: Today's update is sent!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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