Invincible in one touch

Chapter 260 Extraordinary stunts, soul-stirring!

Chapter 260 Extraordinary stunts, soul-stirring!

The light gradually dissipated, and the entire palace came into Ye Fusheng's eyes.

In front of the tall palace, there is a statue. It is a woman, wearing a dress, wearing a crown, and holding a staff.

The shape of the staff is quite peculiar, and there are a few gems mixed in, shining with brilliance.

What's even more shocking is that it doesn't look so extraordinary, it's just an ordinary sculpture, but it gives Ye Fusheng an urge to worship!

The holy radiance bloomed, constantly rippling, and filled the surroundings, covering even the palace. From a distance, it looked like a protective light shield.

"Then... is that the statue of the elf goddess?"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng stared at the sculpture with a dignified expression.

"Yeah, big brother, this is the elf goddess!"

Liana couldn't help nodding, and proudly said: "She is the goddess of all our elves! When she was still there, all the elves on the mainland united as one, and their strength was particularly strong. Even the demons dare not be presumptuous... But now At this time, the elves and other races are scattered, the demon race, and all kinds of alien races, all treat us as fat and want to invade us!"

Speaking of this, Liana couldn't help showing a sad look.

However, Lianna's sudden maturity surprised Ye Fusheng, and he couldn't help staring at Lianna in surprise.

Being stared at by Ye Fusheng like this, Lianna also reacted, stuck out her tongue quickly, and said in a low voice: "My mother told me those things just now, she kept telling me that we must contact the elf goddess! If we can summon the elven goddess to come down to the mortal world, our elf family can completely turn around, instead of hiding in many valleys."

"That's right. Once the elf goddess returns, all kinds of elves will gather together. That kind of power is indeed powerful."

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng nodded slightly, but did not deny Liana's words.

Why are the human race so powerful?

There are many people, and the talent is high enough!
Among them, there are many people, which occupies a considerable factor.

In addition, there are many peak powerhouses in the human race from time to time, who can compete with those powerhouses of the demon race, so that they can always withstand the attack of the demon race, and even counterattack into the demon world several times.

For example, the Goddess of War many years ago, unfortunately, she was ambushed, her soul was devoured, and she became the evil Empress Scarlet Moon.

Fortunately, the ending was not bad, but Ye Fusheng couldn't help but sigh.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player who successfully escorted Liana to the legacy of the elven goddess, and started the next stage of the mission [Guardian and Hope]! Mission requirements: Start the inheritance, and protect Liana until the inheritance ends, or the inheritance fails! Mission rewards : Rich experience rewards, and mysterious prizes!"

"System prompt: [-] waves of attack continue to open, players please be careful!"


Seeing the reminder, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Sure enough, the rewards for this kind of plot task are not bad.

It wasn't until the end of the mission that there was a hint of a mysterious prize.

I don't know, what will be the final mysterious prize?
Directly upgrade to level 10?
100% permanent increase in all attributes?

Ahem... that's a bit unrealistic!

"Big brother!"

Just when Ye Fusheng was dreaming about the mysterious prize, Lianna had a dignified expression, and said to Ye Fusheng in a deep voice: "Mother and the others are still in danger, I want to go in and start the inheritance as soon as possible, can you go back and help me get it?" Mommy rescued them?"


Ye Fusheng shook his head and said: "Your mother said that I want to protect you! Besides, when you accept the inheritance, you can't be disturbed. Now that there are monsters and monsters all around, how can I rest assured that you are here alone?"


Lianna was grateful in her heart, but she was still a little hesitant. Although she looked stupid, she was not stupid. If she was really stupid, could she become a princess of a group?

It's just that her mother was there before, and Ye Fusheng was killing monsters again, so she didn't want to disturb them.

Now, she is going to accept the inheritance immediately, so she will naturally ask Ye Fusheng to help her mother.

After all, she didn't want all her clan members to die after she accepted the inheritance!

"Don't worry!"

Seeing that Liana hesitated to speak, Ye Fusheng couldn't understand what she was thinking, and immediately said with a smile: "Your mother must be very strong if she can become the leader of the clan, even if she can't resist those demons for a long time, she can still escape The most urgent thing is that you accept the inheritance, only if you accept the inheritance can your mother feel at ease and her be safe!"

"Well, then I will go to accept the inheritance, big brother, I will trouble you here!"

This time, Liana didn't hesitate anymore, and the depths of her eyes were full of determination.

Ye Fusheng is even more satisfied, hurry up and accept the inheritance, the sooner you accept the inheritance, the sooner the mission will end.

Only in this way can I continue to find other monsters with wings and open the wing equipment as soon as possible.

"No trouble, just go in!"

Even though he thought that way in his heart, Ye Fusheng was very gentle on the surface, stroking Lianna's head, just about to send her into the mask, but saw Lianna standing on tiptoe suddenly, her slightly pink lips turned towards Reflected on his own face.

Take a sip!
After the crisp voice fell, Ye Fusheng felt the warmth on his cheeks, and Lianna blushed as soon as he realized it, and turned around and ran towards the statue of the elf goddess.

At the same time, Liana raised her right hand and swiped the index finger of her left hand on the palm. Blood sprayed out immediately and landed on the statue of the elf goddess!


The statue of the elf goddess bloomed with brilliance, immediately covering Liana.

After the brilliance dissipated, Lianna's figure also disappeared from Ye Fusheng's sight.

Immediately afterwards, the earth trembled, and the originally stable palace changed.

A strange breath spread out.

"Tsk tsk... let's go in and inherit the power of the goddess!"

"I found that the people I came into contact with seem to be very powerful. A senior sister who is the strongest in the human race, and a powerful lady who is one of the top in the pharmacy continent. Here comes another little girl who inherits the power of the goddess!"

"How do I feel, I am more the protagonist than the protagonist in the novel!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng smiled. After coming to this game, his luck is really good.

However, luck is also part of strength!

"Hmm... This girl actually dared to kiss me forcibly, no, how can she be kissed forcibly as a gentleman? If there is a chance, I must kiss me back!"

Licking his lips, Ye Fusheng also stepped forward, and when he came to the statue of the elf goddess, he paused.

Going forward, there must be restrictions.

Ye Fusheng would not try.

But, he must stand here!

If he stood in front, there would be too many monsters from the demon race, and it was very likely that he would be surrounded by enemies.

Although those demon monsters are not too strong, it is impossible to kill him, but what if there are some command-level bosses, or a few powerful bosses, and mobs to attack?

The power of the sky burial suit is after all an instant death effect, which can only cause high damage to one target at the same time.

As for the forbidden spell skills, well, the cooling time is not over yet, in other words, Ye Fusheng doesn't have too many powerful AOE skills now!
It must be ensured that there are fewer monsters that can attack him at the same time, so as to be safe.

After all, he is a player, let alone compare those attributes with top bosses, he can't do anything with a few legendary bosses.

If it is a wheel battle, he is not afraid, while sucking blood to keep his own blood safe, while waiting for the instant death effect to be triggered, he will not counsel any number of legendary bosses, nor will he counsel, on the contrary, he will be arrogant!

Well, those legendary bosses, line up one by one to die!
However, in this mission, the possibility of bosses appearing at the same time is not impossible, and with so many elite monsters, he can't handle it at all!

What's more, as soon as Liana left, all the buff effects on him disappeared. Even if the stars were summoned, the boost effect was not as good as Liana.

Liana and Lilith come from the same source, and their buffs have superimposed effects, but the stars do not.


Not far away, the earth trembled and dust billowed.

Ye Fusheng couldn't help but look serious, the monster attack came again!
As the smoke and dust dispersed, this wave of monsters finally came into Ye Fusheng's eyes clearly.

Those monsters are indeed war horses burning with flames!
"Huh? War horse again?!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but look down at the Raging Flame Demon Horse, um, if it kills its kind in front of it, would it be afraid?
Thinking so, Ye Fusheng didn't hesitate, switched the bow of doom and judgment, drew the bow and nocked the arrow, and a rain of meteors and arrows burst out.


The next moment, arrows rained down, and each feathered arrow contained the power of stars, containing holy power, and continuously fell on the group of flaming horses.

At the same time, Ye Fusheng used the Eye of Truth to investigate the attributes of those monsters.

He needs to use the attributes of the previous waves of monsters to calculate the changes in the attributes of the subsequent monsters.

If it is too strong, then he will slow down the killing speed and wait for Liana to accept the inheritance successfully.

If the monster attribute is not considered strong, then Ye Fusheng will speed up the speed of killing monsters, collect more experience and gold coins.

Although his family is very rich, if you need gold coins in the game, you can just recharge it directly, but if you can save a little, it is also profitable!
After all, he has a lot of girls to support!

Blazing Charger (Elite Monster)
Rating: 145
Blood value: 76000
Attack: 21000
Defense: 18000
Rapid Fire: The faster you move, the stronger the fire of the soul of war

Fire of the Soul of War: Increase own attack power by 10%, the flame will become more vigorous, and the effect value will become more powerful, up to 50% bonus
Abilities: Flame Charge, Flame Fireball, Stomp

Description: A warhorse that is burning with flames, has infinite fighting spirit, and has a certain chance of going crazy, regardless of friends and foes, so it is expelled from the human race and becomes an exiled race, free from the human race and the demon race.

Weakness: Water
"Hiss... This skill of the fire of the war soul is a bit abnormal!"

"No wonder the blood value is so low. The original attack power is so strong. In addition to the characteristic trigger, I am afraid that some bosses of the same level may not have the same attack power as them!"

"A little monster... can be this strong!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being amazed when he saw the stunt and his own attributes.

If you just look at the panel, the attack power that this Flame Warhorse can achieve will not be much lower than the legendary boss, or even stronger!

This would never happen in previous games!
However, this is just looking at the attack power of the panel.

To really fight, you still need to look at stunts, skills, and all attributes.

For example, Ye Fusheng's attributes are far behind the bosses, but he can fight fiercely with them.

Although the fire horse's attack power has been achieved, the rest of the attributes are terrible. If it really fights with the legendary boss, it is estimated that it will be killed by the skills before it gets close.

Of course, they couldn't even withstand legendary skills, let alone resist Ye Fusheng's attack.

Even without the bonus of the Judgment of the Stars, under the skill of Meteor Arrow Rain, the furious warhorse at the front bears the brunt, and is immediately pierced by the feathered arrows containing the power of the stars, causing one after another gasp-inducing injuries. numbers come.

The total qi and blood value of the Blaze Warhorse was only 7, and they couldn't bear it at all, and died one after another.

At this time, they were still tens of yards away from Ye Fusheng, not to mention counterattack, they couldn't even defend, they turned into white light one after another, becoming Ye Fusheng's experience.

At this time, Xing Xing was unwilling to be lonely, and actually released his teleportation skills, rushed to the group of blazing horses, and released Star Condensation Slash continuously, like a butterfly, dancing in the group of monsters, bringing countless bloody lights.

With Ye Fusheng's rain of arrows suppressing firepower, those flaming horses could not cause any danger to the stars. Therefore, Ye Fusheng didn't let her come back, just to speed up the spawning speed.

In this wave, no monsters appeared.

Therefore, under Ye Fusheng's high-speed monster killing efficiency, all of them were wiped out, and another wave of monsters rushed in.

They are really countless snow-white foxes, they look quite spiritual, the moment Ye Fusheng saw them, Ye Fusheng was stunned for a moment.

According to legend, a fox can turn into a beautiful girl!

As a gentleman, how can he lay hands on a beautiful girl?


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the silver fox and getting a reward of 80000 experience points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and gaining 3 points of special attribute charm!"


"Can this monster get special attribute values?"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng immediately became interested, no longer held back, and continued to harvest the lives of those silver foxes.

The attributes of the silver fox were slightly higher than that of the fire horse, but it still couldn't stop the damage and kept dying.

In less than 5 minutes, tens of thousands of silver foxes died, Ye Fusheng also plundered 8000 points of charm, well, there is no way, with that 100 times effect increase, it is really cool to brush special attribute values.

The basic qi and blood value has been looted to more than 4, and the total qi and blood has reached 160 million under various bonuses!
If other players were to see Ye Fusheng's attributes, they would probably commit suicide by jumping off the building in shame!

Why is there such a big gap between the same players?

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player who has reached 5000 points of special attribute charm, and has activated the special skill - Desperation!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully unlocking the super-level special skill - Soul-stealing. You will get reward level +3, super achievement value +5, and your own attributes will be permanently increased by 2%!"


"Extraordinary stunt?!!!"


The pupils shrank suddenly, and Ye Fusheng's breathing was suddenly rapid!

(End of this chapter)

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