Invincible in one touch

Chapter 261 Tauren Lich, Totem Array?

Chapter 261 Tauren Lich, Totem Array?
"Stunts are also at the extraordinary level?"

"Holding the soul?! Looking at the name, it won't be another instant kill, right?!"

Short of breath, Ye Fusheng was in ecstasy. Ordinary stunts, the effect is already amazing enough. Now, this stunt has added the word extraordinary, so how can the effect make Ye Fusheng unmoved?

After a month of game experience, Ye Fusheng already understood that the levels in this game may be surpassed, which is not very useful, but as long as the word "transcendent" is added, it is definitely a treasure that one can only dream of!


"These are foxes, so it shouldn't be an instant kill. Then, could this stunt be a charm or something?"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng called Xing Xing to come back and stood by his side while opening the special effect panel.

With a sweep of his gaze, the attributes of extraordinary stunts and soul-stirring are vividly displayed in front of him.

Seductive (Extraordinary Special Skill——LV1): After enabling this special skill, when attacked, there is a 5% chance to make 30 random targets within 30X5 yards fall into a charm state, a 50% chance to stop action, and a 50% chance to attack one's own units. In 10 seconds, this stunt can be advanced to - overpowering the country and the city!The cooling time is 20 minutes and the duration is 10 minutes!If there are less than 5 targets within the range, all will enter the charm state.If the target is a leader-level monster, the 5% chance is reduced to 3% chance, and if the target is a BOSS, the chance is reduced to 1% chance!

"Hiss... Nima..."

"This skill is really ridiculously strong!"

"The 5% chance is not low. After all, you are being attacked. If you rush into the crowd of monsters, it may be triggered dozens of times in a minute! Tsk tsk, once you enter the enchanted state, no matter whether you stop acting or attack Your own unit, that is a magical skill!"

"Especially, it can be triggered on BOSS! This is still a level 1 effect. Once it is upgraded to a higher level, it will be against the sky!"

"Maybe a bunch of legendary bosses besieged me, but in the end they died in the hands of their companions!"

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being happy, with a bright smile on his face, those who didn't know thought he had won a prize of hundreds of billions.

However, special skills cannot be upgraded using ordinary skill upgrade scrolls, nor can experience be used. Enough special attribute values ​​must be obtained.

But this time, all those silver foxes were killed, not even a boss, not to mention continuing to brush attributes, not even a hair.

"It seems that the only way to find those fox groups after this task is completed is to go brush them!"

"It would be much more convenient if all the fox groups could plunder the charm attribute!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to give up, feeling extremely depressed.

Those silver foxes came too fast just now, so he didn't care, so he didn't check their attributes, and he didn't even know their names, let alone their details.

Fortunately, Ye Fusheng still has a monster illustrated book, otherwise, his eyes would be completely blackened, and there is no way out.

All the silver foxes died, but within a minute or two, Ye Fusheng had just turned off the stunt panel, and dust flew up not far away.

Another wave of monsters came, starting a new round of attack.

This time, the monster that came was a lizard, not too big, not as big as the previous silver fox.

However, there are sharp steel-like points on their heads, shining coldly, and containing terrifying power.

With a glance, the Eye of Truth skills were released, and when their attribute panels appeared, the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth twitched involuntarily.

The basic attributes are indeed a little stronger than the previous monsters, but there is no stunt at all!

If they don't have any special skills or characteristics, it means that even if Ye Fusheng bleeds them out, he won't be able to plunder any good things.

This also completely dispelled Ye Fusheng's desire to rub them. The bow of doom and judgment was raised, and accompanied by the crisp sound of "shua, shua, shua, shua, shua", the arrows rained fiercely, falling on those lizard monsters one after another.

Ordinary monsters, even if the basic attributes are a little higher, Ye Fusheng can only deal less than 10 damage in one hit, and they have 13 more blood, but they can't withstand Ye Fusheng's two attacks.

What's more, the attack speed of the bow weapon is extremely fast, coupled with the bonus of the Rage Demon Horse, the attack range is larger, and it can cause an almost uninterrupted attack.

In this way, those lizards couldn't resist the attack, and died tragically on the ground.

In just 7 minutes, many lizards died, but this time, another BOSS appeared!

It turned out to be a superior-level spiritual boss, with higher levels and attributes than the previous boss.

However, what's the use of a higher attribute.

In front of the skill mechanism, attributes are just white panel data.

What's more, Ye Fusheng didn't even trigger the instant death effect, he just relied on blood-sucking, anti-injury, and various damage-increasing special effects to kill him in only 3 minutes!

Among them, the soul-destroying skill has made great contributions. Since there are still mobs around, they are also attacking Ye Fusheng, and the soul-destroying skill is continuously released. The boss will pause for a few seconds or release it almost every ten seconds. Skills to launch an offensive against the demons who are also monsters.

In other words, most of its output didn't hit Ye Fusheng, and Ye Fusheng could output it with all his strength, so if he couldn't kill it, then Ye Fusheng could just find a piece of frozen tofu and kill it!

The spirit level BOSS was killed, and luck broke out, and two excellent level spirit weapons fell out. The level requirements are still low. Whether it is selling money or putting it in your guild warehouse, it is a good choice.

"Last time it was an ordinary boss at the spiritual level, this time it was excellent, next time it should be at the ghost level... There are a total of 4 waves, now it seems that there are [-] waves with a boss, and the last boss may definitely be a legend-level existence! "

"Well, it won't be any higher. After all, the version is on hold here. Bosses at the level of Empress Scarlet Moon won't come out so early!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng made some calculations, but he wasn't worried that a higher boss would appear.

If that kind of BOSS really appears, once he encounters danger, the protoss will teleport over in an instant. At that time, hehe, even if another strong person at the level of Queen Crimson Moon comes, he will die in the hands of the protoss!

Well, there is a powerful wife in the family, but she is not cowardly!
Don't be afraid!
Unless you beat me directly, otherwise, you just wait to be beaten to death by my wife!
You say I eat soft rice?

Heh, have you ever seen such a tough eater?
Putting away those two pieces of equipment, Ye Fusheng stood in front of the sculpture of the elf goddess, waiting for the next wave of monsters to come.


The earth trembled, and as expected, within 2 minutes, countless monsters attacked again.

This time, the monster that came was a tauren who stood up and walked away!

They are not like the tauren of the orc race, their bodies are not majestic, but rather weak, with a sinister aura constantly rippling from their bodies.

Obviously, this is the Tauren of the Demon Race!

The Eye of Truth skill was released, and the attribute panels of the tauren suddenly appeared in front of them.

Minotaur Lich (Elite Tier Monster)

Rating: 155
Blood value: 210000
Attack: 25000
Defense: 18000
Tenacity: When attacked, reduce the physical damage received by 60%
Simple and honest: When attacked, there is a 3% chance to trigger the blood recovery effect, which lasts for 10 seconds, and restores 3000 blood points per second

Evil Spirit: When releasing a skill that contains magic energy, the skill effect can be strengthened by 30%
Skills: Thunder Chain, Sound of Triumph, Magic Flame Totem, Triumph Totem, Petrification Totem, Ghost Totem

Description: A tauren priest who abandoned his physical strength, fell into darkness, and prayed for magical power
Weakness: Holy Light

"Hiss... this skill, this characteristic, why does it feel similar to a tauren shaman? It can also make totems. I wonder if it can summon ghost wolves!"

"Well, since there are characteristics, you can still brush them up. These three characteristics are not bad!"

"It's just that the bow skills are physical damage. To deal with them, you can only switch to the magic warrior!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng quickly reacted, switched weapons, and the moment Yinyue Mohui started, the passive skills of the Mowu Warrior were instantly activated.

Well, although the defense of these tauren priests is relatively low, they are Tauren after all. They have the special ability to reduce physical damage by 60%, and they also have the special skill of recovering blood. If you just use the bow of doom and judgment, you may not be able to kill them instantly. Once you let them swarm Groups approached the sculpture of the elf goddess, causing the sculpture to break. If Liana's inheritance fails, the mission this time will be completely over.

Therefore, Ye Fusheng had to use mixed injuries to attack, and he had to take the initiative to move forward.

Only by placing the battlefield in front can the safety of the elf goddess sculpture be ensured.

Of course, the stars still have to stay to protect the statue of the elf goddess. If there is a monster that is not drawn into the hatred and directly passes him to attack the statue of the elf goddess, it will be a tragedy!
Da da da--

With the sound of horseshoes, those tauren rushed over, and Ye Fusheng also rode the angry flame horse to meet him.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and when there was only 30 yards left, Ye Fusheng suddenly dispersed his mount, released his punching and slashing skills, and locked on to the target!


Like a thunderbolt, Ye Fu turned into a blade and slashed straight at a tauren lich. In an instant, blood spattered, and two damage figures floated up one after another.

The physical damage was very low, and it fell below 5 for the first time. Fortunately, the magic damage was not bad. Although it couldn't kill the Minotaur Lich in seconds, it could still knock down more than half of their vitality.


However, the cut Lich roared, and suddenly clasped his hands together, a light blue totem fell out of nowhere and plunged into the ground.


Almost the moment the totem landed, emerald green light continuously emerged from the tauren's body, followed by the recovery of the throbbing qi and blood.





"Combat reminder: Since the Minotaur Lich summoned the Triumph Totem, all the Minotaur Liches within 50X50 yards will recover between 5-10% of their blood value per second, lasting for 20 seconds, and trigger BUFF, increasing their attack speed by 20%. 10% physical defense! It can be stacked up to 3 times!"

"Combat reminder: Since the Minotaur Lich triggers the simple and honest stunt, he will recover 3000 points of blood per second!"


Seeing the battle prompt, even Ye Fusheng couldn't help cursing in a low voice, it's too ruthless!
This recovery speed, if you don't care about it, it will be fully recovered in a few seconds!
What's even more frightening is that the Triumph Totem can also increase the attack speed and physical defense, and it can be stacked three times!
If all of them are superimposed, that is to say, 15%-30% of the blood value will be restored every second, the attack speed will be increased by 60%, and the physical defense will be increased by 30%!
Ye Fusheng himself can't kill them in seconds, and is easily besieged. If the Triumph Totem is fully stacked, it will be even more difficult for Ye Fusheng to kill them.

You can only rely on the instant death effect, or trigger the skill effects of some weapons.


As if being provoked by Ye Fusheng's active attack, countless Tauren Liches roared, smashing out totems one after another, waving them in their hands, and rushed towards Ye Fusheng.

Once within 50 yards of Ye Fusheng, those tauren liches inserted their totems into the ground one after another.

In an instant, countless battle reminders sounded one after another.


"Combat reminder: Since the Tauren summoned the Triumph Totem...stacked twice, it can be stacked once more!"

"Combat reminder: Since the tauren summoned the magic flame totem, the magic flame will be ignited randomly within 50X50 yards. If it burns on the body of the same family, it will stimulate fighting spirit and increase all attributes by 10%. Consumes 5000 blood points, lasts for 30 seconds, cannot be superimposed!"

"Combat Tips: Because the Tauren summons the ghost totem, ghosts will randomly appear within 50X50 yards. If possessing the same kind, increase its dodge rate by 30% and increase its physical defense by 10%. If possessing an enemy target , it will fall into a ghost state, reduce its own magic defense by 20%, and reduce its movement speed by 20%, which lasts for 30 seconds and cannot be superimposed!"

"Combat Tips: Since the Minotaur Lich summons the petrified totem, it will cause a random petrified attack on the target within 50X50 yards, with a 3% chance to put the target into a petrified state, which lasts for 20 seconds, but increases the defense power by 100%, and has a 30% chance to use Target under rock attack!"


"Phew, it's okay, it's okay, there is no mandatory instant kill, but...there are so many buffs, these tauren liches are going to heaven!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, these totem skills are not bad, hey, if I can grab some more totems, my strength can be improved to a higher level!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was not afraid.

roar roar-

However, those tauren liches planted one after another colorful totems that bloomed with colorful brilliance. For a moment, this world looked like a rainbow in the sky!
Especially beautiful, gorgeous!


Suddenly, the rock attack burst out from under his feet, directly piercing Ye Fusheng's ankle, which was quite painful.

Immediately afterwards, a purple-black flame ignited, not only burning on Ye Fusheng's body, but also burning on countless Tauren Liches.


When the magic flame was ignited, the tauren lich's eyes suddenly turned red, their breathing was short of breath, and they rushed towards Ye Fusheng like a mad dog.


As some tauren witches waved their hands, the sound of thunder came from the air again, pale white thunder burst out, burst suddenly, and hit Ye Fusheng continuously.

Like a chain, the thunder struck Ye Fusheng one after another, causing up to [-] damage in an instant!

This made Ye Fusheng's eyes condense. That's right, his magic defense is not very high. Fortunately, with various BUFF blessings, his total blood value has reached 150 million, and he is not afraid of the [-] damage at all.

However, he also wants to fight back, no one knows whether the totems among these tauren witches will mutate!
If they can be linked together, it will be difficult to resist!
As soon as he thought of this, Ye Fusheng's eyes shone coldly, and with a move with his left hand, the long-lost Heavenly Zhan Lie Yan appeared, and the two swords fell into his hands, a terrifying aura slowly rose from Ye Fusheng's body!
(PS: Today's update is sent!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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