Invincible in one touch

Chapter 262 The BOSS is coming!

Chapter 262 The BOSS is coming!


The twin swords bloomed with brilliance, and the fairy-level skill, sword dance, was released again!
Flaming sword energy and music radiant sword energy burst out, and suddenly condensed into thousands of sharp sword energy, rushing towards those tauren witches who were rubbing their thunder chains or throwing totems one after another with lightning speed. Kill the monster!
That's right, every tauren can release multiple different totems at the same time. In that case, almost every area will be covered by totems, and every tauren can be blessed by the totems.

They are rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Ye Fusheng needs a lot of time to kill them. With this kind of blessing, normal attacks or ordinary skills can't kill them!


The sword dance erupted in chaos, and thousands of sword qi crazily exploded, quickly meeting those tauren liches, and then collided with each other, bursting out a strong shock wave.



As the sound of the flesh and blood being pierced by the blade continued to resound, those tauren liches wailed, and the extremely rich blood-red damage and crimson damage continued to float out of their heads!
The damage coefficient of Dazzling Sword Dance is too high, even after reducing the physical damage by 60%, it can cause up to 20 damage!

As for the mixed magic damage, the damage is as high as about 70!
The extremely rich blood red seemed to have shocked thousands of tauren witches. Some of the tauren liches who hadn't had time to rush forward stopped and stared at Ye Fusheng in fear, their bodies trembling and shivering. trembling!
The power of fairy-level active sword skills is so terrifying!
Of course, not all fairy-level skills have this kind of strength, the main thing is that those skills were created by Bai Yi!
Although Lord Hou in Baiyi is not as strong as Xing Yun, he is still one of the top powerhouses in the human race. Otherwise, he would not be able to achieve the position of Master Hou.

The skills he created are naturally powerful, and even these skills have an extraordinary level. As long as Master Baiyi steps into the level of Xingyun, all his powers will instantly increase!
Those Minotaur Liches who were not hit by Dazzling Sword Dance, but stopped moving forward, just sensed the power of their skills. In addition, Ye Fusheng had killed too many monsters before, and he had a bloody aura on his body.

This is a fully realistic game, the smell of blood is extremely important, and those tauren liches will naturally feel frightened.

However, they were terrified, but they didn't know that Jian Wu's dazzling skills had just been released!
Just as they were staring in fear at their fellow clansmen who were constantly crushed and killed by the sword energy, a clear and crisp sound of the sword sound fell, and the sword energy soared to the sky, and it spread another fifty yards away, bringing the sharp sword light, straight Split up the space!



The blood dripped, and those tauren liches had no time to react, the sword energy had already penetrated through the body.

Hearing the sound, he looked down and suddenly found that there was blood flowing from their waists, abdomen, chest, and even their chests.


The look in his eyes gradually dimmed, and after being pierced by the sword energy, none of the tauren liches could stand still, just like dominoes, one fell, and all fell one after another!

Let alone standing, there is not even one who can breathe!

With only one skill, thousands of tauren liches died tragically!
This space suddenly became quiet!


Even Ye Fusheng gasped and was shocked.

He also never imagined that Jianwu Liaochao could display such power in such a narrow area!

With just one sword strike, within ten seconds, thousands of tauren liches died, not a single one was left alive!
The sword dance was chaotic and terrifying!
"There's still time left, tsk tsk, don't wait until that time, I've finished killing twenty waves of monsters, and Liana is still inheriting the power of the elf god!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was full of disdain.

Looking at it now, those twenty waves of monsters, perhaps until the last wave, would not put too much pressure on Ye Fusheng.

No way, although they almost all have characteristics, even if they don't have characteristics, they still have good attributes.

There is even a level gap, and ordinary players, even at level 120, are very difficult to deal with.

Who knew that Ye Fusheng could kill him at level 60, and he could fight so easily!

If the Transcendent Forbidden Curse Skill hadn't had such a long cooldown, Ye Fusheng was absolutely confident that he could kill all the monsters by himself.

Even if the last wave comes three or four legendary bosses at once, he is not afraid!
It's a pity, judging from the current scale, the last wave is very likely to be just a legendary boss, plus 165+ level elite monsters.

This time, it seemed that Ye Fusheng dealt with the Minotaur Lich so fast that he waited for three or four minutes before the next wave of monsters arrived.

It's not considered tyrannical. Some ghosts are just a stunt to reduce magic attack power, and their basic attributes are slightly higher than those of the tauren.

However, after switching to the Predator class, there was no mixed damage, and the pure physical damage still made those ghosts want to die.

Especially some female ghosts, every time they are hit, they will make a blushing cry.

If there are more players nearby, and you can't see this scene, you will definitely misunderstand!

Hmm, misunderstanding what?
Of course, the pure Ye Fusheng was not affected by that sound, in order to solve them as soon as possible, he didn't even use his fists, to experience a special touch, directly brandishing the double swords, harvesting the lives of many ghosts.


Six minutes later, thousands of ghosts died tragically in Ye Fusheng's hands, and the melodious cry also disappeared.

After packing up the loot, before Ye Fusheng counted the gold coins he got, the next wave of monsters came again.

Attributes were increased sequentially, but facing Ye Fusheng, he was still powerless.



With the collision of spirit and flesh, Ye Fusheng was sweating profusely, and wave after wave of monsters died, turning into experience and equipment.

The golden light flickered, Ye Fusheng upgraded again, and his status immediately returned to full.

This kind of collision lasted for 7 minutes, and [-] waves of monsters died tragically before it was completely over.

Even though Ye Fusheng has many sacred and mythical treasures and pets, and several hidden professions, it is extremely difficult to level up. He has killed eighteen waves of monsters one after another, especially the mobs at the superior level, who have even been promoted to two levels!
This made Ye Fusheng ecstatic, but it's a pity that this kind of monster's attack is hard to come by!

After all, it is a series of main plot missions, and it is not necessarily true that other missions can have one-tenth of its oil and water.

Thinking about it carefully, since entering the game, it seems that he is so lucky that he has only encountered two serial plot missions.

【Hmm... To be a human being, you need to know how to be content. This task will allow me to advance to 2 levels in a row, and I may be able to advance to 1 or 2 levels in the future. It is already very strong! 】

[By the way, we can also destroy the flying winged snakes, collect enough wings, and then go to brush other wings, and let's talk about opening the equipment! 】

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng determined the next development route, without thinking too much, and continued to wait for the No.20 wave, which is the last wave of monsters' attack.

However, after waiting for several minutes, no monster came.


"Why is there no follow-up attack?"

"Could it be that twenty waves of attacks have come?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng quickly opened the task page, and he could clearly see that the task was shining brightly, monsters attack 19/20!

"There is still the last wave, why don't you come?"

Eyeballs turned, Ye Fusheng raised his head and looked into the distance, the Eye of Truth skill was released, and the sight was extremely clear, but there was still no phantom of any monster.

"Wait a minute... Lilith is still resisting in Lingyue Valley, won't they block the last wave of monsters?"

"Grass...that's all my experience and money!"

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng wanted to cry but couldn't help but hate.

You elf girls, why do you have to carry it to your death?

Why don't you come back early and let my brother take you to fly?

Almost the moment Ye Fusheng thought of this, not far away, the sound of piercing the air continued to resound.

Looking up, I could only see a ray of light flying towards me, and it was Lilith leading thousands of elf girls flying towards me at a very high speed.

Whoa whoa whoa-

The ear-piercing crows of crows sounded, and the black clouds suddenly pressed down, sweeping in like waves.

Thunder roared, just like the previous Lingyue Valley, and the terrifying aura descended, extremely depressing.

Even Ye Fusheng felt the pressure.

Taking a closer look, Lilith was even more bruised, with blood on the corner of her mouth.

It can be seen from this that she escaped after being defeated!

"Sure enough, this last wave of monster attacks is the total attack!"

"Well, in terms of strength, it exceeded my expectations. I thought their attack on Lingyue Valley was separate from my twenty waves of monster attacks. The strength of the strongest boss is about the same as Lilith. Looking at it now, That boss is stronger than Lilith!"

"To win the away game, it's not just sporadic!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng looked at the endless dark clouds, his heart trembled.

He had a hunch that the hidden BOSS was powerful, even stronger than the previous Winged Teng Snake King!

"Go back!"

"Push back into the statue of the elf goddess!"

Lilith was still far away, and she had already shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes, even though he didn't know what Lilith was going to do, he retreated decisively.

Let Lilith show it first, anyway, she will not be the opponent of the boss, and he will make a move later.

Well, it just so happens that this can delay the time, if it can be delayed until the end of Lianna's inheritance, maybe after she comes out, she can directly kill the opposite boss in seconds!

After all, it is the inheritance of the gods, and it should not be difficult to use the power to kill a BOSS!

It was almost the moment when Ye Fusheng retreated back to the sculpture of the elf goddess, only to see Lilith waving her hands. In an instant, the sculpture of the elf goddess burst into brilliance, bursting out with a very strong attraction, instantly pulling Lilith and the thousands of people behind her. The elf girls pulled over!

Under Ye Fusheng's horrified eyes, Lilith and thousands of elf girls appeared beside him as if teleported.

"Cough cough!"

Lilith coughed suddenly, her face was pale, and her body trembled involuntarily, uncontrollably.

Obviously, that teleport just now was a huge burden on her.

However, in order to ensure that these people can come here as soon as possible and get rid of the attacks of those demons, everything is worth it!
"Damn it, how come the inheritance is more than halfway through!"

Turning her head to glance at the palace, as well as the splendor and aura emanating from it, Lilith's face became more and more gloomy.

Obviously, she didn't have the confidence to last too long.

"Little brother!"

Abruptly, Lilith turned to look at Ye Fusheng, and said in a voice almost yearning: "Little brother, can you contact your senior sister?"

Xing Yun's strength is extraordinary, once they arrive, these demons will not even have a chance to escape.

Therefore, Lilith wanted to call Xing Yun through Ye Fusheng.

"Sorry, senior sister has been letting me go, so I can't notify her from so far away!"

Ye Fusheng smiled brightly and said: "Don't worry, there is only a boss, we don't have to be afraid, I still have the treasure that my senior sister gave me."

In order to reassure Lilith, Ye Fusheng revealed some news.

Of course, the so-called treasures that the senior sister gave him were his own treasures!
It's just that without Xing Yun's reputation, Lilith might not believe it.

"A boss?"

Lilith froze in place: "What is that?!"

"Ahem, it's nothing, it's what the enemy means!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Ye Fusheng immediately realized that Lilith is an NPC in the game, and he didn't understand the meaning of BOSS at all, so he quickly changed the subject and asked, "How many strong do they have?"

"a lot of!"

Hearing this, Lilith's face became more and more gloomy, and she said coldly: "A total of four demons who are not inferior to me have come, and there is another demon who should hide in the void and sit in control!"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but widen his eyes. Hearing the meaning of Lilith's words, it seems that there are five bosses in total!

Four of the bosses are all at the legendary level, stronger than Lilith.

As for the boss in charge, perhaps, it could be a higher level boss!

This made Ye Fusheng gasp.

It's okay to deal with one or two legendary bosses, but it's a bit dangerous to deal with four legendary bosses and a stronger boss at the same time!

Unless he can trigger the instant death effect five times with five swords, otherwise, Ye Fusheng may be instantly killed by those five bosses attacking together.

The blood value of 150 million is a lot more, but less, and it can't withstand the skill bombardment of several high-level bosses!
In particular, each head of the legendary boss has its own characteristics, so it won't be too weak!


Just when Ye Fusheng was shocked, a black cloud came oppressively, and the oppressive aura swept over. For a moment, thousands of elf girls all raised their bows and arrows, looking solemnly at the layer of black cloud.

Even though they were seriously injured, they all stood up firmly.

As they got closer, the black clouds gradually dissipated, and the monsters all over the sky suddenly manifested.

There are flying winged snakes all over the sky, and goshawks bursting with thunder!

But, apart from this monster all over the sky, at the very front, there is a BOSS with four heads reaching the sky!

Every boss is tens of feet tall, and his body is as strong as a mountain. When he breathes, there are bursts of thunder!
The King of Flying Winged Snakes, Carlozo, has blood-red eyes, staring at Ye Fusheng. Beside him, there are a werewolf, a spider, and a lich stepping on a hell wolf!

His eyes gradually moved up, and when Ye Fusheng saw the words floating on their heads, his breathing suddenly became short of breath!
Blood red!
The names of every BOSS are blood red, including the King of Flying Winged Snakes, and the imposing oppression brought to Ye Fusheng is much stronger.

Apparently, it has been fortified!
These four bosses are not ordinary legendary bosses! ! !

This made Ye Fusheng wonder, facing four bosses above legendary level at the same time, how can this be played? !

Waiting online, very anxious!

(PS: Today's update is sent!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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