Invincible in one touch

Chapter 263 Only I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 263 Only I Can Do Whatever I Want!


The thunder roared, and the four legendary bosses roared together, causing the atmosphere in the whole world to change and shake.

Obviously, if they attack together, the power they will cause will definitely not be lower than the punishment of heaven!
The legendary boss, even if it is placed in the background setting of the game, it is still the leader of one group, and the ones that go up are not the demon generals, demon emperors, and the legendary ten abyssal monarchs!
Maybe, there are stronger existences above the ten abyssal monarchs.

For example, the design of the gods.

Although in Xing Yun's mouth, the gods are not very strong, their master can easily kill some gods.

However, those are only the weak among the gods. If there are strong men like their master who seize the source of God and become gods, how should their strength be calculated?
Of course, it's useless to think so much now, after all, what Ye Fusheng has to deal with now is still a legendary boss!

Almost at the moment when the four legendary bosses were preparing to do something, Lilith's expression changed drastically, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Little guy, you step back first, I'll activate the defensive array!"

"Hmph, it's just the four legendary powerhouses. Do you really think that our gods can't force them back?"

I don't know whether to say it to Ye Fusheng, or to those elf girls who don't have much fighting spirit, Lilith made seals with her hands, and kept changing her gestures.

That kind of speed is like speeding up a certain ninja's seal video by 6 times. It's so fast, it's like lightning, and people can't even see it clearly.

Ye Fusheng was amazed even more, such fast hands, such good hands, are actually used to make seals, it's really, what a pity!


Sure enough, after Lilith formed the seal, the elf goddess statue behind Ye Fusheng, who hadn't shown much effect, seemed to come alive, emitting a holy and soft light.


As the rays of light continued to fall on the elf girls and Lilith, green rays of light continued to emerge from them, as if they had spirituality, quickly healing their injuries.

In just a few breaths, the scars on their bodies have dissipated, and even the scars no longer exist.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng was dumbfounded, and then his eyes lit up, if this kind of power can be used in real life, opening a beauty salon will definitely make a lot of money!
Not only that, when the time comes, all women will definitely seek to repair their skin.

Tsk tsk, you can make money and be famous at the same time, why not do it?

It's a pity that such miraculous things only appear in games at most.

How could it be possible in real life?

If there is an injury, even if the medical level is advanced, it will be difficult to heal the injury within ten days and half a month, and there will be sequelae.

Of course, Lilith didn't know what Ye Fusheng was thinking. The strength in her body was constantly being consumed, supporting the sculpture of the elf goddess to heal the injuries of those elf girls.

Obviously, that wasn't the appearance of the statue of the elf goddess, but that Lilith used the statue of the goddess to improve their fighting spirit.

Maybe the elf goddess sculpture is really useful, but it won't be so useful.

"My God!"

"My injuries are all healed!"

"It's the elf goddess! The statue of the elf goddess has appeared!"

Countless elven girls didn't know what Lilith did. They noticed that their injuries were recovering, and they saw the elf goddess statue blooming with brilliance. They subconsciously thought that it was the elf goddess' manifestation!

Needless to say, with Lilith doing this, the fighting spirit of many elf girls was immediately aroused, and everyone raised their bows and arrows, even if they were facing someone stronger than their patriarch and queen. , they didn't have the slightest fear!
When Ye Fusheng realized this, he couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart.

The plot design of this game is okay, and some unimportant NPCs have faith.

Moreover, the queen's IQ is okay.

Knowing that even if she pushes out, she will die tragically in the hands of the four legendary bosses, so she simply exhausted her own strength and inspired many elf girls to fight.

In this way, if they attack with all their strength, the four legendary bosses should not be shameless and attack directly.

Then she will have time to recover her strength, and by the way, hold on to time.

As long as Liana successfully accepts the inheritance and possesses the power of the gods, what are those four legendary bosses worth?

"The elves are the same as the human race, they like to make so many bells and whistles, messy and useless things!"

However, a sneer sounded suddenly, and the huge spider stood up suddenly, and there was a huge human face pattern on its stomach!

Just like the real thing, still wriggling, revealing a sinister smile.

Seeing the spider's face suddenly, even Ye Fusheng, who has seen countless ghost movies, has the 24-character socialist core values ​​in his heart, and has resistance to those, is shocked.

Not to mention those elf girls, their faces turned pale from fright, their faces turned pale, and their hands trembled.

If it weren't for the support of the belief in their hearts, I'm afraid they would have put down their weapons long ago.


"Since you are so stubborn, let me send you to hell!"

"Hehehe, the so-called blessing of the elf goddess is bullshit! Undead spit silk!"

"Breath of Corrosion!"

With a sneer, the man-faced spider's abdomen, that is, its cheek, suddenly opened an opening, like a mouth, and countless purple silk threads emerged.


As soon as those silk threads came out, they turned into a terrifying aura, and immediately condensed and intertwined into a big net, hitting the light shield blooming from the sculpture of the elf goddess.

"Everyone, attack with all your strength!"

With a cold look in her eyes, even though the strength in her body had not recovered, Lilith yelled coldly at this moment and asked the girls to make a move.

There is no way, she knows that if those elf girls are not allowed to take action now, once the shield of the elf goddess sculpture is broken, many girls will understand that the so-called elf goddess apparitions are fake, and the faith in their hearts will collapse, then everything will be true It's over!

They have no fighting spirit, no matter how many there are, they can't hold back a little time.

On the contrary, if the fighting spirit is there, even if their enemies are strong and there are many, they can buy time for Liana.




Right now, with the statue of the elf goddess appearing, those elf girls are full of fighting spirit. After hearing Lilith's words, even if they are afraid of the nausea of ​​the human-faced spider in their hearts, they still attack one after another.

The sound of piercing the sky could only be heard continuously, and the rain of arrows containing the aura of elves had already soared into the sky, colliding with the purple silk screen that was constantly rotating and bursting with dark aura.


Unexpectedly, when the silk thread collided with the feather arrow, it was not the expected tearing sound of the object, but it was like two extremely hard metals colliding together, making a loud noise.

"Heh... a bunch of ants!"

"Breath of Corrosion, give it to me!"

However, the human-faced spider sneered, and immediately the human face on its abdomen shone brightly, and the next moment, the purple silk web suddenly ignited magic flames.


The magic flames spread all over the sky, and within just two breaths, the entire sky was already ablaze.


"Mighty! Mighty!"

Countless monsters, little spiders, as long as they reached the state of being able to speak at this time, they all shouted.

Whoa whoa whoa!
As if fueled by momentum, the flames became more intense, instantly melting countless arrow rains, and immediately, like a giant dragon, circling and burning, the offensive continued unabated, and continued to hit the light shield blooming from the statue of the elf goddess.


A deafening sound sounded, and Lilith's pupils shrank suddenly, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

However, no matter how much she didn't want to see the scene where the light shield was broken, she couldn't stop her when she was seriously injured and her spiritual power was exhausted.

He could only watch helplessly as the magic fire dragon circled around and hit the light shield one after another.

The sound of collision and explosion continued to be heard, followed by the sound of crisp cracks.

Several cracks gradually appeared on the light shield.

In the beginning, those cracks were relatively small, and they could still block the burning of the magic flame. However, as the cracks gradually expanded, hot breath poured in.

That light shield... can't hold it anymore!
Boom boom boom!
After a long time, the cracks in the light shield expanded, and finally it couldn't hold back, and it collapsed.

It was as if glass had burst, splashing all over the sky.

"My God!"

"how so?!"

"The appearance of the elf goddess was broken so easily?"

"It can't be the elf goddess, has she abandoned us?"

"no, I can not!"

Seeing that the shields of the sculpture of the elf goddess were broken, tens of thousands of elf girls were stunned and froze in place.

They can't believe it, and they don't want to believe it!

"No... it's not!"

"The goddess will never abandon us! It can only be that the enemy is too strong, even she can't resist!"

"Why? Our family has nothing to do with the world, hiding in this small corner, and there are demons to attack!"

For a while, sobs continued to sound, and the crisis, death, and the wavering of their belief in the elf goddess hit them completely.

All the previous fighting spirit collapsed, and some elf girls knelt on the ground and began to cry.


This made Lilith unacceptable, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out immediately.

She had spent a lot of effort in order to create the previous illusion. At this time, the light shield was broken, and she was the one who was directly injured. In addition, seeing that everything she did was for nothing, she was even more depressed.

Not to mention vomiting a mouthful of blood, if there is more blood in her body, she can spit a basin!

Well, there is no need for bloodletting every month!

"Hehehe... stupid elves, I will give you one last chance. If you choose to surrender, the demons can still save your lives!"

After breaking through the light shield, the human-faced spider didn't kill them all, but sneered.

"Bah! Wishful thinking!"

Lilith gritted her teeth, even if she was seriously injured and vomited blood, she raised her head and glared at the human-faced spider.

"Our Moon Elf clan, even if we all die in battle, we will never join forces with the demon clan!"

Lilith's words were decisive, but Ye Fusheng was not surprised.

Well, in game plots, good people generally have this kind of character.


The lich who stepped on the hell wolf said abruptly: "Black blood, don't waste time, I can sense that there is a wave of divine power in the elven heritage temple behind them, kill them as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams! "

"Perhaps, after killing them, we can still find a seat for Shenyuan. If we can report it to the emperor, it will definitely be a great contribution!"

Hearing this, the human-faced spider looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, it really can't be delayed any longer! Hehehe, it's a pity that there are so many moon elves. If they can refine their virgin blood into medicine, But it is a great tonic to enhance strength!"

"Hehehe, but it doesn't matter, after killing them, it's the same to use their corpses to refine medicine! Hell... Roar!"

While sneering, the human-faced spider suddenly jumped up, spit out tens of millions of purple silk threads, like blades, falling continuously, towards Lilith and tens of thousands of elf girls.


Those silk threads contained a strong corrosive atmosphere, which seemed to be able to corrode even the air, and purple smoke came out.


In an instant, countless elven girls became more and more desperate, and Lilith also smiled wryly. In such a short time, she couldn't recover even a sliver of strength.

Not to mention desperate resistance!

With a wry smile, Lilith got up slowly, watching the silk thread falling down from the sky, she couldn't help closing her eyes.

As the emperor of the Moon Elf family, even if he dies, he must die first!


Just as Lilith was about to die, thunder suddenly sounded.

Lilith thought it was the other strong men who shot together, but after waiting for several seconds, she didn't feel any pain.

There was a burst of exclamation in his ears, and he couldn't help but wonder.

Opening her eyes, Lilith was stunned!

What caught my eye was the figure of a young man!

At this time, the boy's body was full of lightning, as if a god from the sky had descended, majestic and majestic!

With two swords in hand, countless thunder burst out while the sword energy was swaying, breaking all the purple silk threads in the sky!

"It's him?!"

"He... is so young, how can he have that kind of strength?!"

For a moment, Lilith was stunned.

She didn't expect that Ye Fusheng, who she thought was relatively weak, was no weaker than her!
You know, each of the four existences is no worse than her, or even stronger. Ye Fusheng can easily resist the next skill attack, which shows his strength!


The sound of swallowing saliva sounded, and Lilith immediately became excited, her eyes sparkled brightly: "Great, he is Master Xingyun's junior brother after all! Even if he is still young, his strength will not be so weak. Perhaps, today he is really strong. It has the ability to save our family!"


"This guy, can actually block that monster's skills?!"

"So strong... Even the light shield made by the goddess has been shattered, what kind of strength is he?!"

Not only Lilith, tens of thousands of elf girls looked at Ye Fusheng, and their eyes were suddenly filled with light.

That is the desire for life!


"Boy, you are not from the elves, who are you?!"

The skill was suddenly broken, and the human-faced spider was also surprised. At this time, they realized the existence of Ye Fusheng.

Of course, Carozo had already noticed it, but he didn't want to talk about being beaten by Ye Fusheng and ran all over the ground, so he naturally wouldn't open his mouth, and even pretended that he had never seen Ye Fusheng.

Well, the boss also wants face!


"Master, I won't make a move. Do you really think that you can do whatever you want?"

"Sorry, in this world, I will always be the only one who can do whatever I want..."

(End of this chapter)

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