Invincible in one touch

Chapter 264 Charm·Crazy State

Chapter 264 Charm·Crazy State

"Sorry, I am the only one who can do whatever I want in this world!"

Ye Fusheng grinned, his voice was flat, but his words were like thunder, rippling in the ears of the four bosses.


"Where did the kid come from, dare to be so presumptuous?!"

Dazed for a moment, the four bosses were furious. Except for Carlozo who was pretending, the other three bosses glared at Ye Fusheng, as if they would strike at any time.

After all, in their perception, Ye Fusheng is just a weak person, an ant, but he is so presumptuous, can they not be angry?

"Ho ho ho..."

Ye Fusheng frowned, and said with a calm smile: "I allow you to say this one last time, because I don't care about dead people!"


"How dare you say that we are dead?!"

The corners of his mouth twitched, and the four bosses laughed back angrily. Of course, Carlozo was still a little horrified. Why is this kid not afraid of the four high-level powerhouses? Could it be that he really has mysterious means?
In that case, should he escape first?

Carlozo, who had fought against Ye Fusheng, was still very afraid of Ye Fusheng's power.

"Ridiculous! It's really ridiculous!"

"Well, since this kid took the initiative to seek death, don't blame us for being rude!"

The Man Faced Demon Spider sneered, and was about to make a move, but was interrupted by the Lich with its foot on the giant wolf.

"Wait a minute, to deal with such a kid, why do we need to do it ourselves?"

"Looking at his aura, this king only needs to summon some servants to make him fall into darkness!"


The lich let out a sinister laugh, stood up abruptly, and waved his staff.



The ground suddenly shattered, not far from Ye Fusheng's body, the soil exploded, and several skeletons with only bones crawled out of it, but there were dark flames in the hollow pupils.


Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, feeling ridiculous in his heart.

Legendary bosses have killed quite a few by themselves, so why do these four bosses underestimate themselves so much?

What surprised Ye Fusheng even more was that he once beat Carlozo away. At this time, why didn't Carlozo remind the other three people, didn't speak or move, and just stood there?
Could it be that Carroso deliberately did not reveal his own strength in order to make them suffer too?
If this is the case, obviously, the demon clan is not monolithic!
With this thought, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up immediately, if he could dig deeper along this point, it would definitely be a great discovery!
"Enhance the undead, give it to me, kill that kid!"

The lich waved his hand, and in an instant, the skeletons summoned by him seemed to have gone mad, roaring, like wild bulls, and rushed towards Ye Fusheng.

It has to be said that the legendary boss is powerful, but the lowest-level skeleton monsters summoned casually have no worse attributes than those attacking monsters before, and even, depending on their momentum, they are a bit stronger.

It's a pity that they are not facing ordinary players!
No matter how high their level is, even if they are monsters created by legendary bosses, they cannot withstand the power of a sword in front of Ye Fusheng!

Ah no, it should be double swords!

Accompanied by the interlacing of the two swords, the sharp sword energy spiraled up, blooming like a beautiful flower, gorgeous, and even killed seven skeletons in elegance!

Instant kills, all instant kills!


"Damn it... I was mistaken, I didn't expect that this kid is not weak!"

Seeing Ye Fusheng's attack face to face, this time, Lich, Man-faced Demon Spider and another legendary boss, only then did he see Ye Fusheng's hidden strength, he couldn't help but look solemn, staring at Ye Fusheng.

"Interesting, no wonder you dare to provoke us like this!"

"It turns out that your strength is not weak!"

The werewolf bared his teeth and said in a deep voice, "At first I wanted to fight you a few tricks, but now it seems that I must get rid of you as soon as possible!"

"Stop the ink, let's do it together. If we lose time and let the people of the Moon Elf family really get the inheritance, we will be in danger!"

This sentence, the werewolf was not speaking to Ye Fusheng, but to the three of Ka Luozuo. It knew that even though they belonged to the demon clan, they would attack together, but if they were in danger, maybe the three The shadow of the bastard running away in an instant is gone.

Therefore, it cannot allow that situation to happen, and even wants to put an end to the possibility in the cradle.

Well, the four of them will fight together and go all out to kill Ye Fusheng, saving nights and dreams.

He knew that all the bad guys died in the nonsense!

"it is good!"

"This kid does have some skills, kill him!"

The lich's eyes were gloomy, staring at Ye Fusheng.


Hearing the words of the Lich and the Werewolf, the Man Faced Demon Spider didn't hesitate at all, it dropped its spider legs, and ran towards Ye Fusheng with a "shua" at an extremely fast speed.

Not only that, it opened its mouth to spit out, and the silk thread filled the sky contained a terrifying corrosive atmosphere, and it attacked and killed Ye Fusheng.

If you let that corrosive breath fall, it will definitely disfigure you!

But, this is a game after all, no matter how realistic it is, Ye Fusheng is not afraid, anyway, what is lost is only vitality, and it is easy to make up for it!
Therefore, Ye Fusheng didn't have the slightest fear, but he rushed straight towards the sky-filled silk thread, swept across with two knives in his hands, and danced quickly, bringing up sword aura, and wiped out all the silk threads that were attacking him with a corrosive atmosphere. It was cut off!

Seeing Ye Fusheng coming so quickly, the Man-faced Demon Spider let out a low growl. In an instant, a strange force fluctuated, and webs completely condensed by magic flames emerged from those silk threads, covering Ye Fusheng!
"The sword swings for nine days, break it for me!"

However, Ye Fusheng stomped his feet violently, and the skill of Sword Swinging Nine Heavens burst out. In an instant, the lightning was brilliant, and the silk screens transformed by countless magic flames were shattered.


Not only that, those thunder lights shot up into the sky, killing the four legendary bosses including the werewolf and the man-faced spider!

"Damn, it's too deceiving!"

The Lich was furious, and flicked his magic staff lightly, suddenly the phantom of a blood-colored monster emerged, roaring, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed the thunder light!

"Made, this kid is not weak, hurry up!"

At this time, even if the Man-faced Demon Spider is not a human race, and does not have such a high IQ, it is aware of Ye Fusheng's terror at this moment, and hastily yelled out.

It really has a premonition, if it is one-on-one, it is definitely not Ye Fusheng's opponent!

In this way, how dare the Man Faced Demon Spider continue to fight Ye Fusheng, at least, it must not fight alone!
With a roar, the werewolf couldn't stand it anymore, and responded with a long howl, and then jumped up suddenly, his whole body glowing with silvery white light.


In an instant, the wolf demon curled up like a moon, containing terrifying power.

"Do not……"

"How could there be moonlight on that wolf demon?"

"Elf Goddess, would you lend the power of moonlight to other people?!"

Seeing this scene, many elf women were stunned.

They couldn't believe that a demon race could use the power of the holy moonlight!
Of course, there is no distinction between holy and dark power, everything depends on the person who uses that power.

Furthermore, wolves already had an affair with the moon, so it was nothing if they could use the power of moonlight.

"The moon is torn!"

An angry roar sounded, and the wolf demon's figure turned into a moon, stabbing at Ye Fusheng instantly like the sharpest knife.

"Hahaha, good time!"

"Carozo, there's another ugly lich, why don't you go together!"

"Even if you go up together, why should I be afraid of my floating life!"

Even though the wolf demon's killing move came, and the man-faced demon spider fought him desperately, Ye Fusheng's face was still calm, even a little arrogant and arrogant.

Even Ye Fusheng took the initiative to provoke Kaluozo and the Undead Lich.

In fact, Ye Fusheng is not looking for death, in fact, what he has now comprehended, the relatively strong stunts are not offensive, one-on-one, if he takes the initiative to attack, it may not be safe to last until Lianna ends the inheritance.

In other words, it was impossible to kill those four legendary bosses!

What a joke, such powerful bosses have appeared, and you told me that I can't kill them, isn't that a big joke?

Therefore, Ye Fusheng wanted to weaken their strength as much as possible. Once Lianna accepted the inheritance and returned, she would definitely cooperate with him to completely kill this boss!
Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng once again set his sights on the four bosses, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he sneered in his heart.

Be arrogant, wait for the four of you to come up, and once I use the soul-stirring stunt, even if it is a boss, with such a high luck bonus, it will definitely make all four of them completely lose their fighting power!

When the time comes, what to do and how to do it will all depend on Ye Fusheng's mood!

"Too arrogant, kill!"

"Carroso, you go forward, I will use magic to kill him!"

The lich was particularly angry, and he slammed his staff forcefully. In an instant, the whole earth trembled.

Not far away, the forest was shaking, and there was an army of zombies up to a thousand people rushing over.


Countless zombies rushed out, their eyes were blood red, looking at Ye Fusheng, it was like looking at an enemy who killed his father and enemy and took his wife with disdain!
dang dang-

Just at this moment, the werewolf curled up like a scimitar, and collided with Ye Fusheng impressively, erupting with terrifying fluctuations.

However, even withstanding such a terrifying power attack, Ye Fusheng didn't flinch in the slightest, he still laughed and swung his long sword with his backhand, causing damage to the werewolf.

Swinging the two swords, the damage was nearly 20. Unfortunately, the blood bar of the legendary boss is still quite thick. This seems to be a high damage. In fact, even one percent of the werewolf's blood value has not been weakened!
However, Ye Fusheng's goal is to kill them instantly?
If he was lucky and directly triggered the instant kill, Ye Fusheng would not be surprised, but Ye Fusheng was even more excited when he failed to trigger the instant kill.

He wanted to see, surrounded by several legendary bosses, whether the soul-stirring stunt had any effect!

If the effect is good, he doesn't need to farm monsters for leveling in the future, just stop in the monster pile, let all kinds of monsters beat their own kind by themselves, and gain experience for Ye Fusheng.

Although in that way, Ye Fusheng's upgrade speed will be slower, but there will be a lot less things to do, and he can rest with peace of mind.

However, it seems that Ye Fusheng's luck was too bad, even if the werewolf and Ye Fusheng collided continuously, causing strong fluctuations, even Ka Luozuo let out a snarl, and violently attacked Ye Fusheng.

Well, of course, Carlozo knew Ye Fusheng's strength, so he didn't go all out, just paddled around, and even had the urge to retreat in his heart.

If it weren't for those three masters of the same level who gave him the last support, I am afraid that Carlos would have run away the moment he saw Ye Fusheng.

Made, Ye Fusheng's skills are simply not human skills!
However, it seemed that Ye Fusheng had run out of luck. This time, even if he was besieged by Carlozo, werewolves, and human-faced spiders, he couldn't trigger the special effect of seductiveness!

[Grass... What kind of luck is this?Didn't trigger the stunt all the time? 】

[I remember I turned on the stunt! 】

He rubbed his nose, but, things have come to such a juncture, Ye Fusheng can't say anything more, if the effect can't be triggered, then he can only fight for instant kill.


Suddenly, another series of roars sounded.

After the zombies all over the mountains and plains were resurrected, their eyes were red with blood, they finally rushed forward and slaughtered Ye Fusheng.

bang bang bang-

However, Ye Fusheng dismissed their attacks, not even a boss, what kind of waves can some mobs cause?

However, the number of those little monsters is really too much!
Even if they couldn't cause damage to Ye Fusheng, when they hit Ye Fusheng's arm one after another, they still caused Ye Fusheng's blood value to be continuously consumed.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the special effect, the Man Faced Demon Spider has fallen into a charming state!"

With countless zombies rushing towards him, a big tide was almost formed, Ye Fusheng was constantly being attacked, and when he was about to give up this challenge, a system bell rang suddenly.


"Charmed state?!"

At the very beginning, Ye Fusheng was a little stunned, but he quickly realized that he didn't even pay attention to those attacks against him, and frantically confronted him on the spot.
In itself, Ye Fusheng was under a lot of pressure, that was because the three bosses fought together, although tens of thousands of zombies would continue to attack, but compared with a legendary boss, the gap was huge.

Now that the Man-faced Demon Spider is being charmed, if you don't take the opportunity to beat it up and suppress its qi and blood to kill the line, is it still a human?

No, it doesn't count!

Therefore, Ye Fusheng didn't hesitate at all, after charming the Man-faced Demon Spider, he launched an offensive screaming, swung his two swords, and weakened the Man-faced Demon Spider's blood value at an extremely fast speed.


I have to say that Ye Fusheng is really very handy in dealing with the immobile Man-faced Demon Spider!
In just a few breaths, the blood value of the Man-faced Demon Spider has dropped to a certain level, and it seems that it will die at any time.

"Bang bang bang!"

The terrifying force hammered Ye Fusheng continuously, those zombies didn't know all this, they were still attacking crazily.


It has to be said that Ye Fusheng's luck was really good. When the zombie swarm arrived, he successfully released the soul-stirring stunt twice!
"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the special effect, the wolf demon has fallen into a state of charm and madness!"

"Huh?! Charm·Crazy?! What is that?!"

(PS: 520, well, I’m here to spend Valentine’s Day with you!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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