Invincible in one touch

Chapter 265 Run away 1, kill 3? !

Chapter 265 Run One, Kill Three? !

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the special state, the wolf demon has fallen into a state of charm and madness!"



Almost at the moment when the system notification sound fell, the wolf demon lost his eyesight, let out a long roar, and suddenly dispersed his sharp claws, killing the man-faced spider and Carlozo.


In an instant, a terrifying force erupted, and the Man-faced Demon Spider was unprepared, and was immediately smashed into pieces by the sharp claws of the wolf demon, and blood spurted wildly.

Fortunately, Ka Luozuo knew that Ye Fusheng had a lot of means. At the moment when the wolf monster changed, it shook its wings and pulled away in an instant, but it was not caught.

However, it also stopped its offensive and looked at the wolf demon in surprise.

It was very surprised, the wolf demon was not attacked by Ye Fusheng just now, why did it suddenly become crazy?

That's right, it's madness!
Not only did it take the initiative to attack them, but the wolf demon was so angry and bloody that it kept gushing out of its body, dazzling like flames.

Under that kind of burning, the aura of the wolf demon became stronger and stronger, and even had a possibility of surpassing the legendary level!


"Damn it, Akshi, what are you doing?!"

"Why do you attack me and burn your own soul?!"

The man-faced demon spider suffered from pain, and at the same time it retreated, it glared at the wolf demon.

It's a pity that the face of the Man-faced Demon Spider is too low on the stomach, and the wolf demon can't be seen at all, so it's unclear what the wolf demon's current state is.

If it grows a little taller, it will be able to see the eyes of the wolf demon just like Carlozo, so it must be able to detect the abnormality, but it can't see it at all, so it thinks that the wolf demon missed it and never saw , The wolf demon looked at the flickering killing intent in its eyes!

Roaring, the wolf demon didn't care about the man-faced spider's thoughts. Since Carlozo retreated, it jumped out instantly, its claws and sharp teeth bursting with light, and attacked the man-faced spider.

"Damn it... this is so fucking amazing!"

"Is this going to kill it directly?!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being stunned.

He originally thought that the soul-stirring stunt could at most control the boss, and it would be even better if the boss could attack other monsters.

However, he didn't expect that after charming the bosses, he would be able to make them release their skills and burn his soul!
That's right, Burning Soul is a special BUFF, Ye Fusheng has seen it, it can increase attack power by 50% impressively!

However, although the increased attack power is high, the defense power is also weak, which has been reduced by as much as 80%. It can be said to be a desperate style of play.

If Ye Fusheng used it himself, he definitely wouldn't use it, and even felt that the buff was useless.

After all, Ye Fusheng has always wanted to fight with one enemy. Once the defense power is reduced, it will be difficult to handle if he is controlled by other players!

But, right now Ye Fusheng doesn't care about the wolf demon's injuries at all, he dies as soon as he dies, just one less boss.

Even if he didn't die, with the 50% bonus attack power, he could beat the other three bosses to half death, right?


Just when Ye Fusheng was shocked by the power of that stunt, the wolf demon was already in chaos, and killed the Man-faced Demon Spider again.

The sharp claws were as sharp as teeth, and directly cut off several spider legs of the Man-faced Demon Spider. In an instant, the Man-faced Demon Spider howled endlessly, and was completely enraged by the wolf demon.

"Damn it, Akshi, if you continue like this, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

The man-faced demon spider suffered so much that it finally stopped holding back its hands. The only spider legs left on its body gleamed, piercing out like spears, and immediately pierced the wolf demon.


Almost at the moment of collision, every spear burst out with great force, and suddenly the wolf demon was sent flying.

The Man-faced Demon Spider, Akshi, Carozo, and the Lich King, all four of them have similar strengths. Therefore, when the wolf monster lost its sanity and didn't know how to resist, the Man-faced Demon Spider shook it away. , is still easy to do.

At this time, the Lich King finally saw the battle between the wolf demon and the man-faced spider, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

It doesn't understand, why at this time, there are still internal fights!

However, the Lich King was too lazy to take care of it, anyway, it wasn't the one that was injured, it only needed to summon more zombies to defeat Ye Fusheng!
Thinking of this, the Lich King didn't say much, and he didn't even notice that Carozo on the side was retreating a little bit, ready to escape, but frantically waved his staff, summoning troops one after another.

For a moment, a group of zombies had already landed on the ground, they all rushed towards Ye Fusheng like reincarnated starving ghosts.

"Damn it, you actually broke my body!"

"I am going to kill you!"

The body was broken, but the Man Faced Demon Spider couldn't bear the anger anymore, and stood up suddenly, ready to attack the wolf demon.

However, as soon as it stood up like that, the two eyes on its stomach suddenly saw blood red eyes, and there was no wolf demon in the slightest!
"Fuck... what's going on?"

"No, Akshi's sanity has been defeated! Carlozo, Mozzali, hurry up and purify its sanity!"

The Man-faced Demon Spider is also a legendary boss at any rate, so it is naturally clear about the loss of sanity. With a cry of surprise, it quickly jumped up and killed the wolf monster.

Of course, this time, the Man Faced Demon Spider did not intend to kill the wolf demon, but to defeat the wolf demon.


"I advise you to keep a distance from the wolf demon. Before it recovers, don't get close to it!"

Carlozo knew that Ye Fusheng was determined not to have only such low-level methods, so he sneered and mocked.

"Bah, Carroso, are you going to confess your love?"

"Furthermore, with the four of us working together, how can we be like you?"

The Man Faced Demon Spider was furious in its heart, but it didn't dare to say anything more, after all, the wolf monster lost its sanity and was attracted by it again at this time, so it would definitely usher in an all-out attack.

At this time, if it doesn't pay attention, it will definitely be chopped into blood by the wolf demon!
It will even fall here!

However, just as the Man Faced Demon Spider was about to hit the wolf demon and stun him, Ye Fusheng was attacked by countless zombies here.

Bewitching, stunt, unleash!
In an instant, the huge body of the Man Faced Demon Spider trembled suddenly, as if it was stiff and stopped in the air!
The next moment, the face on the stomach of the Man-faced Demon Spider was extremely hideous!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the stunt, the Man Faced Demon Spider is in a state of ecstasy!"

This time, it seemed that Ye Fusheng was not lucky enough to trigger the stunt of the chaotic attack, but just paused in the air for 10 seconds.

However, the Man Faced Demon Spider was going to fight the wolf monster. At this time, how terrifying would it be to be stopped for ten seconds?

Chi la la——

Almost the moment the Man-faced Demon Spider stopped in the air, the wolf demon's eyes were blood red, and he waved his claws, as if passing through a cave, and suddenly pierced through the Man-faced Demon Spider that was standing still in the air.

In an instant, the blood splattered, and a big hole was opened in the abdomen of the Man-faced Demon Spider, and the blood bar on the head was instantly reduced by as much as 90%, leaving only a little residual blood!

"Huh... isn't this dead?!"

Seeing this scene and seeing the miserable injury of the man-faced demon spider, Ye Fusheng was stunned.

how come?
The abdomen exploded, and the injury was so serious that he didn't die?
What the hell, is the life of this legendary boss so tough?

"Hiss... that's right!"

"This kid is too scary, he has too many tricks, I want to withdraw! If I don't withdraw, I'm afraid this guy will kill me today!"

"No, it's not just evacuation, this place can't stay anymore, you have to run!"

Not far away, Carlozo saw the Man-faced Demon Spider suddenly stagnate in the air, and then it was severely injured, and its eyelids suddenly jumped violently.

It had a hunch that it was definitely Ye Fusheng's method!
This makes it especially fearful, if Ye Fusheng also uses this trick against it, wouldn't it have no strength to resist?
The Man-faced Demon Spider is a legend-level powerhouse, how could it be frightened by a brat and stop motionless in the air, even if it is in a life-and-death crisis?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, Ka Luozuo screamed violently, flapped his wings, and quickly fled away.

As for those subordinates who were still left here, Carlozo didn't care at all.

What a joke, the younger brother is more important than his life, it understands it very well!

After tearing apart the Man-faced Demon Spider's abdomen, the wolf demon felt that the breath behind him was getting weaker, and he stopped turning around to attack the Man-faced Demon Spider. Roaring, he jumped up suddenly and rushed into the countless zombie groups.

Of course, it won't cooperate with those zombies to attack Ye Fusheng, it's just killing wildly.

It was like a fierce tiger, which directly killed the sheep and killed them recklessly!

"Grass... This thing is weak, doesn't it even know how to make up the knife?"

However, Ye Fusheng's head grew dizzy seeing the wolf demon sweeping through the ordinary zombies.

The probability of triggering the stunt itself is not high, the reason why it can be triggered so frequently is because of the large number of zombies and the high number of attacks on Ye Fusheng, so the probability of encountering it is one in ten thousand.

Now the wolf demon, as well as the Lich King and Carlozo, are in good condition. If you clear all the mobs and I can't trigger the status later, is it over soon?
its not right!
What about Carlozo?

Frowning, Ye Fusheng looked around, and immediately saw Carlozo Yuandun's figure, and couldn't help but look very surprised: "What's the matter? Carlozo, just ran away like that?!"

No way, Carozo was frightened by Ye Fusheng's skills, and he had a crisis warning in his heart, so he turned around and ran away in fright.

Just at this time, the wolf demon finally recovered, his eyes were clear, and he shook his head violently. When he found himself in the crowd of zombies, with countless blood stains on his body, he couldn't help being surprised.

who am I?
where am I?
What am I doing?
Why is there such a strong blood on my body? !
The wolf demon felt that he was not well. He turned his head and saw the dying man-faced spider, and immediately screamed: "Damn it, how did you get hurt like this?!"

"Damn it, I must avenge you!!"

The wolf demon was furious, but the man-faced spider lying on the ground was stunned.

You avenge me?
How to take revenge?

Self-harm? !

However, the Man Faced Demon Spider was angry, but it still knew that the state of the wolf demon was not right, and their targets were Ye Fusheng and the Temple of the Elf Goddess again, so it didn't say anything.

In this way, the wolf demon was more stimulated, with a long howl, his blood burst out, and he went to kill Ye Fusheng again.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the special effect, the wolf demon has fallen into a state of charm and madness!"

It seems that the wolf demon and Ye Fusheng are incompatible, before the wolf demon hits Ye Fusheng, the special effect is triggered again!

What's more, he is still in a state of charm and madness!

With a long howl, the wolf demon once again burned his soul and blood energy, shocking his aura to an extremely high level!

The next moment, the wolf demon killed the surrounding zombies again.

This made Ye Fusheng very dissatisfied, what the hell, why is he always attacking ordinary monsters?

"Damn——Akshi, if you dare to kill all my treasures, I will also send you to hell forever!"

Seeing that more and more zombies died at the hands of the wolf demon, the Lich King became anxious.

It was far away, although it sensed something was wrong, but it was not very clear, it immediately jumped into a rage, waved its hands lightly, and dozens of blood-red ghouls with rather strange shapes crawled out of the ground.

After summoning thousands of crazy ghouls, the lich's originally tall body suddenly hunched.

In this way, he looks a bit like a necromancer.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the stunt, the Man Faced Demon Spider has fallen into a state of charm and madness!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the stunt, the Lich King has fallen into a state of charm and madness!"

The sudden arrival of two system prompts made Ye Fusheng stunned.

what's going on?
When did I get so lucky?

Suddenly, the three bosses fell into a state of charm and madness!
After the ecstasy, Ye Fusheng quickly dispelled all the holy light buffs on his body, including buffs and equipment that could counterattack demon monsters, and let the zombies attack him.

Well, Ye Fusheng wants to use the soul-hunting skill to forcibly consume those three legendary bosses to death!

That's right, the legendary boss is indeed strong, and its attributes are also ridiculously high.

Even if Ye Fusheng wanted to kill them, he would have to waste some effort.

However, Ye Fusheng didn't expect that it would be possible to make three legend-level powerhouses fall with one soul-hunting stunt!


Sure enough, after the three legendary bosses burned their souls and blood, they seemed to be drawn by breath, especially the wolf demon, no longer attacking ordinary monsters, turned around and killed the man-faced spider .

Well, the man-faced demon spider has the weakest aura, who will be killed first if it is not killed?
Let alone the wolf monster, the Lich King drew out his staff, bent his body, and attacked the Man-faced Demon Spider!

If the Man Faced Demon Spider still had a soul, it would definitely be very depressed.

What the hell, who did labor and management provoke?

How could it be so miserable? !

When the three charmed bosses collided, an extremely strong explosion burst out immediately.

Horror powers were raging, and the man-faced spider was seriously injured before, and its blood bar declined again, and it dropped to less than 3%!
As for the wolf demon and the Lich King, although the blood loss was not much, it still reached more than 2%!

This is just an attack, maybe, one charm can reduce the blood value by 2%, and if the charm stunt is triggered 50 times, wouldn't they be able to kill them without fighting?

[Hey, it's so simple and easy to kill the three legendary bosses! 】

[This special skill is really cool for group battles! 】

Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, swallowed his saliva immediately, and looked at the battlefield of the wolf demon, the Lich King, and the man-faced spider!

(End of this chapter)

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