Invincible in one touch

Chapter 266 Delivering the Head!

Chapter 266 Delivering the Head!


The terrifying forces collided and burst out continuously, consuming the blood volume of the three legendary bosses.

As for Carlozo, he has long since disappeared!
The Man-faced Demon Spider had residual blood, and was quickly killed until its blood streaks turned black, as if it would die at any moment.

However, under the condition that the soul-snatching stunt is constantly being triggered, it will either be held stiffly in place, or it will continue to attack uncontrollably, and the spider will not be given time to escape, so that it will recover from its injuries!
Ye Fusheng was under the attack of tens of thousands of zombies, and did not attack. He took a sip of medicine from time to time, and slowly observed the blood volume of the three bosses.

Well, there are too many monsters that can attack him at the same time, even if the chance of triggering the stunt is not high, it is still alive and well, controlling the three bosses without interruption!

The lucky value of 9999+ is really overbearing!

Even if it was another person with Ye Fusheng's attributes and skills, it would be as difficult as heaven to accurately control the three bosses of the Man-faced Demon Spider!
boom boom-

The berserk force was unleashed, and Ye Fusheng's eyes froze when the Man-faced Demon Spider's blood remained, and he finally made a move!

The target was locked, and the punching skill was released, and there was only a "shua", Ye Fusheng's whole body was like lightning, and he rushed over quickly.


The twin swords flashed with lightning and silvery white light, and instantly cut into the face of the Man-faced Demon Spider's abdomen!


With the scarlet blood gushing out, the Man-faced Demon Spider was in pain. Under the severe pain, even the charm effect temporarily struggled out, wailing loudly.

But, this is a game after all, with a basic setting, once the BOSS' blood value drops to 0, it will die immediately, and it will not be given any chance to struggle and fight back when it dies!


The power exploded like thunder, and the Man-faced Demon Spider's body burst into brilliance, and his entire body exploded, turning into experience, equipment, and gold coins all over the floor.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully beheading the legendary boss, the Man-faced Demon Spider. You will be rewarded with 1 million experience points and 1 extraordinary achievement point!"

However, Ye Fusheng didn't pick up the equipment and gold coins, and quickly retreated, rushing into the zombie group again.

Well, the Man-faced Demon Spider, Akshi, and Lich King are too powerful, and the three of them are in a battlefield where there are no zombies at all.

Once there are no zombies attacking Ye Fusheng, if the special ability cannot be triggered, and if Akshi and Lich King wake up from the control state, it will be difficult to kill them again!

Therefore, Ye Fusheng would rather not pick up any equipment, but return it.


Sure enough, those zombies didn't have any sanity or brains, and when they saw Ye Fusheng come back, they screamed and culled them again.


"system hint:……"

Without any accidents, the Lich King and Akshi trembled, and they were hit by the skill again before they could get out of the state.

This time, without the Man-faced Demon Spider, the Lich King and Akshi just got together and fought crazily.

Countless skills erupted, and after the eruption of skills, he even used his body and teeth to attack.

For a moment, the scene was extremely bloody, and the blood bars of the Lich King and Akshi dropped crazily.

"Hahaha, it's so cool!"

"So the effect of this skill is so powerful! Tsk tsk, if there is a group fight in the future, I don't have to do it. Once the soul-stirring stunt is activated, just watch the opponent fight!"

Seeing the Lich King and Akshi killing each other, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed.

If he was allowed to go up and fight by himself, he still had a chance against the four legendary bosses, but it would definitely be a tough fight.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the soul-stirring stunt came out, Carlozo was scared away, the Man-faced Demon Spider was crippled, and died soon. The Lich King and Akshi were about to follow in their footsteps, and their health bar dropped crazily.

What Ye Fusheng did was just stand there and wait until the remaining blood is gone, use a skill to harvest it and that's it!

Not to mention Ye Fusheng, even the daughters of Lilith were stunned, looking at Ye Fusheng in shock, their expressions were extremely surprised.

"Oh my there still such a way to kill the enemy?"

"How did he do it? Why did he get those strong men to kill each other when he stood up and was beaten?"

"He... is he a god or a devil?!"

The girls of Lilith murmured and looked at Ye Fusheng with strange brilliance in their eyes!

At this moment, even if Ye Fusheng is a devil, they will not feel fear, but happy!
That's right, it doesn't matter if it's a devil or a god, at least at this moment, Ye Fusheng is helping them!
bang bang bang-

As the zombies' attacks kept falling on Ye Fusheng's body, his qi and blood continued to drop and then recovered. Same as him, the same was true for Akshi and the Lich King, but their qi and blood, But it can't be recovered!

Time passed slowly, Akshi and the Lich King's qi and blood values ​​dropped below 30% one after another, and they were covered with scars.

This made Ye Fusheng short of breath.

Only 30% of the blood is left. Once it drops below 5% and the blood bar turns black, then he can attack again and get the reward of beheading them!

"It's a pity, Carozo runs too fast. If it didn't run, the three bosses would fight each other, and the blood loss would be faster!"

"Made, after finishing the mission here, go and kill that Carlozo!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng's eyes turned cold, Kaluozo has already run twice in his hands, he must be slaughtered!

Otherwise, how embarrassing would it be to spread this matter?

No. 1 in "Reincarnation" can't even kill a boss?


In just a few minutes, the blood values ​​of Akshi and Lich King both dropped to around 10%.

Ye Fusheng took a tight breath, his eyes were piercing, staring at them.

As long as their blood bars turn black, Ye Fusheng will definitely attack and kill them!


"Human...don't go too far!"

However, just when Ye Fusheng was about to make a move, a roar suddenly fell, like a thunderbolt, it exploded out of thin air, and landed in the ears of Ye Fusheng and even Lilith.

"not good!"

"Legendary powerhouse?!"

Hearing that voice suddenly, Lilith's face changed dramatically, and her hands couldn't help but clenched tightly.

Legendary BOSS, a monster that is beyond the legend and below the extraordinary level!


Ye Fusheng was also stunned. When he looked up, he suddenly saw a majestic and burly figure emerging from the layers of black clouds and slowly descending.

Before Ye Fusheng was surprised, a system bell rang suddenly.

"System prompt: Due to the arrival of the legendary boss, the coercion is terrifying, all players in the field, the NPC will reduce all attributes by 20%, and fall into a state of deterrence. When attacked, there is a 10% chance that they will not be able to move!"


"Coercion, coercion again!"

"Legendary level BOSS, a monster second only to Queen Scarlet Moon's level!"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "What the hell is this mission doing? Twenty waves of monsters at once is fine. Anyway, there are not too many bosses, but the last wave directly comes with four legends." Level BOSS!"

"The four legendary bosses haven't died yet, yet another legendary boss pops up? What the hell, there's no way for people to survive!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng finally felt flustered.

Back then, he was able to kill Empress Scarlet Moon because of Xing Yun.

But even so, Xing Yun would have a headache if he wanted to completely kill the Transcendent Boss. If Ye Fusheng hadn't happened to get Shanhaiyi, it would definitely take a lot of effort to get rid of Scarlet Moon Empress.

This time, the legendary level boss appeared, how much effort should it take to kill it?

Or in other words, Ye Fusheng alone can't kill it? !

Just as Ye Fusheng was thinking, a strange wave fell from the sky.


In an instant, the Lich King and Akshi, who were fighting on their own, trembled and came to their senses.

When they realized that they were fighting with each other, their expressions changed drastically, and they quickly distanced themselves. Then, as if they felt some terrible aura, they looked up, their faces were pale, and they worshiped!

"Subordinates welcome Lord Demon General!"

Without any hesitation, the Lich King and Akshi both knelt down.

The demons are respected by the strong, and they have not yet reached the legendary level. Even if they are strong, they have to kneel down and salute when they meet stronger masters.

This is the rule of the Demon Race!

It was also at the moment when they knelt down, strange power fell on them, and it actually burst into brilliance, recovering their injuries and blood.

The health bar has suddenly increased by about 10%. Although it is still very small, it is not as precarious as before. It seems that it will perish at any time!
"The magic general... No, Empress Crimson Moon is also a magic general, and that is an extraordinary boss. This boss is only a legendary boss, so he has become a magic general. Could it be that he came through the back door?"

"Well, sure enough, it seems that no matter whether it is the demon race or the human race, there are people who go through the back door!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng looked intently at the phantom, and released the Eye of Truth skill.


The Eye of Truth is indeed a high-level skill, even if it is a legendary boss, the attributes are still clearly displayed and listed.

Thunder Demon General Kamal (Legendary Boss★)
Rating: 150
Blood value: 900000000
Attack: 167200
Defense: 110000
Lightning body protection: When attacked by elements, it will reduce or increase the damage it suffers according to the attributes of the elements. If it encounters an attack of thunder attributes, it can restore its own blood and replenish its strength
Thunder Strike: Every time you attack, there is a 2% chance to trigger Thunder Strike, which will paralyze the enemy and allow you to move for 2 seconds
Skills: Thunderbolt, Thunderbolt, Thunderbolt Lightning, Thunderbolt Knife, Thunder Purgatory, Heavenly Lightning Strike
Description: General of the Demon Race, who controls the power of thunder, can explode with an attack power far exceeding his own

Weaknesses: low defense, low resistance to abnormal status

"Hiss... nearly 17 attack power, 11 defense power! This boss is really a bit ruthless!"

"Stunts can reduce the damage you suffer, and can also make the opponent fall into a paralyzed state. If you can't kill this guy in seconds, you will be caught in a protracted battle, which will definitely be troublesome!"

"Although there are many skills, there are not many big moves, so don't worry too much! However, its weakness is that it has low resistance to abnormal states. Is this also a weakness?"

"Doesn't that mean, let me poison it to death?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was a little surprised seeing that weakness.

Could it be that he wanted him to poison the boss?

But what the hell, is there any poison that can kill a legendary boss with 9 million blood points?

I'm afraid Ye Fusheng himself has already been slaughtered before poisoning much of its vitality and blood!
Among the surprises, Ye Fusheng was more surprised.

The previous legendary bosses barely had an attack power of [-] to [-].

How did you get to the legendary boss and directly turn it to 17?
This is just a legendary boss, if there is a seven-star boss, wouldn't it be able to increase the attack power to more than 50?

"This is a bit ruthless. It is estimated that the super-level boss may have nearly a million attack power. Senior sister Xingyun can easily destroy the super-level boss, so how high can her attack power be?"

"A few million attack power? Or tens of millions?"

"Why do the attributes increase so quickly after reaching the legendary level?"

"No... the attribute of blood value has not increased, it is still hundreds of millions, but the attack power has suddenly increased seven or eight times, which is a bit strange!"

"Could it be that the legendary level is the real watershed?!"

Ye Fusheng sensed something was wrong, but at this moment, his strength was too low, and he couldn't catch the legendary boss, dissected it, and went to investigate the mystery.


The roar became more and more clear, and the Thunder Demon General Kamal also dropped his body, surrounded by thunder light, like a demon god, staring at Ye Fusheng.


"This is a matter between us and the Moon Elves, please don't interfere!"

"Go away!"

Kamal narrowed his eyes slightly, but what he said made everyone stunned.

A demon general actually asked Ye Fusheng to leave on his own initiative!

This is, are you afraid? !

In an instant, Lilith and countless elf girls all stared at Ye Fusheng, feeling nervous in their hearts.

Facing this demon general, what choice will Ye Fusheng make?

Of course, in fact, Kamal let Ye Fusheng leave, that's because it sensed the aura of Xingyun from Ye Fusheng, and the aura of a powerhouse not lower than the holy level!

No matter how weak Ye Fusheng is in its eyes, it doesn't dare to make a move. If Xing Yun is attracted, they will all die!
Xingyun, the strongest of the human race, the guardian god of war!

One person, one sword, protecting the human race for hundreds of years, not to mention it, unless the Demon Emperor comes, or the Lord of the Abyss comes in person, only then will he have the confidence to fight Xing Yun.

If it is alone, if it faces Xing Yun, it may not even know how to die!

Therefore, Kamal was discouraged, and stayed on the top until Ye Fusheng scared away Ka Luozuo, and was about to kill the last two subordinates it brought this time, and then he couldn't help showing his figure.

But even so, it didn't dare to attack Ye Fusheng directly.

Unless Ye Fusheng really didn't want to leave, then in order to complete the task, he had to fight to the death!

"Impossible! General! This kid killed the Man-faced Demon Spider and left us injured like this. How can we let him go?"

The faces of Akshi and Lich King changed slightly, and they shouted quickly, and their eyes were full of resentment when they looked at Ye Fusheng again.


"Two trash, if you have the ability, you go up by yourself!"

Kamal yelled angrily, and glared at Akshi and the Lich King fiercely.

If the two of them are strong enough to deal with Ye Fusheng, then Kamal won't have to come down!
Right now, they cannot be resolved, and Kamal cherishes his own life, so naturally he will not easily attack Ye Fusheng.

"You want me to go?"


Ye Fusheng showed a bright smile, although he didn't know why Kamal was so polite to him, but he would not be polite to the demons and task monsters!

What's more, if it's not a legendary boss, you can't kill it!
Whether you can kill it or not will only be known after a fight!

"Just cut off your heads, get your heads, and I'll leave!"

With the corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng said the words that made Kamal and the others the most angry with the most brilliant smile!

In an instant, the aura in this piece of heaven and earth froze again!
(PS: At the request of book friends, the date will be updated every day in the future, so that it is convenient to remind...well, today, 5.22!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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