Invincible in one touch

Chapter 267 Legendary Boss, He Should Be Punishable!

Chapter 267 Legendary Boss, He Should Be Punishable!
Breathing gradually stagnated, the corners of Kamal's mouth curled up, and the smile on his face became more piercing.

"I didn't want to attack you at first, but... you are looking for death!"

After the words fell, Kamal's heart was filled with murderous intent.

That's right, it was unwilling to act rashly, lest it would provoke Xing Yun.

But, Ye Fusheng said that, how could it shrink back?
Can become a legendary boss, it will never give up!
So what if you have Xingyun as your backer?
Right now, Xingyun is thousands of miles away in Sunset City, you still dare to be so arrogant, why are you afraid of killing him directly?
At worst, it runs away after killing people, it doesn't believe that Xing Yun can kill directly to the depths of the demon clan for Ye Fusheng!
In fact, if Ye Fusheng was not a game player and was bullied by Kamal, Xing Yun might really enter the demon clan, find it, and kill it!
After so many years, I finally met a junior, how can I not pamper him?
"very good!"

"Today, don't blame me for going on a killing spree!"

Kamal looked stern, and with a move with his right hand, a long knife emerged, exuding an astonishing aura.


Thunder light continuously burst out from the blade, and the aura was like the abyss like the sea, and the waves were turbulent.

"That's right, what a blind comparison, just hit it!"

Grinning, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, but his expression became serious.

Anyway, it's a legendary level boss, if you fight seriously, you will die if you don't take it seriously!
Not to mention Ye Fusheng, who was as strong as Lilith, swallowed his saliva and kept waving his hands, causing many elf girls to retreat.

Well, although the legendary level is only one step higher than the legendary level, the gap in strength is still quite large. Lilith is afraid that Ye Fusheng will not be able to stop it, and it will affect many girls.

Of course, she herself took a step forward and stared at Kamal at any time. Once Kamal made a move, she would follow immediately.

No matter what Ye Fusheng's identity is, he came to help her anyway, how could she just watch Ye Fusheng lose?
"Ben Lei Saber, die for me!"

Raising the long knife suddenly, Kamal made a decisive move, kicked his legs on the ground, his whole body was like a missile, and the thunder light jumped on the blade, and chopped towards Ye Fusheng's head.


Lilith's complexion changed drastically, and she exclaimed, but her speed was still too slow compared to Kamal.

Almost at the moment when her words fell, Kamal also came to Ye Fusheng, the long knife in his hand burst out with astonishing thunder, and slashed at Ye Fusheng's head.



When the knife fell, there was a thunderous sound, followed by another burst of thunder, like a bomb, the strong wind swept through, and suddenly Kamal was blown away.

Ye Fusheng's figure was also shaken back, he staggered for dozens of steps before he stopped his figure.



After landing, Kamal's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Ye Fusheng in surprise, his arms wrapped around the thunder light.

It's just that those thunder lights are a little lighter in color than the original ones.

With a shake of his arms, all the thunder lights dispersed. Kamal looked dignified and sneered, "I didn't expect that you also know how to use the power of thunder! But, your thunder power is too weak! It's not my opponent at all!"

"Hahaha, if it's your opponent, you'll know if you try again!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng grinned, not caring about Kamal's words at all.

He doesn't rely on the thunder element to make a living. If Kamal attacks again and really misunderstands that Ye Fusheng is good at the element of thunder, then it will definitely suffer a big loss!
"Come again! Eat me!"

"Thunderbolt lightning!"

After the sound of violent shouting fell, Kamal picked up the long knife, and attacked Ye Fusheng with lightning speed.

Its figure was as swift as a thunderbolt, and it only took two breaths to arrive in front of Ye Fusheng.

However, this time, Ye Fusheng did not release the power of thunder, but put away a sword, holding Yinyue Mohui with both hands, and switched occupations instantly!


The sound of the blade cutting through the air sounded, and as Kamal came to Ye Fusheng, and when he was about to swing the knife, Ye Fusheng became alive.

The cold air gushed out, bursting out in an instant, a layer of hoarfrost instantly covered the ground, and the intense cold air even condensed into a phantom of a ferocious beast, roaring, bursting out with a soul-stirring roar!
"Frozen Ghost Slash!"

His eyes turned cold, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, Yinyue Mohui shone with cold air, brought the icy blue sword blade, and instantly slashed across Kamal's head.


There was only a crisp sound, and Kamal paused and froze in place.

clack clack-

A crisp sound sounded, and the light blue ice spread, covering Kamal's whole body in an instant, sealing him in ice.

Three breaths, three breaths of time, the legendary boss Kamal has already turned into an ice sculpture!
"My God!"

"So strong! What kind of strength is he?"

"The terrifying existence that Her Majesty the Queen thinks she is invincible has turned into an ice sculpture by him?!"

Seeing this scene, many elf girls were stunned.

Not to mention them, those monsters were also stunned, especially Akshi and the Lich King swallowed their saliva and took a few steps back.

They originally thought that Ye Fusheng used strange means to make them lose so miserably.

Now it seems that even if they fight head-on, they will not be Ye Fusheng's opponents!
However, everyone was worried about Kamal, only Ye Fusheng knew that Kamal was not injured at all.

The Frozen Demon Slash only controlled Kamal for a period of time, and it couldn't hurt it at all. It could deal less than 6 damage, which is far from 9 million one.

Even, under the pressure of the legendary boss, the control time of Frozen Demon Slash will weaken!

"Walk, you must take action as soon as possible, trigger the instant death effect quickly, and kill it!"

With a cold look in his eyes, Ye Fusheng didn't waste any more time at this time, he summoned dual knives, switched skills, and activated various special effects that could increase attack speed.


The next moment, the two swords in Ye Fusheng's hands were like phantoms, continuously slashing at the ice sculpture that sealed Kamal.

boom! boom! boom!
The damage figures kept floating out, and the blade slashed wildly at the ice sculpture, gradually crushing the ice layer.

But, this time, it seems that the luck value as high as 9999+ didn't work, not to mention death when triggered, even the looting technique didn't trigger.

After losing nearly 100 million qi and blood, when the control time was reached, Kamal trembled all over, and only heard a "click", and the frost on his body exploded instantly like glass cracking.


The strong wind swept across, and those ice cubes were like sharp arrows of frost, attacking Ye Fusheng's body, continuously weakening his blood.

The terrifying power was contained in the ice, which made Ye Fusheng retreat continuously.

As the last huge ice sculpture exploded, Ye Fusheng felt as if his chest had been hammered by a heavy hammer, and quickly backed away, his qi and blood dropped by as much as 30!
"Grass... This legendary boss is a bit powerful!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng finally knew the attack power of the legendary boss!
Just exposing his skill breath once can knock down 30 blood points. If he is hit by a skill, it may be easy to lose 50 blood points with one skill!

No way, this time, the gap in basic attributes is really too big!

Coupled with level suppression, Ye Fusheng's blood value of one million or so really couldn't stop Kamal for a long time.

This also gave Ye Fusheng a warning, regardless of his equipment, his skills are so good, if he really encounters a high-level, high-level boss, it is still not enough to look at!

Thanks to good luck, this time it's just a one-star legendary boss. If you change to an extraordinary boss, or a boss at the top ten abyss master level, you might be able to kill Ye Fusheng with just a single breath!

No way, the level gap is too big.

If Ye Fusheng was raised to level 150 and replaced with an extraordinary level holy weapon or divine weapon, he might be able to fight this boss, which is just a matter of a few skills.

"Lei Yuan explodes!"

"Thunder Purgatory!"

After directly forcing Ye Fusheng back, Kamal was still not satisfied, he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of thunder light, roaring, and quickly attacked Ye Fusheng.


Not only that, there was a loud thunder, and the thunder lights seemed to form a purgatory, floating on Ye Fusheng's head.

It seemed that the thunder in the sky would explode at any moment!

Sensing the terrifying thunder above his head, he rolled his eyes, Ye Fusheng turned his body slightly, his target locked on Kamal, and when he released his punching skill, his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning, instantly cutting through a distance of dozens of yards , rushed to Kamal.


The blade pierced through the air and slashed straight at Kamal.

This time, Ye Fusheng also dodged the Thunder Purgatory's attack, and even dodged the Thunder Ball.

Almost at the same time as Ye Fusheng rushed in front of Kamal, the thunder ball exploded instantly like the name of the skill, bursting out with extremely terrifying power.


The strong wind swept across, even though Ye Fusheng had opened the gap of ten digits, he was still blown away by the strong wind.

As for attacking Kamal, he couldn't even lock the target!

After landing, Ye Fusheng trembled all over, and a damage number as high as 40 floated out of his head.

His own qi and blood value plummeted, leaving only about 80. Perhaps, with two more skills, he can try his first hang!

[Nimma... This legendary boss is a bit fierce! 】

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng felt a crisis.

If the fight continues like this, he is not an opponent at all.

We must find a way to not only dodge Kamal's attack, but also cause damage to him. Even if the damage is low, as long as the attack frequency keeps up, Ye Fusheng is sure enough to trigger the instant death effect, and it will kill nearly 9 million in seconds. Blood value!
9 million qi and blood, plus its attack power and defense power are extremely high, if Ye Fusheng wants to fight through normal methods, it may really take a long time to fight.

Then he still has to control Kamal all the time, if he can't control it a little bit, if he has time to fight back, Ye Fusheng will die.

Attributes, level gap is too big, can't fight!

Sure enough, in less than 3 seconds, Kamal shook his head and struggled out of the dizzy state of punching.

"Boy, you are not qualified to kill me!"

At this time, Kamal had figured out the details of Ye Fusheng, and couldn't help but grinned: "Don't worry, after I kill you, I will pass the news to Xing Yun!"

"Then you are... really not afraid of death!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, and quickly switched between the bow of misfortune and judgment. He drew the bow and set the arrow without even aiming, and continuously released feathered arrows containing explosive power.


However, the feather arrows pierced through the air, as if they opened their eyes, one after another, they shot at Kamal one after another.

Every feather arrow contains the power of stars.

"The power of the starry sky... can't be underestimated!"

Sensing the power of the stars, Kamal's expression froze slightly, and he stopped talking, clenched his fists with both hands, and continued to blast the arrows towards the sky.

boom boom-

The thunder light continued to sway, colliding with the feather arrows one after another, and an astonishingly strong wind erupted, sweeping the world.


The terrifying power burst out, and Ye Fusheng was pushed back again, his blood plummeted.

This made Ye Fusheng look dignified. Kamal's skills are too strong, and almost all of them deal AOE damage in a wide range.

In other words, if he didn't go for a close fight, Ye Fusheng might die in the hands of Kamal!
"Grass...the final mission is really difficult! The legendary should I kill it?!"

"Is it possible that you really want to use those hidden treasures?!"

Seeing that his qi and blood kept dropping, Ye Fusheng backed away while taking drugs, trying to consume Kamal with RH tactics, but he didn't believe that Kamal could be consumed infinitely.



Suddenly, the earth trembled, and the sculpture of the elf goddess bloomed with brilliance.

Behind him, the Temple of Spiritual Inheritance shook violently, making Ye Fusheng, who was about to fly a kite, stunned for a moment, and looked up at the temple.


"This is... the recovery of the temple?!"

Kamal's expression changed drastically, he stopped attacking Ye Fusheng, turned around suddenly, and looked at the temple.


Almost instantly, a beam of light erupted from the temple, soaring into the sky, thousands of feet high, straight into the sky, as if linking the sky and the earth.


"Inheritance succeeded!"

"Hahaha, we, the Moon Elf Clan, have finally contacted the Elf Goddess again!"

Many elf girls were overjoyed, and even Lilith was excited, with tears rolling down her face.


"We must not let you accept the inheritance of the temple!"

Kamal seemed to know something, gritted his teeth, and jumped up suddenly. The long knife in his hand was transparent, full of purple lightning, containing the violent power of a volcanic eruption, and slashed towards the silver-white beam of light.



However, before Kamal's long knife slashed on the silver-white beam of light, surging power bloomed, and the power of resistance swept out instantly, shattering all the lightning, crushing the long knife, and bombarding Kamal.


In an instant, Kamal's face changed drastically, and his figure seemed to be hammered by a giant hammer, and he flew upside down, coughing up blood.

The next moment, the space was illusory, and a figure slowly floated out of the temple. Under the silver-white beam of light and the radiance of colorful energy, it looked extremely holy!

"Sinners of the demon clan, who hurt my clan and destroyed my paradise, are unforgivable sins and should be punished!"

The stern voice fell, but the silver-white beam of light dissipated, revealing a figure, which was Lianna.

However, Lianna's majestic expression at this time was in stark contrast to before!

Just when Ye Fusheng was amazed by the inheritance of the game, a system notification sound came quietly!
(PS: No. 5.23, update will be sent!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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