Invincible in one touch

Chapter 268 Killing the BOSS, the legendary road! ! !

Chapter 268 Killing the BOSS, the legendary road! ! !


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully obtaining Lianna's holy and glorious blessing, all attributes have increased by 100%!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully receiving Liana's Light of War blessing, the damage dealt is increased by 300%!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully obtaining the blessing of Liana's elemental glory. Your own weapon can be transformed into any attribute according to your wish, and an additional 500% elemental attribute damage will be triggered!"


After seven or eight system prompts came down one after another, Ye Fusheng was shocked, and suddenly felt an amazing power gushing out of his body. When he looked carefully at his panel, it actually doubled several times!

Not only the attributes of the panel have been increased, but all kinds of increases have been turned into BUFFs, shining with brilliance.


"Is this still BUFF? Why do I feel like I'm on drugs!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng was shocked, could it be that this is a god-level support?

However, Ye Fusheng quickly reacted, frowning slightly, aware of the problem.

Since Liana has already obtained the inheritance of the gods, why should she add attributes to herself?
Can't you just shoot and kill that Kamal?

Could it be that Liana just got the original power of the gods, but didn't get the power that she could use?

"It's ridiculous, pay for your crime!"

"Today, you are the ones who die!"

However, before Ye Fusheng could react, Kamal laughed out loud, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he stared at Lianna without any fear.

Being able to become a legendary boss, Kamal is not stupid. Although he was afraid and surprised at the beginning, when he sensed Liana's power slowly falling into Ye Fusheng's body, he suddenly woke up!

Lianna definitely doesn't have the ability to kill it, otherwise, she wouldn't transfer her power into Ye Fusheng's body, but directly attacked it!

Hearing this, Liana frowned slightly, rolled her eyeballs, and raised her hand to shoot a silver-white moonlight, like a scimitar, attacking Kamal at an extremely fast speed.

"Tips for carving insects!"

"Lei Yuan Explosion! Thunder Knife!"

Kamal jumped up suddenly, advancing instead of retreating, with one hand he blasted a ball shining with thunder, and with the other he swung a long knife, flashing with thunder, and collided with the silver-white moon wheel.


The blade pierced through the air, splitting the silver-white moon into pieces, and the thunder light even broke through the space, rushing to Lianna quickly, and immediately exploded violently.


When the terrifying power erupted, Liana's face changed slightly, her hands formed seals, and dozens of runes suddenly burst out, falling continuously, compressing and distorting the space again.

In just a few breaths, Lei Yuanbang's skills dissipated and did not cause much damage.

However, Kamal laughed wantonly, and the laughter echoed between heaven and earth.

All of a sudden, the expressions of many elf girls became solemn.

Originally, everyone cheered when they saw Liana leave the customs, but now, it is true that Liana has obtained the inheritance, and it is a difficult problem to defeat Kamal.

After all, the elf goddess is not good at fighting. She just got the power of the gods at this time, and Liana is a little girl. She doesn't know how to fight at all, and she can't exert one percent of her strength. Extraordinary.


"It seems that today, I, Kamal, can create a new era!"

"Slayer God, I will become the No. 1 Slayer God in the New World!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, and Kamal slowly walked towards Liana with a long knife in his hand.

It became excited all over, slaughtering gods, how many years have passed, there are no gods in this continent, only legends are left, unexpectedly, today it can slaughter gods!

If it can kill the gods, can it be appreciated by the abyss master?
If there is an abyss master who is willing to support it, wouldn't it mean that it can quickly be promoted to the extraordinary level, or even the legendary mythical level, the holy level! ?


"I said... in front of me, someone who wants to bully me?"

"You guys are a bit arrogant!"

Ye Fusheng, who had been blessed by Lianna's various buffs, also made a move at this time, grinning, stepped forward, and blocked Lianna's body.

"Boy! If you want to die, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Cut me!"

It seemed that Tushen's attraction was too strong, Kamal didn't even want to speak this time, his eyes turned cold, he jumped up suddenly, brandished a long knife and slashed at Ye Fusheng.

"Whoever stops me will die!"

Anyone who wants to stop it from slaughtering gods must die!
Kamal is crazy!


The long knife was filled with thunder light, it exploded continuously, even the space was destroyed, and it hit Ye Fusheng's head head on.

"Now, you have no money to be arrogant, get out!"

With a loud shout, Ye Fusheng switched weapons, released his Fist Storm skill, his fists gathered terrifying power, and slammed on the falling long knife.

boom boom-

The wind of the fist was so fierce that it quickly tore the thunder, and immediately the two fists collided with the long knife like steel!

There was a sound of vomiting blood, and the long knife shattered. Kamal coughed up blood, and his whole body flew out.

Originally, Kamal's attack and defense attributes were about half stronger than Ye Fusheng's.

After adding various buffs, Ye Fusheng's attributes completely surpassed it, his attack power soared to 9, and his strength also soared, surpassing Kamal's 4!
With such a great power and the difference in attack power, even if Kamal released his skills, he couldn't resist the power. He was immediately blasted out, landed heavily on the ground, and kept coughing up blood.

However, compared to the injuries on his body and the pain from the torn skin, what shocked Kamal even more was Ye Fusheng's strength!
It was able to beat Ye Fusheng before, why is it suddenly spitting blood from Ye Fusheng's beating?



Wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth, Kamal looked at Ye Fusheng in shock, and blurted out: "Impossible! How did your strength suddenly increase so much?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, stupid!"

Ye Fusheng sneered: "Before, I was just playing with you casually, but now is my real strength!"

"Hey, if you are afraid of death, you can leave!"


The corners of its mouth twitched, and Kamal's eyeballs kept turning. It always felt that it seemed to have forgotten something.

"No, today, you all have to die!"

"We demons, never retreat!"

After a long time, Kamal roared and waved his arms. The next moment, his skin exploded and blood flowed out. After a few breaths, his whole body turned into a blood man.


As the blood flowed, the creepy cold aura rippling, swept between the heaven and the earth, frightening everyone.

However, Kamal's aura is rapidly rising in his blood energy.

This is a forbidden secret technique!

Even Ye Fusheng frowned, it seems that after reaching the legendary level, those bosses may have other means besides skills.

At least in Ye Fusheng's previous detection, Kamal didn't have this bloody skill, but now he has used it. It can be seen that it is still not enough to just look at the panel attributes.

[The Eye of Truth skill should also evolve, if you don't improve it, you will still have trouble facing high-level bosses in the future! 】

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng couldn't help feeling anxious, what kind of ability would Kamal have after using that skill?
If he directly upgrades from a legendary boss to an extraordinary boss, then Ye Fusheng doesn't need to fight, he can admit defeat.

After all, the extraordinary level boss is too much beyond the legendary level boss.

Even if Ye Fusheng has instant death effects, he is not sure that he can instantly kill the extraordinary boss.

Especially when he thinks of Empress Scarlet Moon, her origin is immortal, there is no special method, and she cannot be killed at all.

Even Xing Yun can't be forcibly obliterated, let alone with Ye Fusheng's current strength!


"System prompt: Due to Thunder Demon General Kamal performing the Demon God's Blood Sacrifice, all attributes will increase by 30%, and magic energy will increase by 500%!"


Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's only a 30% increase in all attributes. As for the 500% increase in magic energy, it's not very useful.

"Molei Potian, kill me!"

"Kill kill kill!"

Bathed in devil blood, Kamal roared and raised his hands.



Immediately afterwards, a terrifying force burst out, and the breath was rippling. It turned into a long knife and fell into Kamal's hands.

"Kill kill kill!"

Continuously screaming, Kamal jumped up, raised the bloody giant knife and threw it at Ye Fusheng.

It seems that it is not a long knife, but a hammer!
"Go away!"

"Frozen Ghost Slash!"

Sensing the extremely strong and terrifying demonic energy contained in that saber energy, Ye Fusheng frowned, knowing that he could no longer use his fists to block that kind of skill damage, and instantly switched to Silver Moon Demonic Radiance.


The same cold air spread to the extreme, sweeping and bursting, Ye Fusheng flew towards the long knife, the next moment, his figure flashed, he escaped the impact of the magic knife, and came in front of Kamal.

With both hands swung out suddenly, the silver moon magic brilliance contained bitter magic energy, and slashed at Kamal one after another.

boom! boom! boom!
Every time the sword was cut, it was like a giant hammer hammering steel, making a crisp sound.

A layer of frost quickly spread from Kamal's body, and then spread at an extremely fast speed. In just a few breaths, Kamal turned into an ice sculpture.

"Cut me!"

His eyes lit up, and Ye Fusheng's hands and swords, like butterflies flying, slashed at Kamal one after another.


However, before Ye Fusheng's offensive fell a few times, the original freezing time of nearly 10 seconds changed abnormally!
Kamal's blood surged all over his body, and the magic flame burst out. There was a "boom", and the sky was ignited with flames, burning all the frost that had frozen its body!

"Get out of here!"

"Thunder Saber Slash!"

As soon as the frost exploded, Kamal's eyes flickered coldly, and without the slightest hesitation, he slashed at Ye Fusheng's chest.

A terrifying power burst out, even if Ye Fusheng was just a player, he was instantly sent flying by the giant force, with damage as high as 77 on his head!
Fortunately, with Liana's auxiliary effect, Ye Fu's blood value has increased to about 300 million. Although the damage of 77 is terrifying, it can't kill him instantly.

However, after being slashed by a knife, Ye Fusheng was still sent flying by the force, a distance of several tens of feet.


However, before Ye Fusheng was worried about whether Kamal would take advantage of his injury and continue to attack, Lianna's voice suddenly came to mind in his mind.

"Come on big brother, don't worry, I will defend you and increase your strength!"

Liana's voice was soft, and at the same time, Ye Fusheng's body glowed, and the system notification sounded again.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player who received the breath of life skill, recovering 5% of his total blood value every second for 20 seconds! The cooldown time is 60 minutes!"


"The duration is 20 seconds, and 5% of your blood value is recovered every second. Isn't this equivalent to full recovery?!"

Seeing the prompt suddenly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help grinning, very good, with Lianna as his support, he can directly fight with Kamal without thinking too much!

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng stared at the ground with both legs, his whole body was like a feathered arrow, and charged towards Kamal again.

"Hahaha, if you only have this means, you can't kill me!"

"I thought you were so strong that you could have a relationship with Xing Yun, but now it seems that you may be her little boy!"

"Hahaha, if I kill you little boy, I don't know if Xing Yun will go crazy! No, if I catch you and show it to Xing Yun, I don't know..."

Absorbing the power of the blood sacrifice, Kamal's own strength has been greatly improved, and relying on the powerful force to knock Ye Fusheng away, it has become arrogant.

"You asked for your own death, don't blame me!"

Frowning tightly, Ye Fusheng was annoyed in his heart, clenched his hands tightly, speeded up again, the two swords shone brightly, and stabbed Kamal's head fiercely.

"Heck, this time, I'm going to kill you!"

Kamal grinned, and didn't care about Ye Fusheng's attack at all. From its point of view, even if Ye Fusheng broke out, it didn't matter at all, with the protection of the power of the demon god, it was not afraid at all.

Waiting until Ye Fusheng rushed within three feet of Kamal, just as Kamal was about to make a move, a scene that terrified him appeared.


The sword was sharp and spinning, stimulating Kamal's head.

However, an extremely terrifying oppressive force suddenly bloomed beside Kamal. Under that kind of suppressed force, let alone struggling to move, he couldn't even utter a word.

The pupils shrank suddenly, and Kamal finally felt the fear at this time, and wanted to explode with all his strength!

However, its body is completely dead!
No matter how much it shouted in its heart, it couldn't move.


Holding two swords, Ye Fusheng got closer and closer to Kamal. Seeing that the two swords were about to penetrate into Kamal's body, he finally realized something was wrong, and couldn't help but glance at Kamal.

Why is Kamal still motionless when the offensive is coming soon?
Another two breaths, when Ye Fusheng's twin swords touched Kamal's skin, a terrifying aura erupted in front of Ye Fusheng.

Kamal's expression changed drastically, and at the same time as he let out a long howl, the long knife was raised, and it burst into glory.


However, before Kamal raised his long saber, Ye Fusheng's twin swords had already split open its head, split its divine core, and penetrated directly into its skull!

Trembling all over, Kamal dissipated all the attacks in his hands, and stared at Ye Fusheng with a strange expression, the vitality in his eyes was gradually cut off and dissipated.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the legendary boss Kamal, triggering the legendary road!!!"

(PS: Update 5.24 is here!!! The legendary road is open!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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