Invincible in one touch

Chapter 269 The magic weapon is opened, shocking the world!

Chapter 269 The magic weapon is opened, shocking the world!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the instant death effect and killing the legendary BOSS Thunder Demon General Kamal!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading!"


With the golden light shining, Ye Fusheng directly flew to level 70 under the reward of the amazing experience value of the legendary boss!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully reaching level 70 and comprehending the skill Seizing the Spirit of God!"


Killing rewards and upgrade rewards kept popping up, but all of Ye Fusheng's attention was attracted by the original legendary road!
Legend Road?

what is that?
Will it be another series of tasks?
In fact, Ye Fusheng didn't even pick up the equipment dropped by Kamal after his tragic death, and didn't even hunt down those fleeing monsters. He directly opened the system panel and found the Legendary Road interface.

The legendary road, after opening, is a background similar to the ancient road in the starry sky. Arranged according to the stars, there are countless lights shining, which are quite dim. Only the first point is blooming with amazing brilliance.

Strange power slowly spread from it.

Ye Fusheng focused his eyes, and a column of data suddenly appeared beside the spot of light.

Tiankuixing (Activation·Level 1): Increase your own blood value by 30%, and you need 3 legendary points to advance

"Legendary points?"

"What is that?!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng looked up, and sure enough, he saw a column of numbers on the top of the interface—Legendary Points: 10!

There was a question mark beside him, and with a thought, another line of words appeared.

Legendary Points: Legendary Points can be obtained from completing Legendary Road missions, achieving Legendary Road achievements, and killing Legendary Bosses or even higher-level Bosses!The higher the difficulty of tasks, achievements, and bosses, the more legendary points you will get!

Opening the system notification again, Ye Fusheng glanced away, and suddenly realized that the 10 legendary points are 2 points for killing Kamal, and 8 points for killing a legendary boss for the first time!
"Tsk tsk..."

"This legendary point can actually open 36 Tiangang. It's just a Tiankui star. It's only level 1, and it can increase my health by 30%. I don't know what benefits the next Tiangang will bring me!"

After touching his nose, Ye Fusheng turned his eyes to the second star that was slightly dim.

The light curtain emerged, and the request to activate the Tiangang star appeared.

Tiangang Star (not activated): Activation conditions: consume 12 legendary points, 2000 million gold coins


"Just to activate, it actually needs 12 legendary points and 2000 million gold coins?"

"This is so difficult!"

Turning his eyeballs, Ye Fusheng hesitated for a moment, and simply promoted Tiankuixing.

Raise the qi and blood value first, and it will be easier to fight if you encounter the boss later.

As for the activation of Tiangang Star, completing several legendary tasks or achievements in the future should directly reach the legendary points required for activation.

After 10 legendary points, Tiankuixing immediately rose to level 3, the effect was remarkable, from 30% of the blood value increased to 100%!

Ye Fusheng's own blood value has already reached 300 million!
At this moment, Ye Fusheng's attributes are really similar to that of a boss!
Originally, it was quite troublesome for Ye Fusheng to deal with some legendary bosses, but now, as long as they are not legendary bosses, they can't cause too much damage to him.

Of course, if the BOSS also has special skills such as instant kill and instant death, then forget it.

After closing the panel of the Legendary Road, Ye Fusheng remembered the newly acquired skills, and opened the skills interface again.

God-Snatching Spirit (Extraordinary Skill——LV1): After casting, there is a 100% chance to loot a random feature or special ability from the target, and the target can no longer have that special skill or special skill. It takes effect permanently, and the cooldown time is 24 hours!Note: This skill cannot be used on targets whose level is higher than the third level of itself!

"100% plundered to special effects or characteristics???"

"This is...a bit arrogant!"

After seeing the skill description clearly, Ye Fusheng opened his mouth slightly, he was stunned.

Unexpectedly, what really surprised him was not the legendary path, but the newly learned skills!
Although the cooling time is relatively long, and it can only be used once every 24 hours, the effect is extremely domineering.

100% looting of a characteristic or special skill, if you encounter a monster or boss with a powerful special skill, once the skill is cast, um, the special skill is yours!

However, if the monster has several powerful characteristics, this skill is a bit tricky. If you are unlucky, it will be troublesome if you plunder the weak skills.

But, even so, this skill is terrifying.

"Use it once every 24 hours, that is to say, I can add a powerful feature or special effect every day. As time goes by, wouldn't I be able to get hundreds of powerful special effects?"

"At that time, even if my attributes are low, I'm afraid I can kill a boss just by relying on my attributes!"

"Invincible, this skill is really invincible!"

Breathing quickly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing excitedly when he thought of this.

"Big brother!"

Smiling, Lianna trotted over from the side, even her mother and the rest of the group didn't care, they ran directly to Ye Fusheng, and asked worriedly: "Big brother, what's the matter with you? That monster has been killed by you!"


Hearing Lianna's voice suddenly, Ye Fusheng woke up, his face changed slightly, and he coughed in embarrassment.

Before he could speak, he suddenly felt the cold air behind him, turned around and met Lilith's resentful eyes.

Of course, Lilith didn't look at Ye Fusheng resentfully, but at Lianna.

After all, she is Lianna's mother, but at this moment, after Lianna got out of trouble, Ye Fusheng was the first to care, how could she not be jealous?
If she hadn't been injured, she might have had a life-and-death duel with Ye Fusheng.

"Cough cough!"

Aware of this, Ye Fusheng didn't bother to ask Lianna about the situation of inheriting the gods, and said with a smile: "I'm fine, Lianna, you go to see your mother and your clansmen first! The rest of the demons, I will help you solve it!"

"Yeah, thank you big brother!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, Lianna nodded, and then remembered Lilith, blushing, turned around and ran over.

On her body, there is a holy radiance blooming.

Obviously, Lianna has the power of the gods, but in her heart, she is still a girl from before.

Ye Fusheng didn't bother to care about her, shook his head, ignored the fleeing monsters, and directly picked up the equipment dropped by Kamal.

That was the first kill of a legendary boss, and the equipment revealed would definitely not be weak.


Sweeping away a layer of gold coins, several pieces of equipment that shone bright red appeared immediately.

"Legendary level equipment is crimson red. I don't know what color it is if it goes up!"

After scanning carefully, a total of three pieces of equipment popped out, all of which were at the legendary level.

After all, it was the first kill of a legendary boss, if it can reveal low-level equipment, then Ye Fusheng can buy a lottery ticket.

The Eye of Truth skill was released, and the next moment, the attributes of the three pieces of equipment appeared one by one, before them.

The first piece of equipment is a long sword, purple-blue all over, exuding a noble and strange aura, which makes people frightened.

The red light flickered, and thunder light burst from the sword.

This made Ye Fusheng's breathing stagnate. Obviously, this will be an extremely powerful piece of equipment!

Purple Thunder Nine Heavens Sword (Legendary★)
Attack: 56200
Power: 10000
Stamina: 8000
Agility: 8000
Attack Power: Increased by 175%
Blood value: increase by 200%
Lei Yuan: When attacking, there is a 3% chance to put the target into a state of electric shock, which lasts for 60 seconds and can be superimposed

Thunder: Attacking the enemy in the state of electric shock, each layer of electric shock increases the damage received by 200%, and the maximum attack power can explode by 2000%
Thunder Roar Nine Heavens: When attacking, there is a 1% chance to trigger a thunder attack, causing indiscriminate and uninterrupted thunder damage to targets within 50X50 yards, lasting for 30 seconds

Features: can be integrated, can grow

Features: Familiar with driving (stunts), reduce user requirements by 50 levels

The number of gems that can be embedded: 99
Description: It was originally an ordinary long sword. After Kamal's death, it was conceived with its soul and blood for thousands of years, and finally became a divine sword, containing amazing blood and thunder power
Rating: 150
"Hiss... Once the shock state is superimposed to 10 layers, after triggering the thunder, it can actually deal 2000% damage? What the hell, it's a full 20 times the damage, plus other special skills, I don't know if it can break through [-] million with one sword Output?"

"Level 150 equipment has a base attack power of more than 5, a strength of 1 points, and can increase attack by 175%..."

"This equipment is really just a legendary level, not a divine weapon?!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng couldn't believe it at all. This sword possesses several special skills, and its basic attributes are so strong that it explodes. It's just legendary equipment!

Even if it is an artifact, in his fantasy, its attributes are nothing more than that.

"Wouldn't the attribute be stronger than this if the artifact is spawned in the future?"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng quickly put Zilei Nine Heavens Sword in his backpack and kept it carefully.

This equipment is now placed, it is definitely the top artifact, it is more than hundreds of times stronger than the silver moon magic brilliance and the sky-slashing flames he used!
Ye Fusheng even dared to believe that when he was equipped with the Zilei Nine Heavens Sword, his attack power could directly exceed 15!
After finishing the Zilei Nine Heavens Sword, Ye Fusheng looked at the second piece of equipment, it was a token, and the lightning burst out, making people afraid to use it.


"Token? It won't be another new equipment, right?"

Eyelids twitched, Ye Fusheng couldn't help getting excited, and quickly checked the token's attributes.

Lei Yuanling (Legend · Magic Weapon)

Magic attack power: increased by 30%
Blood value: increase by 50%
Thunder element: +98
Thunder Explosion: After use, the thunder elements between the heaven and the earth will be condensed into a ball, which will bombard and explode the target, causing 300% magic damage!Note: This skill is affected by elemental attributes, and the damage will be increased or decreased according to the elemental attributes. The cooling time is 10 minutes
Lightning body protection: When attacked by the element of thunder, the damage received by oneself is reduced by 99%. If the resistance of the element of thunder reaches 1000+, the damage can be absorbed
Features: Can be integrated, can be upgraded

Description: Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure, containing the power of thunder

Level use requirements: level 100

"magic weapon?!"

"Sure enough, it's new equipment. It looks like this. It doesn't need a special equipment slot, and it can be used directly!"

"There is one more skill, one more hidden passive, plus various attribute increases, which is not bad."

"However, it seems that you need to be level 100 to open it. I don't know what the magic weapon system is for. Will there be more powerful magic weapons in the future!"

Rubbing his nose, this magic weapon does not have a hole for inlaying gems, and it cannot be used with familiar gems, and it does not seem to belong to ordinary equipment. I don't know if the special effects of the chosen one can be used.

If it can be used, it can be equipped at level 80, and there is still a level 10 left, so there is no rush.

Putting away the Lei Yuan Ling, Ye Fusheng turned his attention to the last piece of equipment, which was a dagger, which kept making sword sounds.

Caressing with both hands, the attributes of that dagger are also listed.

Thunder Dagger (Legend·★☆)
Attack: 57290
Power: 5000
Agility: 10000
Attack Power: Increased by 80%
Crit Damage: Increased by 300%
Thunderstorm: Increase the critical strike rate by 70%, and trigger a thunder attack at the same time as the critical strike, causing high damage to the target
Thunder Shock: When attacking, there is a 10% chance to paralyze the target for 1 second

Lightning Suppression: When attacking, there is a 3% chance to summon several lightning bolts, which will deal a severe blow to the targets within 10X10 yards, and trigger an additional pursuit attack at the same time as the knockback

Familiarity with Hands (Special Level): Reduce user requirements by 50 levels

The number of gems that can be embedded: 99
Description: Extremely sharp short blade, each blow can release the power of thunder
Rating: 150
"Hiss... the legendary one-and-a-half-star short blade, high crit rate, paralysis, chasing damage, plus 300% crit damage, this is definitely an artifact in the hearts of Shadow Thorn players!"

"It's a pity, I didn't get the assassin class. Otherwise, with this dagger, I might not trigger the instant death effect, but I can kill the boss in a row!!!"

As high as 300% of the critical strike damage, Ye Fusheng couldn't put it down to the Jinglei Dagger, but unfortunately, he has not yet obtained the shadow thorn class. This dagger, just like the staff, can only be seen, not used .

It's not even as good as that staff, which can at least release extraordinary level forbidden spells, but this dagger can only be watched.

However, with the passage of time, the basic attributes of the magic staff were no longer as good as the subsequent equipment, and only a forbidden spell of extraordinary level could shock people.

"If you have a chance in the future, you must change your job to become a mage. By the way, find a blacksmith to help me upgrade that piece of equipment, or integrate it into stronger equipment! Well, that extraordinary forbidden spell must not be thrown!"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng didn't hesitate anymore, and put away all three pieces of equipment.

This time, he gained a lot. Although none of the three pieces of equipment can be used, there are two pieces that can be equipped as long as the level increases, and the dagger needs to be changed to a Shadow Thorn. If it doesn't work, it will be thrown to the guild. Players, such as Lingfeng girl, can also increase the strength of the guild.

Lingfeng itself is not weak in operation, and if he gets that level of short blade, he may be able to crush Andu Ziming and others, and become the No. 1 shadow thorn in "Reincarnation of the Heavens"!
Of course, if he could get the Shadow Thorn job, Ye Fusheng would never give up his equipment.

Only when you are strong yourself can you be truly powerful!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully opening the magic weapon system. Lei Yuanling ranks first in the current magic weapon rankings. Do you want to display the ID?"


Frowning, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Sure enough, the magic weapon is a newly developed system!
Opening the new system again, Ye Fusheng led another version!

"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Floating Life] in the Huaxia theater for successfully opening the magic weapon system and getting a reward of 10 billion experience points and 10 points for extraordinary achievements!"


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to Huaxia Theater for being the first to open the magic weapon system, rewarding all players in Huaxia Theater with a basic magic weapon gift box X1!"


With the announcement of the world server, the whole world was shocked and boiled, especially Huaxia. Countless players were shocked, and quickly opened their backpacks to check the heart system!

Their hearts were filled with amazement!

As expected of No. 1 in "Reincarnation of the Heavens", there are thousands of floating lives, really awesome!

(PS: Update 5.25 is here!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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