Invincible in one touch

Chapter 270 The ultimate mission, the reluctance of the elf goddess

Chapter 270 The ultimate mission, the reluctance of the elf goddess
"magic weapon?!"

"What's new again?!"

"Tsk tsk, Fusheng Wanqian is worthy of being the world's number one genius. Not long after the new version was released, a new system is coming out!"

"A magic weapon? Look at the name, it won't be the magic weapon in Xiuxian's novels, right?"

"It's possible, hahaha, then don't we become cultivators?"

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, eat the poor monk with a flying sword!"

In the forum, countless Huaxia players were not surprised at all, but instead joked about the magic weapon system.

There are also some players who studied the magic weapon system carefully, but they discovered something and posted their understanding on the forum.

At the same time, Ye Fusheng also activated the magic weapon system.

Once the magic weapon system is activated, it can be used at level 1. However, the effect of the magic weapon at the beginning is relatively weak.

Opening the basic magic weapon gift box presented by the system, a mirror suddenly appeared in his hand.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully opening the basic magic weapon gift box and getting a random spirit mirror X1!"

Lingyuan mirror (yellow order - magic weapon)
Defense: Increased by 5%
Mirror Refraction: When being attacked, there is a 1% chance to trigger the rebound effect, reflecting all the damage received by oneself to the target, and causing real damage
Description: With a mirror that reflects damage, it can improve the user's defense
Level requirements: 1
"Increase defense by's a bit weak, but it's a level 1 magic weapon after all, compared to other equipment, it's already very strong!"

"The effect of mirror refraction is not weak, but unfortunately, the chance is too low, 1% chance, if ordinary players use this equipment, they may be beaten for hundreds of years, and they will not be able to trigger it once!"

Smiling and shaking his head, Ye Fusheng equipped it while complaining about the weakness of the Lingyuan Mirror.

Well, a 5% increase in defense is not low for him.

As for the chance of retaliation, there is no need to worry.

With his lucky value of 9999+, 1% chance, maybe he can directly turn to 50% chance!
Equipped with the Lingyuan mirror, Ye Fusheng started to pack up other spoils.

This time, many monsters died here, but unfortunately, Akshi and the Lich King ran away after Kamal died.

If you can kill them both, you can get more good equipment!

Looking at the current version, legendary equipment is a well-deserved artifact!

Except for Ye Fusheng, other players would probably drool excitedly when they saw the legendary device.

After Ye Fusheng packed up the loot, Liana, who inherited the power of the elf goddess, also comforted the girls, and with the help of Lilith, all of them recovered from their injuries.

After all, it is divine power, even if he has just assisted Ye Fusheng, he still has plenty of power.

After stabilizing the emotions of the elf girls, Lilith led Liana to Ye Fusheng's side, and saluted respectfully: "Thank you, little brother, for helping us resist Kamal's attack. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid this time, we The Moon Elf clan will be wiped out completely! Liana will never last until the moment when she absorbs the divine power!"

After this battle, Lilith noticed Ye Fusheng's amazing strength, even though he looked very young, she still treated him respectfully.

In this game setting, the strong are respected, even if Ye Fusheng has an unusual relationship with Lianna, Lilith will not despise Ye Fusheng anymore.

"Nothing, this is what I should do."

Ye Fusheng smiled slightly, looked at Lilith, but his heart became excited.

The demons were repelled, and Liana got the inheritance of the elven goddess. Next, it's time to distribute the rewards for the series of story missions, right?

"Very well, Liana is lucky to marry you!"

After taking a careful look at Ye Fusheng, Lilith sighed, and in an instant, Liana was extremely shy.

However, even though Lianna was shy, she pulled Ye Fusheng's sleeves, which showed her joy for Ye Fusheng.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had just inherited the power of the elf god and was responsible for the development of the entire ethnic group, she might have already eloped with Ye Fusheng.


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng laughed dryly and said nothing, just looking forward to the distribution of mission rewards.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing [Guardian and Hope], rewarded with 8 million experience points, 80000 merit points, and 1 extraordinary achievement point! Embrace BUFF of the Elven Goddess!"


"The reward is actually a BUFF?"

Seeing the last reward, Ye Fusheng frowned, and quickly opened the status panel.

Impressively, it can be seen that the emerald green light is shining, Ye Fusheng's body feels refreshed and refreshed.

Embrace of the Elven Goddess (Superior BUFF): All element attributes + 88 points, all element resistance + 188 points, blood value increased by 10%, when attacked by attributes, restore 30% of the damage suffered by the own blood value, duration, permanent

The effect is not too strong, but the duration is permanent, which can be regarded as a pleasant surprise.

Not to mention other things, at least after the elemental attribute and resistance are improved, Ye Fusheng's damage output ability increases, and the damage received decreases. This is also a kind of improvement.

Unfortunately, the amounts are relatively small.

However, if you use it in the early stage, it will be no problem at all!
In the later stage, maybe this BUFF will also increase, right?
"It's a bit of a loss, the entire series of tasks have been completed, and they are given a permanent BUFF, not even a good equipment, what a sting!"

Glancing at Lilith, Ye Fusheng became more and more depressed. After all, your daughter likes me so much that she doesn't even give me any benefits?

"Brother, although Liana has obtained the inheritance of the elven goddess, those demons have already discovered our traces and will definitely send troops to attack aggressively. It is difficult for me and Liana to resist."

Just when Ye Fusheng was wondering, Lilith took a step forward and said again: "Since you are the younger brother of Xingyun God of War, I don't know if you can intercede with her for us and allow our moon elves to enter the human race area Survive?"


"Are you going to the human race?!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being stunned, he took a look at Lilith, and finally understood why the previous reward was so poor.

It turns out that this series of tasks has not been completed yet!

【Hiss...don't tell me, the mission is not completed until the Moon Elves settle down in the human race, right? 】

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but get a headache.

If the Moon Elf family wants to make a home in the human race, it will not only involve Xing Yun, but also the king of the human race!
"rest assured."

Seeing the displeasure on Ye Fusheng's face, Li Lisi said quickly: "If our elves can live in the human race, we will definitely not eat for free! We can make offerings every year and offer the important gifts that the human race needs!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the ultimate mission [The Hope of the Elves], the mission goal: to persuade Xingyun and many royal nobles of the human race to allow the elves to live in the territory of the human race, the mission reward: mysterious prizes, and super rich experience points award!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... It really is necessary to live in the human race to complete the ultimate mission!"

"It's a bit of a pit!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng hesitated.

Take this task, it feels a bit troublesome, just looking for Xing Yun is not enough, you have to convince many royal nobles.

Ye Fusheng doesn't want to get involved with too many NPCs. Of course, if most of those royal nobles are beautiful and cute girls, Ye Fusheng doesn't mind convincing them!
However, thinking about it with his head, Ye Fusheng could also guess that most of those royal families would be paunchy noble boars.

However, if he gave up on this mission, Ye Fusheng would feel panicked again.

So many missions and so many bosses have been solved before, if the final ultimate mission is not done, the rewards lost will be too much!

"Big brother... just help me..."

Just when Ye Fusheng was hesitating, Lianna hugged Ye Fusheng's arm with both hands, rubbed against her chest, and shouted coquettishly.


Ye Fusheng trembled, and quickly said: "Okay, I agree!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully accepting the ultimate mission [The Hope of the Elves]!"

After finally receiving the task, Ye Fusheng glanced at Lianna's small body again, and couldn't help but sigh.

It's still too young, if it's older, I'm afraid Ye Fusheng will accept the task without her taking the initiative.

"Many thanks!"

Lilith breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled and said: "Now that Lingyue Valley is broken, we have to go back to pack up our things, so we won't waste your time. If you're okay, you can go back to discuss with Xingyun God of War first! Our elves Clan, waiting for your good news right here!"

"Mother, let me and big brother go to see Xingyun God of War?"

Lianna suddenly made a sound.


Before Ye Fusheng could think of a way to refuse, Li Lisi yelled softly: "He still has important things to do, not to mention, the people in the clan are depressed now, you have accepted the power of the goddess, if you don't stay in the clan to stabilize people's hearts, how can you Can you leave?"

Hearing this, Lianna couldn't help sticking out her tongue, but she also understood that Lilith would not let her go under the current situation.

At any rate, he accepted the inheritance of the elf goddess. Only her presence can make everyone in the elf family feel at ease.

If Liana runs away, it is estimated that within half a month, the Moon Elf clan may all collapse!
"Okay, but big brother, my heart will always be with you!"

Lianna sighed helplessly, but her hands formed seals, and the next moment, a silver-white light flew into Ye Fusheng's body.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting the BUFF, the goddess of energy is reluctant to give up!"

Obtaining a BUFF suddenly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he quickly opened the status panel.

Elven Goddess's Reluctant (God-level BUFF): When in a natural place, all attributes of the self will increase by 60%, and when attacked, it will trigger a blood recovery effect, recovering 3% of the blood value per second, lasting for 20 seconds, and can be superimposed by 2 times, and when attacking the target, there is a 3% chance to trigger the spirit mark. Once the spirit mark reaches 5 layers, when it is attacked again, it can detonate the mark and activate all its characteristics!Duration, 60 minutes!

"Hiss...God-level BUFF?!"

"The first god-level BUFF in history, it seems that the boost effect is a bit weak, but it can take into account both attack and defense, especially when it triggers the spirit mark. Once it triggers the fifth floor, won't it definitely trigger my instant death feature? !"

As soon as his eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng's breathing became short of breath.

If, as he speculated, the five-layer eruption effect of the elf imprint would definitely trigger the instant-death feature, then this buff would be invincible.

Perhaps, Ye Fusheng can take advantage of the buff to find the three escaped bosses and deal with them as well.

If there is no BUFF, Ye Fusheng will be one-on-three, and there are no mobs to give him the special skill of seduction. Even if two of the three bosses have residual blood, Ye Fusheng is quite dangerous and dare not force him.

But, with this BUFF, killing the three bosses is easy!
"Hee hee, big brother, don't worry, even if I'm not by your side, my heart will always follow you!"

Lianna showed a bright smile, but what she said made Ye Fusheng's face change slightly.

Damn, are all the NPCs in the game so good at teasing guys?

If Qian Shanxue, or the girl who is as clear as water, if Lianna is half teasing, Ye Fusheng may have already agreed!
If those girls know that NPCs can flirt, they might feel ashamed themselves.

"Don't worry, I will go back as soon as possible and tell my senior sister about these things!"

After getting the surprising BUFF, Ye Fusheng's attitude improved a lot, and he smiled.

This made Lianna and Lilith feel relieved.

Afterwards, Lilith led Lianna and many elf women away, but within a short while, Ye Fusheng was the only one left.

Before leaving, Lianna turned around and yelled something to Ye Fusheng, the voice was relatively low, so she couldn't hear clearly, but the spoken language was to ask Ye Fusheng to wait for her.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that just to kill the monster with wings, there are so many quests and a legendary boss!"

"Phew... kill the three bosses who ran away, and then kill the flying winged snakes to almost the same extent, collect enough wings and leave!"

"I just got a new BUFF, even if the three bosses together are no match for me! Don't miss this good opportunity!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng made up his mind and directly summoned the stars.

The stars can fly for a short time, and can detect the position of the Winged Snake King, moreover, she can also increase BUFF for Ye Fusheng.

Sure enough, under the search of the stars, within 5 minutes, Ye Fusheng had already found the location of Ka Luozo, Akshi and the Lich King in a mountain range.

At this time, Akshi and the Lich King were recuperating, and Carlozo was helping them. Obviously, they were also worried that Ye Fusheng would kill them!


"You haven't recovered your qi and blood yet? Looks like the sky is going to kill you! Suffer death!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing out loud, very excited.

Although Ye Fusheng is sure to kill the three full-blood bosses, they are at least legendary. What if the characteristics are triggered, or the small universe explodes?
Therefore, Ye Fusheng felt more at ease when encountering residual blood.


"How did you come so fast?!"

Seeing Ye Fusheng rushing towards him under the guidance of the stars, Carlozo's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was shocked.

Immediately, Carroso turned around abruptly, flapped his wings, and wanted to leave.

"You still want to run?!"

"This time, do you have a chance?!"

However, before Ka Luozuo flew away, Ye Fusheng's eyes turned cold, and he released his rushing and slashing skills, his whole body turned into a thunderbolt, and he came to Ka Luozuo in an instant, and slashed down with his sword.


As the blade passed by, Carlozo's qi and blood plummeted, and he became dizzy and unable to move.

At this moment, Akshi and the Lich King, who were hiding behind to recuperate, panicked.

"Hey, it's easy to let you die, but I want to try how powerful the God Seizing Spirit's skill is, so I won't kill you for now!"

"Hahaha, God Seizing Spirit!"

Amidst the loud laughter, Ye Fusheng did not use other skills, locked on the target, his eyes burst out with brilliance, and the beam of light was like a flame, piercing through Carlozo's body in an instant.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully releasing the God-removing Spirit skill and plundering the characteristic - the ancestor of all poisons!"

(PS: Update 5.26 is here!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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