Invincible in one touch

Chapter 271 The mark of the elf goddess!

Chapter 271 The mark of the elf goddess!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully releasing the skill of God of Reaping Souls, and plundering the characteristic - the ancestor of all poisons!"


"You actually plundered the characteristics of the ancestor of all poisons? That's good, in the future, you don't have to worry about getting various negative states!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng was not too disappointed.

Carlozo's other two special abilities complement each other, and if viewed separately, they are not considered powerful, and they are not as useful as those from the ancestor of all poisons.


"Damn it, I seem to be missing something!"

Carlozo is very sensitive, when its characteristics were plundered, he immediately reacted, retreated quickly, and stared at Ye Fusheng in fear.

Its demeanor is like that of an abandoned little girl.

"Hahaha, today, what you want to lose is not only this! And your life!"

With a loud laugh, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, and quickly stepped forward, swinging his two swords, and slashed at Carlozo.


The sword energy burst out, and under the blessing of various buffs, Ye Fusheng's attack power was extremely high. Even a normal attack caused damage to Carlozo, and his blood bar dropped sharply.

" can you be so strong?!"

Feeling the pain, and the threat of death, Carroso flapped his wings, trying to escape again.


The wings stretched out, covering the sky and covering the earth, and flew towards the distance immediately.


"You bastard, you ran away again!"

Underneath, Akshi and the Lich King, who were recovering from their wounds, were stunned for a moment, and immediately became furious and cursed.

If Carozo doesn't run, as long as they last until they recover from their injuries, they will still be able to fight!

However, once Carroso escapes, they have no strength to resist at this time, and they will definitely die miserably!

"Hahaha, want to run? Did you ask my opinion?!"

However, to the surprise of Akshi and the Lich King, Ye Fusheng did not kill the injured ones, but jumped up and chased Ka Luozo again.

This made them ecstatic, as long as they wait for a while, let them recover a little strength, let alone defeat Ye Fusheng, at least they can retreat, right?


After the cold shout fell, Ye Fusheng released his skills, his whole body was like a thunderbolt, he rushed in front of Carlozo in an instant, and slashed his sword on the head.

The dizzy effect was triggered, and even though Carlozo was flying, he froze in the air and kept falling downwards.

"Kill kill kill!"

Ye Fusheng shouted loudly, his hands fluttered like butterflies, and he kept waving, bringing up the sharp sword energy, and slashed at Carlozo's body one after another, reducing his blood bar.


Suddenly, there was a soft sound, and before the dizziness was over, Carroso let out a muffled grunt. Then, the blood strip on his head instantly emptied, turning black and purple!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the instant death feature, beheading the king of flying winged snakes, Carlozo!"

"Hahaha, good luck, this triggers the instant death effect!"

Ye Fusheng laughed loudly, and swung his sword for the last time, taking away the last bit of Ka Luozuo's blood.


In an instant, Carlozo's body exploded, releasing countless gold coins and several pieces of shining equipment.

Without checking the equipment, Ye Fusheng stretched out his hand to grab the equipment, and immediately jumped up again, the stars appeared, holding Ye Fusheng's hand, and drifted towards Akexi and the Lich King who were recovering from their injuries .

Well, at this time, Ye Fusheng didn't have the ability to fly yet.

"how is this possible?!"

Seeing that Kaluozuo's body exploded and Ye Fusheng fell, Akshi and Lich King were stunned. They couldn't believe that Ye Fusheng could kill Kaluozo so quickly!

Although they don't recognize Kaluozo's strength, they are still at the same level as them. Why can't they even last ten breaths in Ye Fusheng's hands?
Could it be that Ye Fusheng has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

It seems that the strength is very weak, but in fact, it has the strength to kill them instantly?
"Well... Kamal came here earlier and told you to run away. This time, I want to see who can save you!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng knew the truth of not being able to talk too much, and he didn't give Akshi and the Lich King a chance to react, so he raised his hand and punched out, releasing the fist storm skill.

boom boom-

The sound waves swept across, immediately stunned Akshi and the Lich King, and at the next moment, Ye Fusheng switched weapons, swung his two swords, and slashed at the two bosses respectively.

The blood value keeps dropping, Akshi and the Lich King have long been left with blood, even if they have recovery time, they can't recover too much, and they can't resist Ye Fusheng's attack at all.

Even if the instant death effect was not triggered, the two legendary bosses, Akshi and Lich King, wailed and died completely, turning into Ye Fusheng's experience and equipment.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully beheading..."


After two legendary bosses were killed, Ye Fusheng's experience bar skyrocketed. Although he failed to upgrade again, he was not far away from the upgrade.

"Tsk tsk, it's so cool. I just came to kill the flying winged snake, and it can involve so many tasks. I will finish the task of collecting wings in the future. The tasks involved will not let me fly to level 75 directly. ?”

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was very happy, the upgrade speed was finally faster.

With the celestial burial suit in hand, Ye Fusheng can cross attributes and kill bosses of various levels in seconds, which is indeed beneficial to him.

Originally, Ye Fusheng could only deal with spirit-level and ghost-level bosses, but now he relies on the sky burial suit and directly kills legendary-level bosses. The increase in experience points is naturally huge. Even though Ye Fusheng has many restrictions on leveling up, the speed is faster a lot.

Opening the level leaderboard, Ye Fusheng ranked first with level 70, followed by Zilong in white at level 53!
No.3 made Ye Fusheng raise his eyebrows.

Baicao Shennong, level 51!
"Shen Nong! A character in myths and legends, this is... are there any new characters coming?"

Rolling his eyes, Ye Fusheng smiled confidently: "It's okay, I have advanced equipment and levels, even if you are legendary characters, so what?"

"If you are good for Huaxia, I will naturally not make a move. If you want to target Huaxia, don't blame me for being rude!"

Having said that, Ye Fusheng still firmly remembered Baicao Shennong in his heart.

Different from those famous generals in history like Bai Yi Zilong, they are human after all, and Ye Fusheng thinks that he will not be weaker than them.

However, Baicao Shennong and Xuanyuan are all legendary gods. Can Ye Fusheng not be nervous?

Afterwards, the rest of the players also reached level 48.

As for the original top ten guilds, the players at the forefront of have all disappeared at this time.

Only a small part can still be on the list.

The rest of the places were occupied by Ye Fusheng's Floating World Guild and the Shenjiang Pavilion Guild.

Well, the Floating World Guild recruits masters, and now Ye Fusheng has helped them occupy the best leveling place, and there are other benefits. If they can't get on the leaderboard, it's really embarrassing and embarrassing!
"Well, the Floating World Guild is not bad, and if I meet the right person in the future, I will be able to pull in it!"

"There are a lot of equipment on them now, and when the time comes to put them in the guild warehouse, they can also improve their strength!"

"I have the sky burial suit now, so I don't have to worry about changing equipment... Huh, I don't know how long the sky burial suit will last me. Once there is a boss that is immune to the instant death effect, this equipment will be useless. After all, the basic attributes are too weak, it seems that if I have time, I have to prepare a second set of equipment!"

Having made up his mind, Ye Fusheng turned off the ranking list, and began to check the equipment dropped by the three legendary bosses.

There are a lot of equipment, a total of seven pieces, each of which contains special power fluctuations.

With a swipe of his hand, the attributes of the seven pieces of equipment emerged one after another, turned into panel data, and listed in front of him.

Bane of the Lich (Legend - Staff)
Magic Attack Power: 18727-20000
Stamina: 5000
Intelligence: 8000
Lich: When releasing a skill, there is a 3% chance to summon a Lich and make it fight for itself, lasting for 30 minutes
Witchcraft: Perform witchcraft, sacrifice souls, communicate with heaven and earth, increase your own attributes by 200%, and break the space, randomly summon a creature between level 100-255 to fight for yourself, and last for 10 minutes
Witch Spirit: When attacking normally, add 150% of its own mana damage

Embedded gems: 99
Description: The staff that contains the power of a lich, do not use it, otherwise, you will fall into eternal darkness and abyss

Rating: 140
"The level is very high, and the three stunts are all good, but it's a pity that the attributes are similar to that of the holy magic wand, and there is also a lack of the extraordinary forbidden spell skill. The required level is still high, so there is no need to keep it!"

"There are no top mages in the guild, well, forget it, and throw it directly to the auction!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng didn't have the slightest interest in this piece of equipment, and went to look at another piece of equipment.

After a while, he finished reading all seven pieces of equipment, six pieces of legendary level, and one piece of immortal weapon level, and their attributes were not considered weak, but there was nothing Ye Fusheng could use, so he put them all away. (If you don’t have the necessary equipment, you won’t write the number of attributes)
Fortunately, in addition to the seven pieces of equipment, the three bosses also gave Ye Fusheng hundreds of thousands of gold coins. In addition, after selling the equipment, he can also get a lot of money, so it is not a loss.

After packing up the gold coins and equipment, Ye Fusheng walked out of the cave and looked at the task panel. He was far away from the Flying Winged Snake to be killed, and half of the wings to be collected were left. He went to look for the whereabouts of the flying winged snake.

Fortunately, this is just a game, even if the King of the Winged Teng Snakes dies, the rest of the Winged Teng Snakes will not escape and will still be active in this area.

In addition, Ye Fusheng still wanted to go back to the city to do the tasks of the elves, so the speed was accelerated, but in less than 3 hours, all the tasks were completed.

The Flying Winged Snake Clan was almost extinct by Ye Fusheng!

The number of wings and monsters killed reached, and Ye Fusheng didn't have any ink marks, and directly crushed the scroll to return to the city.


The light flickered, and the familiar noise sounded beside his ears, and Ye Fusheng's tight heart was relieved.

Sunset City is considered a pure land, so there is no need to worry about monsters appearing suddenly.

Summoning the angry flame horse, Ye Fusheng walked slowly towards the City Lord's Mansion amidst the exclamation of many players.

However, before reaching the City Lord's Mansion, the address book rang, and it was Qian Shanxue who urged Ye Fusheng to go offline for dinner.

Looking at the time, Ye Fusheng didn't rush to the City Lord's Mansion any more, and went offline directly.

It is not too late to go online after dinner. After all, it is a high-level task, and there may be other things in the future. Once started, it is difficult to stop at any time.

Offline, just opened his eyes, Ye Xin threw herself into Ye Fusheng's arms, softly said: "Daddy, when will you finish the mission and come back!"

"Come on, come on!"

Rubbing Ye Xin's hair, Ye Fusheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll accompany you when I'm done!"

"The mission is not completed yet?"

Qian Shanxue was also quite surprised.

She rarely saw that Ye Fusheng failed to complete a task for so long!
"Well, that's a series of plot missions, and if you do several missions together, it will take longer!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng said with a smile: "However, the harvest is also very rich. I have obtained a dozen or so pieces of legendary equipment. When the time comes, throw them into the guild and divide them among yourself!"

"Legendary equipment?"

Hearing this, Qian Shanxue's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Hey, you really didn't disappoint me! With those legendary equipment, maybe our Ukiyo guild, even without you, can compete with a small guild, a few thousand Besieged by tens of thousands of players!"

"Tsk tsk, what is there to be proud of?"

Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders: "If there are less than 10 people, I don't take it seriously."

"Go, who will compare with you!"

Rolling her eyes, Qian Shanxue hurriedly stepped forward to hug Ye Xin, and urged, "It's time to eat!"


Stretching, Ye Fusheng got up and followed Qian Shanxue out of the room.

At this time, Qingning had already returned, but Ye Fusheng was thinking about the mission, so he didn't go to her. After eating, he took a short rest and went back to the room to log in to the game.

He drove the horse to the city lord's mansion, and entered the back garden of the city lord's mansion without hindrance. Xing Yun was practicing martial arts. Countless auras gathered here, condensing behind her, shining with brilliance, like a fairy.

After a long time, Xing Yun finished her training, her hands formed seals, and a lot of spiritual energy dissipated immediately.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. For some reason, he always felt that Xing Yun seemed to be cultivating immortals!

But, this is clearly the game world!
"Junior brother, why do you have the aura of a god on your body?"

Xing Yun glanced at Ye Fusheng, and suddenly asked: "Are you going to explore the relics of the gods again?"

"Ahem, no!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng came to his senses, and while surprised by the strength of Xingyun's induction, he smiled and said: "This time I ran into the Moon Elf family, and it happened that when they were attacked by the demons and rescued them, I followed It’s just that the elves who inherited the power of the elf goddess have come into contact with it.”


"It seems that your contact is not ordinary!"

Xing Yun took a deep look at Ye Fusheng, and said with a smile: "Even a trace of the original source has been separated to protect you, my junior brother, you won't..."

Speaking of this, Xing Yun didn't continue talking, but smiled strangely, which made Ye Fusheng laugh endlessly.

"Forget it, you little brat, I won't say anything about you!"

Seeing that Ye Fusheng was embarrassed, Xing Yun sighed: "However, it is best not to let the protoss know about it, she has spent a lot of effort and energy in refining the extraordinary level potion, if she knows, it is inevitable that she will suffer internal injuries. "


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help feeling pity.

"Okay, let's get down to business!"

Xingyun waved her hand.

At this time, Ye Fusheng didn't think too much, and told Xing Yun everything that happened before, including the Moon Elf family who wanted to settle in the territory of the human race.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for advancing the plot of the ultimate mission, the current completion rate is 30%, and you will be rewarded with the mark of the elf goddess X1, and the grass of all things elf X1!"


(PS: Update on 5.27!!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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