Chapter 272
"Hey, the completion rate is only 30%, and the rewards have started?"

"The mark of the elf goddess, the grass of all elves, looks like a good treasure!"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng didn't care about taking the follow-up tasks, he directly opened the backpack and checked the attributes.

Mark of the Elven Goddess (Badge)

Power: 3000
Stamina: 3000
Intelligence: 3000
Agility: 3000
Elf element: +999 points for elemental attributes of each department, +999 points for elemental attribute resistance of each department

Description: A badge that can only be obtained by those who are recognized by the elves

Rating: 1
"3000+ four-dimensional, plus 999 points of element attribute and resistance, the actual battle is not bad!"

"Badges can be superimposed on equipment, which is also a good improvement!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng went straight to equip the mark of the elf goddess, and then looked at the attributes of the grass of all things elf.

Grass of the Spirit of All Things (Consumables): You can use this thing to weave at will, create the items you want, and have the ability to restore the wearer's soul and source of life

"Hey... Why doesn't this attribute feel like it's worn by a player?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng noticed something was wrong.

Normally, the attributes that players can equip will have specific effects.

It was too vague, too deliberate.

What is the ability to restore the source of soul and life?

Blood value?
what is this else?
"Huh? Junior brother, what are you thinking? So serious?"

When Ye Fusheng was thinking, Xing Yun wanted to explain the mission, but seeing that Ye Fusheng didn't listen, she couldn't help but reached out and patted Ye Fusheng's cheek.

"Ouch, it's cold!"

Touched by the cold jade hand, Ye Fusheng woke up immediately, and asked with a grin: "Senior sister, do you know what the grass of the spirit of all things is?"

"Oh?! The grass of all things spirit, you actually have the grass of all things spirit?!"

Hearing this, Xing Yun couldn't help showing shock.

This time it was a plot mission, and Xing Yun was not the leader, so she didn't know what good things Ye Fusheng got.

Hearing the name of the grass of the all things elf, his face changed for the first time.

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being amused, Xing Yun is extremely powerful, and for so long, almost even treasures of the supernatural level would not tempt her.

This thing actually changed Xing Yun's color, it seems that the effect must be very strong!
Maybe, it will be an artifact!
"Yes, I got it when I did the task before, I don't know what it is useful for."

Ye Fusheng grinned, and directly sacrificed the grass of the spirit of all things, revealing it in front of Xing Yun.

Taking a closer look, Xing Yun whispered: "Put this thing away, don't lose it!"

"This is a good baby. It can change into what you want according to your wishes! If you wear it for a long time, it can also restore and heal a person's source of life, or the core of the soul!"

Speaking of this, Xing Yun paused for a moment, and then said again: "Before that your lady... Xing Ling, she refined extraordinary potions and lost a lot of life essence. If this thing is worn by her, it will take about half a month. Can recover!"

[So that's what it means! 】

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng suddenly understood everything. Originally, he wanted to keep this thing for his own use, but when he heard that it could restore the source of life for the protoss, he made up his mind to give the grass of all things spirit to the protoss .

Anyway, Ye Fusheng is in the game, he only looks at the attributes of Qi and blood, the so-called source of life is useless to him, it is better to give it to the star spirit to make her happy.

Well, he is also a super powerful boss anyway, maybe when he is in a good mood, he will introduce himself to a few forging bosses to refine and upgrade all the equipment.

Or make some potions by yourself for daily leveling and monster spawning, which is also excellent.

Even if you can't use it yourself, it's not bad to put it in the guild warehouse to improve the strength of everyone in the Ukiyo guild.

"I've told you everything. As for how to deal with this thing, it's up to you."

Xing Yun didn't say any more, after all, she didn't have a good impression of Protoss.

Originally, the junior was only hers, and she could pamper her by herself, but who knew that it was just a mission, but was taken away by other women!

If it wasn't for Xing Ling who really had no bad intentions for Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun would definitely make a move!
"Ok, I see."

Ye Fusheng nodded and said with a smile: "Senior sister, what do you say, do you want to agree to the request of those elves?"

"Yes, why not?!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Xing Yun said with a smile: "The strength of the Moon Elf family is not too bad, especially after they have received the inheritance of the elf goddess, their subsequent strength will definitely increase at an extraordinary speed. After coming to the human race, I will They are settled in the border area between the demon race, the beast race and the human race. Once the two races attack, they will be the first to find out, and they can serve as a warning."


Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng said helplessly: "Senior sister, so you used them as tools!"

"Heh, if you want to gain a foothold in the territory of my human race, how can it be possible without paying anything?"

Xing Yun's expression turned serious: "Furthermore, they have extraordinary strength and the power of elves and goddesses. Even if the demon god descends, they are able to resist for a period of time, and nothing will happen at all."

"oh, I understand now."

Ye Fusheng was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that after Lianna received the inheritance of the elf goddess, she could get Xingyun's approval.

There are not many people in the entire game who can make Xing Yun say that she is extraordinary!

"Then how should I reply?"

Ye Fusheng asked again.

"Go back and call the princess who has inherited the power of the elf goddess and the elf family. When the time comes, I will take you to the imperial capital and meet the king!"

Xing Yun smiled and said: "As long as the king makes an agreement and everything is settled, nothing will happen!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully accepting the stage mission [Response], mission requirements: return to the Moon Elf clan, inform them of the result, and lead them to Sunset City, and go to the imperial capital with Xingyun!"

After accepting the task, Ye Fusheng touched his nose and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

This task has to run back and forth, which is too time-consuming.

It's okay to go by yourself, you can use the monster atlas to teleport there directly, but, if you go back to Sunset City, you have to take them back with you.

After all, they are not players and cannot use teleportation scrolls.

In addition to going to the imperial capital, in this way, I am afraid that the time spent on the light road will take a day or two, so how can he complete the task of unlocking the wing equipment?
"What's the matter, frowning?"

Sensing the change in Ye Fusheng's expression, Xing Yun turned her head slightly and asked in doubt.

"Cough cough!"

As everyone knows, Xing Yun's side is full of charms, which makes Ye Fusheng's face turn red, and said quickly: "It's nothing, it's just that it's too troublesome to travel, I wonder if it can be simpler."

"You, so lazy!"

Hearing this, Xing Yun shook her head with a smile, stretched out her hand and tapped Ye Fusheng's head, and said dotingly: "If you don't want to hurry, then I will give you a few magic amulets to let you fly in the sky, um... ...In about a quarter of an hour, you can fly over!"

"However, you can't be so lazy in the future. If you want to become a strong man, you must do everything yourself!"

After educating Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun still pampered and handed Ye Fusheng a few talisman papers.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for receiving Xingyun's gift, the magic amulet X9!"

"Thank you, Sister!"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, and quickly opened the backpack.

The things sent by the senior sister must not be bad, right?

Divine Walking Talisman (Consumable): After use, you can summon the Flying Sword Yukong, leading the user to fly through the sky and return to Sunset City quickly
"Flying Sword Yukong! Tsk tsk, this is really about Yujian flying!"

After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng couldn't help grinning.

He has always been very interested in Yujian flying, but it is a pity that he has not reached the realm of Yujian flying in the game, and now with the magic amulet, he can finally experience the feeling.

"Go quickly, don't waste time."

Xing Yun smiled and said: "I'll tell Master Bai Yi about this first, let him greet me and prepare for it. At that time, the matter will be resolved!"

"it is good!"

Knowing that the mission will continue with the plot, Ye Fusheng turned around and left the City Lord's Mansion without hesitation.

"Huh... first give the Protoss the Grass of the All Things Elf to make sure she can recover, and then go on to the task!"

"By the way, Xingling is not weaker than Senior Sister Xingyun. When she recovers, can I pretend to take her out to play, and actually help me fight the boss?"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng suddenly thought of this possibility.

If it were other NPCs, they would definitely not do this. Even Xing Yun would choose to let Ye Fusheng hone himself under all kinds of psychology.

But, Protoss is different!

Xingling and Ye Fusheng are husband and wife, they have already become a ceremony, seeing Ye Fusheng being attacked by monsters, Xingling will not refuse to save him, right?

"Hmm... Maybe I can try it in the future. If you find a legendary boss, you can bring the protoss there directly. It's a pleasure!"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng took out the grass of the spirit of all things, rubbed it for a while, and murmured: "Senior sister said, this thing can be freely changed into what I want, I don't know how to do it, just shout out , or do you have to use your brain to figure out a specific shape?"

"Don't make it too troublesome, just get a ring at will, anyway, it's sloppy, so it should be easy to make up!"

Whispering, Ye Fusheng was just about to stretch out his hand to weave the grass of the spirit of all things, but saw it shimmering and shining brightly.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully obtaining the Ring of All Things Spirit!"

"Huh? Is it really a ring?!"

The light dissipated along with the system notification sound, Ye Fusheng looked down and couldn't help being extremely pleasantly surprised.

What landed on his palm was an emerald green grass ring!

"Unfortunately, the color is a bit wrong!"

"However, it is already very good to be able to make it into a ring. I don't know if the ring has other meanings in the background of the game."

Rubbing the ring, Ye Fusheng had a thought, and the attributes suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ring of All Things Spirit (Holy Artifact)
Blood value: 800000000
Attack Power: Increased by 300%
Defense: Increased by 300%
Elven Vitality: Restore your own soul and source of life
Blessing of the elves: increase all element attributes by 999
Embedded gems: 999
Description: It is a ring transformed from the grass of all things elf
Rating: 255
"Hiss... level 255 equipment?"

"No wonder the effect is ridiculously strong! What the hell, directly adding 8 million qi and blood points, this is fucking outrageous! I remember the legendary level boss, the total qi and blood value is only a few hundred million, not even a piece of equipment? "

"It's too ruthless, 300% attack power, defense power bonus, plus the protoss is already strong, with this equipment, it will definitely help me sweep the audience!"

"Haha, if Protoss can really kill monsters with me because of the relationship between husband and wife, then this equipment will be very cool!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng put away the ring of the spirit of all things, unable to restrain the excitement in his heart, he hurriedly rushed to his mansion.

After returning to the mansion, amidst the respectful voices of many servants and maidservants, Ye Fusheng came to the backyard.

This time when he returned, Ye Fusheng was surprised to find that the servants and maidservants had changed a lot, they respected him more, not as perfunctory as before.

Obviously, these are the credits of the protoss.

"Young Master, you are back!"

Back in the backyard, Ye Fusheng had just walked a few steps when he heard a voice, looked in the direction of the sound, and suddenly saw Xingling watching the scenery in the water pavilion beside him, waving at Ye Fusheng with a smile on his face meaning.

"Yeah, I got a good thing and came back specially to give it to you myself!"

Seeing the star spirit's smile, Ye Fusheng's whole body softened, and he walked towards the star spirit.

"Huh? What good stuff?"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, Xingling was also surprised, quickly got up and ran towards Ye Fusheng, threw himself into his arms, rubbed his cheek against Ye Fusheng's chest, and said with a smile: "If I don't like something, you can ask Pick me again!"

"Okay, if you don't like it, I'll pick it up again until you like it!"

Lowering his head slightly, he kissed the Protoss on the forehead, Ye Fusheng's thoughts moved slightly, and he immediately summoned the Ring of All Things Spirit.


As soon as the Ring of the Spirit of All Things appeared, it immediately burst into soft light, sprinkled on the body of the protoss, and penetrated into her body with little silver spots.


At first, he was taken aback for a moment, but when Xingling felt that the source of life in his body was recovering at an extremely fast speed, he suddenly became surprised, and said shortly, "This... this is the ring of the spirit of all things, my dear, you, do you really want to give it to me?" I?"

"Hey, that's natural!"

"I deliberately turned it into a ring!"

Handing the Ring of All Things Spirit to Xingling, Ye Fusheng embraced Xingling, and said softly: "The last time we got married, I didn't give you a grand wedding, not even a ring. This time, I will give you the ring first." !"

Hearing this, Xing Ling was particularly moved, tears could not stop flowing down.

But, more is love.

She knew that Ye Fusheng was very kind to her, but she always felt that something was wrong.

But, today, when she saw Ye Fusheng holding the ring of the spirit of all things, so many people dreamed of it, even at the expense of killing their wives and abandoning their children, betraying the treasures of the whole world, turning it into a ring, and giving it to her personally, everything , all dissipated.

The only thing left, filling her heart, is endless love!

Putting away the ring of the spirit of all things, the star spirit suddenly hugged Ye Fusheng, and said in a low voice: "Husband... I want it..."


Ye Fusheng trembled, a certain part of his body felt a dull pain!

(PS: Today's update is sent, 5.28!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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