Invincible in one touch

Chapter 273 Dragon? !

Chapter 273 Dragon? !

His legs were weak, and he walked out of the mansion slowly, Ye Fusheng only had one thought in his mind.

Women are ruthless, and powerful women are even more ruthless!
The protoss has extraordinary strength and a strong physique, and he doesn't know how to be tired at all. Under the frantic demands, he almost squeezed Ye Fusheng dry!
Thinking of what the protoss said before leaving, Ye Fusheng trembled, couldn't bear it any longer, quickly opened the monster illustration book, chose the flying winged snake, and teleported it!

The light flickered, and when Ye Fusheng opened his eyes again, he was already in the valley.

According to the route in memory, Ye Fusheng hurried to Linggu.

This time, the task was successfully completed. Although Xingyun had other reasons for agreeing to the Moon Elf family to live in the territory of the human race, the task was finally completed.

Moreover, Xing Yun also said that it will not cause any damage to the Moon Elf family.

That is also a good thing. Over the years, the Moon Elf family has become weaker and weaker. Let them guard the border between the Demon Race and the Beast Race. They often encounter wars and can exercise their strength.

Maybe, in a few decades, every member of the Moon Elf clan will be a strong fighter.

He summoned the angry flame horse, and under the leadership of Xing Xing, Ye Fusheng arrived at the Spiritual Valley in less than ten minutes. The elf girl guarding outside the valley immediately shouted when they saw him.

"That adult is here!"

"Quickly inform Her Royal Highness!"

These elf girls knew about the relationship between Her Highness the Princess and Ye Fusheng, and quickly sent someone to inform Lianna.

Ye Fusheng was greeted by many young girls and entered the Spirit Valley.

Although only a few hours had passed in reality, several days had passed in the game.

The Linggu, which was originally destroyed by the war, has now regained its tranquility and peace.

Of course, the houses were all broken, and only some wooden houses remained. The former palaces had been razed to the ground.

"Big brother! Big brother!"

Just as Ye Fusheng was looking at the Moon Elf Clan after the war, a crisp voice sounded, and Liana ran out from the side and threw herself into Ye Fusheng's arms.

Looking down, Ye Fusheng suddenly noticed that there were colorful lights in Lianna's pupils, and a surging and amazing aura bloomed from her body, which made him feel uneasy.

Obviously, the current Liana is subtly accepting the changes of the power of the gods.

Looking at Lianna's level again, it was actually raised to level 180, stronger than Lilith!

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Ye Fusheng had a premonition in his heart, maybe, Liana would soon reach the level of Protoss, even if it was not as good, it would not be too bad.

Then, didn't he get another powerful thug?

[How do I feel, I'm eating soft food in the game?Damn, when I met a girl, she was a peerless master!Met another girl who actually accepted the inheritance of the gods!No, I want to speed up the upgrade too! 】

Cursing his lips, Ye Fusheng felt a little unconvinced, but his strength was indeed not as good as these NPCs, so he could only hold back.

Thinking that way in his heart, Ye Fusheng remained calm on the surface, and even rubbed Lianna's head, making her giggle.

"By the way, big brother, how about going to settle in the human race?"

It has to be said that after accepting the inheritance of the gods, Lianna actually had a big picture. She quickly thought of it and asked, "What did you say, senior sister, do you agree?"

"Well, I agree!"

Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "Senior sister said, let you and the queen go back to Sunset City with me. After discussing the specific matters, go to the imperial capital to meet the king and finalize everything."


"Can I go see my senior sister?!"

Hearing this, Liana blushed, and suddenly said: "What kind of girl does Senior Sister like? Will she like me? Shall I dress up?"

"Also, what do senior sisters like? If I go, what gift should I bring?"

The more she talked, Lianna became more and more anxious, her face flushed like a boiled crab.


Seeing Lianna's appearance, Ye Fusheng's throat rolled, and he withdrew his previous thoughts.

That's it?Still called mature?
Also called having a big picture? !

"Okay, Liana, don't mess around!"

Just when Ye Fusheng didn't know how to answer, there was a soft shout, and Lilith floated over from a distance like a ghost.

When Lilith came, Ye Fusheng frowned, glanced casually, and was surprised to find that Lilith had also upgraded.

It's just that the upgrade rate is not as great as Liana's.

[It seems that Lilith has benefited a lot from her daughter's inheritance from the gods! 】

Without thinking too much, Ye Fusheng bowed to Lilith and said: "My lord, my senior sister has agreed to the request of the Moon Elf family to enter the human race, but I still need you and Lianna to meet the king. to be sure."

"Well, it's natural."

Slightly nodded, Li Lisi said in a deep voice: "I have heard for a long time that the human race respects the king, even if the strength is weak, they can control thousands of troops. This time, we have the opportunity to meet the legendary king The honor of the elves!"

"In the territory of the human race, more things will happen."

Ye Fusheng casually said something, and it could be regarded as a reminder to Lilith, don't think that after arriving in the human race, it will be safe.

Not only the demons and beasts, I am afraid that there will be civil strife in the human race.

At that time, if the Moon Elf family rashly participates, they may be robbed.

Of course, these words can't be said clearly, it's not good to hear it, and it will hurt the face of the human race.

"Then... when are we going? How are we going?"

Lilith glanced at Lianna, and said distressedly: "Lianna is still young, and she is absorbing the power inherited from the spirit gods. If she travels for a long time, I'm afraid she won't be able to bear it."

"It's okay, the senior sister gave me the magic amulet, and I can take you there quickly!"

Ye Fusheng sacrificed the divine movement talisman, and in an instant, the strange space power fluctuated and rippled.


"This... this is the legendary amulet that can travel thousands of miles a day?!"

Feeling the surging spatial fluctuations, Lilith was extremely shocked, and then her eyes on the amulet changed suddenly.

But what shocked her even more was Xing Yun's love for Ye Fusheng.

The Divine Walking Talisman is a good thing for running away and chasing and killing the enemy. It is extremely fast, almost comparable to the speed of a strong person like Abyss Dominator.

The price is extremely high, and many strong people will equip some, but no one has ever given the magic amulet to juniors.

For the weaker juniors, to be honest, the magic amulet can't exert too much effect at all, that's a waste!

Ye Fusheng was able to get this magical amulet from Xing Yun's hands, which is enough to show that Xing Yun values ​​him.

At this time, Lilith also came to her senses, perhaps, the reason why Xing Yun agreed to the request had a lot to do with Ye Fusheng.

Lilith guessed right, the reason why Xing Yun agreed was mainly because she wanted to help Ye Fusheng get more benefits.

If it wasn't for Ye Fusheng, how could Xingyun let the aliens enter the territory of the human race?
Even if it is harmless to humans, as she said, and can be used as the first line of defense against demons and beasts, she will not agree easily.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!
That is gambling!

For Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun, I gambled!
"Okay, needless to say, please go back with me, Her Majesty the Queen!"

Ye Fusheng handed the two amulets to Lilith and Lianna respectively.

"No need, just give us one!"

Lilith shook her head, just took the next magic talisman, and said in a low voice: "The magic talisman is very rare, Liana and I can only use one, you can keep it."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng was not polite and put it away directly.

It just so happens that he doesn't want to take Lianna with him either. If Lianna clings to him and doesn't want to come down, let Xing Yun see it. What if the senior sister misunderstands him as a scumbag and betrays the protoss, so what if she hates him? ?

I, Ye Fusheng, am by no means a scumbag, I just fall in love with too many people!
"Then Your Lady, take Liana well, let's set off now!"

As he spoke, Ye Fusheng activated the divine movement talisman in his hand.


Almost at the moment when the Divine Walking Talisman was activated, a strange light bloomed, quickly covering Ye Fusheng, enveloping him, and soaring into the sky.

The next moment, the strange power turned into a flying sword, landed at Ye Fusheng's feet, and flew towards the direction of Sunset City at a thunderous speed.


Behind him, another burst of space power burst out, and immediately turned into a flying sword, carrying Lilith and Liana, and followed Ye Fusheng with a speed like lightning.

If you are far away, you can only vaguely see illusory shadows, and even people can't see clearly!
Looking down, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, Yu Jian, he is flying on Yu Jian!
"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the original wish in the game was fulfilled today!"

Being in the sky, Ye Fusheng felt the thrill of Yujian's flight, and felt extremely comfortable. He immediately turned on the recording function and recorded the video of his flight.

The first flight with Yujian must be kept as a commemoration!

The sound of breaking through the air kept coming, and under the continuous beating of the gust of wind, the speed slowed down abruptly in less than 2 minutes.

The next moment, countless feathers emerged from Ye Fusheng's side, and then the space shattered, and when Ye Fusheng reappeared, it had already landed on the ground.

Looking up, the head of Sunset City is not far ahead.

"Hiss... less than one or two minutes, how many thousands of miles have you traveled directly?"

"This shit is not a magic talisman, this is clearly teleportation!"

Ye Fusheng was amazed. If he had known that Xingyun had such good things, he would definitely not keep them until now.

"It seems that senior sister has a lot of good things in her hands. I must find a chance and accept senior sister!"

"Well, we must collect all her good things!"

Grinning, Ye Fusheng couldn't help fantasizing.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded again, and this time, it was Lilith and Lianna who landed on the ground.

Arriving suddenly in the territory of the human race, it seemed that the space was too turbid. Lilith and Lianna were both breathless, and their faces turned pale.

"what happened?"

Sensing that something was wrong with the two women, Ye Fusheng turned around to take a look, but he didn't find anything wrong.

"It's nothing."

Lilith said in a low voice: "This is your city? Then when can you take us to see Lord Xingyun?"

"Also, do we want to change the form?"

Lilith's two daughters are dressed in standard elves at this time, with pointed ears, and they are not human women at a glance.

click - click -

Suddenly, there was a clear sound of glass, and the surrounding space seemed to explode. Before Ye Fusheng, Lilith, and Lianna panicked, an invisible force descended and turned into a giant hand, grabbing them suddenly .


Immediately afterwards, time and space collapsed, and the three of Ye Fusheng felt dizzy, and when they woke up again, they were already in the clouds, stepping on something hard, and they didn't know what kind of creature it was.

Shaking his head violently, Ye Fusheng looked up and saw Xing Yun's cloak swaying in the wind, standing not far away with his hands behind his back.

"you're awake?"

Xingyun's gentle voice sounded.


Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng hurriedly asked: "Senior sister, where are we?"

"On the way to the imperial capital!"

Xing Yun turned around and said with a smile: "The imperial capital is far away, so go early."


At this time, Lilith and Lianna also woke up.

As soon as they opened their eyes, when Lilith saw Xing Yun, her body trembled, she quickly struggled to get up, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully: "I have seen Lord God of War!"

Xing Yun, the most powerful person in the human race, for hundreds of years, has killed all the major races to live in seclusion and dare not enter the world, and has also killed the demons to retreat thousands of miles, and has not dared to approach Sunset City for nearly a hundred years.

Her reputation is overwhelming, even if Lilith has never met Xing Yun, she chose to kneel when she saw her for the first time.

This is the prestige of the strongest person in the human race!

Of course, Lilith knew these things, but Lianna didn't. Seeing her mother kneeling down, she couldn't help but froze in place, looked at Ye Fusheng, and then at Lilith.

She didn't know who to go with to call Xing Yun.

If you are with her mother, you have to kneel down and call Lord God of War, but if you follow Ye Fusheng, you can just call Senior Sister directly.

For a while, Liana was tangled.

Fortunately, Xing Yun didn't care about those red tapes, and didn't know what Liana was thinking, so she just said calmly: "Don't be nervous, get up, my junior has already told me about you."

"Then, I wonder how Lord God of War plans to arrange it?"

Hearing this, Lilith couldn't help becoming nervous, no matter how much Ye Fusheng talked to her, it was not as good as Xing Yun.

"I agree, I am going to take you to see the king!"

Xing Yun said calmly: "As long as the king agrees, I will vigorously promote this matter! Choose a good place for you!"

"Thank you Lord God of War!"

Hearing Xing Yun's words, Li Lisi's heart was immediately relieved.

However, at this time, Ye Fusheng was bored in the clouds, and found that the place he was in was very stable, and there seemed to be a rugged road spreading forward.

"Hey, it's strange... What is it that is so wide and can fly in the air? It's so fast, and it flies smoothly!"

Ye Fusheng was very curious. As he stepped forward, he stroked the protruding scales on both sides of the road. They were extremely hard and shone with light.

As we walked forward, the road became narrower and narrower. After walking for about 1 minute, there were clouds and fog in front of us, so we couldn't see clearly.

"What the hell, is it coming to the cloud again?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng groped forward and stretched out his hand, stepping out, as if stepping on an empty space, his whole body felt like he was falling, Ye Fusheng was so frightened that he waved his hand quickly, happened to bump into a bump, and quickly hugged it .


Almost at the moment of embracing the bulge, the resounding dragon chant suddenly resounded, resounding through the sky, shaking the world, and Ye Fusheng was so shocked that he was stunned in place!

(PS: On 5.29 today, the update will be sent!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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