Invincible in one touch

Chapter 274 The heart of playing tactics is dirty!

Chapter 274 The heart of playing tactics is dirty!

"The voice of the dragon!"

Hearing the deafening and deafening roar of the dragon suddenly, Ye Fusheng was stunned and his breathing became short of breath.

He couldn't believe that Xing Yun's mount turned out to be a dragon!


The dragon chant was loud and clear, as if Ye Fusheng grabbed the horns, he felt uncomfortable and his body trembled.


Following the movement of the giant dragon, the surrounding clouds and mist were suddenly broken. Ye Fusheng looked down and saw a huge dragon head with horns like a deer and a majestic face. A body with a width of several feet and a length of several hundred feet spreads towards the rear, hundreds of meters away!

Where they were before was the back of Shenlong!

No wonder they were able to fly in the air, and they were still so stable. It turned out that they were riding Shenlong!

That's right, horns like a deer, head like a camel, eyes like a rabbit, neck like a snake, belly like a mirage, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger, ears like a cow, without bloated wings, it is definitely a myth Oriental Dragon!
For a moment, Ye Fusheng's breathing became short of breath, and he was very excited when he looked at the giant dragon.

Dongfang Shenlong, he actually saw Dongfang Shenlong in the game!
Then, when will he be able to tame a dragon?
As a Chinese, it is really, a bit unreasonable not to have a dragon as a mount!

Shenlong roared, and a pair of copper bell-sized eyes glanced at Ye Fusheng, with a special meaning, as if it wanted to throw him down.

"Okay, lead the way with peace of mind!"

At this moment, Xing Yun's voice came out.

Hearing Xing Yun's words, Shenlong's beard fluttered a few times, then sank again. Immediately, its whole body became stable again, swallowing clouds and fog, and rushed to the imperial capital with Ye Fusheng and Xing Yun at an extremely fast speed.

"Then... is that Zulong?!"

"My God, Lord God of War actually has an ancestor dragon following him!"

Shenlong stopped losing his temper, but Lilith was shocked.

Only then did she realize that they had been stepping on Zulong's body before!

Well, it is set in the game that the Eastern Shenlong is the ancestor of all dragons, also known as the Zulong.

As for the giant dragons in the West, they are all descendants of the Eastern Dragon.

Therefore, seeing Zulong following Xing Yun, Lilith respected Xing Yun even more, her attitude was meticulous, and even her breathing calmed down, she didn't dare to speed up, for fear of disturbing Xing Yun.

Lianna didn't know what the Zulong was, but after accepting the inheritance of the gods, she was very inspired and felt the horror of the Zulong.

Fortunately, with Xingyun, Zulong was very obedient, but he was just on his way, not even exuding his own breath.

Ye Fusheng sized up Zu Long again, turned around and went back behind Xing Yun, seeing that she was still communicating with Lilith, he simply sat down.

However, Lianna couldn't get in the conversation at first, and when she saw Ye Fusheng sitting over, she looked happy, and she leaned up quickly, pulling Ye Fusheng's arms, like a wombat, almost hanging on him. body.

Xing Yun's spiritual sense was extremely strong, sensing this scene, she couldn't help but froze.

If Lilith wasn't still around, she might have grabbed Ye Fusheng by the ear and asked him what's going on.

Let you go out to do a mission, can you hook up another loli and come back?

If you do this again, will I still dare to send you a mission?

It's fine to bring back a protoss, after all, it's a human being, so you actually made an elf this time?

At this thought, Xing Yun gritted her silver teeth lightly and made a crisp sound, which made Lilith curious.

Fortunately, Xing Yun was so powerful that Lilith didn't dare to ask even if she was curious.

Time passed slowly, and soon passed between Ye Fusheng's intimate contact with Liana, and Xing Yun's clenched teeth.

But half a quarter of an hour later, Zulong roared and transformed into a figure, swallowed countless clouds, enveloped Ye Fusheng and the others, and sent them to the ground.

Afterwards, Zulong hovered in the air, soared into the sky, and disappeared into the sky.

When they landed on the ground, the four of Ye Fusheng were in a plain. Not far away, there was a majestic city.

Obviously, that is the legendary imperial capital!
The surging aura came from the city, actually oppressing the two daughters Lilith and Lianna.


Just for a moment, Lilith and Lianna seemed to be crushed by a huge mountain and fell to the ground, their faces were full of fear, and they looked at Ye Fusheng and Xing Yun in horror.

"Sorry, I forgot that there is a formation in the city, you are not human, you will be oppressed by that force!"

Xing Yun expressed apology, raised her hand and waved lightly, and a silver light swayed, covering Lilith and Lianna.

With the silver light body protection, the two women felt comfortable, and the oppressive force like a giant mountain disappeared without a trace.

Standing up again, Lilith became more respectful and didn't say a word, while Liana's eyes were red, like an angry little daughter-in-law, she tugged on Ye Fusheng's sleeve, tears almost didn't fall down.

This made Ye Fusheng feel very dizzy, and felt embarrassed, so he could only comfort Lianna.

Aware of this scene, Xing Yun's eyes changed slightly, but she didn't say much.

As for Lilith's two daughters who were crushed to the ground earlier, it was actually Xing Yun who did it.

In her heart, Lilith and Lianna are aliens after all, even if they are elves who are friendly with the human race, if they want to live in the human race, they have to give them a warning.

Let them understand that the power and terror of the human race, let them never dare to have the heart of disobedience!
Otherwise, with the presence of Xingyun, a mere city defense formation would be effective?
"Let's go, hurry up, let's go meet the king!"

Xing Yun turned around, her cloak fluttered, and she strode towards the city.

Lilith followed quickly, and after Ye Fusheng comforted Lianna, he broke away from Lianna, ran straight to Xing Yun's side, and whispered: "Senior sister, senior sister, is that dragon your mount?"

"Well, what happened?"

Glancing at Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun said calmly: "Why didn't you entertain that little girl?"

"Ahem, I've already brought you here, so don't care about me!"

Sniffing his nose lightly, Ye Fusheng smelled a sour smell, and his heart trembled, he was afraid that Xingyun would beat him up, after all, in his own opinion, it was a bit unfair to the protoss, and he was too scumbag.

If Xing Yun beat herself up based on the girl's thoughts, the loss outweighs the gain.

However, when he thought of that oriental dragon just now, Ye Fusheng felt an itch in his heart, and wanted to know what was going on.

Are there other dragons on the continent, and when will he be able to tame one?
[Forget it, if you are beaten, you will be beaten! 】

After a long time, Ye Fusheng gritted his teeth and made up his mind. Of course, he didn't dare to confront Xing Yun, so he changed the subject and said, "Ahem, Senior Sister, you are so beautiful, you are even more fairy than a fairy, and you won't feel uncomfortable fighting while riding a dragon." Is it discordant?"


Being praised by Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun almost didn't laugh, but there was a smile on the corners of her eyes and eyebrows, she rolled her eyes, and said helplessly: "Why do you want to fight on a dragon? Can't you just let it fight by itself?"

"Besides, Zulong is proficient in changes, can be small and big, and is good at various supernatural powers. You don't want you to ride it to fight, you have to treat it as a person!"

"That's it!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng immediately understood the magic of Zulong.

Just like in myths and legends!
It seems that the planner who made this game must be a fan of mythology, otherwise, the Eastern Dragon would not be so powerful!
"Then, senior sister, how many dragons are there on the continent? Can I find one and make it my partner!"

Realizing that Xing Yun didn't treat Dongfang Shenlong like a pet, Ye Fusheng changed the name very carefully.

"There are still dragons, but not many."

Xing Yun hesitated for a moment, then shook her head and said: "With your current strength, it is still very difficult to get their approval! How about this, after your strength is reached, I will send you to Dragon Valley to intercede for you, it should be no problem. "

"Okay, thank you, Senior Sister!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng suddenly became happy.

Xingyun is so strong, and her status in the human race is also very extraordinary, if she asks for mercy in person, the people in Longgu, ah no, those dragons would not dare to refuse.

At that time, he will really be able to become a dragon knight!
Well, this dragon rider is not that dragon rider, one rides a dragon, the other rides a small dragon...

"Okay, don't think so much!"

Xing Yun's voice was soft, even though she was thinking of teaching Ye Fusheng a lesson just now, when she saw how well-behaved he was, she immediately felt reluctant.

Behind her, Lianna was jealous and wanted to go forward, but was dragged tightly by Lilith.

What a joke, this is the territory of the human race, if Xing Yun gets mad, they will all die!

As for the marriage between her daughter and Ye Fusheng, well, Ye Fusheng has agreed, if she dares to break her promise, she has plenty of ways.

Besides, Xing Yun and Ye Fusheng are just the relationship between senior sister and junior brother. She can see that there is no overreach between the two of them.

If Liana says something wrong and annoys Xing Yun, everything will be over!
So, in the conversation between Xing Yun and Ye Fusheng, in the heart knot between Lianna and Lilith, a group of four came to the gate of the majestic and majestic city.

At this time, there are many NPCs queuing up at the gate of the city, and there are all kinds of people.

When Xing Yun arrived, she didn't take Ye Fusheng and others to line up on both sides of the gate, but walked straight to the gate in the middle.


"Who?! Dare to break into the imperial capital?!"

Seeing Xing Yun and the others approaching, the guards guarding the city immediately raised their spears and stood in front of Xing Yun and the others.

For a moment, both Ye Fusheng and Lilith showed shock, looking at the guards with shock in their eyes.

What are you kidding, how dare a few guards block the patron saint of the human race?
I'm so sure it's not the old birthday star who hanged himself, tired of working?

Even Xing Yun was stunned, looking at the guard.

Being stared at by so many people with strange eyes, those guards also became confused, what's going on?Could it be that I stopped the wrong person?
"Well, may I ask..."

Just when the guards were hesitating and wanted to ask about their identities, a chuckle sounded suddenly.

"Hahaha, Lord Xingyun is here, why don't you let me know in advance, so that Benhou can prepare to entertain you."

The gentle laughter fell, and everyone looked up, looking in the direction of the sound.

All I could see was that a man in white clothes and a beautiful girl came slowly.

Those two people, both in appearance and temperament, were far superior to ordinary people, and they came together, giving people a particularly comfortable feeling, and people couldn't help but admire, they are both talented and beautiful!

These two people were Lord Hou in white, and Ouyang Jia who had been dead for many years and had been resurrected!

"Master Bai, Mrs. Bai!"

When the guards saw that it was Lord Hou in white, their expressions changed slightly, and they quickly knelt down to salute.

"Excuse me, please invite some adults to come in first."

With a smile on his face, Bai Yi nodded slightly to Ye Fusheng.

Ye Fusheng also inherited his kendo anyway, so naturally he won't give a good face.

"Yes, let's let it go!"

The guards quickly retreated to one side, respectfully allowing Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun and his party to pass.

However, when Lilith and Lianna passed by, they were curious and looked up.

Not only them, passers-by around, seeing that someone could enter through the main entrance of the hall, they were all very curious, and kept looking at Ye Fusheng and his party.

Entering the imperial capital, Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia first saluted Xing Yun slightly, and thanked him: "Thank you, Master Xing Yun, for your help. Now Xiao Jia's health is getting better and better, all thanks to your blessing!"

Since Xing Yun showed her strength last time and brought Ouyang Jia back to life, Bai Yi has been more polite to her.

Not to mention, Xing Yun is indeed devoted to the human race, and deserves his respect.

"It's not because of me, but because you guys really love each other."

Xing Yun shook her head and said: "The formation, after connecting, the better your relationship is, the better the effect will be. Now it seems that your relationship is really indestructible!"

Hearing this, Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia looked at each other and smiled happily.

"By the way, Lord Xingyun, this time you came to the imperial capital to meet the king, why?"

Bai Yi quickly came to his senses, and while leading the four of them towards the city, he asked, "Haven't the demons already retreated? Could it be that they are making another move?"

"It's not about the demons, it's about the elves!"

Xing Yun winked at Bai Yi.

In an instant, Bai Yi turned around and glanced at Lilith and Lianna.

When he saw Lianna, he couldn't help but gasp slightly, with a look of surprise on his face.

With his strength, it is natural to see Lianna's abnormality.

"This little girl..."

Frowning slightly, Bai Yi suddenly looked at Ye Fusheng again, took a deep look, then shook his head with a wry smile.

This made Ye Fusheng quite surprised, why did Bai Yi suddenly look at him?
"Your Majesty, you may not agree..."

Bai Yi sighed softly: "Now that the human race has just stabilized, it's... difficult!"

Hearing this, Lilith couldn't help turning pale. At this moment, the demons are going to target them. If they can't find protection, they won't be able to stop the attacks of the demons before Liana grows up!

Unless the fish dies and the net breaks!

"No matter how difficult it is, if you don't do it, how will you know the result?"

Xing Yun smiled and said: "I believe that the king has a tolerant heart!"

Bai Yi looked at Xing Yun, the two looked at each other, and both laughed.

All thoughts and plans were conveyed to the other party in that smile.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help curling his lips, complaining in his heart: "The heart of playing tactics is dirty! I didn't expect that Senior Sister Xingyun is so beautiful, and Lord Hou in white looks so gentle. It's okay for Ouyang Jia, just like a Like a little milk dog, he is also a tactician!"

Although Ye Fusheng didn't know what agreement Xing Yun and Bai Yi had reached, he was sure that the two of them must be plotting something!
However, what the two of them were planning to plot was also good for him, so he naturally wouldn't refuse, and was even looking forward to it silently!
The heart of playing tactics is dirty, I am so pure, so, let others help me play tactics, I just reap the benefits of the fisherman!
(PS: On 5.30th, the update will be sent!!! This is a transitional plot, and the next task will come soon!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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