Invincible in one touch

Chapter 275 888 Billion Experience, Elemental Heart!

Chapter 275 888 Billion Experience, Elemental Heart!

Under the respectful eyes of many guards, Ye Fusheng and Xing Yun entered the palace led by Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia.

The imperial palace is particularly luxurious, more luxurious and magnificent than Xingyun's City Lord's Mansion, and even those palaces that Ye Fusheng encountered in the Demon Race.

Resplendent and resplendent, there are various auspicious animal sculptures sitting here at intervals.

Cursing extravagantly secretly, Ye Fusheng and his party soon came to a hall with nearly a thousand steps.

"This is the Dragon Hall, with a total of nine hundred and ninety-nine steps. Normally, any envoy who comes here must climb the steps. If they fail to meet the requirements, they will not be able to meet the king!"

Lord Hou in white explained softly, and glanced at Lilith, the meaning was obvious.

This made Lilith's face change slightly. She is not too strong. In the territory of the human race, feeling the coercion, if she climbs the 99 steps, she will die of exhaustion here.


Just as Lilith was hesitating, Lord Hou in Baiyi chuckled and said, "Since Master Xingyun brought you here, it means that you can be trusted. You can avoid climbing the stairs. However, the two elf girls, after arriving at the palace, , don't contradict the king, otherwise, no one will be able to save you!"

The more he spoke, the colder his voice became, even with a hint of chill.

"Lilith understands that she will not embarrass the two adults."

Lilith bowed slightly, expressing her submission.

In fact, long before she came to the human race, she expected that a similar scene would happen.

However, in order for the entire group to survive, she had to endure it!

Hearing Lilith's words, Lord Hou in Baiyi nodded in satisfaction, and immediately exchanged a glance with Xing Yun, and with a strong wave, there was a breeze that swept a group of people and flew towards the palace.

I don't know how long it took, but when Ye Fusheng and the others were on the ground again, they were already in front of a palace.

Dozens of warriors in golden armor stood on both sides, their eyes fixed on each other, as if they didn't see them.

Xing Yun, Bai Yi, and Ouyang Jia were not surprised by this, and immediately walked towards the gate of the palace.

Ye Fusheng, Lianna, and Lilith followed quickly, and when they looked up, they couldn't help but gasped.

The gate of the palace alone is several feet high and looks particularly heavy.

However, Xing Yun and the others had just walked to the gate of the palace and hadn't moved yet. They only heard a "bang", and the gate of the palace opened automatically for several people.

Stepping into the gate of the palace is like stepping into a fairyland on earth, but it is actually surrounded by mist.

All the pillars in the palace are engraved with divine dragons or phoenixes, which are very vivid. At first glance, they seem to come alive, and they seem to be able to fly at any time.

There are many guards on both sides, and there are countless futons, and there are tables for rest around each futon, and tea filled with spiritual energy.

However, at this time, there was no one on the futon.

In other words, there were not many people in the entire hall.

Only on the highest step, there is a woman wearing a dragon robe, served by several maids and fanned.

Obviously, that woman is the so-called king.

This made Ye Fusheng look shocked, what's the situation, then the king of the human race, who is so awesome, is actually a woman?
Frowning tightly, Ye Fusheng looked at the girl carefully, and suddenly realized that there was nothing extraordinary about her.

In other words, this girl is actually quite useless, she has no strength, and her looks are not as good as those of Xingyun and Xingling.

This made Ye Fusheng very puzzled, how could such a girl become a king?
Just as Ye Fusheng was thinking in his heart, he suddenly felt someone hit his head, and then, Xing Yun's voice came from his ear: "Little guy, this is the royal palace, there are many masters, do you think they can't see you?" Your thoughts and ideas? Stop thinking about it, I can't keep covering your breath!"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng's expression changed slightly, and he was particularly shocked.

What an international joke, Xing Yun can actually know what is going on in his heart?
Moreover, according to Xing Yun's words, there are quite a few people in this kingdom who can do this!
[Hiss... What is the setting of this game?Even being able to sense other people's thoughts, isn't his strength too heaven-defying? ! 】

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng quickly realized that he didn't dare to think any more.

It's okay to be discovered by Xing Yun, after all, she is her senior sister, she will definitely spoil her, and she won't do anything.

However, if other people find out Ye Fusheng's thoughts and ideas, it will be a disaster!
What if Xingyun directly destroys the kingdom for him?

Well, a few days after the game version was updated, Ye Fusheng still decided to be more stable.

If a new version is made, the rest of the players will even think about killing him!

"I don't know why the God of War hastily came here?"

On the throne, the Queen's voice was soft and she asked.

"Xing Yun pays homage to the king!"

Hearing this, Xing Yun stepped forward, cupping her fists slightly to salute.

With her strength and status, she doesn't need to kneel down, and she doesn't need to be too polite.

Anyway, he is the Guardian God of War of the human race. If he doesn't lose face in front of the king, then the king doesn't want to hang around anymore.

However, just because Xing Yun doesn't need to salute, it doesn't mean that other people can't.

The Marquis in white walked quietly behind Lilith and Lianna, and his spiritual power suddenly bloomed, turning into a mountain, pressing their bodies down, and instantly knelt down on the ground.

Of course, Bai Yi also knelt down with Ouyang Jia and bowed to the king.

By the way, Bai Yi pulled Ye Fusheng's sleeve, trying to make him kneel down too.

In the territory of the human race, Ye Fusheng is indeed under the jurisdiction of the king in the game settings.

Feeling the pull of the white clothes, Ye Fusheng was stunned for a moment, and when he was hesitating whether to kneel down, Xing Yun spoke.

"Your Majesty, this Floating Life is my junior brother, and he is the heir chosen by the master after his death!"

"One of the things I do here today is to introduce my junior brother to the king!"

As soon as Xing Yun opened his mouth, Ye Fusheng immediately understood that Xing Yun would not let him kneel!
Originally, Ye Fusheng didn't want to kneel, and with the support of his senior sister, he became more courageous, raised his head and chest, and looked directly at the king.

"It turns out that this warrior is actually the junior brother of Lord God of War. No wonder, it gives people a feeling of extraordinary heroism!"

The king was not angry at all, he said cheerfully: "Very good, the human race has such a hero, why worry about the demon race being undefeated?"

Having said that, the king still glanced at Ye Fusheng, not knowing what the intention was.

Bai Yi looked at Ye Fusheng in surprise, he didn't expect that Xing Yun would speak for Ye Fusheng!

So, is it still the frosty human goddess of war in his memory?

"Your Majesty, the second thing is that the moon elves want to come and settle in our human race! I thought about it for a long time and thought it was very suitable, so I brought the queen of the elves here to meet the king!"

Xing Yun looked calm, neither humble nor overbearing.


"The elves? Do you want to settle in my human race?!"

The king turned around and looked at Lilith.

Suddenly, without knowing where it started, there seemed to be hundreds of eyes in the hall, all of them were staring at Lilith, which made Lilith feel hairy all over her body, and lowered her head even more.

At that moment, Lilith really had the feeling of seeing the abyss!

Only then did she realize that outside the main hall, there were dozens of experts whose strength far surpassed hers!
If the human race wanted to play tricks, even if Liana broke out with divine power today, she would probably have to shed blood here!

[Too strong, is this the strength of the human race? 】

【Then, what kind of strength will the Xingyun God of War, who suppresses the heavens and guards the entire human race, have? 】

Glancing out of the corner of her eye, she sensed that Xing Yun was like a mountain in that kind of aura, a solid mountain that didn't even shake. Lilith was completely convinced.

That kind of strength surpassed her by too much!
Next, the king asked Lilith the reason. After learning the specific reason, a group of people began to discuss whether to accept Lilith's request.

Oh, as for where did the group of people come from?

Of course, the matter was serious, and some old immortals hiding in the dark began to communicate with their spiritual sense.

This scene finally made Ye Fusheng see what the strength of an NPC is!
Sure enough, the human race has been able to resist the demon race for so many years, and other weak groups that can still fight have joined them, and their strength is still very strong.

Ye Fusheng was shocked by almost everyone's methods.

Of course, this time, it also told Ye Fusheng more intuitively how powerful Xing Yun is!
No matter which master or strong person appears, the attitude towards Xing Yun is the same as that of a god, without any transcendence.

Seeing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but glanced at Bai Yi, it seemed that among so many people he had met, Bai Yi was the only one who treated Xing Yun not so respectfully, but rather casually.

Well, this also proves that among the human race, Bai Yi can be regarded as the most powerful group of people.

As for why he knelt down and saluted the king, that was a rule passed down from the family.

Xing Yun is alone and strong, so naturally she doesn't have to follow the rules.

After watching it for a long time, until the end, Ye Fusheng almost fell asleep, this matter is finally settled!

As Xing Yun said before, the Moon Elves were placed at the border between the Demons, Beasts and Humans, Tianhe Valley. The terrain is good and the environment is beautiful, which is very suitable for the elves to survive. The words of the Demon Race and the Orc Race.

Lilith was actually very unhappy in her heart, but she didn't have any right to speak at all, and could only watch Xing Yun discuss with a group of people and finally finalize the position.

Even if you are upset, you still have to force a smile and agree.

When all the dust settled, Lilith and Lianna were lured away by Lord Marquis in white to prepare for the follow-up.

After all, it was the migration of a group of people. If you were not prepared, something would happen.

Before leaving, Lianna looked at Ye Fusheng reluctantly, wanting to stay.

However, after all, she inherited the power of the gods and was forcibly taken away by Lilith.

After they all left, Xing Yun took Ye Fusheng to bid farewell to the king and left the palace.

It was not until he left the palace that Ye Fusheng breathed a sigh of relief, and said in surprise, "Oh my god, is it such a waste of time to discuss these things?"

"It's not just a waste of time, there are many things to do in the follow-up, but you don't have to worry about those things!"

Xing Yun shook her head slightly, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "By the way, I forgot to ask you, what's the matter with that little girl and you?"

"Cough cough..."

Hearing this question suddenly, Ye Fusheng coughed and almost didn't choke.

He had thought that Xing Yun would see something was wrong, but he didn't expect Senior Sister Xing Yun to ask so easily.

"What else could it be?"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng said helplessly: "It's not that she is too handsome. If you save her life, you will die. You have to follow me! This person just can't be too handsome, otherwise, there will be too many I'm bothered!"

Hearing this, Xing Yun's expression froze, and she snorted coldly: "I believe you, but try not to save too many girls in the future! You already have a protoss, and if you hook up with other women, it's unfair to the protoss, do you understand?" ? How much she paid for you, don't you know?"

"Senior sister, I understand!"

Ye Fusheng said helplessly: "I don't want to either, she really took the initiative, I didn't even say marry her!"

"You still dare to marry her?"

Xing Yun sneered, and said again: "Forget it, do whatever you want, but don't provoke those girls back, if you make Xing Ling angry, I won't help you."

"Don't worry, definitely not!"

Ye Fusheng made a promise: "It's really not possible. In the future, if other people are in danger, I won't save them!"

"No, it's still worth saving people."

Rolling her eyes, Xing Yun stretched out her hand and nodded Ye Fusheng's head: "You're just a clever little ghost, that's all right, hurry up and go, I should go back to Sunset City too! If I don't go back for a day, I don't know if I will No mess!"

With a sigh, Xing Yun flicked her right hand lightly, and the next moment, her whole body turned into colorful light, and disappeared in front of Ye Fusheng.

When I looked up, I could see a faint figure of a giant dragon hovering in the air, and it disappeared quickly.

"Hey, dragon, how handsome!"

"Senior Sister Xingyun is too strong. When will I be able to fly with a sword and subdue a dragon!"

With a sigh of admiration, Ye Fusheng opened the monster illustration book again, and continued to search for the monster with wings.

Well, the task of developing wing equipment was completed before one kind of monster slaughter, one kind of wing collection, and two more.

Ye Fusheng doesn't want to procrastinate any longer, so finish it sooner, and then improve the strength of the Floating World Guild, and spend more time with his daughter and sister by the way.

How can life be crazily spawning monsters all the time?
Wouldn't that be a little too boring? !

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the ultimate mission of the serial main storyline [The Hope of the Elven Clan], task requirements: to enable the elves to obtain the right to live in the human race, task rewards: experience value 888 billion, gold coins 30, reputation value 10! Elemental Heart!"

The system rewards were issued, and in an instant, the golden light under Ye Fusheng's feet flickered one after another, and the whole person became excited.

888 billion!
888 billion experience rewards!

Even though it was extremely difficult for Ye Fusheng to level up, with such a high experience reward, he was instantly promoted to level 74, and he was only short of half of the experience, and he could be promoted to level 75!
However, Ye Fusheng is already very satisfied to be able to upgrade several levels at once.

If you can't reach level 75, you can't, anyway, it's coming soon.

At that time, maybe you can comprehend brand new skills, even more powerful skills!
However, compared to the rewards of experience points, what made Ye Fusheng more curious and excited was the elemental heart!
Opening the backpack, when Ye Fusheng reached out to caress the heart of the element, and the attribute panel flew out, Ye Fusheng froze in place!
(PS: Today’s update will be delivered, on 5.31, I wish you all a Happy Children’s Day in advance!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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