Invincible in one touch

Chapter 276 Sun Secret Realm, Resurrection of Skills! ! !

Chapter 276 Sun Secret Realm, Resurrection of Skills! ! !
Elemental Heart (Extraordinary Mythical Passive—LV1): Increase the elemental attributes of the player's various departments by 999, and the elemental attribute resistance by 999
It's a very ordinary attribute, it doesn't matter if it doesn't increase the attack power and defense power, it doesn't even increase the blood value!

However, the words Transcendent Mythical Passive in front of the skill description shocked Ye Fusheng.

Even if it is a fairy-level skill, it can be powerful enough to instantly kill the boss. This is a skill passive that is several levels beyond the fairy-level. Tell me, it's just such a little attribute?

"System prompt: Since the player's light element attribute and light element attribute resistance have reached 1111, the passive skill Bright Body will be permanently activated!"


"The attribute added to me actually allowed me to activate other skills?"

Slightly surprised, Ye Fusheng quickly looked at the new skills.

Body of Light (Extraordinary Passive Skill——LV1): You can add light attribute attacks to your own weapons, and when dealing damage to the target, an additional 150% of light attribute damage will be added, and 30% of the damage will be immune to light attribute damage .When the light element attribute and light element attribute resistance reach 2222, this skill can be advanced again

"Cowhide, with 150% additional damage and immunity to 30% light attribute attacks, this is only level 1! If the level increases in the future, doesn't it mean that I can deal several times the damage in an instant? When encountering light attribute attacks When the time comes, can you be immune to... 80%? Or 90% of the damage?"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng immediately figured out the abnormality of the Light Body's skill.

The additional damage in front has effects on task monsters, NPCs, and even players.

If it is immune to damage, although it has limitations, the effect is also strong!
"By the way, the attribute and resistance of the light element have reached 1111, and I have automatically comprehended this skill. If my other element attributes have also reached, can I activate it?"

"Hiss... If it's as I guessed, if I upgrade all attributes in the future, wouldn't it mean that any monsters attacking me will not be able to cause too much damage to me?"

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng turned his eyes to the skill of Elemental Heart, his mouth was slightly opened, and his eyes were full of horror.

He finally understood why the skill level of Elemental Heart was so high.

That's real magic!

Once this skill level is raised, Ye Fusheng will be able to develop various elemental skills. At that time, no matter what monsters he encounters, the damage caused to Ye Fusheng will be reduced.

No, not only monsters, but even NPCs and players cannot cause too much damage to Ye Fusheng.

After all, in the game, all skills have attributes.

Unless it is a blank attribute skill, it can cause 100% damage to Ye Fusheng.

That kind of skill, perhaps in the game to the off server, few people can learn it.

"Huh... this skill must be practiced as soon as possible!"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng turned off the panel excitedly, and opened the monster illustration book again.

Well, he has to work hard to level up.

The senior sister can even ride a dragon, but she can only ride a horse. The gap is too big, time is running out, I must level up as soon as possible!

When will he be able to control the Shenlong and travel around the world with Xingling, Xingyun, and his daughter Ye Xin.

As for Qianshanxue?
Well, forget it, let her level up...

By the way, Ye Fusheng wanted to leave as soon as Liana was busy with the elves.

In case Lianna really entangled him, it would be difficult.

He is a married man, and he didn't marry another girl!

After searching for several minutes, Ye Fusheng finally found another monster with wings.

Coincidentally, it was still a monster of the Demon Race.

Gargoyles, elite monsters, usually appear in places where graves are gathered and where there is a lot of yin.

The attributes are not too strong, but the skills are petrified. It is a bit troublesome to deal with the two skills of rebirth.

But what about trouble?

It's just some business monsters, no matter how troublesome they are, how can they beat the boss?

Without any hesitation, Ye Fusheng directly chose to teleport.


There was a flash of light, and when Ye Fusheng stepped on the ground again, a ghostly horn sounded in his ears.

There was a gust of dark wind, as if a female ghost had landed behind him, and she kept rubbing her cold hands against his not-so-majestic body.

This made Ye Fusheng tremble all over. Gargoyles can still seduce?
Turning around quickly, the Eye of Truth skill was released, and in an instant, an illusory figure suddenly appeared in front of Ye Fusheng.

That was a pretty, especially handsome female ghost!

Especially the clothes on her body were all torn to pieces, and her skin could even be as white as snow.

"Grass, there really is a female ghost!"

"You still want to scare me? Court death!"

With a light drink, Ye Fusheng didn't care, and quickly added a light attribute attack to Yinyue Mohui. The next moment, the combo of punch + normal attack + heavy chop + normal attack broke out, and the shining blade of the sword passed by immediately. female ghost.


An imaginative voice sounded, and a high output of nearly 25 was fired, and the female ghost turned into white light and scattered, and before she died, she glanced at Ye Fusheng resentfully.

My old lady is dressed like this, and you actually want to kill me? !

Still not a man? !
However, Ye Fusheng didn't know what she was thinking, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her die.

"Grass, you still dare to scare me, the female ghost is amazing?"

He patted his chest, Ye Fusheng was still a little scared, with Liana today, Xing Yun almost lost his temper.

If he was contaminated with the breath of other women, Xing Yun might kill him after returning home!

Well, after a while, Xing Yun will have to take her to pick the Shenlong, so don't mess with Xing Yun!
This is definitely not fear, Xing Yun is her senior sister after all, she must pamper her...

After comforting himself a few words, Ye Fusheng held his head high and looked around.

What came into view was a group of lonely tombs. The steles of some of the tombs were blown apart, revealing empty caves. It was presumed that the tombs underneath had already been stolen.

"Tsk tsk, there are also tomb robbers in the demon clan?"

"Moving mountains and unloading mountains, making hills and touching gold? Then when I go down, do you want to light a candle too?"

"No, the candles are lit to prevent the corpse from changing. I came here to kill monsters. Why do I still light candles?!"

Grinning, Ye Fusheng looked towards the sky again.

Since the gargoyle has wings, it is very likely that it is not in the tomb, but in the sky.


Just as Ye Fusheng was looking for the gargoyle hidden in the sky, the system notification sound suddenly fell.

"China Server Announcement: Three secret realms have been opened in Sunset City, namely Sun Secret Realm, Taiyin Secret Realm, and Star Secret Realm. They are open for 24 hours within a limited time. If a guild occupies the secret realm within 24 hours, they can get rich mysterious rewards, as well as equipment, Skill book rewards! And the BUFF effect corresponding to the secret realm!"

"Huaxia Server Announcement:..."


"China Server Announcement: Three secret realms have been opened in Sunset City, namely Sun Secret Realm, Taiyin Secret Realm, and Star Secret Realm. They are open for 24 hours within a limited time. If a guild occupies the secret realm within 24 hours, they can get rich mysterious rewards, as well as equipment, Skill book rewards! And the BUFF effect corresponding to the secret realm!"

"Huh? Another big event?!"

Ye Fusheng couldn't help being stunned, it seemed that it was a guild activity.

Compete for secret realms, and you can get equipment, skill books, and mysterious rewards.

As for the buff effect, it should be available to all players in the guild.

"The reward is good, should I go back and get it?"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng couldn't help hesitating.

He had a hunch that the rewards for this event would definitely not be bad!

Not only Ye Fusheng, but in an instant, the forum was overwhelmed by the news of the three great secret realms.

Almost countless players are guessing what the mysterious reward is.

In Sunset City, the major guilds, even the guilds such as God's Domain, Xiong Ba Tian Tian, ​​and Years Like Water, who were ambushed by the Shenjiang Pavilion guild before and suffered losses in level and equipment, all started to think about it.

However, they also know that with the Ukiyo and Shenjiang Pavilion guilds, the Sun Secret Realm is out of the question. It is better to unite with some guilds and fight for the Star Secret Realm instead.

Once the secret realm is conquered, it will be very difficult for other guilds who dared to compete with Ukiyo and the Pavilion of Gods to fight against them after they are defeated!
The major guilds have their own ideas, but their goals are surprisingly consistent.

For the time being, don't conflict with Floating Life.

Of course, they still sent players to find the location of the secret realm, and they were also investigating the news of the Floating World Guild.

They have known for a long time that Floating Life is not always in the guild, but spends most of the time doing tasks outside.

In case Fusheng Wanqian is not interested in these secret places, they can snatch them.

Most of the players in the Floating World Guild are indeed masters, but the number is too small.

As long as Fusheng Wanqian is not there, leading tens of thousands of players to rush up, who can stop it?

Not only them, but other guilds in the city took action after seeing the news.

Some guild leaders led people directly and rushed to Sunset City in a hurry.

There are also some guild players who sighed on the forum, why did you get Sunset City for all the good things?
What the hell, is he hanging up?
It's clearly just a secondary main city, why do all the activities go there?
Then, after the player reaches the level and wants to go to a higher-level main city, what will happen to Sunset City?
Could it be that every time I come to a mission in the future, I have to go to Sunset City?
Not to mention other people's thoughts, Ye Fusheng was also hesitating when he saw the activity, whether he should go back for a visit.

"Beep beep-"

Just as he was thinking, the address book rang, it was a call request from Qian Shanxue.

Needless to say, it must be about the three secret realms.

Accepting the call invitation, Qian Shanxue's voice came out immediately: "My dear, have you checked the official website? The news of the three major secret realms has been announced! If you can occupy the sun secret realm, all attributes will increase by 24% within 30 hours. The amount of experience gained is increased by 50%, and more importantly, there is a chance to directly refresh ten spirit weapons that match our level!"

"This kind of event must not be missed!"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help curling his lips, what's so good about ten spiritual weapons?
In his backpack, there are a bunch of fairy artifacts, legendary artifacts, and even legendary equipment!
He didn't even bother to put a spiritual weapon in his backpack!

Cough cough cough, this statement is a bit false, the equipment that can be sold for money should still be put in the backpack.

Although Ye Fusheng's family is rich, but he is determined to become a man who can make money, not a prodigal son!

However, apart from the equipment rewards, what really impresses Ye Fusheng is the previous BUFF rewards!

All attributes are increased by 30%, and the amount of experience gained is increased by 50%!

This can greatly increase his upgrade speed.

"Recently, the official website has been launching this kind of activity. It seems that they want to speed up everyone's level improvement... It can't be that I leveled up too fast. The official website is afraid that I will hit those players, so the activity is created?"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng suddenly thought of this and couldn't help laughing.

With one's own power, influence the activities of the entire game, who else can do it except me, Ye Fusheng?
Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng had already made up his mind, he had to go back, not to mention getting all three secret realms, at least one sun secret realm!
However, since this activity lasted for 24 hours, Ye Fusheng didn't remember to go back first, so he could finish the task of developing the wing equipment anyway.

At that time, with the wing equipment, Ye Fusheng will go back and appear in front of the public. It will definitely be more attractive and attract players' attention and attention!
"You and Fengxian lead the people to find the Sun Secret Realm first. After I finish the task, I will go back!"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng gave orders.

"Okay, but it's only 24 hours, can you make it in time?"

Qian Shanxue was a little puzzled.

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't worry!"

"I will continue to spawn monsters immediately, hang up!"

After speaking, without waiting for Qian Shanxue to reply, Ye Fusheng directly hung up the communication, and immediately summoned the stars.

Xing Xing has a strong sense of hidden monsters. With her, she can quickly find those gargoyles.

"Master, I sensed that there is a monster hiding at the tombstone!"

As soon as the stars appeared, he raised his long sword and pointed it directly at a tombstone.


Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, but he saw Xing Xing jumping up, and the sharp long sword contained the power of the stars, slashing on a tombstone impressively.

The tombstone was actually sent flying, and a damage number of -18274 floated above his head.


There was a loud cry, and after the tombstone flew out, it actually stretched out a pair of stone-like wings, revealing a head.

"Fuck me, that tombstone is a gargoyle?!"

The pupils shrank suddenly, and Ye Fusheng finally understood why he didn't find the gargoyle in the sky before.

It turned out that those gargoyles turned into tombstones, and they were located in the surrounding tombs!
If it wasn't for the presence of the stars, I'm afraid that thousands of players will come and die from exhaustion, and they can't find the place where the gargoyle is hiding.

There is no way, their skins are exactly like stone statues, and they will not take the initiative to attack. If they are so close, even if they are about to be attacked, they will sleep like dead pigs. How to find them?

Fortunately, there were stars, Ye Fusheng took a deep breath, his eyes of truth swept over the gargoyle, and the next moment, the attribute panel suddenly flew out.

Gargoyle (Elite Monster)
Rating: 160
Blood value: 180000
Attack: 18000
Defense: 36000
Tenacity: Defense power increased by 30%, when the own blood value drops below 10%, a shield will be triggered, which can absorb 30% of the own blood value damage
Skills: petrification, resurrection, screech, death scream, dark impact

Description: Gargoyles, a group of people who do not know where they come from, have extremely abnormal defense capabilities and vitality, even gods, it is difficult to kill them
"The increase in defense is a bit fierce. The blood value is too low, and the shield can be triggered... It seems that it must be killed in seconds!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was not afraid of it at all, what is a mere elite monster?
When the charge and slash skill was released, Ye Fusheng immediately turned into a bolt of lightning, and before the repelled gargoyle could react, the two swords staggered down and slashed on the gargoyle with a bang!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the plundering technique, plundering skill resurrection X1..."



(PS: No. 6.3, update will be sent!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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