Invincible in one touch

Chapter 277 Collecting wings, father's love is like a mountain

Chapter 277 Collecting wings, father's love is like a mountain


"Resurrection?! A skill that can be resurrected?"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng immediately became interested.

Although Ye Fusheng's equipment is very good now, if he fights the boss normally and farms monsters, there will be no danger at all.

Not to mention death, I'm afraid no boss can beat him to the brim.

Unless it's a high-level boss, but, will Xingyun and Xingling look at that kind of boss?
Heh, I'm afraid that before he got close to Ye Fusheng, he would already be beaten into a pig's head.

However, being able to have resurrection skills is also a means.

In case of any special circumstances?

Resurrection (Fairy Level Passive——LV1): When the blood value is reduced to 0, there is a 10% chance to trigger the resurrection effect, immune to any punishment such as downgrade, and can restore all blood value and mana value, cooldown time is 24 hours

"There's something to eat, but it's not bad if I can grab this skill. In case my Eternal Heart doesn't trigger, I can trigger this once as a chance!"

"Well, level 1 has a 10% chance, and if it reaches level 10, it may reach 100%. Although the skill effect is not good, it has a high chance of success, which is not bad."

After touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was not too disappointed.

In fact, if other players get this skill, they may be so excited that they can't sleep for days and nights!
Resurrection directly once, but also immune to any punishment effect, how buggy is this skill?

At best, the cooling time is longer. However, you can collect some treasures that reduce the cooling time, which may shorten the time.

But, even so, this skill is enough to make any player crazy about it.

Ye Fusheng is the only one who doesn't like this skill.

"Phew... for the sake of giving me a decent skill, I'll send you off happily!"

With a grin, Ye Fusheng staggered his swords and killed the gargoyle immediately.

With multiple attacks and skills, if he couldn't even kill a gargoyle, Ye Fusheng could simply delete the number.


The gargoyle died tragically, and the pair of petrified wings fell to the ground.

After collecting them, Ye Fusheng attracted the second gargoyle.

No, to be precise, Xing Xing attracted a bunch of gargoyles to rush over again!

"Grass, don't quote so many at once!"

Ye Fusheng, who had just killed the gargoyle, looked up, his expression changed drastically, he couldn't help cursing, and immediately dropped the blades of both hands, releasing the skill of sword swing nine days.


Bursts of thunder struck those gargoyles immediately, splitting them into burnt charcoal, black and dark, but the blood bars on their heads did not change much.

" looks like a stone, not afraid of thunder!"

"However, it is a dark attribute anyway, I don't believe that Tian Zhan Lie Yan can't deal with you!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng immediately thought of the element attribute setting that appeared earlier, and quickly put away the silver moon magic brilliance, holding the sky-slashing flames in both hands, like a berserker, waving a long sword and spinning.


The sharp blade continued to pass by, slashing at many gargoyles.

This time, the flaming sword energy hit them, and they burned up immediately, as if even their souls were going to burn!

"Bibo Bibo—"

With the whole body on fire, the gargoyle's blood bar also decreased at an extremely fast rate.

Well, after all, after comprehending the heart of the elements skill, Ye Fusheng's attack power in terms of elements has also been greatly improved.

This is still in the case of Tianzhan Lieyan's poor attribute, if you change to a high-level weapon with a light attribute, Ye Fusheng may kill the gargoyle in seconds.

Of course, there are not so many possibilities in the world, Ye Fusheng can only harvest the gargoyles crazily with the flames.

As a result, the star spirit pulls monsters and Ye Fusheng kills monsters. No matter how high the attribute is, the gargoyle has to kneel down when encountering Ye Fusheng. They all die, dropping gold coins and a pair of petrified wings.

After killing hundreds of gargoyles in a row, Ye Fusheng suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Doesn't the gargoyle also have a resurrection skill?

Why did he kill for so long and didn't meet a gargoyle that could be resurrected?

Could it be that he was lucky?

But, it's unscientific!

No matter how lucky you are, it should be triggered once or twice. Otherwise, why did the officials set up this skill? Was it just for him to snatch it?
With this in mind, before Ye Fusheng killed a gargoyle, he swept his eyes away and released the Eye of Truth skill again.

Looking down, this time, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but raise his brows.

It can be clearly seen that the resurrection skill has disappeared from the gargoyle's panel data!

"Fuck... Could it be that my looting technique has evolved again? After obtaining the skill, not only can it make the skills of an individual disappear, but also the skills of the entire group?"

"Hiss, if that's the case, then the effect of this skill is too abnormal!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng suddenly thought of countless tactics, which can be achieved through his special ability.

If his guess is true, any of the top ten abyssal monarchs will have to obediently admit their love and leave when they meet him in the future.

Otherwise, Ye Fusheng would go to find the tribes of the ten abyssal monarchs, use the looting technique frantically, and plunder all their various skills and characteristics.

It will be much easier to deal with the ten abyssal monarchs at that time.

Without characteristics and skills, only attributes, what's the use?

I, Ye Fusheng, can play you to death in countless ways!

"No, no, I'm a little drifting!"

"Made, the skills are getting stronger and stronger. I'm afraid that if you really want to be invincible in the NPC, it's only less than level 100, so it's that strong. After level 255, after reincarnation once, after becoming a god... emmmmm , besides those senior sisters, is there anyone else who will be my opponent?"

The more he thought about it, the more arrogant Ye Fusheng became. Of course, his speed of killing monsters did not slow down. The flames of Tian Zhan continued to spin, killing one after another of gargoyles.

Two hours later, the number of wings dropped by the gargoyle reached, and the number of monsters killed had already been reached.

"Phew... it's done, call it a day, Xing Xing leaves!"

After the task was over, Ye Fusheng didn't bother to farm Gargoyles anymore, after all, they were just some ordinary monsters, their experience points and equipment drop rate were too low.

If you have the spare time to kill them, you might as well get close to those girls who are as clear as water.

Quickly beheading the last attracted gargoyle, Xing Xing sat obediently in front of Ye Fusheng again.

This also made Ye Fusheng quite helpless. I don't know why, as long as there are monsters or there is a battle, Xing Xing is like a goddess of war. She is powerful and can use various tactics.

He can perfectly meet Ye Fusheng's requirements without even having to work hard on the operation.

This is so much more worry-free than other pets.

However, if Xing Xing is smart, once there are no monsters and only Ye Fusheng, she becomes a cute little loli who doesn't understand anything.

If Ye Fusheng wants to treat her ghost father, she will accept it with satisfaction.

Can't the two of them be ghost fathers?
Don't make trouble, Ye Fusheng could see clearly when Xing Xing was born!
That's not counted? !
Of course, Ye Fusheng is not as perverted as his father's love is like a mountain!
"Ah, the wings of the demon clan have also been collected, and the orc clan needs to be collected next! I don't know, which groups of the orc clan will have wings!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng opened the monster illustrated book, looked through it for a long time, and finally found a group, the Flying Tiger!
A tiger with wings is not strong, only about 100 levels, and its attributes are also weaker than it.

However, they are on the side of the beast race, quite far away from the human race.

In case something happened inside the orc clan, it would be a bit dangerous for Ye Fusheng to ask for help.

"Forget it, just go straight, some monsters around level 100, I don't believe there will be accidents!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng made up his mind to take a look.

I can be regarded as a strong man anyway, how can I shrink back?
After choosing Flying Tiger, Ye Fusheng chose to teleport.


The golden light shone, and when Ye Fusheng stood on the ground again, he was standing on a vast and boundless prairie.

Not far away, some tigers are resting and coiled on the ground, while others are spreading their wings and soaring freely in the sky.

Well, there aren't any players!

Are you kidding me, in the current game, besides Ye Fusheng, who else can cross so many levels and sweep the map like crazy?
I'm afraid he was slapped to death by a monster as soon as he arrived on the map, so he should be sent back to his happy hometown!
"There are quite a few flying tigers here. It seems that the task will be completed soon, and the wing equipment bar will be opened!"

"Hey, I don't know if the wings will be very handsome after being equipped!"

"Forget it, don't expect too much, after all, it's only level 50 equipment, so it won't be too good..."

Sighing, Ye Fusheng didn't show mercy, summoned the stars, and started a pleasant journey of killing monsters again.

The attributes of the Flying Tiger are much weaker than that of the Gargoyle. This time, they didn't even need the stars to lure the monsters. Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing split into two groups, crazily slaughtering the existence of the Flying Tiger.

The number of monsters killed is like a volcanic eruption, and it soars upwards at an extremely fast speed. As for the number of wings, it increases slowly.

Well, after all, the level difference between Ye Fusheng and Flying Tiger is not too big, and there is no explosion rate bonus.

In the setting of "Reincarnation of the Heavens", the explosion rate is very low, and it would be good if the wings can be exploded, so don't think about completing it so quickly.

So, Ye Fusheng, who was bored, had no choice but to open the forum while slaughtering the Flying Tiger, wanting to see if there was any interesting news recently.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it.

Recently, the major guilds have taken action, especially the three major secret realms. Except for two of the top ten guilds who did not come, the rest of the guilds, including Shenglong, rushed over quickly, wanting to compete for one of the secret realms.

Shenjiang Pavilion directly chose the second secret realm, and soon forced the rest of the guilds away, and was attacking the secret realm.

In the third secret realm, almost no one went there. In the end, the two guilds, Homecoming and Meteor, jointly set up a defensive line, drove away the remaining guild players, and immediately began to attack the secret realm.

Sun Secret Realm, then don’t talk about it.

Almost all of China, hundreds of guilds rushed over, everyone wanted to snatch the opportunity to enter the Sun Secret Realm.

In the beginning, Qian Shanxue and Xuejia Fengxian were able to rely on Ye Fusheng's prestige to shock the other players from coming forward.

But as time went by, Ye Fusheng never showed up, and countless players started to think carefully.

If Ye Fusheng didn't come back, they would definitely be able to storm the Floating World Guild and obtain the Sun Secret Realm.

Even if Ye Fusheng came back later, so what?

Anyway, the benefits of the secret realm have already been obtained!
Even if he retaliates wildly and wants to chase and kill, it is impossible to kill millions of players in the entire guild by himself, right?
Being able to become the principals of the major guilds, they are all mixed up, and they all have the same thoughts in their hearts. Soon, they began to block the Sun Secret Realm, wanting to storm the floating world and gain control of the Sun Secret Realm.

The major guilds went berserk, and those guards in the blood armor Fengxian rushed out. Under Fengxian's leadership, they actually withstood the impact of tens of thousands of people!
One husband is in charge, and ten thousand people are not open!

This shocked the other guilds. In the past, the brilliance of the blood armor was covered by Ye Fusheng.

This time, Ye Fusheng was still doing missions outside, and he finally showed his fangs in the blood armor!


"That guy is the bastard who went on a killing spree with Floating Life Wanqian last time!"

Soon, someone recognized Xue Jia Fengxian, and with a roar, countless players took a few steps back in an instant.

"What are you afraid of? No matter how strong he is, he won't be a floating life. There are so many of us, why are we afraid of him alone?"

Someone yelled angrily, and immediately rushed forward madly under the heavy reward.


Not surprisingly, the player was picked up by the spear and flew into the air before he got close to the blood armor Fengxian.

However, his actions brought courage to many players.

The next moment, nearly a hundred thousand players rushed forward, wanting to drag the blood armor to death first.

Of course, the other players in the Floating World Guild are not vegetarians either. Except for Lingfeng who is an assassin and cannot shine in this kind of tough battle, the rest of the players used all their skills to cooperate with the blood armor to defeat many offensives. go.

No one noticed that Lingfeng's aura was concealed and quietly disappeared among the crowd.

Obviously, when Lingfeng reveals her figure again, it will definitely shock all players.

Well, here's the message on the forum.

"Deadhead... If you can't fight at the beginning, you can retreat first, and talk about it when I go back!"

"Forget it, since we've already fought, let's do this, it seems that I have to speed up the speed of spawning monsters!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was not worried about Fengxian in the blood armor, he said in a deep voice: "With Fengxian's strength, it's not a problem to block them for a long time, but I can't let some of them die, that would be a bit of a loss. The gain outweighs the loss! "

With a murmur, Ye Fusheng made up his mind to speed up the speed of spawning monsters, but what Ye Fusheng didn't realize was that.

When a Flying Tiger dies, something like a thread trembles in the surrounding space.

In a very far cave, several fierce tigers were resting. Suddenly, they trembled all over, opened their eyes suddenly, and woke up.

"Damn it, someone is killing our descendants!"

"It should be killed, that guy should be killed!"

The voice of the three tigers was thick and thick, and the killing intent in their pupils was fierce.

"Yes, if you dare to harm our descendants, you must kill them!"

The rest of the fierce tigers also echoed, but after a little sensing, they realized that the dead flying tiger did not belong to their territory, so they lay down again.

Well, if it's not one of your own who has an accident, then don't worry about it.


Just when the three tigers were furious and wanted to rush out, there was a slight sound from the deepest part of the cave, but it made all the tigers tremble, and fell to the ground!

(PS: No. 6.4, update will be sent!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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