Invincible in one touch

Chapter 278 Attribute restraint, here comes a powerful BOSS again?

Chapter 278 Attribute restraint, here comes a powerful BOSS again?

Of course, Ye Fusheng didn't know about those things, he was still brushing the Flying Tiger happily.

The attributes of the flying tigers are not high, and the level difference is also low. Not to mention Ye Fusheng, even the stars can easily kill them.

Therefore, the speed of spawning monsters is very fast and very easy. It didn't even take an hour, and the mission goal has been achieved.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the mission. You will be rewarded with 1000000 experience points, 10000 reputation points, and the wing equipment bar will be opened!"

"Hahaha, I can finally open the wing equipment bar!"

When the equipment bar opened, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, and quickly equipped the Pioneer Wings.


The next moment, a pair of steel-like wings emerged. They were not long, on the contrary, they were a bit short, but because of the mechanization, they looked very cool.

It just made Ye Fusheng quite puzzled, such a pair of thick mechanical wings, can they really fly?

Don't tell me, not long after it flew up, it couldn't bear it by itself and fell down?

Equipped with the Pioneer Wings, although Ye Fusheng has not yet experienced the joy of flying, but his attributes have skyrocketed a lot.

Of course, the skyrocketing attributes are not enough. If you face the legendary boss you met before, I am afraid that if you don't give Ye Fusheng a support and let him trigger the instant death effect, you will still be no match.

The level gap, as well as the attribute gap, are indeed slowly widening.

After reaching the legendary level boss, it is not uncommon to have a blood value of more than a billion, and even the attack power starts to catch up to more than [-].

Moreover, the stunts he possesses are becoming more and more perverted, BUG!

If it wasn't for Ye Fusheng's instant death effect, he would have been educated by those bosses long ago.

"Phew... I hope the special effects of instant death will last for a while longer. It's best to wait until I find a brand new suit, and then meet those bosses who are immune to special effects of instant death!"

With a soft cry, Ye Fusheng was still very happy overall.

The wing equipment bar is opened, and if you encounter good wing equipment in the future, you don't have to work hard to do the task, you can directly wear the equipment.

It's a pity that after killing so many flying tigers, no other equipment and good things were revealed.

Not being able to add icing on the cake made Ye Fusheng even happier.

"Let's go, go back and have a look. If there are no other tasks, there is no problem with Liana. I will go to see how the Sun Secret Realm is doing."

"Heh, you dare to attack my guild while I'm not here. You really want to court death!"

Speaking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but look cold.

It seems that there is no shot these days, and some people, without scars and forgetting the pain, started to jump again.

You can't be merciful when dealing with those people. You must convince them thoroughly, so that you don't dare to be arrogant anymore!

However, just when Ye Fusheng was about to leave, a deafening roar sounded suddenly.

No, to be precise, three beeps!

Xing Xing, who had a cute face at first, looked dignified, and immediately turned around, staring into the distance with both eyes.

Apparently, another powerful monster has appeared!

"Is this because you know that you haven't revealed anything good for me, so you specially sent me a treasure?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng didn't care.

Are you kidding me, the normal monsters here are only about 100 levels, so what if there is a boss?
The level is more than 120, and the rank is not too high. At best, it is a spirit-level boss or a ghost-level boss!

That kind of boss, unless it has the characteristics against the sky, otherwise, no matter how many come, it will not be Ye Fusheng's opponent.


The roar of the tiger shook the sky, and even Ye Fusheng felt a little shocked.

Of course, it also allowed him to confirm his own thoughts.

This place is full of flying tigers, and the one who came is indeed the tiger boss. Obviously, because the number of monsters in the area died, the protection mechanism was triggered, and the boss was summoned.

Under normal circumstances, when a player first came to a map of a certain level, they would almost always be abused when they encountered a boss.

Unless one is particularly unlucky and directly encounters a large guild holding an event, otherwise, if the number of players is less than tens of thousands, those players will be slaughtered by the boss even if there are masters present.

Unless, there are professional players who have reached the king level, and other players are matched with other players. If the tactics are well matched, they can kill the wild boss.

Well, this is the difference between field bosses and world bosses.

However, the field boss has a fatal shortcoming, that is, its skills are weak, and it can bully a few players with high attributes at the beginning.

Once the guild discovers their existence and organizes their personnel to attack, as long as they are willing to pay the price of the player's death, they will definitely be able to kill the wild boss.

For example, at the very beginning, the Holy Dragon Guild organized people to kill the Cyclops giant. Even if Ye Fusheng didn't make a move, they could still kill the boss, but they needed to kill a lot of players.

"Hey, listening to the sound, there seems to be more than one boss. I don't know what their attributes are. If the rank is higher, maybe some good equipment will be released!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, but became excited instead.

As for returning to the city?

Are you kidding me, with the BOSS around, I can still go back to the city?
I will tear up all the scrolls to return to the city for you!

The roar of the tiger became louder and louder, and as time passed, three huge tigers also galloped from a distance, slowly approaching Ye Fusheng.

"Sure enough, it's a three-headed boss!"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng directly used the Eye of Truth skill without the slightest hesitation.


In the next moment, all the property panels of the three bosses appeared.

Blazing Tiger (Ghost Level BOSS)

Rating: 110
Blood value: 30000000
Attack: 38900
Defense: 14000
Fiery: When attacking or releasing skills, there is a 5% chance to summon a meteor meteorite, causing high damage to the target and making it burn for 30 seconds

Body of Holy Fire: When attacking the target, it will cause 300% extra elemental damage. If it encounters a fire attribute attack, it can reduce the damage received by itself by 70%

Skills: Flame Breath, Violent Impact, Fierce Burning, Flame Burst
Description: A fierce tiger with a strong fire attribute, and has a strong control over the element of fire
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Ice Tiger (Ghost Level BOSS)

... (levels, basic attributes, and skills are all the same, except that elemental attributes and special skills are different)

"Okay, three elemental tigers, normally speaking, if you want to kill them at the same time, you must have a lot of players, and players with multiple attributes at the same time, otherwise, you can deal with one tiger, and the other two tigers can easily Kill them!"

"The main reason is that the attribute of reducing damage is too buggy, directly reduce the attribute by 70%... However, this is also good, I have also opened a skill similar to this elemental attribute, maybe, I will brush up all the elemental attributes in the future , when receiving damage from the same element attribute, the damage can be reduced by 100%!"

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing.

However, he also understood that to a large extent it was just a beautiful idea.

Unless the people who make the game have a good brain, they will design that kind of perverted skill.

Once all the element attributes are brushed up, isn't it invincible?

Of course, Ye Fusheng didn't think of anything.

It is impossible for other players to increase the element attribute points to such a high level!
In the entire game, whether it is an NPC or a player, he is the only one who can have that possibility!
Only he has the plundering technique and can plunder attributes!

Three fierce tigers with different element attributes rushed over quickly, seeing blood dripping from the blade in Ye Fusheng's hand, and seeing countless flying tiger corpses scattered on the ground not far away, his eyes turned bloodshot.

"Roar! You humble human being, how dare you kill my fellow man!"

"Today, you don't want to leave here!"

The three tigers breathed out the breath of ice, the breath of flames, and the sharp breath of golden sparkle, staring at Ye Fusheng.

"Hahaha, don't worry, I won't leave here unless I kill you all!"

The corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, happy and fearless.

For him, the three 3-level ghost-level bosses, that is, the little babies who came to give him experience, would not cause him much harm at all.

Among other things, Ye Fusheng's defense power is already quite high, the three bosses only have an attack power of more than 3, at best they can only cause more than 1 points of damage to Ye Fusheng once.

However, Ye Fusheng's total blood value has already reached 180 million under various blessings!
Coupled with various blood-sucking and recovery effects, the three tigers might be exhausted to death, and they would not be able to harm Ye Fusheng.

This is Ye Fusheng's confidence.

Of course, the three tiger bosses don't know this, they can only sense that Ye Fusheng's basic attributes and level are not high, and his strength in the game world is not too strong, so they immediately roared, jumped out together, and opened their mouths. Three fireballs of different colors were released, and they exploded towards Ye Fusheng at the same time.

"Hahaha, the speed is too slow!"

The pioneer's wings flapped behind him, and Ye Fusheng quickly released his punching and slashing skills.


There was only a flash of light, and Ye Fusheng rushed out quickly before the attack of three light balls of different colors came, and came in front of the fiery tiger covered in fiery red!

The silver moon magic glow shone with a cold light, and it suddenly split into the fiery tiger's body, splashing blood everywhere.


The blazing tiger was in pain, and suddenly burst into a strong wail.

Raising both claws, the sharp claws went straight to grab Ye Fusheng's head.

It has to be said that the fighting instinct of this fiery tiger is quite strong.

It's a pity that its attack power is too weak, and that paw can only cause more than 2 damage to Ye Fusheng. It doesn't matter if the blood value doesn't move much, and Ye Fusheng's figure didn't even shake. .

The next moment, Ye Fusheng cast the elemental heart skill to convert his equipment attributes into water attributes.


The skill of Sword Dang Nine Heavens was released. This time, what burst out was no longer flashing thunder, but a rain of arrows filled with water vapor.

One after another, the water arrows scattered in all directions, and immediately pierced into the blazing tiger's body, and the breath of water swept across it, causing extremely strong damage to it.

The damage figure of more than 20 kept jumping up, and the fiery tiger twisted and fell straight to the ground.

However, those cold water breaths are still raging in its body, hurting it constantly.

"Yo, the effect is not bad. It seems that the element attribute is really strong! Then I have to upgrade the element attribute as soon as possible. Hehe, I will be able to switch to different attributes when I encounter different monsters in the future. They do the maximum damage output."

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng grinned, his whole body was filled with excitement.

If this can really be implemented, it means that Ye Fusheng's entire strength will be improved several times under the effect of the elemental heart!


At this time, the other two Frost Tigers and Vajra Tigers also reacted, turned their direction immediately, and went to kill Ye Fusheng again.

However, their attack power is too low to cause any damage to Ye Fusheng.

So much so that Ye Fusheng didn't even look at them, he just crazily used the bug of water attribute to cause high damage to the blazing tiger, attacking uninterruptedly.

Almost every second can cause nearly 40 output.

In just 2 minutes, the 3800 million qi and blood points of the fiery tiger were instantly emptied, turning into white light and dissipating, turning into Ye Fusheng's experience points.

"Hahaha, cool!"

"Next, we will use the fire attribute to deal with the ice tiger!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng didn't even pay attention to the equipment that the blazing tiger burst out, turned around and rushed towards the icy tiger again.

Of course, the attribute of the equipment changed, and it immediately turned into flames.

Even the blade of Yinyue Mohui's sword flickered with fire.

At this time, Ye Fusheng looked at the Frost Tiger and King Kong Tiger's eyes, full of excitement.

For him, with the ability to convert elemental attributes, the basic attributes are also stronger than these three bosses, and there is almost no difficulty in beheading them!

On the contrary, it can bring him countless rewards, so why not do it?


The flames ignited and immediately caused extremely strong damage to the Frost Tiger.

It seems that the restraint of fire's attribute against ice is more obvious. This time, Ye Fusheng's damage to the ice tiger was as high as 80 per second.

The 3800 million qi and blood value did not even last for a minute, so he wailed and turned into experience points and equipment, as well as gold coins all over the floor.


Seeing the death of the Frost Tiger and the Blazing Tiger one after another, the Vajra Tiger suddenly became terrified, howled, and turned to run away.

But, it's already here, will Ye Fusheng let it run away?

At the very least, you have to give me the equipment and experience points, the soul... well, the soul has to die here too!

I, Ye Fusheng's favorite boss, can escape?
Even if he is as strong as Carozo, he still has to die in his own hands. If a mere three-headed ghost-level boss wants to escape, then he really thinks too much!
If they didn't come out, Ye Fusheng didn't know there was a BOSS here, so he might have already left, and he wouldn't bother to find out where the BOSS is.

However, their old birthday stars hang themselves, they are tired of work, and they insist on jumping out, so don't blame Ye Fusheng for being rude!

Switching attributes again, choosing the heavy earth attribute, Ye Fusheng released his skills one after another, and immediately controlled the Vajra Tiger in place.

Well, there are relatively few attributes that restrain metal, even if it is fire, it cannot be too effective.

After all, fire can melt gold, but it can also make gold stronger.

In order not to cause more trouble, Ye Fusheng chose to use the earth attribute, first to control the Vajra Tiger, and then kill it.

However, without attribute restraint, Ye Fusheng's damage was also reduced, only dealing about 30 points per second.

It would take a few minutes at least to kill it.

However, Ye Fusheng was not in a hurry, on the contrary, he became excited all over.

What kind of benefits will the three-headed ghost-level boss bring him? !


However, just as the blood value of the Vajra Tiger was gradually decreasing, the sky suddenly covered with dark clouds, thunder flashed, and a strong aura immediately suppressed it.

Immediately afterwards, there was a thunderous sound, which made Ye Fusheng's face suddenly serious!
(End of this chapter)

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