Invincible in one touch

Chapter 279 With me here, who dares to touch him?

Chapter 279 With me here, who dares to touch him?

"Little friend, don't rush to kill them all!"

"You have already killed two, stop!"

A thunderous voice fell and shook Ye Fusheng's ears, making his heart tremble.

Obviously, there is a powerful boss nearby!

No, it is more than powerful, the strength is absolutely terrifying!
Ye Fusheng didn't even see its figure, but it sounded like it was nearby, so it can be seen that its strength is definitely very strong.

However, running away directly is not Ye Fusheng's style.

Ye Fusheng didn't make a move to kill the King Kong tiger, Ye Fusheng shouted: "I don't know who is here, please come out and tell me!"

"Old me!"

The King Kong tiger woke up from the stupor, and immediately let out a miserable howl.

Hearing the roar, Ye Fusheng's expression suddenly became strange.


What the hell, the tiger bosses here are all relatives?
Did you stab the tiger's den?


A sigh sounded, and the voice came out again: "Little friend, I hope you can hold your hand high and let my unfilial grandson go!"

"Let it go?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "It's ok, but what benefits can you bring me?"


Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, the Vajra Tiger was stunned, and then looked at Ye Fusheng angrily, and that voice also fell silent.

It was a little puzzled, it didn't know where Ye Fusheng had the courage to ask him for benefits!
You know, with its strength, Ye Fusheng couldn't withstand it's several attacks if he made a move.


The tiger fell silent, but the vajra tiger panicked.

It also thought that the ancestor had given up on it, and with a wail, took advantage of Ye Fusheng not continuing to attack, and ran out with a "swoosh".

"Looking for death! How dare you run away!"

Ye Fusheng was still hesitating at first, but when he saw the vajra tiger about to run, his expression turned cold, and he didn't care about the existence of the old ancestor, he immediately flew up and attacked the vajra tiger crazily.

Well, Ye Fusheng is not strong enough to deal with that old ancestor, but is it not enough to deal with a little guy?
boom boom-

Terrorist forces were released one after another, and immediately afterward, the blood bars of the Vajra Tiger gradually turned black, and finally, it died tragically.


With a scream, the Vajra Tiger also ended its life, turning into equipment and gold coins all over the floor.


It seemed that the death of the vajra tiger angered the hidden tiger boss. The sound of breathing was like thunder, constantly echoing.

"Tch, you're so arrogant, I don't believe you dare to really come out!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was not afraid.

If the tiger really dared to come out, it would have done it long ago, so why would it hide in the dark?
What's more, if you really come out, come out, anyway, it's a boss, as long as you don't have the special effect of immunity to instant death, then you have to be obedient in front of Ye Fusheng, otherwise, you will be dead!
Ever since, Ye Fusheng picked up the equipment dropped by the Vajra Tiger, Blazing Tiger, and Ice Tiger without any hesitation.

Since Ye Fusheng had killed many ghost-level bosses before, the explosion rate was not too high, only two immortal artifacts were produced, the others were spirit artifacts, and their attributes were not too good.

However, Ye Fusheng was already very satisfied. Originally, he didn't plan to gain much this time.

The gold coins were also picked up into the backpack, Ye Fusheng was delighted, he glanced again, looked around, saw that the hidden BOSS hadn't made a move yet, so he was ready to leave.


It seemed that he really didn't want to see Ye Fusheng leave like that. When he was about to open the scroll to return to the city, the roar sounded again.

This time, the situation changed suddenly.

Dark clouds were densely covered, and the originally clear sky suddenly became cloudy, containing a terrifying atmosphere.

"Yo, are you really going to make a move?"

"Tsk tsk, looking at this posture, it's really a bit overwhelming! I don't know what level of boss it will be!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but get excited.

Even the legendary level boss doesn't have such a posture. Could it be that the hidden boss is another existence of the level of Scarlet Moon Queen?

I'm afraid, even if it's not as good as Empress Scarlet Moon, the gap won't be too big.

"Young man, do you want to leave like this after killing my descendants?"

A roar sounded suddenly, and not long after, a giant tiger with a size of hundreds of feet came across the sky in the distance.

There are clouds floating beside it, thunder is blooming, and the hair all over its body is like steel needles, gleaming and containing a terrifying aura.

From a distance, it looks like a god descending from the world, beyond the reach of ordinary human beings!
"Hiss... this is definitely a boss beyond the legendary level!"

Ye Fusheng immediately understood when he saw the forceful style of the appearance and the various special effects. This is the boss in the setting, and the level is very high. At least, it is definitely not something that he can touch now.


"System prompt: Due to the influence of the super-level boss Sky Thunder God Tiger, all attributes of the player are suppressed by 60%, and no defensive stunts can be triggered!"

"My shit?!"

"So cruel?!"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng, who was originally relatively calm, changed drastically, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

It doesn't matter if all attributes are suppressed by 60%, after all, the attribute gap between Ye Fusheng and Tianlei Shenhu is huge, it's useless whether to suppress attributes or not.

However, it would be foolish not to be able to trigger any defensive special effects.

Originally, Ye Fusheng's idea was to use invincible special effects to attack the Thunder God Tiger, fighting for the chance of instant death when triggered.

If it can't be triggered, Ye Fusheng will choose to return to the city.

Anyway, the things and equipment are already in hand, and there will be no damage if you fight them once.

But in this way, he can't use the invincible stunt, so he can't fight!
Unless he was so lucky that he exploded, he could trigger the instant death effect once before the Thunder God Tiger killed him, killing the Thunder God Tiger in seconds.

Otherwise, you will surely die!
As everyone knows, Ye Fusheng was depressed, and Tianlei Shenhu was also depressed.

When many flying tigers were killed before, it also sensed it, but it didn't move. Seeing that the three little guys, the Vajra Tiger, Blazing Tiger, and Ice Tiger, were about to come out, it stopped it for a while. He ran out secretly and didn't care too much.

After all, in its thinking, with the strength of the three tigers, even if it can't kill Ye Fusheng, it can escape safely.

Who knew that Ye Fusheng looked low-level, but his equipment and skills were very luxurious, plus the King Kong tiger, they were just three iron fools, who didn't understand strategy at all, and were quickly killed.

By the time the Thunder God Tiger reacted, only the Vajra Tiger was left dead.

Ever since, the Thunder God Tiger hurriedly made a sound, but it never expected that Ye Fusheng would be so courageous!
Originally, he didn't want to attack humans. Whoever let it live in an area close to the human race's large cities, if it offended the human race and triggered a war between the human race and the orc race, then it would become a sinner.

However, Tie Hanhan, the three-headed tiger, committed suicide by himself, and died miserably. If he didn't make a move, the clan might explode.

There are no other fierce tigers who will no longer be convinced by its discipline.

In desperation, Tianlei Shenhu could only show his body, ready to teach Ye Fusheng a lesson, kill him, and stabilize the hearts of other tigers.

Thinking of this, Tianlei Shenhu couldn't help sighing, it's difficult to be a boss, and it's even more difficult to be a good boss, if its elder brother hadn't become the mount of a god, it wouldn't be the turn of the ethnic group to call the shots, let it be like this worry.

It just wants to sleep peacefully every day!

No matter what Ye Fusheng and Tianlei Shenhu thought, in the terrifying roar of thunder, the huge body of Tianlei Shenhu fell down and appeared in front of Ye Fusheng.

Eyes as big as copper bells stared at Ye Fusheng, and made a sound like thunder: "Boy, I didn't want to make a move, but you want to die, so don't blame me for being rude!"

"Because you are a human race, I will give you ten breaths to escape or attack me! After ten breaths, I will kill you with my own hands!"

It seemed that he had slept for too long and was too bored, so the Thunder God Tiger didn't do anything directly.


"you said?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

He was worrying about how to trigger the instant death effect, but unexpectedly, the Thunder God Tiger gave him a chance.

However, from ecstasy to ecstasy, Ye Fusheng still released an Eye of Truth skill on the Thunder God Tiger.

Well, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in all battles.

Thunder God Tiger (Extraordinary Boss)

Blood value: 7600000000
Attack: 6880000
Defense: 5000000
characteristic:? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

Description: One of the sixteen beast kings of the orc clan is the supreme king of the tiger clan. He usually lives in seclusion in the mountains and rarely goes out, but he is powerful. Looking at the entire continent, he belongs to the first-class powerhouse

Level: Reincarnation Level 255


"What the hell, I really met a super god-level boss! Reincarnation level 255? It's almost level 500..."

After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng was shocked.

I don't know why, but Ye Fusheng actually saw through the three basic attributes of extraordinary bosses!

With a blood value of 76 billion, an attack power of more than 688 million, and a defense power of 500 million, how can you fight this girl?

Ye Fusheng's total attack power didn't exceed [-], not even one-fiftieth of the Thunder God Tiger's defense power, even if the Thunder God Tiger didn't move, Ye Fusheng couldn't hit it at all!
What's more, the attribute is so violent, and the characteristics must be stronger than it. Unfortunately, it can't be seen. If it has the characteristic of immunity to instant death effects, wouldn't it be sure to die?
" have to fight. You can't see its hidden attributes. If you fight, there is still hope. If you run, there is no hope!"

With a dignified expression, Ye Fusheng had an ominous premonition in his heart.

If Xing Yun didn't show up and came to rescue him, I'm afraid he would really die at the hands of this tiger today.

Ye Fusheng really didn't expect that, just find a place where more than 100 monsters gather, and three ghost-level bosses will appear. Damn, even in the game continent, they can be regarded as first-class powerhouses, super-level bosses Bosses have appeared!


Take a deep breath, since Tianlei Shenhu said, give yourself ten breaths, then you can't miss these ten breaths!
Ye Fusheng's expression froze, and he immediately stepped forward, wielding the Yinyue Mohui and Tianzhan Lieyan, and slashed wildly at the Tianlei Shenhu.

dang dang-

The sharp sword slashed, but it brought the sound of gold and iron screaming, and there were many cremations, as if cutting on the steel.

The damage brought out was so weak that even Ye Fusheng himself felt ashamed.

The damage number is white, jumps out and disappears quickly, and the blood bar of the Thunder God Tiger doesn't even move much.

Glancing at Ye Fusheng, Tianlei Shenhu didn't make a move, but just watched him, breathing continuously.

It is said to be ten breaths, it will definitely not shoot in advance!

dang dang-

However, Ye Fusheng didn't seem to see the damage figure, he still swung his sword wildly.

One breath... three breaths... seven breaths time passed!
Even after cutting out dozens of swords, Ye Fusheng still failed to trigger the instant death effect, so he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

The last three breaths, there is no chance of triggering the instant death effect.

Sure enough, after the last few attacks, the Thunder God Tiger was still alive and well, and even the effect of the skill of rushing and slashing could not affect it.

Just dizzy, immediately relieved.

"The time is up, you should die too!"

With a roar, the Thunder God Tiger stretched out its claws and slapped Ye Fusheng fiercely.


While cursing in a low voice, Ye Fusheng quickly turned over, trying to dodge the Thunder God Tiger's attack.

However, even if the Thunder God Tiger didn't use all its strength to attack, its attack power and speed were very fast, and Ye Fusheng didn't even have a chance to react, so he slapped it with a paw.


A violent sound sounded, Ye Fusheng was hit by the claws, and immediately flew upside down, the durability of the equipment on his body dropped rapidly, his blood value plummeted by more than 120 million in an instant, and the blood bar was only about 40% left!

"Hiss... more than 120 million blood points for one attack?"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng finally understood what a real boss is!

This is because he has plundered countless attributes. Otherwise, ordinary players, with more than 70 levels, will only have 10,000+, 20 health and blood points, and the defense power is also lower than that. If this claw is shot, it may cause 500 million damage up!


"It's still not dead?!"

Seeing that Ye Fusheng was still alive, Thunder God Tiger was also surprised that day, but it roared. In an instant, the sound wave was ear-piercing, and it turned into a shock wave, hitting Ye Fusheng one after another.

Bang bang bang!
The sound wave exploded, and the last 40% of Ye Fusheng's blood value dropped crazily, and instantly turned black, which was a sign of imminent death!

The damage of up to 50 flew out, Ye Fusheng's blood bar turned black, and only the last 300 blood points were left. Even if the Thunder God Tiger attacked again, he would die.

At this time, seeing that Ye Fusheng was still alive, the Thunder God Tiger was also angry, and slapped its claws again, and the sharp claws brought a hurricane, and slapped towards Ye Fusheng's face.

" can't use invincibility, you can only wait for death!"

Cursing in a low voice, Ye Fusheng saw that most of the stunts were black, so he had no choice but to wait for death.

Fortunately, if you die once, you won't have much loss.

For games, death must be death, otherwise how would you experience the game?


However, just as the Thunder God Tiger's claws were about to fall down to do harm to Ye Fusheng, a dazzling radiance of seven colors suddenly burst out from around Ye Fusheng's neck.


The next moment, the radiance bloomed, extremely soft, covering Ye Fusheng's whole body.

A graceful figure emerged from the colorful brilliance, and appeared in front of Ye Fusheng, and a soft voice resounded quietly between the heaven and the earth.

"With me here, who dares to touch him?!"

(PS: The update on 6.6, um, the protagonist will have a new what...)
(End of this chapter)

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