Invincible in one touch

Chapter 280 4 Extraordinary Bosses!

Chapter 280 Four Extraordinary Bosses!


"System prompt: Since the player's qi and blood value is lower than 1%, he is about to die, triggering the eternal love-the special effect of life and death! The player's lover, the star spirit, is sent!"


The golden light shone, and Ye Fusheng suddenly felt refreshed all over, and his blood value returned to full.

In the soft light, the protoss broke through the void and stepped out, holding a sword in one hand, standing in front of Ye Fusheng.

Although the voice was soft, it echoed between heaven and earth: "With me here, who dares to touch him?"

In an instant, the sky and the earth were all quiet, Rao Tianlei Shenhu felt a trace of fear, his pupils shrank, and he stared at the star spirit.

Although it has never seen the Protoss, the aura emanating from the Protoss made it feel fear.


"This is all right?!"

Ye Fusheng was dumbfounded, he himself had forgotten the attribute of the title of eternal love, unexpectedly, the protoss came through the sky and saved him.

Xing Ling, that is someone who can be recognized by Xing Yun, she is very powerful, even if she is here, can she still be in danger?

The Thunder God Tiger took a few steps back and roared, "Girl, who are you? Why do you want to meddle in the affairs between us orcs and humans?"

"Oh, who am I, you are not qualified to know!"

Xingling said domineeringly: "Which claw of yours hurt him? I advise you to break off that claw yourself, otherwise, let me do it, and the ending will not be good!"

" dare you threaten me?!"

The Thunder God Tiger was furious. For many years, it has been the king of this area. How can anyone dare to talk to it like this?

If it hadn't known that it was no match for Protoss, it would have rushed forward to fight!

"It's not a threat, it's just telling the truth."

Protoss' voice was calm.

Seeing this, Ye Fusheng became excited, is this his daughter-in-law?
So overbearing, love love love!
To marry a daughter-in-law, you have to marry someone like this, domineering outside, but at home... Cough cough, don't drive, don't drive!

Yang Tian roared furiously, and let out several roars in a row, Tianlei Shenhu suddenly calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "This kid killed several of my descendants, I want to kill him, isn't that too much?"


Protoss impatiently said: "I have already said, which claw hurts my husband, cut it off by yourself, otherwise, don't blame me for doing it myself!"

"Your husband?!"

Hearing this, Tianlei Shenhu was stunned, his eyes blinked, and he kept looking at Ye Fusheng and Xingling.

It couldn't believe that a woman as powerful as Protoss would marry Ye Fusheng?

What the hell, are you blind?

There is such a big gap in strength, why are they together?
"Forget it, since you don't want to do it yourself, then I will do it myself, behead you, and make amends for my husband!"

Shaking his head slightly, Xingling raised the blade in his hand and was about to strike when Ye Fusheng shouted: "My lady, don't kill it, maim it, let me see if I can subdue it and use it as a mount!"


Turning around and looking at Ye Fusheng, Xingling's face was filled with a smile: "Okay, since it's my husband's words, then I will definitely listen!"

After saying that, Xingling immediately jumped up, swung out a sword, and immediately brought up a sword energy that stretched across the sky and the earth, several thousand meters long, and slashed at the Thunder God Tiger.


There was a scream, and the sword qi landed on the Thunder God Tiger, and it split into thousands of sword qi in an instant, raging in all directions, slashing wildly at every acupoint on its body.



All I could see was blood splattering, and as the Thunder God Tiger wailed, its blood bar dropped at an extremely fast speed.

The billions of qi and blood value dropped by about half in less than 1 minute!
"Hiss... This is the battle between NPCs. It's really strong. In less than a minute, billions of blood fell!"

Ye Fusheng was amazed, and envious in his heart, when will he be able to achieve that step, and kill the boss with billions of blood points with just a few gestures!

At that point, I'm afraid, there are not many bosses in the game, they will be Ye Fusheng's all-in-one enemy!
"Roar—bastard, I am the supreme king of the tiger clan among the orc clan! You can't kill me!"

The Thunder God Tiger roared: "If you kill me, the Beast God will not let you go!"

"Heh, if you have the ability, let the Beast God come out and talk about it!"

Xingling was not afraid at all: "Dare to attack my husband, it is already a death penalty, since my husband is kind-hearted and wants you to be a mount, I will not kill you! Are you willing to surrender?"

"No! Impossible!"

Tianlei Shenhu was furious, his eyes were bloodshot: "I am the king, how could I submit to an ant? Even if I die, I will not submit!"

In rage, the Thunder God Tiger counterattacked, raised its head to the sky and howled, and in an instant thunder made up for it. Hundreds of thunderbolts as thick as arms turned into sword blades, and suddenly shot towards the star spirit.

"Tips for carving insects!"

"Sword Rain Lotus, open it for me!"

With both hands making a tactic, Xingling suddenly threw out the long sword in his hand, and the next moment, the long sword flew flying, bringing up the sword aura, interweaving and outlining a lotus flower, absorbing all the thunder in it.


The sword qi lotus bloomed, crushing all the thunder into pieces in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Protoss clenched his fist with his right hand and punched out violently.


The huge body of the Thunder God Tiger was blown away, and blood sprayed out, as if the whole land was dyed red.

This is not over yet, the protoss stepped into the void, punched with both hands one after another, the surging spiritual power exploded, and continuously bombarded the Thunder God Tiger, causing its blood bar to suddenly drop.


Angry roars continued to come out, but the Thunder God Tiger was unable to move and was suppressed by spiritual power. He could only let his fists hammer on his body, and his blood value dropped crazily.

As for counterattack?

That's impossible. The thunder caused by the rage was directly resolved by the sword energy of the protoss. Sorry, the protoss will not give it a chance to try other means.

"At the end, I will give you ten seconds to consider, surrender, or die!"

Xing Ling's expression was cold, his words were cold, but the speed of his hands was not slow, and he hit the Thunder God Tiger one after another.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but sigh, it's too miserable.

However, thinking that this would soon become his own mount, Ye Fusheng grinned again without any psychological burden.

Furthermore, the Thunder God Tiger is originally the BOSS in the game setting. If you don't use it as a mount for yourself, there will only be one ending in the future, and that is death!

I am also doing it for the good of Tianlei Shenhu, so that I can give it a perfect ending, at least, I don't have to die.

"No... My Thunder God Tiger, even if I die, I will never become a human's mount!"

Tianlei Shenhu coughed up blood, even so, he still refused to let go.

"It seems that you are looking for death on purpose!"

Hearing this, Protoss couldn't help becoming angry.

Ye Fusheng seldom asked her. Last time, she did it, and Ye Fusheng gave her a surprise. This time, Ye Fusheng wanted the Thunder God Tiger to be his mount, so she would naturally go all out.

However, Tianlei Shenhu doesn't give face, so don't blame her, you're welcome!

Just as the protoss was about to make a move, there was a whistling sound in the air, and a terrifying aura descended, oppressing everyone.

This made Ye Fusheng's face stiffen.

what's the situation?
Did he stab the boss nest today?

Why come a boss soon?

Grass, or are there too many orc bosses?
Of course, the answer is definitely not the latter.

The main reason is that today, Ye Fusheng was so lucky that he happened to go to slaughter the Flying Tiger, which happened to lead to three younger generation bosses of the Tiger Clan, and then attracted the supreme king of the Tiger Clan.

At this time, when the protoss came and bloody the Thunder God Tiger, the rest of the orc clan's hidden powerhouses couldn't sit still. They couldn't bear to see the orc clan's powerhouse lose face, so they would naturally choose to come out of the mountain.

Of course, those who dare to choose to go out of the mountain will naturally have the ability to deal with the protoss.

Xingling could also feel this, and couldn't help but look condensed, quickly changed his figure, and came to Ye Fusheng's side.

She wanted to protect Ye Fusheng well, lest the boss that appeared in the dark would attack Ye Fusheng.

"Girl, since your husband-in-law is still alive, stop!"

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the earth trembled in the distance. A giant Titan with a height of one hundred feet came, and every step he took could make the earth tremble.

"Hmph, you can't just leave like this!"

There was a loud cry, golden brilliance shone, and a goshawk flew from the sky, with its wings stretched, covering the sky and the sun, emitting a terrifying aura.

"That's right, when will it be the human race's turn to run wild in our beast race's territory, and we can freely enter and exit?"

Another two-headed orc with a height of several feet and a huge ax came over, with four blood-red eyes staring at Ye Fusheng.

They all sensed the previous battle, but they didn't appear.

They didn't dare to appear until the protoss tyrannized the Thunder God Tiger and the Titan King came.

"Hiss... this is a one-off, are there four super-level bosses here?"

Seeing those bosses coming, Ye Fusheng didn't feel scared, on the contrary, he became excited.

He has to remember these bosses, um, when he becomes stronger in the future, he will kill them and take away all their treasures.

Now that the BOSS is set up, if it can't be used as a mount, it can only be slaughtered later.

If you don't kill these bosses, how can you promote the development of the game plot?How to get good equipment?To do the next task?

"You... are you going to attack my husband?!"

Hearing the words of those bosses, Protoss was short of breath, like a volcano erupting, ready to burst at any moment.

"don’t worry."

Sensing the anger of the protoss, Ye Fusheng gently held her hand, and said in a low voice: "It's okay, you are here, the senior sister will definitely notice something is wrong, and will come soon, when the time comes, they won't be able to hurt you us."

Hearing this, Xing Ling felt a little pissed, and said helplessly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xianggong, but I can't protect you...we have to wait until Senior Sister comes."

"Fool, you are good enough to me!"

Holding Xingling's hand tightly, Ye Fusheng chuckled lightly and said, "It would be nice to have senior sister protect us, um, when I tame the Thunder God Tiger this time, we will ride it all over the world!"

"it is good!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, Xing Ling felt much more at ease.

Although she could feel that there seemed to be a different relationship between Ye Fusheng and Xing Yun, she was already very satisfied to hear Ye Fusheng say that.

"Hmph, what are you mumbling about?"

The golden goshawk roared angrily: "Today, you all have to die here!"

"Two human beings, dare to come to our orcs to be presumptuous, do you really think that my orcs have no one?"

The two-headed orc swung his ax with a sound like thunder.


"Thank you for coming here, if not, I'm really going to die here!"

Tianlei Shenhu got up with difficulty, seeing three extraordinary kings coming to rescue him, he was very grateful.

"You all want to kill them?"

When the Titan came, he glanced at the Thunder God Tiger, the Golden Goshawk, the Two-headed Orc, and then at Ye Fusheng.

From Ye Fusheng's body, it sensed a familiar aura that terrified him, so it said earlier that it told Ye Fusheng and the star spirit to stop and leave quickly.

However, when the other kings came, they all said that they would not let Ye Fusheng leave, so it had no choice.

Although they are strong, they are all of the same status, and it cannot refute when there are more people than there are few people.

"Not bad!"

The Thunder God Tiger roared: "This bastard killed my offspring and wants me to be its mount. It's deceiving people too much! Ah no, it's too much bullying the tiger!"

"If I don't kill him, I won't be at ease!"

"Kill, you should kill!"

The two-headed orc grinned and said, "For how many years, no human race has ever dared to come to our orc race to act wildly. If we don't kill him today, wouldn't it be a joke for others?"

"We must kill him. If we don't kill him, what face will our beast race have?"

The golden goshawk raised its claws, especially sharp, glaring at Ye Fusheng, and made a sharp sound.

This surprised Ye Fusheng, it is understandable that the Thunder God Tiger wanted to kill him, but what about the two-headed orc and the golden goshawk.

Why is there so much hatred like letting him kill the whole family?

"I'd like to see if someone can hurt him?!"

Suddenly, there was another soft voice.


Suddenly hearing that voice, the Titan, the golden goshawk, the Thunder God Tiger, and the two-headed orc were all surprised. They looked around, but saw nothing.

"Damn! Who dares to play tricks?!"

The golden goshawk said angrily: "Good boy, you must be playing tricks, if that's the case, then I'll kill you!"


With the resounding sound, the golden goshawk suddenly flew up, piercing the air with its sharp claws, and immediately attacked Ye Fusheng and Xingling.

"court death!"

Xing Ling's expression changed slightly, just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly felt a chill in his body.

click - click -

A crisp sound suddenly sounded, and the next moment, the sky was filled with cold air, and the light blue frost instantly covered the sky and the earth, freezing the entire space.


Snowflakes flew, and the light blue frost condensed, instantly freezing the golden goshawk in place.

Immediately afterwards, a giant frost dragon flew out, roared upwards, and pierced through the body of the golden goshawk.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The ice cube exploded, and the golden goshawk was immediately splashed with blood, its wings were broken by the frost, it flew straight upside down, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ah—damn it, who is it?!"

"I am going to kill you!"

The golden goshawk was in pain and kept howling, but the titan, the two-headed orc, and the Thunder God Tiger were all stunned, standing where they were, not daring to move or make a sound.

Following their terrified gazes, one can clearly see a graceful woman, holding a sword in one hand, stepping on the clouds, like a god, overlooking the earth!

(PS: Today's 6.7 update is sent!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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