Invincible in one touch

Chapter 281 Extraordinary Mount! ! !

Chapter 281 Extraordinary Mount! ! !

Looking at the woman, Ye Fusheng showed a bright smile, he knew that when he was in danger, Xing Yun would definitely appear.

However, Ye Fusheng smiled, but the pupils of the orc kings shrank suddenly, their bodies trembled, and their hearts were filled with fear.

"Star Rhythm God of War?!"

"You...why are you here?"

The Thunder God Tiger and the Two-Headed Orc trembled, not daring to speak. The Titan was a little stronger and was not suppressed so miserably, so he wailed out.

"You want to hurt my junior brother. Isn't it normal for me to appear here?"

Holding a sword in one hand, Xing Yun stepped forward slowly.

click - click -

A crisp voice sounded, and a streak of frost spread down, supporting Xing Yun to walk beside Ye Fusheng and Xing Ling.

For a moment, Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun, and Xing Ling stood side by side, giving people a sense of harmony and terror.

"He...he is your junior brother?!"

Hearing Xing Yun's words, the Titan panicked, and the expressions of the other three kings changed dramatically, especially the Thunder God Tiger, who was very depressed.

Who the hell would have thought that a young man whose strength has not even reached the legendary level would have such a powerful wife, who is also the junior of the strongest human race, Star Rhyme Goddess of War?
If he knew this earlier, even if three descendants died, the Thunder God Tiger would not dare to attack Ye Fusheng, at best he would lead the group away quickly.

The cooperation between the human race and the orc race itself is not so strong.

Xing Yun is not easy to talk to!

Xing Yun said indifferently: "You still want to do something? Today, I want to see who dares to hurt my junior brother!"

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Sensing the coldness between Xing Yun's words, the Titan immediately lowered his head.

The golden goshawk whose wings had been cut off was so pale that it was clamoring earlier. It didn't even dare to recover its broken wings.

Are you out of your mind, to provoke Xingyun God of War's younger brother?

You want to court death yourself, don't drag us to death together!

Tianlei Shenhu felt fear and wanted to escape, but he couldn't move.

"Senior Sister, that, I almost died this time, and suffered great psychological trauma!"

Ye Fusheng suddenly called out.


Xing Yun frowned, and in an instant, the cold air in his body swept across and spread, immediately killing the Titan, the two-headed orc, the golden goshawk, and the thunder tiger.

"You have also heard that my junior brother has been under psychological pressure. You say, how should I compensate?"

After the words fell, the corners of the mouths of the kings of the Titans twitched wildly, and their hearts were even more aggrieved.

Especially Tianlei Shenhu, who was so depressed that he wanted to cry. It is clear that I lost several descendants, why should I pay compensation in the end?

Even if I made a move, wouldn't it cause him fatal danger?
Instead, it was me who almost died!

"Cough cough..."

Of course, grievances are grievances, Tianlei Shenhu didn't dare to do anything wrong at this time, so he had no choice but to say: "It was a little blindness before, which hurt your son. I don't know if Lord God of War can be a big man, please forgive me this time!"

Humble, the Thunder God Tiger who was invincible before, now humbled to the extreme.

From this point, we can also see the strength of Xingyun.

Even if the Thunder God Tiger was about to die after being beaten by the protoss, it didn't admit it.

This time, when Xing Yun came, it didn't even make a move, but it chose to beg for mercy.

It can be seen from this that there is a difference in strength between Xingyun and Xingling.

Of course, Protoss didn't care about this, and she was not as strong as Xing Yun.

When the previous kings came, she could only choose to give in and protect Ye Fusheng.

Because she didn't have the strength to deal with several kings at the same time, and she couldn't even kill them instantly.

Even if Protoss is much stronger than those kings, they can't protect Ye Fusheng, but Xing Yun is different.

Xing Yun wanted to kill those kings with one sword.

Furthermore, Xingyun's status in the human race is also different from that of the protoss.

It's okay for the protoss to kill a king, but if they kill several kings at once, the head of the orc clan will definitely take action.

Xingyun is different. Xingyun can represent the entire human race. Even if they kill a few kings at once, the orcs can only smash their teeth and swallow it down their throats. They dare not go to the human race to argue.

In theory, when the human race turns their backs, the orc race will not be able to deal with the two powerful groups of the demon race and the human race at the same time, but will have to pay a greater price.

Well, in this world, there has never been any right or wrong, only the weak and the strong.

Because Xing Yun is powerful, even if it is the descendant of the Thunder God Tiger that Ye Fusheng killed first, when she arrives, it will still be the Thunder God Tiger begging for mercy, and even want to make an apology.

On the contrary, if Xing Yun didn't come, I'm afraid this time, both Ye Fusheng and Xing Ling will be unlucky.

Even if they didn't kill, as long as they meet these kings, they will kill Ye Fusheng without hesitation.

"Forget it, it's useless to tell you this!"

Xing Yun frowned, looked into the distance suddenly, and took a deep breath. The next moment, sound waves swept out and spread out, like thunder, echoing throughout the plain.

"Beastmaster, it's time to show up!"


The sound was like thunder, constantly echoing between the heaven and the earth, shaking countless beast races in the plain.

The giant titan, the golden goshawk, and so on all turned around, looking into the depths of the distant clouds.


Not long after, there were strange fluctuations, and the distant sky suddenly flickered, and in an instant, a figure with a height of several thousand feet was formed.

That figure is like a human, but it is too high, even if Ye Fusheng raised his head, he couldn't see its appearance clearly, and he couldn't know whether it was a human or what!
"It's really...unexpected to bother Miss Xingyun to come here for some trivial matters!"

The voice came out slowly, quite softly, which immediately surprised Ye Fusheng and Xing Ling.

That voice is the voice of the person who controls the entire beast clan?
How do you listen, isn't it very domineering?

"Your people almost hurt my junior brother, what do you say?"

Xing Yun put her hands behind her back and stared at the figure.


Suddenly, the resounding dragon chant sounded, and a silver-white giant dragon emerged from the sky, with a body hundreds of feet long hovering, a pair of eyes fixed on the figure.

The terrifying coercion fell, shaking all the orcs on the plain.

Obviously, in order to oppress that person, Xingyun even shouted out her dragon.

The dragon was originally the supreme race, and the power of its blood crushed countless orcs. The moment it appeared, all the orcs on the plain felt the oppression from the blood.

Even the several kings all had pale faces, their bodies sank suddenly, and their breathing became short of breath.

Their hearts were filled with fear, they never expected that Xing Yun even subdued Zulong!
"did not expect……"

The voice was also full of surprise: "Zulong is the supreme existence, and he chose to follow you, which is beyond my expectation."

"Unfortunately, some people have already forgotten the previous agreement with the Shenlong clan."

Xing Yun's expression was cold, and she said in a deep voice: "Since you have come out, let's talk about what to do about this matter! My junior brother is the last apprentice accepted by the master before he died. If he is unhappy..."

Speaking of this, Xing Yun could not help but sneer.


At this time, the figure changed slightly, and Ye Fusheng suddenly felt a gaze fall on him, as if radiating, instantly seeing through his whole body.


Xing Yun's expression changed slightly, and she suddenly slashed out with a sword.


In an instant, the wind howled, and the cold air filled the sky. It swept out and turned into endless snow and ice, covering the figure completely.

At this time, Ye Fusheng's feeling of being probed also dissipated.

I could only hear Xing Yun's furious voice: "My junior brother, how can you investigate at will?! Next time, even if you try to get injured, I will destroy you!"


With the sound of a violent cough, the figure suddenly shrank a lot, and it was also a lot more illusory, and even the breath was sluggish.

Obviously, that person's strength is not as good as Xing Yun's.

However, Ye Fusheng didn't care about those things, he couldn't help being moved when he heard Xing Yun's words.

So it turns out that my senior sister cares about me so much?

Others just want to check on her, and she just maintains it.

[Sure enough, Senior Sister is very kind to me, in the future, I will pamper Senior Sister more!Hmm... Senior Sister is very short of money to spend, I will recharge more gold coins in the future and give it to Senior Sister! 】

Thinking about it, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being happy.

On the side, Xing Ling noticed this, but she was not feeling well in her heart, full of jealousy, but Ye Fusheng and Xing Yun are sisters and brothers, this is normal, she can't say anything.

You can't force Ye Fusheng to leave the teacher's school, can you?
In that case, maybe Xing Yun will kill her with one sword!

"It's me Meng Lang!"

After a long time, the figure finally recovered and sighed: "I didn't expect that gentleman to accept a young disciple. It seems that after decades, a supreme powerhouse will appear in the human race." !"

"This matter, don't bother you!"

Xing Yun snorted coldly: "Finally, how should I compensate my junior brother, otherwise, you will never want to leave today!"

After the cold voice fell, the Thunder God Tiger, the Titan Giant and other kings all looked up at the figure, their eyes full of hope.

"Don't worry, since it's compensation, then you must ask your junior brother what he... wants!"

The voice suddenly laughed: "If I, the orc, can fulfill his request, I will naturally not be stingy."

"it is good!"

Slightly nodding, Xing Yun turned to look at Ye Fusheng, her voice softened immediately: "Junior brother, what do you want? Tell him directly, don't worry, it will never dare to lie to you."

"it is good!"

The corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng smiled, and said loudly: "The tiger wanted to kill me earlier, which caused a great psychological shadow on me, well, if I can let it be my mount, I won't be afraid .”


After the voice fell, several kings fell silent.

Tianlei Shenhu smiled wryly, feeling extremely depressed in his heart, if he knew it earlier, he would not be able to sleep anymore.

It never thought why Ye Fusheng fell in love with it, insisting on using it as a mount!
Could it be because it looks handsome?
It is true that Ye Fusheng wanted to use the Thunder God Tiger as a mount, but it really wasn't because of attributes or anything.

In terms of attributes, the Titan is the most powerful. In fact, the Thunder God Tiger is the most suitable mount.

First, the blood of the Flying Tiger comes from the Thunder God Tiger. It has the ability to fly, allowing Ye Fusheng to travel across various maps.

Second, in people's minds, the tiger is a symbol of the strong. It can conquer a fierce tiger and use it as one's own mount.

Third, that is, the Thunder God Tiger is really good looking, Ye Fusheng is sure, if he can ride the Thunder God Tiger and fly around the player group for a few laps, within a minute, the forum will definitely be slaughtered by him Version!
"As a mount..."

The figure suddenly said: "It's not impossible, but, after all, the Thunder God Tiger is a king of my orc clan. Even if he made a mistake, he should have a chance to forgive him."

"what do you mean?"

Xingyun frowned slightly.

"The Thunder God Tiger can be his mount, but there is a time limit."

That figure didn't even ask about the Thunder God Tiger's thoughts, and said to himself: "For three years, the Thunder God Tiger will be his mount for at most three years. After three years, it can regain its freedom and return to the beast clan. How about it?" ?”

"Furthermore, he is that disciple. Three years later, his strength will definitely surpass that of the Thunder God Tiger. By then, the Thunder God Tiger will be useless to him. Letting him go is a blessing to our beast race." Yuan, how is it?"

Hearing this, Xing Yun hesitated for a moment, and turned around to look at Ye Fusheng.

"Senior sister, I think it's okay!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "Actually, I feel that I can surpass it in one year, so it's okay to reduce the time to one year!"

Ye Fusheng knew that no matter how strong Xing Yun was, he would still have to pay a high price if he wanted to fight against the entire beast clan.

Therefore, he directly agreed to the conditions proposed by the beast king.

Not to mention three years, even one year, he is satisfied.

Ye Fusheng is confident that he will surpass the Thunder God Tiger in a year. At that time, it doesn't matter whether it is his mount or not.

"Okay, as expected of that disciple, you really have confidence!"

The Beastmaster chuckled, and said to Xing Yun: "Your junior brother has already said this, let's leave this matter alone?"


Slightly nodding, Xing Yun looked at Tianlei Shenhu again, and said in a deep voice: "In three years, if you have no other bad intentions, I will give you back your freedom. Are you willing?"


With a sigh, Tianlei Shenhu's heart is full of troubles, dammit, you have already discussed my ending, why are you asking me?

However, to complain, under the coercion of Xing Yun, Tianlei Shenhu had no choice but to look at Ye Fusheng, and said in a deep voice: "I, Tianlei Shenhu, would like to swear on my life to be your mount in the next three years, loyal No two, if you break this oath, heaven and man will kill together!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully obtaining the extraordinary mount Sky Thunder God Tiger!"

The system notification sounded, and before Ye Fusheng went to check the attributes of the Thunder God Tiger mount, several server announcements came down, shaking the minds of all players in the world.

"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Floating Life] in the Huaxia War Zone for successfully subduing the super-level mount, the Thunder God Tiger, and becoming the first player to own a super-level mount. He will receive reward level Ascension Volume X1 and Gem Forging Skill Book X1! "

"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Floating Life] in the Huaxia War Zone for successfully subduing the super-level mount, the Thunder God Tiger, and becoming the first player to own a super-level mount. He will receive reward level Ascension Volume X1 and Gem Forging Skill Book X1! "


(PS: Update 6.8 is here!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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