Invincible in one touch

Chapter 282 Gem Forging

Chapter 282 Gem Forging
"My shit?!"

"Extraordinary level mount? What level is that?!"

"It's a good match, just by looking at the name, you can tell it's a great level!"

"Floating Life is really strong, it's only been a while, and there's another server announcement."

"I was wondering if I should give the officials a suggestion, so that they don't forget to buy Yuting for the server..."

"Why buy Yuting? The server is not a girl!"

"Nonsense, after being raped so many times by Floating Life, there must be some protective measures! Could it be possible to go to the big iron stick hospital and find the director?"

The announcements were swiped one after another. However, in the world, no matter which war zone the player is in, they are used to having Floating Life swiping the screen.

Seeing those announcements, apart from being a little curious about what a Transcendent mount is, there were all kinds of complaints.

Of course, the only thing that remains the same is that the forum has once again been slaughtered by Floating Life Thousands!

Even the matter of the three major secret realms was suppressed by the announcement that Floating Life Wanqian had obtained an extraordinary mount.

At the same time, the competition for the Sun Secret Realm.

Xuejia Fengxian is like a god of war. With Ye Xin's assistance, he swept away tens of thousands of troops with one shot at a time.

Almost no player can withstand his attack without dying, and no player can cause explosive damage to him.

For a moment, the blood armor Fengxian felt as if he had entered the land of no one, slaughtering the other players frantically, protecting the area of ​​the Floating World Guild in the Sun Secret Realm.

Especially when they saw the announcement, they were even more excited. Qingqing Rushui and other women formed their own teams, released their skills, and caused a devastating blow to the surroundings, not even giving those shadow thorns a chance to sneak up.

However, they were excited, and the players in the other guilds were even more excited.

"Hahaha, Fusheng Wanqian is still doing missions outside, just got the mount, the mission will definitely not be completed too soon, brothers work harder, as long as Fusheng Wanqian captures the secret realm of the lower sun before Fusheng Wanqian returns, we can get a lot Benefits, rise again and dominate "Reincarnation of the Heavens"!"

One by one executives screamed, and under their stimulation, those players who had been killed before rushed forward again, trying to break through the blood-armored defense line.


"Want to capture the secret realm of the sun? First ask me if I will agree with Jiuyuan Tiger's spear!"

Amidst the roar, Xuejia Fengxian erupted again, rushing out like a tiger!
The battle was fierce, but Ye Fusheng didn't know this at this time, he was still extremely excited.

Extraordinary level, that is far beyond the legend, the existence of the legendary level.

If there is no special treasure for that kind of boss, I am afraid that it will be fine for him to kill for 100 years, and even the instant death effect will not be triggered!
Yes, that's right, after reaching the extraordinary level, the instant death effect should no longer be useful.

Previously, Ye Fusheng had attacked the Thunder God Tiger quite a few times, and his luck value was extremely high. In that case, he couldn't trigger the instant death effect, which must be due to a mechanism problem.

[It seems that the bosses we will encounter in the future will be stronger, and this sky burial suit should also be replaced!The basic attributes can't keep up, and the special effects of instant death are useless, useless, useless! 】

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was a little upset.

This set of equipment only made him use it for about ten days, what a shame!

However, compared to other equipment, this is already the longest that Ye Fusheng has used.

Except for the weapon, there is no way to use the weapon, and it has not been used until it is suitable. In addition, the instant death special effect of the sky burial suit, so that he does not need too high attack power, as long as the special effect can be triggered, he has not changed.

Now the sky burial suit needs to be replaced, and the weapons must also be replaced!
Of course, now is not the time for Ye Fusheng to think about those things.

Seeing Tianlei Shenhu transformed into a phantom into Ye Fusheng's body and became a mount, Xing Yun was very satisfied, nodded and said: "It's okay, since my junior brother is satisfied, there is no need to say anything else!"

"Happy cooperation!"

The huge figure chuckled lightly and said, "We don't need to get involved in the affairs of the juniors! Xingyun God of War, please!"

After the words fell, the huge figure slowly dissipated, but within a few breaths, there was no trace of him in the field.

Seeing this, Xing Yun shook her head and smiled wryly.

"Senior sister, are you leaving? I really miss you!"

Ye Fusheng hurried forward.

"Stinky boy!"

Xing Yun stretched out her hand and tapped Ye Fusheng's forehead, and said helplessly: "It's really a big accident. Fortunately, I came quickly. Otherwise, if something happens to you, what will the master do?"

"Hey, with the Protoss here, I'll be fine."

Ye Fusheng is not afraid.

Although Xing Ling's strength is not as good as Xing Yun's, as long as he doesn't kill himself, it is completely fine to protect him.

Hearing this, Xing Yun glanced at Xing Ling, nodded her head slightly, and accepted it.

The Protoss smiled back, but took a few steps forward, grabbed Ye Fusheng's arm, and said softly: "With me here, unless I die, my husband will not be in danger."

"Bah, bah, why are you talking about these unlucky things?"

Ye Fusheng spat softly, then smiled and said: "However, to be honest, this time is really exciting."

If Xing Ling came later, I'm afraid Ye Fusheng would really want GG, and it would be useless for Xing Yun to come over by then.

No, maybe a big battle will break out!
Well, that's right, given how much Xing Yun loved Ye Fusheng, knowing that Ye Fusheng died tragically at the hands of the beast tribe, he would definitely go berserk!

"Okay, let's chat first, I can't stay in the territory of the beast clan for a long time, I'll go back first!"

Xing Yun took a look at Xing Ling, and said in a deep voice: "You too, with your strength, it is easy to arouse the suspicion and riots of the orcs, return to Sunset City as soon as possible!"


Protoss nodded. At this time, she was used to peaceful days and did not want war to break out again.

"I don't care about you, just don't cause trouble for me, you are not bad, it's good if you can take care of my junior for me."

With a wave of his hand, Xing Yun jumped up, and the ancestral dragon let out a long roar, and immediately flew to Xing Yun's feet, leading her towards Sunset City.

Watching Xing Yun leave, Ye Fusheng took a look, and found that the three orc kings breathed a sigh of relief, especially the golden goshawk, whose face was pale, and quickly exerted his strength to grow back his severed wings.

"Several, are you still leaving?"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng didn't have the slightest liking for them, so he drove them away.

"Ahem, let's go!"

Hearing this, the three orc kings couldn't help being stunned, and immediately felt depressed.

Are you mistaken, this is the beast clan area, we are the kings among the beast clan!
You are a human, running to the orcs to show off your might?Do you dare to let us leave quickly?

Okay, you are Xing Yun's younger brother, so what you say counts!

No matter how much anger and unwillingness there was, the three beast kings could only sigh and quickly fled away.

Where do they dare to stay? What if Ye Fusheng takes a fancy to them and insists on keeping them as pets and mounts?
Xing Yun is too strong, as long as she speaks, there are not many people in the entire orc clan who can beg for mercy for them.

The orcs are not as powerful as the demons.

Therefore, they can only endure.

When the three orc kings had left, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing.

This time, his gains were really huge!
Not to mention the successful opening of the spiritual weapon and the wing equipment bar that were revealed earlier, just the extraordinary level mount is enough to make Ye Fusheng ecstatic for several months.

Well, Ye Fusheng is confident that within half a year, the Transcendent mount will be able to crush the mounts of other players!

Coupled with the system rewards when getting an extraordinary mount, Ye Fusheng was even more surprised.

Ye Fusheng is looking forward to it whether it is the level-up scroll or the gem forging skill book.

"Master, should we go back too?"

Xingling embraced Ye Fusheng's arm, his voice was soft, how could he still have the domineering spirit before?
"Well, let's go back to Sunset City first, this is the beast race after all!"

Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "I have received so many benefits, I am really afraid of being beaten by black sticks!"

"It's okay, I will protect my husband!"

Xingling covered his mouth and smiled, and said suddenly: "By the way, Mr. Xianggong, when can we play outside together?"

"Wait until I have time..."

Ye Fusheng was stunned, and then he said helplessly: "The most urgent thing is to improve your strength first. Nowadays, if you don't have strength, going anywhere is full of danger. I don't want to be killed by someone one day!"

"That's true."

Slightly nodding, Xingling said no more, showing a bright smile: "Don't talk about this, Mr. Xianggong, shall I take you back?"

"it is good!"

Ye Fusheng did not refuse, the protoss is strong, if she takes him back, it will save a lot of time.

As for the city portal scroll?

Oh, are you still a man? !
There is a girl who takes me with me, and still uses the scroll to return to the city?
Xingling is different from Xingyun, it is not flying with a sword, nor is it riding a dragon, but waved gently, and immediately a cloud fell, covering the two of them and flying into the sky.

In the clouds, Ye Fusheng felt as if he was on a flat ground, very comfortable, he didn't even feel half separated from the ground.

However, the speed is extremely fast, almost catching up with the flying speed of Shenlong.

"Tsk tsk, lady, what are you talking about?"

Ye Fusheng looked around, and suddenly smiled: "How do I feel, this is like a house in the air? I don't know, if we do something, other people can see it."

"Of course I can't see it!"

Blinking his eyes, Xingling immediately understood the meaning of Ye Fusheng's words, his cheeks were slightly red, but he didn't refuse, and said shyly, "It's just that it's the first the sky..."

"It's okay, there will always be many firsts in life!"

Licking his lips, Ye Fusheng looked at the shy star spirit, and the fire in his heart became more intense. With a "owwow", he pounced on him like a hungry wolf.

Well, flying in the air in the past was not in a good state, and I needed to control something, but this time, it was in the room, I was able to fly steadily, and I was able to look at the open sky, so my mood was naturally different.

In addition, how can Ye Fusheng hold back the seductive appearance and figure of Xingling?

Ever since, in the high sky, Ye Fusheng and Xing Ling experienced a brand new posture.

air battle!


I don't know how long it took, but when the protoss was exhausted, Ye Fusheng stopped.

Licking his lips, Ye Fusheng let the protoss control him, and while rushing back to Sunset City, he opened the pet interface.

Well, after finishing the business, it's time to check the properties of the pet.

Thunder God Tiger (Extraordinary Mount)

Blood value: increase by 1000%
Mana: Increased by 800%
Attack Power: Increased by 300%
Defense: Increased by 500%
Turning force: minus 20%
Attack Range: 35 yards

Additional damage: 200%
Damage reduction: 30%
Stepping on the air and resisting the water: You can walk on the air, you can walk on the water, immune to thunder and fire, and invulnerable to all poisons
Five Elements Holy Body: Reduce the damage received by any element attribute by 60%. When this effect is used as a mount, it can be attached to the owner
Skills: Heavenly Thunder and Earth Fire, Hundred Wrath Thunder Prison, Thunder Chain, Tiger Downhill, Thunder Shock, Thunder Fury Roar, Lightning Suppression, Thunder Road...

Description: Originally one of the sixteen beast kings of the orc clan, and later became a mount with thousands of floating lives, possessing extremely terrifying strength
Exclusive: A Floating Life

Rating: 0
"Hiss... this f*ck, it's really going against the sky!"

After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng was shocked.

Not to mention the more than 20 skills with unknown effects, there are also characteristics, the blessing attributes alone are enough to shock Ye Fusheng to the point where it cannot be added.

The blood value increases by 10 times, the attack power increases by 3 times, and the defense power increases by 5 times.

This also means that Ye Fusheng's blood value can reach as high as 1000 million!
You know, Ye Fusheng is only at level 70 now, a boss of this level only has tens of millions of vitality.

The attack power is even more terrifying, reaching around 10!
With an attack power of 10, even a level 150 boss is hard to do!
That is to say, Ye Fusheng's current attributes can completely compare with the bosses of the same level.

Even if skills are not used, and the instant death effect is not triggered, it is possible that those bosses are not Ye Fusheng's opponents.

No way, the attributes are too powerful, and he is still a player, so he is born with an advantage. Whether it is the advantage of operation or IQ, he can crush the boss!


Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng was stunned. It's a pity that he is still in the air, unable to summon the Thunder God Tiger, and unable to experience that refreshing feeling.

However, it's coming soon.

After returning to Sunset City, Ye Fusheng planned to summon the Thunder God Tiger, and then went to the Sun Secret Realm. At that time, it was time for the Thunder God Tiger to show its might.

"By the way, I suddenly remembered that there are two other rewards, I don't know what they are!"

"I hope they can also bring me a surprise!"

Grinning, Ye Fusheng quickly opened the backpack, and he could see two scroll-like things lying in the backpack.

Reaching out to caress the two scrolls, the next moment, their attributes floated in front of them.

Level Ascension Roll (Legendary Consumable): After use, players can be randomly upgraded to a level within 90, and any basic attribute can be permanently increased by 100-1000 points!Use consumes 10000 reputation points, permanently consumed!
Gemsmithing Skill Book (Legendary Consumable): After use, players can directly comprehend LV9 Gemsmithing skills!

"Level Ascension Volume is still useful to me, but what's the use of the Gem Forging Skill Book?!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng carefully checked the attributes of the gem forging technique while using the level-up scroll.

After opening the attributes, Ye Fusheng glanced away, but Ye Fusheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was stunned in place!
(PS: No. 6.9, today's update will be delivered!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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