Invincible in one touch

Chapter 283 Scary little loli, stagnant in space!

Chapter 283 Scary little loli, stagnant in space!

Gem Forging (LV9—Active): According to different materials, various gems can be manufactured, including handy, elemental gems, life gems, etc. The higher the skill level, the higher the level of gems that can be manufactured, and the effect Also stronger.If you are familiar with stunt gems, you can reduce equipment usage requirements by up to 150 levels, and elemental gems can bless 100 elemental attributes!

"Reduce the equipment usage requirements by 150? One gemstone adds 100 elemental attributes? What about 100?"

"There are other gem effects, can they be superimposed?!"

"What the hell... this skill is against the sky!"

After reading the description of the gem forging technique, Ye Fusheng's breath became short of breath, and his whole body became excited.

As long as these gems can be made, not only can they be used by themselves, but also can be sold for money to support senior sisters, how great it is?
Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Fusheng immediately used the Level Ascension Scroll and the Gem Forging Skill Study Book.


"System prompt: Because the player used the level-up scroll, he successfully rose to level 95!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully comprehending the gem forging technique and breaking through to LV9!"

Two system notification sounds fell, and before Ye Fusheng could be happy, another system notification sound sounded.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player who has successfully reached level 90, and comprehended the exclusive skill of this profession, killing one's life!"


"Have you learned the exclusive skill again?!"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng was extremely excited, and quickly opened the skill panel.

The skills learned automatically by the Predator profession are particularly effective, especially against bosses!

I don't know what kind of surprises the skills comprehended at level 90 will give him!
Killing (Extraordinary Skill - Passive): When killing a BOSS or NPC, it can absorb the power of life and soul in the target's body, permanently increase its own attributes by 1%, and increase its level of life

"Huh? Life level? What is that?!"

Suddenly seeing the brand new description, Ye Fusheng's eyes were immediately attracted, but he was soon attracted by another attribute.

"Hiss...every time I kill a boss or NPC, I can permanently increase the total attribute by 1%. Then, if I kill thousands of bosses or NPCs, wouldn't it be able to increase the total attribute dozens of times?" Attributes?"

"By then, I'm afraid even the basic attributes of the boss will be crushed by me, right?"

"By the way, Senior Sister Xingyun's basic data is relatively high. When she first started the server, she had 62 billion blood points. Now I guess she can break through [-] billion blood points at least. Tsk tsk, I don't know. Can you reach that step!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, the skill of killing lives is worthy of the name, plundering the lives of others and transforming them into his own power.

Perhaps in a short period of time, he won't be able to improve his strength too much.

However, as Ye Fusheng kills more and more bosses and NPCs, the skill of killing his life may bring him dozens of times, or even hundreds of times of attribute bonuses!
At that time, I am afraid that Ye Fusheng's basic attack power will reach several million points, and if he goes to kill those bosses, even if he is as strong as the ten abyss masters, the emperor descends, he may not be his opponent.

Well, when the basic attributes are strong enough, there are still impressive stunts. What if it's not invincible?
After everything was packed, Ye Fusheng was very satisfied. This time, his harvest was really perfect!

"Sir, we're almost there!"

At the side, Xingling recovered, stretched his waist, and said in a soft voice, "Sir, why don't you just go back home? Do you still have something to do?"

"Put me at the city gate first, and you can go home by yourself, I still have something to do!"

It was said that Ye Fusheng didn't choose to go back to the house directly, um, he's already slept in, why go back to the house at this time, it's better to brush more bosses and see the real effect of the killing skill.

By the way, raise this skill level up too.

Now it's only level 1, and killing a boss will increase all attributes by 1%. After reaching the full level, wouldn't killing a boss increase the attributes by 15%, or even 20%?
"Like This!"

Xingling was not angry, knowing that Ye Fusheng was going to be busy, he said softly: "Come on, sir, if you are in danger, call me directly. Although I am not very strong, I can still deal with some situations!"

"Nonsense, why is my wife not strong? In my heart, you are the most powerful person in the world!"

Ye Fusheng said sternly: "Besides, I'm not willing to let you go out and fight to the death. It would be bad if you get injured. Well, from now on, you just stay with me obediently."


Hearing this, Xingling's face turned reddish, and he became more and more motivated, he couldn't help but stepped forward, hugged Ye Fusheng, hung his head on his chest, and said in a low voice: "Msanggong, you are so kind, what should I do if I want it again? "


Ye Fusheng trembled, gritted his teeth and said: "Everything that Mr. Xianggong owns is yours!"

After the words fell, there was only a violent collision sound, and some dark clouds appeared in the sky and the sun, and they hid shyly.


While Ye Fusheng was working hard, the battle in the Sun Mystery Realm reached a fever pitch.

Knowing that Ye Fusheng was doing missions outside, the Holy Dragon Guild, Tiangong, Tingyuxuan, Jiange and many other guilds rushed forward screaming like chicken blood, attacking wildly.

If it weren't for Xuejia Fengxian having several priests to bless him, he might have died and returned to Xinshou Village.

Even so, Xue Jia Fengxian's blood bar can barely be maintained at around 40%, and there is no way to go back up.

Once there is danger, perhaps, he will die directly!
Even if the resurrection state is triggered, at best, it will be blocked for a while, and the situation cannot be reversed at all.

Only by not dying once can he be sure to kill so many people. As long as he dies once, it means that the rear supplies are insufficient. Then, he alone cannot deal with hundreds of thousands of players.

This is the gap between Xue Jia Fengxian and Ye Fusheng!

Not only the blood armor was first, but even the defense line of the Qianshanxue girls organization was constantly retreating.

If it weren't for the blood armor Fengxian still supporting, I am afraid that those guild players would have already killed the Sun Secret Territory under the command of Mackerel.

In the distance, the high-level gathering points of the major guilds.

The mackerel looked dignified, constantly instructing the players to change their directions and attack methods.

Under her command, the Floating World Guild has been declining.

Obviously, Qian Shanxue is not as good as mackerel in terms of strategy.

"Hahaha, great job!"

"Sure enough, mackerel is worthy of being the number one strategist. This tactic is too strong. There are so many masters in the Floating World Guild, but in the end we pushed them flat with our little soldiers!"

"Hehehe, if we also use the masters on, I'm afraid they will die faster, but those masters should be kept for later use, it is better to recharge their batteries first!"

Several guild presidents, without hesitation in their words of praise, were full of praise for mackerel.

However, mackerel was not at all happy, she wanted to command an army of tens of thousands and defeat thousands of floating lives!

Just defeating the Floating World Guild, which doesn't have thousands of floating lives, won't make her have any mood swings at all.

Seeing that the mackerel did not speak, the presidents stopped talking after a few words of praise, and stared closely at the distance.

They are very excited. If they can defeat the Floating World Guild, their guild's reputation will be greatly improved!

"It's a pity that the Guild of the Divine General Pavilion did not come. If they come, we will defeat both Ukishi and the Divine General Pavilion, then we will definitely be able to climb to the top of the list!"

The president of Jiange sighed, and the other presidents also praised.

They have never fought against the Divine General's Pavilion. They only know that the Divine General's Pavilion has defeated the other major guilds. Apart from not confronting the Floating World Guild head-on, their strength is strong.

Of course, if the Shenjiang Pavilion really appeared, maybe they would feel the thrill of failure.

Well, although mackerel is powerful, it is impossible to reach the level of Wang Zuowenruo, Wolong Kongming, and Gongjin, whether it is its own strength or tactical layout.

At the entrance to the Sun Secret Realm, Qian Shanxue watched Xuejia Fengxian keep retreating, with a dignified expression, and was particularly anxious in his heart.

"Hey, sister Xue, where are the elder brothers and others? Why don't you come over?"

"Sister Xue, hurry up and call the president! There are too many of them, if the president doesn't come, we can't hold on at all!"

The faces of Xiaoxiang Yeyu and Toffee Butian's girls changed slightly, and they urged Qian Shanxue one after another.

It is true that although they all have rankings, they can all be regarded as game masters.

However, the number of enemies we faced was simply too many!

Even if you use your life to pile them up, you can crush them!
"Don't worry, the president's little brother will be here soon!"

Qian Shanxue put on a strong smile, but her heart was full of anxiety, and she kept calling up the address book, trying to find Ye Fusheng.

However, in the special space of Protoss, the address book function is blocked, and Ye Fusheng cannot be contacted at all.

Ye Fusheng also didn't know that the battle in the Sun Mystery Realm had already reached a fever pitch.

"Little girl, let me do it!"

"My skills can assist Brother Xuejia Fengxian, and I can also summon a shield wall to keep those bad guys out!"

Ye Xin, who had been quietly staying beside Qian Shanxue, asked for a fight, with a firm expression on her face: "These villains want to bully the people in Daddy's guild, and also want to bully my little mother, I will not let them go!"


Qian Shanxue frowned slightly, and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Be careful, can you really stand it?"

"Yeah, of course!"

Ye Xin kept nodding.

"Okay, you hold on first, you must hold on until your father comes back!"

At this moment, Qian Shanxue didn't care that Ye Xin was still a child, and actually pinned all her hopes on her.


Soon, strange waves rippling and erupting suddenly, one shield wall after another emerged, and all the players from the major guilds were ejected.

The tens of thousands of players who had besieged the blood armor Fengxian and forcibly attacked the defense line flew out in an instant like kites flying upside down.

"My shit?!"

"How is this going?!"

"Instant teleportation?!"

Seeing this scene suddenly, everyone in Mackerel was stunned, opened their mouths, and hurriedly asked about the situation.

Soon, I learned from those players that the reason was that they were repelled by the skill light wall.

"That kind of skill should be similar to the resistance aura of mages in the past, and it can only be released once in a short period of time!"

Knowing that it was a skill, Mackerel immediately had his own guess: "Let the shield guard go up first, check the situation, and see if those light walls that appear suddenly can trigger the knockback effect!"

"Sharpshooters and mages all use long-range strikes, covering behind the light wall, to ensure that the players of the Floating World Guild cannot rush up and defend us against the light wall!"

After the voice fell, hundreds of thousands of players rushed forward again, in order, which shows that their strength is not weak.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to do this!
Going forward quickly, those shield guards were close to the light wall, but they were not bounced away, and they were about to pass the news back.

"It's okay, sharpshooter, fighters go first, priests are ready to add status and healing at any time, mages still strike from a distance!"

Mackerel directed many players to step forward one by one, and after a short while, everyone besieged the blood armor again.

However, before they could make a move, the wall of light suddenly expanded, like a huge mask, suddenly covering hundreds of thousands of their players.


Strange fluctuations spread, swept out, and immediately swept over every player who was enveloped.

The next moment, those players realized in horror that their bodies could not move, they could only freeze in place!

"Combat reminder: Because the player is stagnated by the skill space, he can't move and can't release the skill, 30 seconds!"

"Grass... up to 30 seconds of control skills! The range is still so large, hurry up and send the news back!"

"Don't come in again, wait until the state is over, come again!"

When some executives who were trapped saw the battle reminder, their faces changed drastically, and they quickly fed back the news to the mackerel crowd.

In an instant, the eyes of everyone looking at the group of people in the Floating World Guild changed again.

As expected of a player who can make Fusheng Wanqian fancy and absorb into Ukiyo, he even has this kind of skill!
"Hey, the 30-second control skill has a range of hundreds of yards, and can control tens of thousands of players at once! If we can have this skill, guild battles will be much easier!"

Mackerel was full of admiration, but this was not all the skills of Little Loli Ye Xin.


Suddenly, the blood armor rushed out first, and his body instantly split into hundreds, each of which had the same mount, the same equipment, and even the same appearance as him.

Xue Jia Fengxian was extremely fast, and he entered the mask in an instant. Moreover, he was not imprisoned, but brandished a long spear, and killed those imprisoned players!
"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

As the cold shouts fell, killing intent bloomed, and almost where the group of blood armors passed by, no player survived. All their heads were cut off, their blood bars were emptied, and they were sent back to the happy hometown.

"not good!"

"Mage, hurry up and release the skills, we can't let Xue Jiafeng kill him first!"

Mackerel's face changed drastically, she didn't want to see so many players get hurt.

Moreover, there are only dozens of people in the Floating World Guild, if they lose too many players, doesn't it mean that she is a waste?

She had already been beaten to pieces by Ye Fusheng, and she didn't want to suffer another defeat!

"it is good!"

Many mages frantically released their skills. However, when those spells flew into the air and bombarded the light shield, but could not fly into the light shield, everyone's expressions changed.

At this moment, the players shrouded in light can't move. Are they really going to abandon them and let the blood armor Fengxian crazily slaughter them?

However, if more players are sent in, will those players also be imprisoned?

For a moment, the mackerel's expression changed, and he couldn't help but get tangled up.

At the same time, Qian Shanxue's face changed slightly, but he let out a long sigh of relief!

(PS: Update 6.10 is here!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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