Invincible in one touch

Chapter 284 Who dares to kill me?

Chapter 284 Who dares to kill me?
boom boom-


Sweeping with the blade of the gun, Fengxian in the blood armor was like a god of war, and went straight into the player group. Almost every time he swung his gun, he could take away the lives of several players.

In itself, his attributes far surpass those of ordinary players, and now that group of people has been arrested again, if Xue Jia Fengxian can't solve them, he can delete his account directly.


Many mage skills fell and bombarded the mask, but did not cause any damage.

It's just that no one saw Ye Xin's little loli, who was protected by Qian Shanxue, turn pale.

Those skills will all work on her.

It can be said that she is using herself to delay the time for Xue Jia Fengxian and others.

If Ye Fusheng knew about it, he would definitely feel distressed.

"Huh... this skill won't last long!"

"Everyone suspends the offensive first and let Xue Jiafeng kill first. I don't believe that he can kill so many players alone! Once the skill is over, everyone will attack indiscriminately and don't give him a chance to retreat! "

Mackerel gritted her teeth, since Ye Fusheng, it was the first time she suffered such a big loss.

However, Xuejia Fengxian was not stupid, and when he got the news from Qian Shanxue that his skills were about to expire, he stopped immediately and started to retreat.

It didn't work until he ran more than 30 yards out of the skill range. In an instant, whether it was the shield guards, fighters, or mages at the back, they all released their skills, wanting to block the blood armor first.

However, under the limitation of the range of skills, they had no choice but to recognize the reality and approach slowly.

This time, those shield walls didn't trigger the effect again, nor did they erupt with the power of resistance to bounce them all away.

Ye Xin has tried her best, her face is slightly pale, and she pins her last hope on Xuejia Fengxian and Qianshanxue.

"Go up and avenge our comrades who died just now!"

"Rush, rush for me, as long as we conquer the Sun Secret Realm, our guild can get countless BUFF rewards!"

"Kill a Floating World Guild player and reward [-] Huaxia Coins!"

As the executive spoke one sentence after another, the group of players rushed up with high fighting spirit, their eyes were red, and they screamed.

That kind of power is particularly extraordinary, even if the blood armor is served first, everyone feels a sense of oppression.

"Made, you can't retreat!"

Xue Jiafeng gritted his teeth first, his expression became fierce, he turned his horse's head around, and charged towards the tens of thousands of players again by himself.

He knew that once those players were allowed to get close to other members of the Floating World Guild, they would die, and the line of defense would definitely be breached.

After all, other than him, other players in the Floating World Guild would not fight tough battles at all.

"not good!"

"Blood armor is served first, come up to me!"

Seeing this scene, Qian Shanxue couldn't help but gritted his teeth and scolded loudly.

However, Xue Jiafeng made up his mind first, so why would he listen to her?
Except for Ye Fusheng's words, the blood armor will not listen to other people's words!

Not even Ye Fusheng's woman!
boom boom-

In an instant, the blood armor Fengxian was like a sharp knife, once again inserted into the group of tens of thousands of players.


The sound of gun blades sweeping across flesh and blood could only be heard continuously, and the group of players who ran into the blood armor Fengxian couldn't bear the attack at all, and died one after another.

However, those players who were far away from the blood armor Fengxian all raised their bows and arrows, or released their skills. In an instant, the overwhelming offensive roared towards the blood armor Fengxian.


Horror voices kept coming out, Xue Jia Fengxian was not the real God of War after all, and the damage those players caused to him should not be underestimated.

However, after a dozen or so breaths, the blood value has plummeted by half.

"Drink, howl of blood!"

Blood Armor Fengxian leaped up suddenly, a mass of blood energy erupted from his body, burning the entire space, making it impossible to dodge within a range of 50x50 yards.


The screams kept ringing, but all the players who were close to the blood armor Fengxian fell to the ground and died as if they were poisoned, and their blood bars were emptied.

At the same time, their blood bars were actually transferred to Xue Jia Fengxian.

In just two breaths, the Blood Armor Fengxian's blood bar was already full. Immediately, he jumped up, galloped out with his horse under his crotch, and charged towards the group of players again.

"No, you can't let him fight alone!"

Qian Shanxue gritted his teeth, and waved his hand suddenly: "The sharpshooters release all the concussion arrows, no matter how many people they can kill, they must be stunned, interrupt their skills, so that they can't cause too much damage to the blood armor Fengxian. harm!"

With that said, Qian Shanxue bears the brunt of the blow, draws his bow and nocks an arrow, and begins to release his skills.

The rest of the girls were not far behind, releasing their skills one after another.

There are also a few mages who start to release AOE damage to suppress the firepower of the group of players first for the blood armor.

In themselves, they are condescending and have an advantage in attack distance.

In addition, with the blood armor first attracting firepower, they didn't have any worries. For a while, a powerful firepower burst out, suppressing the player group formed by many guilds on the mountainside.

This made the mackerel crowd frowned, feeling rather disappointed.

"Made, you really are a bunch of trash!"

"Sister Mackerel, why don't you just let us do it right away! The blood armor will be strong first, and it's impossible to kill a few of us in seconds!"

Suddenly, several cavalrymen stepped forward together, their faces full of resentment.

"it is good!"

"It's time for you to show up too!"

Frowning, Mackerel didn't refuse, and directly agreed.

It is true that once the blood armor is allowed to resist for a long time, some guilds watching around will definitely underestimate them. At that time, even if they capture the Sun Secret Realm, they will have to deal with those people.

It's better to attack directly, show the power of thunder, and while defeating the Ukiyo guild, it will also shock the other guilds, so that they don't dare to talk nonsense.

Hearing what the mackerel said, some masters who were still recharging their energy immediately got up and formed a team of nearly ten thousand people in an orderly manner.

These 1 people are all players who have been on the rankings. They have various professions and have a good understanding of tactics and operations.

"Rush forward quickly, take advantage of the moment when the blood armor is slaughtered by others, and kill them for me!"

Mackerel shouted coldly: "Even if you can't kill him, drive him back!"


Hearing the order, the group of players broke into pieces immediately, and rushed into the square formation of ordinary players respectively, and killed them halfway up the mountain at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Xuejia Fengxian was still relying on the existence of the bloody mist, constantly absorbing the blood of others, recovering his state, and fighting on the front line.

Of course, that skill is not permanent, as time goes by, the bloody mist becomes thinner. Obviously, once the bloody mist dissipates, Xue Jia Fengxian will no longer have the ability to absorb the blood of others.

At that time, as long as he has no other means, his bloodline will be lowered soon.

If you are not careful, you will even be beheaded.


"Who dares to fight me?!"

However, Xue Jia Fengxian didn't have the slightest intention of retreating. Instead, he killed more and more, and rushed to the depths of the crowd.

If they go any further, their offensive will not be able to reach, and they will not be able to help Xue Jiafeng relieve the pressure first.



One player after another had their throats cut by spears, but no one noticed that some well-equipped players approached slowly.

Just as the blood armor was ready to kill first, several players jumped up together. The two of them were holding shields, and holy radiance emerged from their bodies, linking them together.

"Blood armor first, take your life!"

There was a loud shout, and the two held shields, as if they were holding bricks, and wanted to slap Xue Jia Fengxian on the head.

"court death!"

With a cold look in his eyes, Xuejia Fengxian immediately swept his spear, bombarding the shields of the two men.

The terrifying power bloomed, and the spear just swept over one person's shield, and the two of them trembled, with -10000+ damage floating out of their heads at the same time!

The blood value plummeted. Fortunately, the blood value of the two shield guards was not low, with a full 4 to 5, but they were not instantly killed.

"Huh? You guys are still alive?!"

Xue Jia Fengxian was also shocked.

"Quick, be merciful!"

The two shield guards showed joy, but they shouted loudly, and then, two golden rays of light suddenly flew into Xuejia Fengxian's body.


"Combat reminder: Because the player is affected by the [Merciful Heart] skill, the attack power is reduced by 50%, which is a negative state and lasts for 30 seconds!"

"Grass, it actually reduces the attack power by 50%!"

Seeing the battle prompt, Xue Jia Fengxian's face changed drastically, and he panicked.

He was so arrogant before, relying on his strong attack power, most players couldn't stop his shot, and if something went wrong, he could kill him at any time without being besieged.

However, now that he has been hit with the compassionate skill, his attack power has dropped by half, so Xue Jia Fengxian doesn't dare to be arrogant anymore.

He has a low EQ, but it doesn't mean he has no brains!

He hurriedly turned his horse's head, but Xue Jiafeng was first affected by the skills of the two shield guards. Other professional players would not miss this good opportunity, so he rushed forward immediately, releasing various skills one after another.

"If you want to run again at this time, it's too late!"

"Pukong Sword Art!"

"Armor-piercing arrows!"

The sound of violent shouting fell, the sword energy was sharp, and there was also a feathered arrow piercing through the air, which instantly hit the blood armor Fengxian.

The blood bar dropped, and Xue Jia Fengxian's expression became more and more embarrassing. After being hit by the armor-piercing arrow, his defense value dropped!
"Let's go together, surround him and kill him!"

Under the influence of those professional high-level players, ordinary players rushed forward quickly.

This time, after reducing their attack power by 50%, Xue Jia Fengxian couldn't kill them in seconds, instead he was continuously hurt.

Seeing this scene, Qian Shanxue couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone come forward with me, ready to make a move, and save the blood armor first!"

"it is good!"

Although there are few people in the Floating World Guild, it is precisely because of the small number of people that they can often chat and get acquainted with each other for a long time. They all regard Xuejia Fengxian as a friend. How can they see him being besieged by so many players at this time?
"Don't come down, I'm enough alone!"

Seeing that the daughters of Qianshanxue were about to come down, Xue Jiafeng roared angrily, not wanting others to come down.

He himself was not sure that he would still be alive, so how could he watch other girls come down to die?

What's more, his daughter is also in the crowd!
"Kill me!"

Just at this moment, a mage suddenly summoned a thunderbolt, which slashed at Xuejia Fengxian, taking away the last 40% of his blood.

Triggered a magic crit!

"Battle reminder: Congratulations to the player for triggering the bloody battle skill, resurrecting and recovering 80% of the blood value, increasing the blood value by 30%, and the mana value on the line, clearing all negative states of the player, and increasing the attack power and critical strike rate of the player by 30%! Drop Level 1!"

The blood bar was emptied, and the blood armor Fengxian did not die. Instead, his body was glistening with blood, which triggered his passive skill.

All the negative states were cleared, and the attack power and crit rate were increased by 30%. The blood armor Fengxian immediately roared, jumped up suddenly, and killed the mage.

"My grass!"

The sorcerer's face changed dramatically, he cursed in a low voice, and immediately wanted to use his skills to escape, but before he finished reading the skills, his throat was pierced by a spear, and his blood value plummeted.

Are you kidding me, Xue Jia Fengxian's attack power is already high, and after getting the boost, how can he be resisted by a crispy skin?

"Hahaha, who dares to kill me?!"

"Who in the world dares to kill me?!"

After beheading the mage, Xuejia Fengxian looked up to the sky and laughed, swept his spear, and beheaded some players again.

"No, he has lifted the negative status! Everyone, give him BUFF again!"

The expressions of some shield guards changed slightly, and they hurried forward, wanting to repeat the previous routine.

But this time, Xuejia Feng had a premonition first, and ran away when the shield guard came up, and specifically picked the crispy profession to kill.

However, this time, there are too many high-level players, even though the blood armor Fengxian's operation is extremely delicate, he is still being hit and controlled by various skills.

For a moment, Xue Jia Fengxian's qi and blood value dropped crazily.

Although Blood Armor Fengxian has a passive blood battle, but there is an upper limit!

Once the Blood Armor Feng first drops to level 0, the level gap is too big, even if he still has the equipment on his body and has not been exploded, he will not be able to cause damage to those players!

"Siege him, he can't escape!"

The mackerel commanded countless players, like besieging a boss, crazily consuming the vitality of the blood armor Fengxian.

Time passed slowly, and Xuejia Fengxian did not have strong AOE damage after all. No matter how high the attribute was, facing the siege of tens of thousands of players, he could only drink hatred.

The blood value is slowly decreasing, and he will die for the second time at any time.

Xue Jia Fengxian also noticed this, but he didn't feel scared, instead he became excited and his eyes turned red.

Under Xue Jia Fengxian's scolding, the Qianshanxue girls did not dare to go down too far, but they also covered the blood armor Fengxian at the edge.

For a while, the dozens of players from the Ukiyo Guild resisted the attack of tens of thousands of players.

This scene shocked the guilds in all major cities in China.

Without Fusheng Wanqian, the Floating World Guild could do this, if Fusheng Wanqian also came, wouldn't the Floating World Guild be invincible?
It's a pity that this time Fusheng Wanqian is still doing missions outside, no matter how powerful the players of the Floating World Guild are here, it is impossible to resist the siege of several high-level guilds.

Sure enough, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Xue Jia Fengxian's blood value was already in jeopardy, and he would die a second time at any moment.

Once he dies twice or three times, the level will get lower and lower, and the speed of blood armor Feng Xian's death will only get faster and faster until he dies!



Just when the blood armor Fengxian was about to die for the second time, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and several thunderbolts fell, and the terrifying coercion gathered, like a mountain, oppressing every player.


Immediately afterwards, a loud laugh rang out, shaking every player's heart: "Interesting, I want to see it, I'm here, who else would dare to attack my Floating World Guild!"

(PS: The update on 6.11 will be sent, the protagonist is coming, and the mount is about to show its power!!! Please recommend tickets!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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