Invincible in one touch

Chapter 285 Who dares to leave?

Chapter 285 Who dares to leave?
"I'm here, who else would dare to attack my Floating World Guild!"


A thunderous sound fell, and in an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

Countless players felt panic and looked up one after another, only to see thunder flashing all over the sky, and a huge tiger came through the air.


The tiger roared, and the sound waves spread, like a tsunami, shocking.

For a time, countless players became terrified.

"My God?!"

"A flying tiger?! What kind of monster is this? Or a BOSS?"

Many players kept retreating, but someone with sharp ears looked up and found Ye Fusheng's figure.

"Look! There seems to be a figure on that thunder tiger!"

"Someone is standing on that terrifying tiger... My God, isn't that tiger a pet?"

"That voice seems to be..."

The rest of the major guild players all turned pale when they thought of this, and they couldn't help but retreat quickly.

There's no way, the pressure of Floating Life on them is too great!
The girls of the Floating World Guild were overwhelmed with surprise. Looking at the giant tiger, some girls almost didn't cry.

This time, it was not easy.

Xue Jia Fengxian also let out a long sigh of relief, and while the other players were retreating, he quickly retreated to the side of Qianshan Snow Maiden.

Well, anyway, Floating Life and Myriads are here, more than enough to deal with those guild players!

Thunder flashed, and the Thunder God Tiger swooped down, flying until it was more than 40 yards away from many players before stopping.

At this time, the figure of Tianlei Shenhu completely came into everyone's eyes.

The same is true for the thousands of floating lives sitting on it.

"Oh my god...there are so many floating lives!"

"Hey, he actually has such a powerful mount?!"

"That tiger is really big, it's about to catch up to a small mountain, right? There's still lightning on its body, I always feel that it's a powerful BOSS!"

Countless players gasped in amazement, but the mackerel and other guild executives stared wide-eyed and were stunned.

"how is this possible?"

"This guy...isn't he on a mission? Why did he come back so soon?"

Suddenly seeing Fusheng Wanqian's return, those high-level people panicked, except for the son of the dragon staring at Fusheng Wanqian with resentment on his face, almost everyone backed away in fear, and even thought about how to retreat.

"Hahaha, why, seeing me coming, everyone has become dumb and dare not speak?"

Ye Fusheng sat behind Tianlei Shenhu, his expression was indifferent, he didn't even look at those ordinary players, and the so-called masters, he directly focused his eyes on the senior leaders of the guild.

The first to bear the brunt is the mackerel.

Mackerel narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Ye Fusheng for a moment, feeling more and more desperate in his heart.

Among other things, the mackerel fish can be sure that the strength of the floating tiger has been greatly improved again.

Otherwise, Fu Sheng Wan Qian would not be able to rush over after completing the task in such a short period of time!

At this time, if he confronts Floating Life Wanqian head-on again, there will only be a dead end!
Wanting to understand this, Mackerel couldn't help laughing: "Misunderstanding, it was all a misunderstanding before! Our guild just saw that the Floating World Guild has a relatively small manpower and cannot defend the Sun Secret Realm, so we sent people to help guard it!"

"Not bad, misunderstanding, these are all misunderstandings!"

Hearing Mackerel's words, the other guild leaders laughed and thought about how to get out.

"Oh, it's all a misunderstanding, so you guys should be kind!"

Ye Fusheng sneered and said: "Since that's the case, let me refine the equipment for everyone, shall I? This mount of mine has the effect of refining equipment for others!"

"do not!"

Hearing this, the mackerel's face changed dramatically, she couldn't understand, the tempering equipment Fu Sheng Wan Qian said was actually releasing skills on them.

As for whether they can survive that skill, they can know the answer without thinking about it!

The attribute gap is too big, it's just a skill, they can't survive!
"Ahem, that, I won't bother you!"

Mackerel felt wronged, but she still had to force a smile on her face: "Since you are all here, let's leave immediately!"

"Don't tell me, you have worked so hard to come here, how can you leave so easily?"

Ye Fusheng sneered and said, "Since you're here, it's not that easy to leave!"

"There are thousands of floating lives, what exactly do you want to do?"

The son of the dragon suddenly shouted: "Don't think that you are high-level, and you can do whatever you want with the equipment! This map is not your home anymore, why, why don't you let us go?"

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the mackerel and other high-level officials changed dramatically, especially the mackerel, the corners of their mouths twitched. If the son of the dragon was not the president of her, he would definitely turn around and curse.

Are you sick in your head?

Our strength is so different from Floating Life Wanqian, you still want to fight hard with him?
Are you courting death?
If you want to die, don't take us with you, thank you!

Of course, these flowers, mackerel can only think about it in his mind, after all, she is the president, for the sake of her current status and status, what should be endured, must be endured.

"Hahaha, not bad!"

Ye Fusheng laughed out loud immediately: "I just don't want you to leave, why, if I don't say leave today, do you really think you can leave here?"

As he said that, Ye Fusheng's face became more and more serious.

This time, these guilds dared to take advantage of his absence to attack the Floating World Guild, which had already reached his bottom line, and it was absolutely impossible to let these people go easily!

If Xuejia Fengxian hadn't stood in front of him with all his might, the defense line of the Floating World Guild would have already been breached by those people.

In case Ye Xin, Qianshanxue, and Qingqing Rushui girls are hurt, Ye Fusheng will never let those people go.

Even so, today, they would never want to leave so easily!

"Hmph, Floating Life, Do you really think you are the master of this game?"

The Son of the Dragon gritted his teeth and said, "Today, I'm going to take the players from our Sacred Dragon Guild with me. I want to see what you can do to me!"


Hearing this, Mackerel couldn't help but exclaimed, and quickly grabbed Long Zi, trying to make him stop being so impulsive.

Unfortunately, since the name of Dragon Son is so domineering, his personality must be very domineering. He didn't listen to mackerel fish at all, waved his hand, and shouted loudly: "Sacred Dragon Guild players follow me. Shoot, even if you can't kill him in the game, I will let him make a video to apologize to us in reality!"

"it is good!"

"Hahaha, the president is really domineering!"

"Let's go, let's go, trust the words of the chairman!"

The word Son of the Dragon spread out, and in an instant, the players in the entire Holy Dragon Guild were excited.

They know that there will indeed be no opponents with thousands of floating lives in the game.

However, they also know that the son of the dragon is very powerful and very rich in reality.

Once he can find the player with thousands of lives, he will definitely be able to succumb!
Therefore, they all chose to believe in the son of the dragon, and retreated down the mountain arrogantly one by one.

The rest of the guild players were not ordered, so they all turned around at this time, looking at the players of the Holy Dragon Guild apprehensively, feeling particularly complicated in their hearts.

Why are we not members of the Holy Dragon Guild?
Why... the son of the dragon is so powerful?

Many high-level players in the other guilds all set their sights on Fusheng Wanqian.

They wanted to see what Fu Sheng Wan Qian would do in the face of the departure of the Holy Dragon Guild!
If Fusheng Wanqian is unable to stop them, there is no doubt that they will leave here quickly!


Fusheng Wanqian said indifferently: "If you want to go, you can, leave your lives to me! Xiaohu, give it to me!"

After the words fell, before the players could turn around, the Thunder God Tiger jumped up under Ye Fusheng's command, and in the air, a loud and clear sound wave spread out when it opened its mouth.


The roar of the tiger resounded through the heavens and the earth, thousands and tens of thousands of thunderbolts suddenly erupted from the Thunder God Tiger's body, descending from the sky, striking every player of the Holy Dragon Guild continuously.


"Oh my God!"


All kinds of roars sounded, and after those players were struck by the thunder, without exception, they were all smashed into ashes, instantly killing them!

Even the shield guards with all their skills turned on couldn't resist, with hundreds of thousands of damage constantly flying out of their heads!

Heh, the Thunder God Tiger's basic attributes are even more domineering than Ye Fusheng's. At this time, when he releases his skills with all his strength, how can these ordinary players be able to stop them?


I saw that the thunder kept falling, and every time it bombarded, it could take away the lives of dozens of players.

This scene was like thunder and purgatory, and it was also like a punishment from heaven.

Few players were spared!


"I care about you... There are thousands of lives, I will definitely let you... ah!"

Seeing many players die one after another, Dragon Son's eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body was distorted with anger, his face grim.

Just when he was about to roar and swear a few poisonous oaths, a thunderbolt descended from the sky, splitting the son of the dragon into ashes in an instant.

"It's over, it's over!"

Mackerel sat down on the ground with a bitter look on his face.

Originally, so many players were still alive, but as a result, Dragon Son insisted on pretending, but now it’s not pretending. Tens of thousands of main players were all killed by Thunderbolt. land!
Without the equipment, their strength will drop greatly, and if they go to attack the new boss later, I am afraid they will not be able to succeed!

In that case, how can their Holy Dragon Guild compete with other players and other guilds?

Just as the mackerel was smiling wryly, the thunder fell, also killing her, and sending her back to the resurrection spring in the city.

At this point, the map that was still noisy with people was completely silent.

There were hundreds of thousands of players, but no one dared to speak, at most they could make a few sounds of throat rolling and swallowing saliva.

Every player raised his head and looked at the Floating Life sitting on the Sky Thunder God Tiger.

Eyes filled with fear!

They couldn't believe it. In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of players from the Sacred Dragon Guild were slaughtered!

Not even breaking a sweat!

That's right, Fusheng Wanqian didn't move at all, everything was just his mount, which released a skill!
"too strong……"

"If we had known earlier, we would not have dealt with the Floating World Guild!"

"Fuck, I really don't know what those high-level people are thinking. For a secret realm, they dare to go against Floating Life? I will definitely not participate in this kind of death-seeking activities in the future!"

After a long time, some players in the crowd finally couldn't bear the pressure and began to complain.

It is also determined that if the guild organizes activities to deal with Floating Life in the future, they will definitely not participate.

Are you kidding me, Floating Life Wanqian's strength is so terrifying, if we deal with Fusheng Wanqian again, wouldn't it be courting death?

They don't want to waste their level and equipment!
Those high-level officials naturally heard these words, and they all looked weird, wishing to kick those players out of the guild.

Of course, that's impossible!
The strength of the guild is also achieved by the concerted efforts of its members.

If those players are really kicked out, then their guild will be gone.


Ye Fusheng looked around and said indifferently: "Is there anyone else who wants to leave?"

"Ahem, no more, no more!"

Suddenly hearing Fusheng Wanqian's words, many guild leaders trembled, and quickly said: "Brother Fusheng, we will listen to you what you want to do!"

"'s very simple, pay the price you should pay, and then, get out of here!"

Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "As for the price, I don't need to say it?"


Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of many guild executives twitched and they looked at each other, everyone's faces were full of surprise.

You don't need to be a ghost, if you don't tell me, how will we know what price you want us to pay?
Of course, they only dared to keep this sentence in their hearts, and did not dare to say it at all.

What if I don't even know what the price is for someone from Fusheng Qianqian, and then release the thunder skill to kill them all, what should I do?
Ever since, thirty or so high-level guild leaders gathered together, whispering incessantly, trying to figure out what price Floating Life wanted them to pay.

After a long time, one of the vice presidents suddenly said: "Do you think Fusheng Wanqian would want money? I remember that the last time Fengyun Pavilion bought his guild residence, it cost 66 billion to buy it. He was also crazy before." Collect coins!"

"Yeah, maybe that's true! But this time, how many gold coins or Huaxia coins should we give him?"

As soon as this was mentioned, the group of people immediately understood and began to discuss the price again.

Even if they are all the heads of major guilds and are very rich, they can't spend them indiscriminately.

That money still needs to support the operation and development of the guild!

After a while, many guild executives made up their minds, stepped forward quickly, and smiled at Fusheng Wanqian: "Well, brother Fusheng, we have already agreed, or I will give you 3000 million gold coins, and treat it as a blessing for everyone in the floating world." For the mental damage of the sisters, how about going back to repair the equipment by the way?"

"One million gold coins?!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but sneered and said, "Do you think I'm... a garbage collector? It's just 3000 million gold coins, I just sell some equipment!"

This sentence, Ye Fusheng didn't care too much, he has a bunch of fairy weapons and spiritual weapons, which can be sold for tens of millions, easily.

If you meet a big boss, you can sell it for hundreds of millions!


Those people thought that Ye Fusheng wanted to get more, they glanced at each other, gritted their teeth, and found a high price!
"It was us Meng Lang before, how about this, we are willing to pay 5 million game coins!"

After the voice fell, hundreds of thousands of players in the map suddenly boiled up!
(PS: The update was sent on 6.12. In addition, some people say why it is updated every day. In fact, I update 4000 words every day, which has reached the basic level. Converted to other people’s chapters, it is 2 chapters! The slow update is indeed My mistake, because the school has started, I have to wait until after the summer vacation to speed up the update. Now I have to review every day and prepare for the exam. I really can’t write more!!! Well, I will definitely try to update after the exam is over. !!

Thank you all for your continued support! ! ! )
(End of this chapter)

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