Invincible in one touch

Chapter 286 Capture the Sun Secret Realm!

Chapter 286 Capture the Sun Secret Realm!

Until hundreds of thousands of players left, they still haven't recovered from the shock.

They couldn't believe that Floating Life was so simple, and they got [-] million gold coins!

That's right, [-] million gold coins, direct transaction.

After the transaction was completed, the major guild players began to exit.

Although it was only gold coins in the game, the terrifying amount still shocked many players.

Five hundred million gold coins is enough to last an ordinary family for several lifetimes!
Ye Fusheng didn't care about other people's thoughts, touched his nose, and drove the Thunder God Tiger to Qianshanxue and Ye Xin's daughters.

Of course, under Ye Fusheng's control, the Thunder God Tiger shrank in size, just like an ordinary horse, with a pair of wings flashing with thunder, it looked quite handsome.


"Brother President, is this the extraordinary mount you got in the system announcement just now?"

"It's so strong, it can summon thunder, and easily killed the entire guild, isn't it too strong? How do I feel, this is a bit out of balance!"

The women were particularly shocked.

"It's definitely going to break the balance."

Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "This is a full-level Transcendent mount. Even a high-level boss would not dare to do anything wrong with it, let alone ordinary players?"

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"Then the president, brother, shouldn't be afraid of any players, right?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the girls looking at Ye Fusheng were full of starlight, and they adored him very much.

As strong as a blood armor Fengxian, one of the few men standing at the pinnacle of this game operation, facing tens of thousands of players, has to be careful.

On the other hand, Ye Fusheng was able to kill tens of thousands of players in a joke. The gap is really too big!

Not to mention these little girls and some elders, at this moment, they all regard Ye Fusheng as their idol in life!
That's right, such a grand scene will naturally not be missed by the onlookers. They posted the screenshots of the previous video of Ye Fusheng controlling the Thunder God Tiger to instantly kill tens of thousands of players before the major guilds gave up. superior.

It can be said that almost all players in the world know the power and terror of Ye Fusheng's mount!
Those forces who chose not to compete with the Floating World Guild, after seeing the news, were very grateful. Fortunately, they did not choose to rob the Sun Secret Realm. Otherwise, they would be killed at this time and take money for their lives. They are gone!

In Shenjiang Pavilion, Wang Zuowenruo, Wolong Kongming, and Yushan Gongjin looked stern, while Rende Xuande, Wen Wang Mengde, and Qiwei Zhongmou even nodded relative to each other.

Today, Floating Life is suppressing the entire game. They think they have no ability to fight against it, and have chosen to develop steadily.

"That guy is really too strong. How could his level and equipment improve so quickly?"

Zilong in white had a dignified expression, and suddenly turned to look at Rende Xuande, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, Zilong wants to go out to practice leveling alone, looking for his own opportunity."


Slightly nodding, Rende Xuande said with a smile: "Actually, Zilong doesn't need to underestimate himself. If it weren't for the huge gap in equipment, I think that guy would never be your opponent."

"No, he also has a lot of combat experience! At least, he is unconstrained!"

Suddenly thinking of the scene of the first fight, Bai Yizilong's eyes lit up, and his heart became more and more anticipatory, so that he could brush up his equipment as soon as possible, so that he could fight against Fusheng Wanqian again.

With Rende Xuande's permission, Bai Yizilong didn't even hit the secret realm, turned around and left.

He always feels that his own opportunity is coming soon!
Such a scene is being played out in every force.

Almost everyone was discussing Fushengwanqian. Some lamented his strength, some were stimulated and wanted to improve his strength, and some secretly called customer service to report the bug of Fushengwanqian.

If they knew that Floating Life Wanqian was the boss of Tianming Group's branch in China, what kind of face would they have?

That's right, other people are not only stronger and better than them in the game, but also richer than them in reality!
The Holy Dragon Guild and Son of the Dragon quickly went offline and started smashing the furniture frantically at home, cleaning the table and the living room.

Almost all the precious porcelains were smashed to pieces by him.

"Asshole! Asshole!"

"Damn Floating Life, I must kill you!"

The son of the dragon roared endlessly, and in an instant, no one in the entire villa dared to approach him.



"This attribute is too scary, right?"

"There is a mount with such attributes, little brother of the president, in the future, can you just sit still when you brush the boss?"

"There are still tasks, I'm afraid there are no tasks, can it be difficult for you?"

In the mysterious territory of the sun, when they saw the attributes of the Thunder God Tiger, including Qianshanxue, they all exclaimed.

Ye Fusheng hugged Ye Xin, sat on the back of the Thunder God Tiger, and said with a light smile: "Almost, with the Thunder God Tiger, I don't have to do it myself unless I meet a high-level boss."

Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, Tianlei Shenhu shed tears of regret.

If it hadn't been so idle that it had to stand up for its descendants who had not known how many generations had passed, I'm afraid it wouldn't have become a mount today.

Now that he is a mount, he has to listen to others for everything, but now he is still treated like a monkey, with so many players watching, it really makes him desperate.


"System prompt: The Sun Secret Realm is officially open. There are a total of 60 waves of attacks and five bosses. Only by solving all of them within [-] minutes can the ownership of the Sun Secret Realm be obtained!"

Suddenly, the system notification sound fell, and everyone heard it, but no one showed a embarrassed look.

If Ye Fusheng hadn't come, they would definitely feel very troublesome. They would have to kill fifty waves of monster attacks within 60 minutes, and they would have to kill five bosses. Are you kidding me?

This is impossible at all!

Now that Ye Fusheng came, no one felt very embarrassed.

On the contrary, it feels a bit simple, why are there only five bosses?

How about a few more bosses and more equipment?

There was a roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, and immediately after that, thousands of monster figures emerged, rushing towards them continuously from all around.

"Thunder God Tiger, release your skills and kill them all!"

Ye Fusheng instructed the Thunder God Tiger, and immediately asked everyone to sit down and chat with them.

At first, Qianshan Snow Maiden was a little worried, but as the thunder continued to strike, and no monster could approach them within 30 yards, they were completely relieved.

The Thunder God Tiger is too strong, and those monsters are not even level 70, so they are not its opponents at all.

Not to mention ordinary monsters, even if the boss came, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to withstand the Thunder God Tiger's thunder attack for a few seconds.

Ever since, in Ye Fusheng, Qian Shanxue, and Xuejia Fengxian's happy chats, the experience points continued to increase, and wave after wave of monsters also attacked frantically.

The sound of the end of the attack could be heard from time to time, but within 20 minutes, the system notification sound suddenly became agitated.


"System prompt: The wave attack is about to start, the strongest boss is coming, please kill the boss within 30 minutes, otherwise, the sun secret realm attack will fail, and the sun secret realm cannot be obtained!"

"Yo, the last wave of monsters so soon?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised, he didn't expect the time to pass so fast, he felt that he had just chatted for a while.

Some time ago, Ye Fusheng had been brushing monsters and leveling up. Today, he was able to chat with so many beautiful and lovely ladies, so he was naturally in a very comfortable mood.

Especially when she was as clear as water, when she pretended to hug Ye Xin, she even rubbed against Ye Fusheng, doing some indescribable things that made him feel very comfortable.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other girls were still around, Ye Fusheng might have pulled Qing Qing Ru Shui to have an in-depth exchange.


The sound of piercing the air continued to sound, and the red radiant balls flying all over the sky rushed over.


Before Ye Fusheng and the others checked the attributes, those red balls spewed out flames, killing Ye Fusheng and the others.


However, their strength is really too weak.

Before the flames hit, the Thunder God Tiger suddenly let out a roar, and the sound waves swept across it, crushing all the fireballs in the sky.


Dust swept across the sky, and the next moment, the sonic offensive continued unabated, passing those fireballs again.

The crisp sound kept ringing, and those fireballs were like balloons bursting, shattering one after another, turning into everyone's experience.


Almost at the moment when all the fireballs exploded, a ball of fire suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, and then, that ball of fire turned into a huge figure, which gradually condensed into battle armor and weapons, and became a general.

A great general!
"It seems that this should be the final boss, I don't know what level it is!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng didn't even change his expression. When he released his Eye of Truth skill, the attributes of the boss turned into a panel and appeared in front of him.

Flame Warlord Kellens (Spirit-level BOSS)

Blood value: 60000000
Attack: 17900
Defense: 8000
Aggressive like fire: Attack power increased by 20%, when attacking, there is a 5% chance to trigger triple damage, and put the target into a burning state, and the damage received by oneself increases by 30%
Skills: Flame Dazzling Dragon, Flame Burning, Earth Brahma, Sky Fire Strike...

Description: A monster that contains the essence of the flames of heaven and earth, possessing quite powerful power

Rating: 90
The skills and characteristics are very powerful, but it is a pity that the level is too low, and the level is too low, which is the spiritual level.

Let alone Tianlei Shenhu, even if Ye Fusheng did it himself, it would be difficult for this boss to last a minute in his hands.

The attribute gap is really too big!
Just imagine, Ye Fusheng can deal with those monsters with tens of millions of blood points within ten minutes, and fight a boss with 600 million blood points.

However, Ye Fusheng is too lazy to do it himself, so he managed to acquire a powerful mount so that it can not use its waste heat, is it really appropriate?

What's more, Ye Fusheng still wants to hold his daughter for a while longer, and have more intimate contact with Qingqing Rushui.


The Thunder God Tiger sensed Ye Fusheng's thoughts, and let out a low growl. In an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and before Karens was ready to strike, a thunderbolt with the thickness of several people descended from the sky and struck on its head.

A total of more than 800 million damage floated up, Kellens body trembled, and immediately his whole body became unreal.

too strong!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the spirit-level boss Flame Warlord Kerens, and rewarded with 80000000 experience points and 80000 reputation points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully passing the trial of the Sun Secret Realm, your guild Floating World has successfully activated the Sun Secret Realm!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting the BUFF bonus of the Sun Secret Realm. All attributes will increase by 30%, and the amount of experience gained will increase by 50%. After this event is over, you will have a chance to draw prizes, up to a spirit weapon!"

Several system prompts came down one after another, and all the girls in the Ukiyo guild laughed happily.

Even if the blood armor was offered first, after seeing the powerful effect increase, they all smiled.

too strong!
The golden light kept flashing, and after getting the experience reward for killing Karens, all the girls upgraded one after another.

Their level is still low, and they are not hidden professions. The difficulty required to upgrade is very low. 800 million experience points, plus the monsters killed before, will naturally allow them to upgrade.

However, after upgrading, the gap with Ye Fusheng is also very big!
Under the effect of the level-boosting roll, Ye Fusheng directly rose to level 95, directly pulling away other players by more than 40 levels.

Even Zilong in white is only level 58.

This kind of gap, if there is no special opportunity, don't even think about it, you will never be able to catch up in your life!

"Huaxia Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Floating World Guild for successfully passing the test and receiving the gift of the Sun Secret Realm. The remaining two secret realms will end within 30 minutes. If the guardians of the secret realm cannot be killed, the strategy will fail!"

"Huaxia Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Floating World Guild..."


"Huaxia Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Floating World Guild for successfully passing the test and receiving the gift of the Sun Secret Realm. The remaining two secret realms will end within 30 minutes. If the guardians of the secret realm cannot be killed, the strategy will fail!"

A series of server announcements fell, and in an instant, all the guilds that were attacking the secret realm went crazy, speeding up crazily.

If they can't solve it within 30 minutes, then their previous efforts will be in vain!
Only the Pavilion of Divine Generals did not panic at all. After all, there were countless famous generals, and Ye Fusheng went in to fight for a few ten minutes. At this time, they were almost over.


"China Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Shenjiang Pavilion Guild for successfully passing the test and receiving the gift of the Taiyin Secret Realm. The Star Secret Realm will end within 25 minutes. If the guardian of the secret realm cannot be killed, the strategy will fail!"


The system notification fell, and the rest of the guilds in the Star Secret Territory went crazy.

They no longer cared about fighting for anything, and only wanted to kill the guardians of the secret realm as soon as possible. As for who can get the possession of the secret realm in the end, it depends on luck!

"No... I seem to... forget something?!"

At this moment, Ye Fusheng, who was chatting and beating with the girls, frowned slightly, always feeling that he seemed to have forgotten something.

What was it that he didn't do?
(PS: Update on 6.13!!! 4000 words chapter!!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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