Chapter 287
"What is it that I haven't done yet? I always feel something is wrong..."

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was not even in the mood to chat.

"Daddy, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Xin quickly sensed that something was wrong with Ye Fusheng, and asked in doubt.

"It's nothing, I just feel like I've forgotten something."

Rubbing Ye Xin's head, Ye Fusheng said with a light smile: "But it's not important, after all, my precious daughter is the most important thing!"


Hearing this, Ye Xin didn't think too much, she rubbed against Ye Fusheng's arms a few times, still listening to everyone chatting and beating there.

If Xu Bingqing heard Ye Fusheng's words just now, he would definitely be very angry.

When I needed my old lady, I would eat a little cutie, but now I don’t need it anymore, so I can’t even remember me?
That's right, besides Qian Shanxue and Fushi Guild, Xu Bingqing's Meteor Guild was the one who asked Ye Fusheng for help.

This time, the Meteor Guild had self-knowledge and went directly to compete for the Star Secret Realm.

It was okay at the beginning, no one robbed them, but as more and more guilds came, many went to the secret realm of stars, and now there is a time limit, and it is impossible to clear other guild players out , can only surround and kill the BOSS together.

As for who can get the ownership of the Star Secret Realm, it can only depend on who is lucky and finally kills the BOSS!
Time passed slowly.

After 5 minutes, Ye Fusheng, who was chatting and spanking, finally remembered the time he had to do.

"Oops! I forgot to help Xu Bingqing!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Ye Fusheng glanced at the girls who were chatting happily, thinking that no other guild would dare to come to find trouble at this time, and they already had the Sun Secret Realm, so there is no need to worry at all, and he said directly: "I still have something to do, Fengxian, Qian Shanxue, you two look at the guild, and go back to the guild's residence later, and I will distribute some equipment to everyone!"

"In addition, it's time to talk about the offline gathering! This group event, I hope everyone can participate, don't refuse, especially the traveler, I have always been curious, you are so weak, what is it like? Your psychological ability will support you to walk through so many maps!"

"Cough cough!"

Hearing this, the Walker Borderless Shielder sitting in the corner blushed and said in a low voice, "Boss, don't make fun of me, I just want to explore more maps."

"Okay, okay, anyway, I hope everyone can participate in this event, I will go to work first!"

With a big laugh, Ye Fusheng handed Ye Xin over to Qian Shanxue, and immediately drove the Thunder God Tiger out of the Sun Secret Realm.


After flying out of the secret realm, the Thunder God Tiger's body surged, and it immediately changed back to its original shape. Immediately afterwards, its wings trembled, and it rushed towards the star secret realm.

At this point, there are still 4 minutes left before the event ends.

The BOSS in the Star Secret Realm only has 5% of the blood value left, and will die at any time. However, at this time, countless players have all slowed down their attack intensity, and all of them have high-intensity attack skills. Ownership of the Star Secret Realm!

Players from all major guilds gathered together, whispering, staring at the BOSS with fiery eyes.

Meteor and Flowing Moon of the Meteor Guild all looked solemn.

"Damn it, I didn't expect so many guilds to come over at once, and there is no way to drive them out!"

Meteor gritted his teeth and said, "Liuyue, later you organize a team of ten mages. As long as the blood value drops to 3%, the skills will explode directly. If you really can't grab it, then forget it."

"it is good!"

Liu Yue nodded slightly, but she was very anxious in her heart.

The boss is going to die soon, if Ye Fusheng doesn't come, their Meteor Guild won't be able to get the secret realm!

It just so happens that the Star Secret Realm matches their guild name very well, Liuyue doesn't want to be unable to get this secret realm.

[Asshole... You were faster than anyone else when you needed me, but now you don't need me, why are you so slow?Hmph, next time I have to bite you to death! 】

Liu Yue was full of resentment, she bit her silver teeth lightly, as if something Ye Fusheng had already been in her mouth.

Of course, resentment is resentment, and a small team of mages still needs to be organized.

In just one minute, a perfect team of ten mages was formed.

However, at this very moment, within the Star Secret Realm, almost all major guilds are organizing in this way, waiting for the moment when the boss is about to die!

Suddenly, a deafening roar sounded, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder surged.

"what's the situation?!"

"I don't care... this boss, won't it mutate?"

Hearing the thunder suddenly, many players were very nervous, and the first reaction was whether the BOSS had mutated.

However, when they raised their heads and realized that the boss in front of them not only hadn't mutated, but was dying, they were all stunned.

Looking into the distance, one can see a huge tiger with thunder all over its body walking in the air, but within a few breaths, it has already come to the sky above them, roaring up to the sky, and the terrifying sound waves swept across, shocking all the players in a daze. in place.

Even that BOSS, under the oppression of the Thunder God Tiger, did not dare to move, and even dared not run away.

No way, the difference in grade is too big!

The BOSS of the Star Secret Realm is not even a spiritual rank, but a sky-rank elite. When encountering a super-level BOSS, they are directly frightened and dare not move.

"Fu... Floating Life is here!"

Exclamations kept coming out, one after another, and in an instant, almost every player knew the news of Ye Fusheng's arrival.

They didn't even dare to attack, they just raised their heads in fear, staring nervously at Fu Sheng Qian Qian.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although Ye Fusheng came a bit late, but just right, well, at least, the boss hasn't been killed yet!

"There are thousands of floating lives, how dare you ask what you are doing here?"

After a long time, the presidents of several small guilds looked at each other and asked aloud.

"What? Is this a game played by your family?"

Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "I'm also a gamer, so I can't come?"

"No, it's just that now is the time to compete for the secret realm of the stars. You already have a secret realm of the sun in the floating world, so it would be unkind to compete for the secret realm of the stars!"

Some presidents made voices.

If the presidents of the top ten guilds saw that these ordinary players dared to question Ye Fusheng, they would definitely be amazed and send them blessings.

Brother, I wish you a happy cool!
Are you kidding me, the top ten guilds, each with hundreds of thousands of members, did not dare to be presumptuous in Ye Fusheng's interview, but these small guilds dare to talk to Ye Fusheng like this?

It's really an old birthday star who hanged himself. I'm tired of living!

"Oh? What am I going to do, and do I need you to say it?"

Ye Fusheng's face was slightly cold, and his eyes were cold, scanning the many players.

"Heh, since everyone is so arrogant today, I will let go of my words and say, whoever beeped just now, the entire guild will quit, otherwise, I will kill without mercy!"

The voice fell, and everyone was shocked.

All the players were shocked, except for the meteor guild who was rescued by Ye Fusheng and didn't speak when they saw him coming, almost everyone in the other guilds was beeping at Ye Fusheng.

In other words, what Ye Fusheng meant was to let all the guilds leave, leaving Meteor guild alone!

"Fusheng Qianqian, do you really think this game is developed by your family?"

"You've got the Sun Secret Realm, so don't be so arrogant!"

"Brothers, don't worry about him, he alone, no matter how clever he is, he can't kill us all, just kill the boss, get the reward and leave!"

"Yes, don't worry about Floating Life, just kill the boss!"

Voices came out one after another, and in an instant, all players turned their attention to the boss again.

It is true that after several battles, those players have understood that even if tens of thousands of people fight Floating Life Thousand Thousands alone, they cannot kill him.

However, Fusheng Wanqian is only one person, as long as they ignore Fusheng Wanqian, and even send some people to die, they can continue to fight the boss.

Anyway, the BOSS has less than 3% of the blood value, and will die at any time.

It's a pity that these players have been killing the boss just now, and they didn't see the video posted by some people on the forum.

If they could see that Floating Life could now rely on the Thunder God Tiger to kill tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of players in an instant, they would definitely not dare to talk back like this.

Unfortunately, they didn't see it.

Coupled with the temptation of the secret realm of the stars, they chose to take the risk, just once with Floating Life.

If it succeeds, then their guild will be completely popular.

Maybe it will be able to attract more powerful players.

Of course, the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is often very cruel.

Seeing that those players didn't listen to his advice, the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, and he immediately controlled the Thunder God Tiger to release his skills.


The roar of thunder was heard, and the next moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and thousands of thick thunderbolts fell from the sky, striking one player after another.

Under the terrifying damage, those players didn't even have time to react, and were instantly chopped into fly ash.



Thunder roared, except for the area where the girls of the Meteor Guild were located, there were hundreds of thunder thundering in almost every area.

"Oh my god... there are thousands of floating lives, are you here to help us?"

"It should be, except for us, everyone is being attacked by Thunder!"

The Meteor girls were quite surprised, and immediately turned around together, staring at Liu Yue with weird eyes.

In an instant, Liu Yue blushed from the sight, and said shyly, "What are you looking at me for?"

Originally, the girls of Meteor were just a little skeptical, but now seeing Liuyue shy, they immediately confirmed their thoughts, and couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, Sister Liuyue, when did you hook up with Floating Life Wanqian? It's fine to save you last time, but come to help us this time!"

"I remember, they just took down the Sun Secret Realm of the Floating World Guild, and then they rushed over non-stop, so they care about you!"

"Hey, if I have a boyfriend like this, how good would it be?"

The girls sighed endlessly, looking at Liuyue with envy in their eyes.

As for jealousy?


They are not stupid, they know that they are not as good as Liu Yue, and they are not worthy of Floating Life!
After all, he is the most powerful man in the entire game world, and ordinary girls are definitely not worthy of him!

Therefore, you must have the most powerful girl in the entire game world. Well, the most powerful girl should be Xing Yun who didn't run away...


While the girls in the Meteor Guild were complaining and gossiping, the wailing sound continued to be heard from other guild areas. None of those players survived, and they were all chopped into fly ash by the thunder.

The death is especially tragic!

Coupled with Ye Fusheng's high luck value, the chance of killing players to drop equipment is higher than that of killing bosses.

However, in just 30 seconds, there were no other guild players in the Star Secret Territory, only the equipment left on the ground, and many beautiful girls from the Meteor guild.

At this time, even those beautiful girls knew that Floating Life Wanqian could win, but they were still very shocked to see how quickly and easily they killed hundreds of thousands of players.


The Thunder God Tiger shrunk down, waiting for Ye Fusheng to land on the ground, and happened to land in front of Liu Yue.

Well, for Ye Fusheng, Liuyue is his favorite woman, if he can give some face outside, he still has to give it!

"Sorry, I'm not late, am I?"

Ye Fusheng showed a bright smile, and in an instant, all the girls in the Meteor Guild let out nympho-like exclamations.

Liu Yue blushed even more, it was the first time she was treated like this in the presence of so many people.

In the past, she could let it go, it was just a joke.

Now that she has a real relationship with Ye Fusheng, she will naturally be shy.

"What are you doing?!"

Rolling her eyes, Liu Yue said in a low voice: "Stop messing with this, kill the boss quickly, let's get to the Star Secret Realm!"

"Okay, then you can do it as soon as possible."

Ye Fusheng smiled lightly, and didn't make any further moves. Anyway, the other guild players were dead, and Meteor Guild still had tens of thousands of players. Two minutes was enough to kill the last HP of the boss.

Meteor also reacted, and quickly shouted: "Everyone kill the BOSS first, and chat later!"

Following Meteor's order, many girls in the guild worked together, and in an instant, countless feather arrows and spells bombarded the sky-level boss one after another.

After not even holding on for a minute, the boss let out a howl and immediately fell down, exploding gold coins and equipment all over the floor.

What made Meteor Girls even more excited was not the equipment released by the boss, but the long-lost system notification sound.


"Huaxia Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Meteor Guild for successfully killing the boss of the Star Secret Realm, Soldiers of the Stars, passing the test of the Star Secret Realm, and getting a gift from the Star Secret Realm!"

"Huaxia Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Ukishi Guild, Shenjiang Pavilion Guild, and Meteor Guild for successfully activating the three secret realms and receiving secret realm gifts. Members of the three major guilds will receive 168 hours of secret realm BUFF rewards! And each person has a chance to draw a lottery. Spirit weapon, the lowest extractable ground weapon!"

"Huaxia Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Fusheng Qianqian] who killed the most players and the most monsters in this event, won the title of MVP, and received a reward of 200 billion experience points, Sun God Disk X1!"

"Huh? There is an MVP reward for this thing?!"

Seeing the server announcement suddenly, Ye Fusheng was stunned, and then his eyes lit up, full of excitement.

The Sun God Disk, just by looking at the name, you can tell that it is an extraordinary piece of equipment!

(PS: Update 6.14 is here!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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