Invincible in one touch

Chapter 288 How Can You Drive While Playing Games?

Chapter 288 How Can You Drive While Playing Games?
When the world server announcement came down, all the players were amazed at the power of Ye Fusheng, as well as the strength of the Floating World Guild and the Shenjiang Pavilion Guild.

Others were wondering why the Meteor Guild won the Star Secret Realm even though they were not considered powerful.

When an event ends, some people are happy and some are sad.

Ye Fusheng didn't pay attention to those, and opened the backpack directly to check the attributes of the reward.

It was a golden disc, and the light kept flickering.

With a swipe of his hand, the attributes are in front of him.

Sun God Plate (Growth Immortal Artifact—Special Ornament)
Blood value: +120%
Mana: +120%
Attack Power: +50%
Sun God Fire: When attacking, there is a 3% chance to cause the target to fall into the state of God Fire Burning, which consumes 10000 blood points per second. This state cannot be dispelled, resisted, or transferred by characteristics and skills below LV2. It can be stacked up to 10 times. When superimposed to 5 layers, the loss of life and blood per second increases by 10 times, and when the target is attacked by skills, the damage received increases by 500%

Blessing of the Sun God: Increase the amount of experience gained by 100%
Advent of the Sun God: Summon the will of the Sun God, increase all attributes of the self by 1000%, each attack is equipped with a sun god fire, the attack distance is increased by 20 yards, and the cooldown of all skills is reduced by 50% (excluding equipment special effects), the duration is 60 seconds, and the cooling time 24 hours
The number of gems that can be embedded: 99
Description: Hidden in the secret territory of the sun, the divine disk contains the power of the sun god. The power is still in the dust. As the player's level increases and special materials are consumed, the equipment can be evolved again, and the highest can be evolved into an extraordinary artifact.

Level requirements: 100
"Hiss... What the hell, it's indeed a Growth Immortal Artifact, it's too strong!"

"Each stunt, even if it is placed separately on other equipment, is considered a good equipment, but now it is gathered together, it is really too strong!"

"If the Sun God Fire is superimposed to ten layers, it will reduce the blood value of 100 million per second. In 60 seconds, it will be 6000 million. As long as I don't encounter legendary or legendary bosses, I can easily kill them in one or two minutes. kill!"

"Even if I encounter those high-level bosses, I can still fight them, and the sun god reward can also increase the bonus of all attributes by 1000%. With other effects, tsk tsk, maybe I can kill the legendary boss solo!"

After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng was very excited. The effect of this equipment is really too powerful, so powerful that Ye Fusheng even forgot about Liu Yue, and stood there blankly.

It's true that this sun disc has not yet evolved to the highest level of supernatural artifacts, and the effect is so terrifying.

If it evolves in the future, its attributes will definitely exceed imagination, which may allow Ye Fusheng to use it until the game goes bankrupt.

"Tsk tsk, if you have time, ask senior sister how to unseal the Sun God Disk."

"Phew, there's still a lottery draw, I don't know what kind of equipment can be drawn as my MVP..."

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng thought about the lottery again, but he didn't bring much interest.

The system has a limit, the highest spirit weapon can be drawn, even if Ye Fusheng's luck value is over the top, he can't draw better equipment.

Spirit weapon, let alone mentioning Ye Fusheng's interest, for him, the equipment he throws at him is above the level of fairy weapon.

Ahem, of course, this is a bit of a pretense.

However, spiritual weapons really couldn't attract Ye Fusheng, they were all garbage equipment thrown directly into the store or in the guild's warehouse.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for using the lottery opportunity to get Excellence·Spiritual Artifact·Brilliant Battle Sword!"

The Brilliant War Sword, an excellent level spiritual weapon, can be said to be the highest level of spiritual weapons.

This is also worthy of Ye Fusheng's luck value of 9999+, but it's a pity that Ye Fusheng doesn't need it at all.

Without even looking at the attributes, Ye Fusheng directly threw it into the backpack.

After closing the backpack and other interfaces, Liu Yue was already obediently standing in front of him.

As for the girls of Meteor, they have long seen the extraordinary relationship between Liu Yue and Ye Fusheng, and stayed away from them to give them space.

"I didn't expect you to come so soon."

Liu Yue blushed slightly: "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Ahem, of course I will take care of your business."

Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "However, I can help you this time. If you fight next time, I may not be able to come. After all, I often do tasks outside."

"Well, I understand."

Liu Yue smiled and said: "Furthermore, with the BUFF reward of this secret realm, I am confident that Meteor Guild will become stronger. I will open up another event next week, and I will compete with other guilds openly. If I can't hold it, I don't hold grudges either."

"It's good if you have this mentality."

Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "Nowadays, there are more and more official game activities, and you don't need to care about this kind of secret rewards. Maybe there will be better activities next week."


Slightly nodding, Liuyue was very satisfied.

Being able to rush over at this time, it can be seen that Ye Fusheng really cares about her.

"Okay, your Meteor Guild has just won the secret realm, and you still need to organize activities. I should go too."

Glancing at the many girls, seeing that they were pointing at him and Liuyue, Ye Fusheng didn't stay any longer, said a word, and directly took out the scroll to return to the city.

Well, originally Ye Fusheng wanted to go directly back to the guild station to share equipment with the players in the guild, but now that he got the Sun God Disk, he had to go to his senior sister first to figure out how to evolve the Sun God Disk.

"Okay, the mission went well."

Liu Yue blushed, patted Ye Fusheng's breastplate, said with a smile, "I'll look for you in a few days!"

"Okay, let's call!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng responded with a smile, and also tore open the scroll to return to the city.


After reading the article, Ye Fusheng disappeared into the secret realm of stars, including the Thunder God Tiger.

Back in Sunset City, Tianlei Shenhu completely panicked and felt Xingyun's aura again.

Seeing that the Thunder God Tiger was so terrified, Ye Fusheng was very helpless and had no choice but to put it away.

Originally, I wanted to ride the Thunder God Tiger to compete in the city, but now it seems that it is impossible!

All the way was unimpeded, and when they came to the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion, Xing Yun raised her head and looked at Ye Fusheng helplessly.

"Little brother, why are you here again? Why are you doing nothing recently?"

Rolling her eyes, Xing Yun didn't even have a taste for despising others.

"No, it's just that I just got a treasure, I want you to see it, senior sister, how to advance in the future!"

Smiling, Ye Fusheng directly sacrificed the sun god.


In an instant, the fiery breath rippled and circulated between the heaven and the earth.


Feeling the fiery breath, Xing Yun's expression changed slightly, and she raised her hand to grab it, and the Sun God Disk flew into her slender hand.

"It turned out to be this thing!"

After looking at it for a while, Xing Yun said indifferently: "The sun disc is not very useful, and that kind of flame has no effect at all when it meets a really strong person."


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help raising his brows. He clearly remembered that the description of the Sun God Disk said that the Sun God Fire can resist any transfer, immunity, removal, and resolution methods below LV2.

It is enough to prove that this game has strict grading settings for characteristics and state skills!
The Sun God Fire can invalidate the characteristics below LV2, then, if it is LV3 or LV4, can it ignore the Sun God Fire?
Do other special effects also have this limitation?

For example, what level is the instant death effect of the sky burial suit?

What kind of characteristics can ignore the effect of the sky burial suit?

What is the special level of those powerful bosses?
All kinds of doubts surfaced in Ye Fusheng's heart at the same time, which surprised him.

"If you want to advance the Sun God Disk, you just need to find a few more gods' relics and get some god fragments, preferably gods related to the sun and flames!"

"Using the power of the god's origin, the sun god disk can be advanced!"

"However, that's too troublesome, and the effort is not thankful."

Xing Yun said indifferently: "Even if you raise it to the highest level, it's useless. It's not as powerful as those unowned holy artifacts in the world!"

"Saint artifact?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Can I snatch it?"

"of course can."

Xing Yun smiled lightly and shook her head, "It's just that, with your current strength, I'm afraid you'll be beaten to death if you pass!"


The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng couldn't help complaining in his heart.

"Okay, if you want to advance to the Sun God Disk, go for it!"

"If you really have nothing to do, I can find a job for you!"

Xing Yun's expression turned positive.

"What live?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng was full of hope.

This is, is there another main mission coming?
The rewards for the main task assigned by Xingyun himself will not be low!

"A few days ago, there was news from the front line of the kingdom that some illusory spaces appeared from time to time at the border with the demons. After soldiers rushed in, they could never return. Now Lord Baiyi and his wife have gone, I hope you can too have a look."

Xing Yun said in a deep voice: "Although Lord Baiyi is strong, he cannot be separated from his wife. He cannot go to some places, and others are likely to die if they go. Only you can gain my trust and have enough self-confidence. Guaranteed strength!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully activating the S-level main storyline mission [Void Space], mission objective: find the border between the Demon Race and the Human Race, enter the void space, and explore the reason for the formation of the void space! Task reward: rich experience rewards , and equipment rewards!"


His eyes lit up, and Ye Fusheng quickly accepted it.

Although the level of this task is not very high, and the rewards may not be too rich, but as long as it is a main storyline task, it will not be much worse.

Even if there aren't too many rewards, being able to open up follow-up main quests and affect the changes in the strength of NPCs in the entire game, it's worth talking about!

"Okay, after I finish my work, I will rush over there immediately!"

Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "I would also like to thank my senior sister. It's really cool to be the Thunder God Tiger as a mount. Whether it's driving, killing people, or killing monsters, it's very fun and easy. It sweeps the whole picture!"

"It's fine to use it comfortably."

Seeing that Ye Fusheng was so happy, Xing Yun said happily: "After the time has passed, the Thunder God Tiger returns to freedom, and your strength improves, I will take you to the Dragon Clan and choose a dragon as a partner!"

" have to work hard! Don't let Shenlong look down on you!"

"Don't worry, I'm so powerful, Shenlong will definitely take a fancy to me!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng became even more excited and strengthened his belief in crazy level training.

As long as the level rises, Xing Yun will definitely take him to find Shenlong as a mount.

At that time, Shenlong will be an absolute weapon whether it is spawning monsters or playing against players!

After chatting with Xing Yun for a few more words, Ye Fusheng left the City Lord's Mansion and rushed to the guild's territory.

All the way out of Sunset City, the Thunder God Tiger was no longer afraid, and summoned out. In an instant, Ye Fusheng disappeared into the sky amidst the roar of the giant God Tiger, and under the surprised eyes of many players.

But in just a few dozen breaths, Ye Fusheng rode the Thunder God Tiger to the sky above the guild's territory.

At this time, thousands of NPC troops were stationed around the territory. In addition to the players of the Floating World Guild, there were also many players buying items inside.

In the territory, the teleportation formation flickered, and players kept coming here. After preparing the consumables for leveling, they rushed towards the gate on one side.

The territory of the Floating World Guild is surrounded by monsters of levels 50 to 100. At present, players generally only have levels above 40, so they will naturally come here to practice.

"Hiss... That is to say, before the main force of players reaches level 100, there will definitely be a large number of players gathered here. Whether it is the teleportation formation or the store opened, they can make a lot of money!"

"Very good, I can finally get money instead of burning money!"

"Ask Qianshanxue later, what is the profit effect of the current city."

With a move in his heart, Ye Fusheng dispersed the Thunder God Tiger, and with the help of the pioneer wings, he glides slowly and landed in the city.

Well, there are so many players here who are buying things in the store, you can't interrupt them, otherwise, you will lose yourself!
You must not miss the white silver!
Slowly came to the station of the players of the Floating World Guild, when the girls saw Ye Fusheng, they immediately cheered.

"Brother President, you are finally here!"

"Hahaha, the rewards in the Sun Secret Realm this time are really great, I feel like I can upgrade 2-3 levels a day!"

The girls were very excited, chattering one by one.

"By the way, little brother president, what kind of equipment did you get? A spiritual weapon?"

"I just drew a heavenly tool of excellence, which just happened to replace my helmet!"

"Stop talking, Guardian, you've put on a green hat!"

"It's so pitiful, at such a young age, you actually have a green hat!"

The girls giggled and laughed.

This made the guard particularly angry: "Damn it, that's not a green hat, it's an emerald hat!"

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it, we will never laugh at you!"

"Yeah, even though you're wearing a cuckold, it's still yours in name!"

The girls laughed wildly, making the guard's face turn blue, even without a hat, it was emerald green.

"Okay, stop laughing at others, take advantage of the BUFF this week, everyone practice more, as for the party time, do you wait for the BUFF effect to end? Or take advantage of the fact that you just won the secret realm, and have a party tomorrow?"

Ye Fusheng laughed softly, all the girls were stunned for a while, and then shouted excitedly together: "Why did it take so long, let's get together early!"

"I can't wait to see the president's little brother!"

"Hoho, after seeing the president's little brother, I must do something shocking, or I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

"Hey, why you can't wait to see the president's little brother, I think it's your sister who can't wait!"

In an instant, all kinds of teasing came out continuously, even Ye Fusheng, the master of flowers, couldn't help but blushed slightly!
How can I drive while playing games? !

(PS: Update 6.15 is here!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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