Invincible in one touch

Chapter 289 The remains of the gods? !

Chapter 289 The remains of the gods? !

"Okay, okay, if I continue, I'm going to blush!"

Ye Fusheng grinned and said, "Is the lottery draw over? Have the mission rewards been distributed?"

This time, the rewards of the secret realm are distributed directly to the guild, and the vice leader is also eligible to distribute.

Earlier, Ye Fusheng went to flirt with his younger sister again, and went to find his senior sister Xingyun, he didn't care about the reward.

"Well, all the heavenly and spiritual weapons have been put on the shelves of the guild warehouse, but the price has not been set yet, you can figure it out yourself."

Qian Shanxue said softly: "I want to lower the price, after all, they are all my own."

Nodding his head slightly, before Ye Fusheng could speak, Xiaojiao interrupted: "It doesn't have to be too cheap, we are experts at any rate, and our ability to make money is not weak, so we can't ask for those equipment for nothing!"

"That's right, those equipments are all made by the little brother of the president with hard work, and we can't let the little brother of the president suffer!"

Being as clear as water is also a sound of harmony.


"You guys still think about me?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised, and immediately felt complacent. It seems that he is indeed very popular!

If not, these girls would think for themselves?

However, no need!

After all, he is also the child of the richest family in Jianghai City. If he can't afford some equipment, he might as well kill him with a piece of frozen tofu!

"Don't worry about it, I will set the price myself later, after setting, I have to do the task, and I received a special task!"

Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "The rewards for this mission will definitely not be bad. If I get good equipment, I will still put it in the guild warehouse. Everyone can exchange it with gold coins and contribution points."

"it is good!"

"Long live the president's little brother, we must spawn more spirit weapons or fairy weapons!"

The girls were quite excited. The stronger Ye Fusheng was, the stronger the equipment he would spawn, which was also a huge improvement for them.

Only Xue Jiafeng glanced at Ye Fusheng first, he hesitated to speak.

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng's heart moved slightly, but he didn't ask Xue Jia Fengxian directly, but suppressed it first, planning to chat with him privately later.

Xue Jia Fengxian is not an ordinary person, some things are better said by the two of them.

What if you accidentally hurt your self-esteem?

Ye Fusheng looked at Qian Shanxue again, and asked suspiciously: "How is the income of the territory now?"

"The income is very high, but it takes a month to settle the bill! It is not yet possible to withdraw cash."

When it comes to the construction of the territory, as well as money matters, Qian Shanxue's eyes lit up, and she talked with confidence, and immediately introduced everything about the city to Ye Fusheng.

including income.

Due to the transfer of the leveling location, most players have to come here, even if they don't use the teleportation circle, they still have to repair equipment, buy items, and supplies here.

Almost every day, there are millions of net profit income.

This kind of income made Ye Fusheng's mouth open slightly. Although it was not a lot, it was enough to surprise him.

This is the early days of the game. Most humans have not yet entered the game market. Moreover, even those who have already started to play games, most of them are still at level 30.

After they raise their level, won't their income be multiplied several times?
"No wonder, so many players and so many forces care so much about the guild's territory, it's quite profitable!"

Shaking his head with a chuckle, Ye Fusheng said with a smile: "It seems that after winning the main city at a higher level, I have to lay down a territory, so that all players can buy items in my territory and practice leveling!"

"That way, you could really be making a lot of money."

Qian Shanxue also laughed.

"Wow, I didn't expect that the president's little brother's territory is so profitable!"

The rest of the girls also exclaimed when they heard it.

"It's a big loss. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have pretended to be tough!"

Little Pepper suddenly stuck out his tongue and laughed: "Brother President, you've already made so much money, the equipment put on shelves in the guild warehouse should be cheaper."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not let you suffer."

Ye Fusheng can't laugh or cry, these girls are not weak, and they can help him if something happens in the future.

If he regarded these girls as treasures, how could he treat them badly?
"Hey, little brother president, you have to treat us well at this gathering!"

All the girls spoke out.

Want to eat a big family!
"I will definitely let you eat until you are full and have fun!"

Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "If you come to Jianghai City tomorrow, I will cover all the expenses and reimburse you!"

"it is good!"

"Long live the president's little brother!"

Hearing this, the girls were overjoyed.

Qian Shanxue bulged her mouth.

After saying this, taking advantage of the carnival among the girls, Ye Fusheng quietly retreated to the side, and called Xue Jia Fengxian over.


Xue Jia Fengxian still had a simple and honest face. After staying in the Floating World Guild for so many days, some of his violent temper has been worn down.

Well, three girls are just one play.

There are so many girls in this guild, and there are too many dramas. Even the blood armor Fengxian has been made into a good gentleman.

"Heh, how are you doing recently?"

Ye Fusheng patted Xue Jia Fengxian on the shoulder, and asked in a deep voice: "You seem to have something on your mind."


Xue Jia Fengxian didn't hide it from Ye Fusheng, nodded and said: "I always feel that my strength is still a little weak. This time, if you didn't come, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to protect everyone."

"Your strength is still weak?"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng suddenly realized that this time he was waiting for the Thunder God Tiger to descend, and it seemed that he had hit Xuejia Fengxian.

In fact, the blood armor is not weak at all!

There are not many levels ahead, and the equipment is not too abnormal. Relying on skills and operations, they blocked tens of thousands of players for more than ten minutes.

If someone else dared to do this, he would have been beaten so long ago that he didn't even know Ma Ma.

I'm afraid, in the current game, apart from Ye Fusheng, there are only five people who can do this!

There must be three people in Shenjiang Pavilion who can do it.

even more.

Of course, it may not be possible.

After all, after Ye Fusheng came into contact with the Pavilion of Divine Generals many times, he discovered that Zhao Yun was the only general who was truly outstanding.

The rest of the generals, including Guan Yu, hadn't developed yet.

Without good enough equipment, they shouldn't be able to do it.

However, if Guan Yu and Ma Chao worked hard, it would not be difficult to achieve this.

As for the other famous generals, they are absolutely inferior to Zhao Yun and Lu Bu in terms of their strength.

Dian Wei is fine, but unfortunately, Ye Fusheng has never seen Dian Wei exist.

I don't know, is it already in another time and space, in order to protect Meng De's sleeping wife was hacked to death!

If that's the case, it's a pity.

The other two places, Ye Fusheng reserved for Shennong, Xuanyuan and others who had a glimpse last time but definitely existed in this game world!

Especially Xuanyuan and Chiyou!

These two guys, in Huaxia's legend a few years ago, were first-class fierce men.

If they are willing to show up, they can definitely do it.

Of course, Xue Jia Fengxian didn't know about these things.

He only saw Ye Fusheng being so brilliant, and felt ashamed, and felt that he shouldn't be valued by Ye Fusheng!

"Okay... Since you have the heart, go for it. I believe you will become one of the most powerful people in the game!"

Patting the blood armor Feng Xiande on the shoulder, Ye Fusheng did not stop him, but encouraged him instead.

"By the way, President, you said earlier that you would let me command an army, but until now, have you still not accepted anyone?"

"Cough cough..."

Having said this, Xue Jia Fengxian couldn't help showing embarrassment.

He initially promised Ye Fusheng to join the Floating World Guild, which was largely due to Ye Fusheng's promise.

However, Ye Fusheng has not been vigorously recruiting players, which made him feel a little panicked.

His biggest dream in life is to command a powerful cavalry unit, gallop across the battlefield, and be invincible in the world!
Well, even if he can't be invincible in the world, at the very least, he must have an army and let him gallop on the battlefield, right?
"Wow, that, the territory can recruit troops, you didn't go for it?"

Ye Fusheng was surprised and said: "I remember, I have given you permission, you can consume resources, recruit troops, and take them to practice!"

"Ah? Can it still be like this?!"

Hearing this, Xue Jiafeng was stunned first, and immediately patted his head, annoyed: "I really don't know, then I'm at a big loss ahead!"

"President, you are busy first, I will go out to level up and see how many people I can recruit! By the way, if I am too busy for the party, I may not be able to go!"

After finishing speaking, Xue Jia Fengxian ran away without waiting for Ye Fusheng to reply.

"Run so fast? Do you like being a general so much?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng smiled wryly and shook his head, he never expected that Xue Jia Fengxian had such a strong attachment to leading the army!


"Blood armor can't come to the party first?!"

Suddenly, Ye Fusheng was stunned.

If other players cannot come to the party, Ye Fusheng will never think too much about it.

However, Xue Jiafeng can't come to the party first, he must have a lot of thoughts.

Who are you lying to!
The group of blood armor Fengxian are in the game every day, and they don't have to work at all. How can they be busy?

Something happened at home?

Oh hehe, nothing happened early, nothing happened during the game, but why did something go wrong at this time?

"Hiss... If Xue Jiafeng doesn't come first, I doubt, maybe, the group of people in the Shenjiang Pavilion are not real players!"

"Perhaps, the identities they stated in the game are all false. They may have been tampered with memories and came to this game from other time and space? Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why they not only have their own personalities and memories, but It's different again!"

"Huh, if Xue Jiafeng can't come to this party, I'll find someone to check the identity he said earlier."

"If you don't have that identity, it can prove that the players in the Shenjiang Pavilion only exist in the game and do not exist in reality!"

"Heh... If that's the case, then this matter will be much more interesting!"

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing.

If these things are really as he speculated, it will be much more fun.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

"Three Kingdoms... ancient myths, I don't know, are there any figures from the pre-Qin period? General Meng Tian, ​​Bai Qi Sha Shen..."

"If they can all appear, this game will be interesting!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng looked forward to the truth of these things even more.

However, the top priority is to put all the equipment in the guild warehouse first.

This time, there were a lot of equipment and bonus equipment that were spawned.

Ye Fusheng didn't set too high a price, he just hung it up.

Of course, the price will never be low.

No one will feel precious about things that are easy to get.

If the price is too low, everyone in the Floating World Guild will not be rare, but it will be bad.

After working for more than an hour, Ye Fusheng finished everything and returned to the group of girls dizzy.

"Busy working?"

Sensing Ye Fusheng's dizziness, Qian Shanxue quietly walked behind him and massaged his head.

Seeing this scene, all the girls couldn't help exclaiming, joking about Qian Shanxue and Ye Fusheng.

Only Qingqing Rushui puffed her mouth, thinking in her heart that she was a step slower.

"Daddy, can you go out with me to play?"

At this time, Ye Xin ran to Ye Fusheng and asked.

"where to play?"

Instinctively wanted to refuse, but Ye Fusheng thought about it, now he doesn't have too urgent a task, and he said earlier that he would be with his daughter after finishing this task, so he can't break his promise.

Of course, Ye Fusheng has more, and he still wants to get in touch with Ye Xin more, to see if he can find her secret.

Ye Xin descended from the sky, as if he came from another world, how could he not be curious?

Ye Fusheng didn't believe it before, but now, the people in Shenjiang Pavilion are becoming more and more mysterious, so he has to believe it.

Perhaps, this game can really connect countless worlds!

If possible, can he use this game to open up and return to his real home?
The earth...not, this parallel world that is exactly the same as the earth but different!
"I found a cave outside with a big door inside, it's beautiful!"

Ye Xin blinked her eyes and said, "It smells like something I like in it, take me to have a look!"

"Huh? Cave? It won't be another mysterious hidden copy, right?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng couldn't hesitate when he heard that it might be a hidden copy, and immediately smiled and said: "Okay, since the good girl likes it, then let's go!"

He took a step forward and picked up Ye Xin, before Qian Shanxue could follow, Ye Fusheng had already ordered: "You and everyone guard the territory, I will go out with Xinxin alone, and I will send her back when she has fun later."

"it is good."

Hearing this, Qian Shanxue blinked and could only accept it.

For some reason, she always felt that Ye Fusheng was a little alienated from her recently.

On the side, Qingqing Rushui became happier. The worse the relationship between Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue, the more likely she is to be in the top position!
Without waiting for Qian Shanxue to think about it, Ye Fusheng waved to the girls and walked out of the territory holding Ye Xin in his arms.

With Ye Xin leading the way, Ye Fusheng came to a plain in a short while.

Not long after walking, a hill appeared, and there was a cave.

Not a while after entering the cave, a bronze door appeared quietly with a glint of light.


A strange force rippled and filled the cave, affecting Ye Fusheng and Ye Xin.

"This... the breath here, why does it feel a bit like the remains of the gods?!"

Frowning tightly, Ye Fusheng finally realized something was wrong, quickly opened the backpack, and frantically searched for it!


Could it be the remains of the gods?

If so, which god's relic is this? !
(PS: The update on 6.16 is here!!! Follow-up, the characters of the Shenjiang Pavilion will be revealed soon... um...)
(End of this chapter)

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