Invincible in one touch

Chapter 291 Immortal Equipment Set, Embrace of the Goddess of Life!

Chapter 291 Immortal Equipment Set, Embrace of the Goddess of Life!

"You let me accept the inheritance? Did you make a mistake..."

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised.

The remains of the goddess of life, isn't this a goddess?Why let him pass it on?


"System prompt: If the player chooses to accept the inheritance of the Goddess of Life's relic, the gender will be changed! If the player refuses to accept the inheritance, he will get a generous reward!"

"I'll just say..."

Seeing this prompt, Ye Fusheng completely understood.

He said, how can a gentleman accept the inheritance of a goddess?

It turned out that it was just a symbolic inquiry.

Directly switching genders, even if inheriting the divine power of the Goddess of Life, no man would be willing to do so!
That's all for Zigong, maybe people like Lin Pingzi and Yue Buqun would take the risk and switch genders, even they would not be willing!
That's kind of the bottom line.

"No, refuse to accept the inheritance!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng directly chose to refuse.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for refusing to accept the inheritance of the relic of the goddess of life, this inheritance will be accepted by the player Ye Xin!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for receiving the gift from the Goddess of Life and the Immortal Equipment Set - Embrace of the Goddess of Life!"


"Immortal Artifact Set?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised, he didn't expect that the reward this time turned out to be a set of immortal artifacts!
In addition, daughter Ye Xin can also get the inheritance of the relic of the goddess of life. The reward she got when she came to the relic of the gods this time can be said to be too perfect!

"Tsk tsk, the last time I went to the ruins of the gods, I found so many players, and they were fighting to death. I didn't expect that when I came to the ruins of the goddess of life, the monsters died directly. There was no test in the hall. directly inherited!"

"Is it because of my lucky value, or is my daughter...too amazing?"

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng looked up, but saw Ye Xin's eyes were slightly closed, his hands were crossed on his chest, and his whole body was floating up, blooming with soft brilliance, flying towards the sculpture of the goddess of life.

Obviously, Ye Xin will soon inherit the power of the Goddess of Life!

"Well, Ye Xin has the power of the Goddess of Life. In the future, if I do tasks outside by myself, I don't have to worry about those girls in the Floating World Guild. With the Blood Armor Fengxian and Ye Xin, I can definitely block any player's attack! "

"I can also do tasks outside with peace of mind!"

With a slight smile, Ye Fusheng let Ye Xin accept the inheritance, while he opened the backpack and began to check the attributes of that set of immortal artifacts.

Stretching out his hand and flicking it, when the set of immortal weapon attributes came out every now and then, even Ye Fusheng had seen countless legends and legendary level equipment, his mouth was slightly opened, and he was in shock.

Embrace of the Goddess of Life · Helmet (Extraordinary · Immortal Artifact)
Blood value: 200000
Defense: 80000
Power: 8000
Stamina: 12000
God of Life: HP increased by 500%
Breath of life: Recover 2% of your own blood value every second, can be superimposed

Fury of Life: When attacking, there is a 5% chance to convert 30% of your HP into attack power for 30 seconds, cooldown time is 60 seconds

Embrace of the Goddess of Life·Fairy Set Attributes:

4/10 set attributes: convert 10% of your own blood into defense and attack power, and have a 7% chance to put yourself in the breath of life state when you are attacked, which can be superimposed

6/10 suit attribute: When the self is attacked, there is a 3% chance that the target will randomly fall into a LV3 abnormal state, which cannot be immune, transferred, offset, etc. by any skill, stunt or equipment below LV4

8/10 set attributes: life barrier, every 60 seconds, will make itself have a life barrier shield, which can offset a skill damage, and immune to any skills and special effects below LV4
10/10 set attribute: God's body protection, all attributes of oneself are increased by 500%, and each attack will be accompanied by damage of 30% of one's own blood value
Description: The equipment contains the power of the goddess of life. Only those who are truly recognized by the human race and the earth can wear the equipment

Rating: 150


A complete set of Embrace of the Goddess of Life, a total of 10 pieces of equipment, regardless of individual attributes, can almost double attributes such as vitality, defense, attack, and three speeds several times!
Not to mention, the overall bonus of the final set attributes, nearly 700% of all attribute bonuses, can allow Ye Fusheng to support the basic attributes to the extent that shocks the entire world of gamers!

"If I equip this set of equipment, perhaps, the blood value can be tens of millions! The attack power can also exceed one million. This attribute is not inferior to the legendary and legendary bosses at all!"

Ye Fusheng was amazed: "Damn it, it also transforms qi and blood into attack power, is immune to any negative status, can also counter-injury, and can also add any negative status to the enemy, which cannot be offset by skills and special effects below LV4. The equipment can completely replace the sky burial suit!"

It is true that the power of the sky burial suit is actually only in the instant death attribute.

After encountering many bosses later, Ye Fusheng's basic attributes could no longer keep up. It all depended on luck. Once the instant death effect was triggered, he could kill the opponent in seconds.

However, with the passage of time, many legendary bosses that Ye Fusheng has encountered, and even higher-level bosses, have been immune to the negative status of the first level.

In other words, the sky burial suit is completely useless!

At this time, the arrival of the Embrace of the Goddess of Life set gave Ye Fusheng the confidence to continue to solo the top bosses.

If the attributes keep up, they are not afraid that they will not be able to withstand their damage. Coupled with the random negative status and the effect of anti-injury, it is only a matter of time before they are killed.

If you are lucky, it will be even more enjoyable to directly trigger an instant death effect!

It's a pity that the level requirements for the Embrace of the Goddess of Life suit are a bit high. Even if they are inlaid with the super gems that are easy to use, plus the effect of the Chosen One, they must be level 100 to equip them.

Still one level short!
But this level 5, it is very difficult for Ye Fusheng to rise up, and it is difficult to reach it without doing a few particularly difficult tasks, or the main task.

"Huh... I hope that the task my sister gave me this time will give me more rewards in the future."

"It shouldn't be less. After all, even Lord Hou in White has come. This guy's strength belongs to the top line among NPCs. Except for being a little worse than Xingyun, he seems to be no worse than Xingling. Even he has appeared , the task will definitely not be so bad!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng looked forward to the upcoming task.

Putting a whole set of fairy equipment into his backpack, Ye Fusheng opened the gem forging interface again, wanting to see if he could add more attributes to the skilled gems he created!
Anyway, Ye Xin is still accepting the inheritance from the Goddess of Life. After Lianna accepted the inheritance, Ye Fusheng understood that it would take more than half an hour to accept the inheritance.

After such a long time, if you don't find something to do, it will be really troublesome.

This time there were no monsters, Ye Fusheng could only focus on other aspects of himself.

For example, the legendary road, and the forging skill.

The forging skills and the attributes of the gemstones that can be forged have all been improved.

It's a pity that Ye Fusheng was most concerned about the skillful stunt gem, but it didn't change in any way.

No, there is a change, but the reduced user requirement level has not changed, but it can strengthen the equipment's 5% of all attributes!
"Hiss... directly increase the full attribute of the equipment, this gem is a bit strong! Okay, if this is the case, it's okay to equip it later."

Touching his nose, seeing the effect, Ye Fusheng no longer struggled, but instead set his sights on the legendary road.

It's a pity that during this period of time, I didn't kill many legendary bosses, didn't get legendary points, and couldn't activate the new Tiangang!
Originally, Ye Fusheng wanted to forge gems, but in addition to materials, he also needed a furnace to forge gems.

In the ruins, there are no gems for Ye Fusheng to forge.

Ever since, Ye Fusheng could only sit in the main hall, waiting for Ye Xin to successfully accept the inheritance of the gods.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, a system notification sound finally rang, shaking the minds of gamers all over the world!


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Huaxia theater player [Ye Xin] for successfully accepting the inheritance of the Goddess of Life, and his career has been upgraded to an SSS-level hidden profession, the Spirit of Life! He has also received a bonus level +5, the true meaning of life in the fairy suit!"

"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the players in the Huaxia Theater..."


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Huaxia theater player [Ye Xin] for successfully accepting the inheritance of the Goddess of Life, and his career has been upgraded to an SSS-level hidden profession, the Spirit of Life! He has also received a bonus level +5, the true meaning of life in the fairy suit!"

A series of nine world server announcements fell, and in an instant, the game players in the entire world were completely shocked and boiled.

SSS level hidden occupation!

A set of fairy equipment is also rewarded, this is so f*cking, it is a step up to the sky!
For a while, Ye Xin's ID was completely remembered by them.

In the Floating World Guild, all the girls were also completely shocked. They never expected that Ye Xin could get such benefits just by going out with Ye Fusheng. They were all amazed, and even more envious and jealous.

If they are the ones following Ye Fusheng this time, does it mean that they can also have hidden professions and a complete set of immortal equipment?
of course not!
This time, strictly speaking, it was Ye Xin who got the chance and just pulled Ye Fusheng over.

By the way, Ye Fusheng was also given a complete set of immortal equipment.

"Well... It seems that this goddess of life is very generous. She not only gave my daughter a set of equipment, but also gave me a set of fairy weapons..."

"Alright, if this is the case, I don't have to worry. Something will happen to Ye Xin when she is in Ukiyo. With such a set of fairy equipment, even if hundreds of thousands of players come to attack Ukiyo, maybe even Ye Xin's defense power will be weak." Unbreakable."

Grinning, Ye Fusheng stood up, looked up, and saw Ye Xin falling slowly in the light, with some special brilliance on his body, blooming with the breath of life.

Not only that, but there are also countless green elves, spinning around Ye Xin.

Obviously, that is the symbol of the Goddess of Life!

After accepting the inheritance of the Goddess of Life, Ye Xin fell to the ground, opened her hands and rushed towards Ye Fusheng.

Holding Ye Xin in his arms, Ye Fusheng smiled lightly and said, "How about the reward this time?"

"not bad."

Ye Xin laughed and said: "I have also learned several skills, all of which are recovery-oriented. It will definitely be much more convenient for Dad to take me to do missions in the future."

"Hahaha, okay, when I have time someday, I'll see how your skills work."

Nodding Ye Xin's nose fondly, Ye Fusheng didn't take it seriously.

Of course, it's not that Ye Xin's skills are not strong enough, but that she doesn't want Ye Xin to go deep into the demon clan with him and face so many terrifying monsters.

Although death can be resurrected infinitely in the game, it is impossible for such a young child to feel the fear of death!

Ye Xin was very satisfied, but felt a little tired, and lay directly in Ye Fusheng's arms.

"Okay, let's go out first, anyway, the divine power in the ruins has been absorbed by you!"

Ye Fusheng rubbed Ye Xin's head and led her away.

Going back the same way, there were no monsters. After leaving the bronze gate, they appeared in the stone cave.

Quickly exiting the cave, Ye Fusheng and Ye Xin had just returned to the guild's territory, and the girls had already greeted them, all of them were very excited and kept looking at Ye Xin.

"Wow, is baby Ye Xin so powerful? Does this make her a powerful hidden profession?"

"Hee hee, little brother of the president, I found out that whoever walks with you can get benefits! Or, let's form a team together someday?! I don't ask much, just let me have a hidden job !"

Some girls are very straightforward, they can't wait to put their whole body in front of Ye Fusheng, and use their fragrance and soft body to seduce Ye Fusheng.

This made Qingqing Rushui curse inwardly, and immediately she joined in.

Hmm... they're all vixen, so there's no need to pretend!

"Forget it, I can't let you have special occupations!"

Ye Fusheng's head was getting bigger, and he said quickly: "At most, let you have one child, why? Do you want more?"

"Hey, the president's little brother is playing hooligans!"

In an instant, all the hooligan voices yelled, making the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth twitch.

"Okay, you continue to do the task, listen to the vice president's words, and level up with Ye Xin."

"Well, if you have Ye Xin, in the current game world, not many people should be able to break through your defense."

After yawning, Ye Fusheng said calmly: "You guys continue to level up, I will do other tasks."

After finishing speaking, Ye Fusheng didn't wait for the girls to reply, he directly summoned the Thunder God Tiger, with a roar, he immediately brought up a thunderbolt, forced the girls away, soared into the sky, and disappeared from the girls' sight.

Well, these girls let go completely, even Ye Fusheng didn't dare to chat with them too much, because it's easy to be led astray!

At the same time, when Ye Fusheng drove the Thunder God Tiger towards the mission location, two beautiful figures appeared together deep in the ground, in front of a giant bronze gate.

Looking at each other, the eyes of the two figures gradually shone with brilliance!

(PS: 6.18 update will be sent, 7.3 test, after the test, the update will resume!!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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