Invincible in one touch

Chapter 292 Distorted Space

Chapter 292 Distorted Space
Dongyang City is located in the extreme eastern region of the human race, close to the demons and undead, and is shrouded in war. From time to time, demons and undead will attack the city.

For a long time, all the people in Dongyang City know how to cultivate, their strength is extraordinary, and their army is powerful, ranking at the peak of the entire human race.

Apart from the few troops built by Xing Yun himself, they belonged to the Imperial City Army and the Dongyang City Army.

Now, a special situation occurred in Dongyang City. In an instant, the whole city was put on alert.

People came from the imperial capital, Lord Hou in white brought Ouyang Jia and thousands of special troops to Dongyang City.

Not long after, Lord Hou in white led hundreds of troops out of Dongyang City.

Within a few minutes, thunder roared in the sky, and a figure, driving the Thunder God Tiger, suddenly came to the sky above Dongyang City.



The terrifying power fluctuated, and before Ye Fusheng came to the city with the Thunder God Tiger, a silver-white radiant barrier suddenly appeared in Dongyang City, bursting out with rich power, blocking Ye Fusheng from the barrier.


At the same time, in Dongyang City, countless arrow towers and gun towers all turned around, containing destructive power, aiming at Ye Fusheng.

"Fuck... what's going on?"

Suddenly feeling the sense of crisis, Ye Fusheng was stunned, he quickly restrained the Thunder God Tiger, and flew up into the sky again.

Ye Fusheng was bewildered, what's going on?
He used to go to Sunset City, including Xing Yun took him to the imperial capital, and there was nothing wrong with flying in the air. Why were there so many siege equipment aimed at him after he came to Dongyang City?
In fact, under normal circumstances, if players want to fly into the city area, they will definitely encounter obstacles.

Ye Fusheng was able to enter Sunset City because Xing Yun could sense him, and the others had Xing Yun's instigation, so naturally they would not act.

As for Xing Yun taking him to the Imperial City, he did not stop him, it was because Xing Yun's strength was too terrifying.

If there is no such privilege, can Xing Yun still be called the guardian of the human race?

Just as Ye Fusheng was in doubt, the sound of piercing the air kept ringing, and then, dozens of figures rushed out from Dongyang City, armed with weapons, all staring at Ye Fusheng suspiciously.

"Who? Dare to trespass on Dongyang City?!"

After the loud shouts fell, the group of people looked at Ye Fusheng, and then saw the Thunder God Tiger, their faces changed drastically, full of panic.

Even with the obstacle of the light barrier, they can sense the extremely terrifying power from the Thunder God Tiger.

Looking at Ye Fusheng again, they were stunned again.

what's going on?
The person in front of him doesn't look very strong, so why does he have that terrifying mount?

"I'm from Sunset City. On the orders of my senior sister Xing Yun, I'm here to find Master Baiyi and cooperate with him!"

Seeing that someone was coming, Ye Fusheng breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly asked: "Dare to ask if Master Baiyi is here, he knows me!"

"Do you know Master Baiyi? Or Master Xingyun's junior?"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, those people looked at each other in blank dismay, a little in disbelief.

It's okay to know Lord Baiyi, after all, Lord Baiyi used to travel all over the world, so it's normal to know more people.

But, Xingyun God of War is an iceberg goddess, when did he accept a junior?
But after thinking about it, if Ye Fusheng wasn't Junior Brother Xingyun, how did he get that powerful mount?

Ever since, because of the existence of the Thunder God Tiger, even though those people didn't believe Ye Fusheng's words, they didn't raise any doubts.

After a moment of silence, one of them said, "Brother, what evidence can you come up with? If not, we dare not let you enter the city! However, the Marquis in White just happened to set off earlier, so you'd better go Find him!"

"If brother is really a master of my human race, in the future, I will definitely send you a heavy gift as an apology!"

After hesitating for a moment, he still didn't dare to let Ye Fusheng enter Dongyang City.

It is true that Dongyang City is close to the undead and demons, and there are many strong people who can pretend to be humans in these two groups.

In case Ye Fusheng was their disguise, it would be a serious crime for them to let people in rashly.

"Okay, since Master Baiyi is outside the city, I'll go find him first!"

Ye Fusheng didn't care about it, he cupped his fists and said: "Brothers, when I come back later, I will definitely be with Lord Hou in white. When the time comes, I will ask you to drink, don't refuse."

Being able to stay on the front line, it can be seen that these people's strength, state, and even status will not be much worse.

Ye Fusheng is not stupid, he will naturally find a way to establish a good relationship with them.

As long as he has a good relationship with them, wouldn't he be able to get the tasks in Dongyang City at his fingertips?

As for entering the city later, what is it compared with those tasks?
"Hahaha, since brother can understand, it's great!"

Hearing this, those people also let out a long sigh of relief.

If Ye Fusheng really had that kind of status, his status would definitely be higher than them, as long as he could not get angry, let alone drink with them, even if Ye Fusheng fell in love with their daughter, they would give it away without hesitation.

Well, to be able to marry Xingyun God of War's younger brother, it's a lot of money!

Of course, Ye Fusheng didn't know what these people were thinking, he cupped his fists slightly, immediately controlled the Thunder God Tiger, and flew towards the outside of Dongyang City.

This time, Ye Fusheng lowered the speed and altitude of the Thunder God Tiger.

If the speed is too fast and misses Lord Bai Yi, then he will not be able to receive the mission.

Especially in order to prevent Lord Hou in Bai Yi from attacking him, he even controlled the Tianlei Shenhu to restrain his momentum.

Lord Hou in Baiyi is not weak, if he feels the aura of the Thunder God Tiger and doesn't see him, he just cuts out with a sword and sends him back to Sunset City, it will be over.

If you rush over again, how much time will be wasted!

Slowing down, Ye Fusheng controlled the Thunder God Tiger, and slowly flew towards the outside of the city, meeting some monsters and NPCs from time to time.

Without doing anything directly, Ye Fusheng kept looking for the coordinates of Lord Hou in white.

No matter how many monsters are killed, Ye Fusheng cannot be upgraded. Instead of wasting time, it is better to find Lord Baiyi and accept the mission as soon as possible.


"Damn it, these monsters can hide in the space, everyone, mandatory defense!"

The sound of shouting and killing suddenly resounded, and then, the terrifying aura burst forth, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he quickly drove the Thunder God Tiger to the place where the battle took place.

"Stand back!"

"Swords and shadows fly!"

"Wan Jian Jue!"

Accompanied by another shout, the sharp sword energy bloomed, and the cold air filled the air, as if the entire space was frozen.

"The voice of Lord Marquis in White!"

Hearing this voice suddenly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help getting excited.

As long as you find Master Baiyi, it means that you have a mission.


The Thunder God Tiger let out a low growl, and also sped up his speed. Ye Fusheng walked around a few forests, and saw thousands of people fighting together.

A figure floated in the air, holding a sword in one hand, and dressed in white clothes like snow.


Accompanied by that sword slash, in an instant, sword shadows flew between the sky and the earth, and thousands of silver-white sword lights, although illusory, were like entities, bursting out extremely terrifying power!

The next moment, thousands of silver-white sword lights whizzed and rushed out, like sword blades, constantly shuttling through the space, piercing through all the strange black figures that appeared in the space.

Amidst the crisp sound, blood spattered continuously, and those black figures were immediately purified, and then turned into white light, dissipating between the sky and the earth.

"Fuck... If I kill so many monsters, I must have a lot of experience!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being envious.

Of course, what surprised him even more was that skill.

The Dazzling Sword Dance given to him by Master Baiyi earlier is already considered a top-notch move, capable of bursting out a thousand times the damage in an instant, no matter dealing with bosses or group battles, it can produce great effects.

Unexpectedly, Lord Hou in Bai Yi knew even more handsome skills!
Although Dazzling Sword Dance is strong, its coverage area is relatively small, that is, the distance in front of it, and after the skill is successfully released, it cannot control the direction.

On the other hand, Wan Jian Jue, Lord Hou in Bai Yi can actually control the movement of sword energy in the air, causing extremely high damage to targets within 200x200 yards around!
After killing people, you can change direction and target at will, this is the real powerful skill!
[If you have a chance, you must find Master Baiyi and learn the skill of Wanjian Jue! 】

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng made up his mind and quickly approached Lord Hou in white.

At the same time, Lord Hou in white also controlled thousands of sword qi, beheading all the black shadow figures in this area.


The space suddenly shattered, and immediately after, hundreds of space cracks emerged, spinning continuously, bursting out with a strong pulling force, which actually sucked the surrounding trees and stones into the space cracks.

"What's the situation?"

Seeing this scene suddenly, Ye Fusheng shook his head, feeling a little surprised.

"not good!"

"It actually made them form a distorted space!"

The face of Lord Hou in white changed slightly, and he looked solemn when he saw those space cracks.

Distorted space, the longer it takes to form, the greater the damage to the stability of the space. At that time, the entire space may collapse.

However, if you want to break through the distorted space, you must enter the distorted space, and you may encounter various alien monsters. If he rushes in with Ouyang Jia, it will be difficult to protect safety.

However, other people in the army, without that ability, single-handedly entered the distorted space and broke their core!

Just when Lord Hou in white was serious and hesitant, Tianlei Shenhu let out a low growl, which woke him up, and when he turned around, he suddenly saw Ye Fusheng, and couldn't help being surprised.

"It's you, little guy, how did you come here?"

The white-clothed Hou Ye was full of surprise, turned around immediately, floated down to the ground, stood with Ouyang Jia, waved his hand, signaled the other soldiers to disperse, and sealed off the area.

The distorted space is here, and once someone enters by mistake, they will definitely be hurt.

Ye Fusheng put away the Thunder God Tiger and jumped down, directly in front of Lord Hou in white and Ouyang Jia.

"It's you, warrior, we meet again."

Seeing Ye Fusheng, Ouyang Jia saluted slightly and smiled.

If it wasn't for Ye Fusheng, Ouyang Jia might still be a ghost, suppressed under the tombstone.

Seeing Ye Fusheng at this time, he was naturally very happy.

"Little guy, why did you come to Dongyang City?"

Lord Hou in Baiyi was very surprised.

Don't look at Ye Fusheng's current strength improvement speed is extremely fast, but in the eyes of Lord Baiyi, Ye Fusheng is still a child, and his strength is far inferior to him. If you encounter him in such a dangerous place, you will definitely be quite worried. .

"Senior sister asked me to come here to assist you in investigating the illusory space."

Ye Fusheng chuckled lightly: "Master Bai Yi, those monsters and distorted spaces before are just illusory spaces?"

"Not yet!"

Lord Hou in Baiyi looked at Ye Fusheng in surprise, and sighed: "I didn't expect that Xingyun valued you so much. With your current strength, you should not be able to get in touch with these things. However, since Xingyun wants to train you, I I won’t say much, if you are in danger, just call me.”

"Ahaha, don't worry, Lord Baiyi, I still have some strength."

Haha laughed, Ye Fusheng didn't care about Master Baiyi's distrust of him.

No way, who told him that he really hasn't developed yet!

When he reaches level 255 and is equipped with a divine weapon, he will come to settle accounts with Lord Hou in White!
"This is not a void space, it's just a distorted space belt formed by the Shadow Clan people breaking through the space and burning their blood."

Lord Hou in Baiyi sighed: "If these distorted space belts continue to form, they will definitely merge into a huge space crack, and if they are combined with the void space, maybe Dongyang City will really collapse!"

"Then Hou Ye, can't we go in and destroy those distorted spaces?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng asked directly.

"of course can!"

Lord Hou in Baiyi nodded and said: "However, that requires quite a lot of strength. Right now I want to protect Jia'er, and the other soldiers under my command don't have this ability. You let me..."

Speaking of this, Lord Hou in Baiyi's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, he stared at Ye Fusheng abruptly.

Yes, the people under him really have no strength, but Ye Fusheng is stronger than them, plus he must have the treasure that Xingyun gave him, and the safety issue is also guaranteed, why, let Ye Fusheng try, What about entering the distorted space?
"Hahaha, Lord Hou, why don't you let me go in and have a look?"

Ye Fusheng's eyes also brightened, no one can go in here at present, doesn't it mean that this is the task left for him by the system?
"Okay, since you are interested, let you go in and have a look."

Lord Hou in Baiyi smiled lightly and said: "However, don't be brave. If you can't do something, get out as soon as possible. It's not safe to be in the twisted space."


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the follow-up task [Distorted Space Belt] of the S-level main storyline mission [Void Space]. Task requirements: Destroy all distorted space belts and kill the monsters hidden in them! Task reward: rich experience value rewards, and special attribute rewards!"

"Yo, this mission actually rewards special attributes?"

Seeing the reward, Ye Fusheng immediately became excited, and laughed loudly: "Don't worry, Master Baiyi, some distorted space belts can't hurt me yet! Hahaha!"

Laughing loudly, Ye Fusheng summoned the Thunder God Tiger again, and immediately rushed into the distorted space zone under the horrified eyes of Lord Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia.


Another system prompt sounded quietly!
(PS: The update on 6.19 will be sent. Guess, how did the protagonist get the skill of Bai Yi? Can you guess right? I am live broadcasting women's clothing!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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