Invincible in one touch

Chapter 293 Legendary points, new missions

Chapter 293 Legendary points, new missions


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Xuanyuan's] in the Huaxia War Zone who has successfully assumed the role of Emperor, and has been rewarded with 100 billion experience points, Emperor Suit X1, and Xuanyuan Sword X1!"

"World server announcement: ..."


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Xuanyuan's] in the Huaxia War Zone who has successfully assumed the role of Emperor, and has been rewarded with 100 billion experience points, Emperor Suit X1, and Xuanyuan Sword X1!"

A series of seven server announcements fell, and in an instant, players all over the world were boiling.

Especially for foreigners, seeing Chinese people take up powerful hidden occupations and get equipment one after another, they feel particularly unbalanced.

But, no matter how unbalanced it is, it's useless!
Who made them unlucky and unable to get good things?

The Huaxia Theater was completely cheered.

In the past, no matter what kind of game it was, the foreign theater always took the lead, and the Chinese theater was basically on the weak side.

If it weren't for the large number of people, I'm afraid they would all become vassals of other theaters.

Unexpectedly, in "Reincarnation of the Heavens", the Huaxia Theater has risen completely.

Not to mention the Floating Life far surpassing others, but the many players in the Floating World Guild, especially Xuejia Fengxian, all have the strength of the top five in the world.

Coupled with the Pavilion of Divine Generals, the Pavilion of Divine Generals is even more terrifying, with many masters.

Whether it is Zilong in white, Yunchang in blue, or Wen Yuan and others, they are all extremely powerful and frightening.

Now, another Xuanyuan family suddenly appeared, with a professional name that sounded so compelling, he would definitely not be a weak person.

Ordinary players cheered, but Ye Fusheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he froze in place, without even noticing that he had stepped into the weight of the twisted space.

Who is Xuanyuan?
One of the five emperors of myths and legends!

It is the leader of the human race!
Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns, that is the strongest level in the entire human race system. Xuanyuan's ability to become Five Sovereigns is enough to prove how powerful he is!
"It seems that the Xuanyuan clan and the Shennong clan can't bear the loneliness, are they ready to make a move?"

"Sure enough, the Shennong family I saw last time was not an illusion. They really appeared, but they were too good at hiding, and even their levels were suppressed!"

"Hiding themselves like this, what bad things are they going to do?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was puzzled.

If the Xuanyuan clan and the Shennong clan were upright, he would never think too much about it.

It's a pity that those people are acting so sneakily that one has to be suspicious!
"Forget it, don't worry about that much! The emperor suit must be very powerful, and I have to upgrade as soon as possible to equip the Embrace of the Goddess of Life. It's gone!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng ignored those things, walked in the distorted space, and moved forward.

roar roar-

Roaring sounds continued, the surrounding space distorted, and a spirit beast appeared from time to time, making angry roars. However, they would not attack, they just disturbed Ye Fusheng with sound waves.

"Are these monsters real or fake?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng directly swept over with the Eye of Truth, but failed to detect any attributes.

Obviously, those are illusions, not real monsters.

If it was another NPC, he might be hooked into the illusion as soon as he came in.

Only players can resist the illusion and go directly to the depths.

Traveling through the illusion, what appeared in front of Ye Fusheng was a huge stone, which was full of space fluctuations.

This time, Ye Fusheng's Eye of Truth played a role.

Space Stele (Elite Monster)

Blood value: 80000000
Attack: 0
Defense: 50000
Skill: Space Distortion (distort the space, make yourself unable to receive any attack power, or reduce the damage you receive by 30%)

Description: The stone contains the power to distort space. It is not hard, but it is difficult to hit it.

Rating: 180
The blood value is not too high, only 8 million points, compared to other bosses that Ye Fusheng has seen, it is very little.

There are very few skills, if you don't look carefully, you will definitely regard it as a garbage monster!

However, it was the only skill that made it so powerful that even Ye Fusheng frowned.

Either you can't take damage, or you take 30% less damage.

How is this still playing?
In addition to triggering the instant kill effect, otherwise, it would be too difficult to smash this distorted space stone!
"Grass... I don't believe it, the Thunder God Tiger's damage is so high, and I have an instant death attack effect, I can't kill a stone!"

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Ye Fusheng immediately ordered the Thunder God Tiger to release its skills and continuously bombard the stone. Ye Fusheng also kept swinging his sword, not even using skills, but activating various attack speed buffs.

For a moment, Ye Fusheng's entire arm seemed to be twitching, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, swinging the long sword, almost slashing on the stone at a frequency of 3 attacks per second.

However, the skill of that stone is also terrifyingly strong.

No matter how Ye Fusheng and Tianlei Shenhu continue to release their skills, all the things floating out of them are MISS!

That's right, even if it's an attack at the level of the Thunder God Tiger, it's a miss if it falls on it!

This made the Thunder God Tiger also angry, feeling that he was being provoked, he roared, and the next moment, flames and thunder burst out from Ye Fusheng and the Thunder God Tiger.



The flames burned, the thunder burst, and in an instant, the stone finally began to be hit.

It's a pity that after reducing the damage, the single-target damage it can cause is only about 50000-1000000 points!
It takes at least 10 minutes to kill it!

"This task is a bit ruthless. It takes about ten minutes to solve a distorted space. With so many distorted spaces, how far do I have to go?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng couldn't help feeling depressed.

This task must be too difficult, right?


Suddenly, the system notification sounded, and the blood bar on the stone was instantly cleared.

The instant death effect of the sky burial suit is triggered!

"Huh... Fortunately, I didn't really play for 10 minutes, otherwise, it would be really depressing!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng wished he could smash the stone with his palm.

However, the power to distort the space has been shattered, and the space immediately shattered. Ye Fusheng didn't dare to stay for too long, and quickly controlled the Thunder God Tiger to return the same way.

In just a few breaths, almost the moment Ye Fusheng got out of the distorted space, the entire distorted space exploded, bursting out with powerful force.

"Well, it's too difficult!"

After complaining, Ye Fusheng was very depressed.

Looking at another distorted space again, he couldn't help hesitating. He wanted to kill the next distorted space. If he was unlucky and couldn't trigger the instant death effect, he would have to fight for ten minutes if he felt uncomfortable?

With a sweep of his gaze, Ye Fusheng's face turned pale when there were hundreds of twisted spaces in Ye Fusheng's technique.

Lord Hou in white clothes had been waiting outside, seeing Ye Fusheng's face turned pale, he thought he had suffered some injuries, so he immediately rushed over with Ouyang Jia, especially worried.

However, when they got closer, Lord Hou in Baiyi saw the Thunder God Tiger, and couldn't help showing a look of shock.

The Thunder God Tiger is one of the kings of the entire orc clan. Even if it is placed in the human race, it is still a strong man at the level of the second echelon, not much weaker than him.

Right now, such a strong man has become Ye Fusheng's mount, how can he not be shocked?

"Your senior sister really dotes on you!"

Taking a deep breath, Hou Ye in white looked at Ye Fusheng again, and suddenly became weird.

He even doubted whether Xing Yun regarded Ye Fusheng as her foster husband, otherwise, how could she treat him so well?

Of course, Master Baiyi only dared to think about these words in his heart, if he really dared to say them, well, he would be unlucky the next day.

"Hey, nothing."

Ye Fusheng sighed: "Master Baiyi, those cores that contain the power to distort space, how to break the stones? I can't hit them, it is really too difficult to break them!"

"So you are worried about this!"

Hearing this, Lord Hou in Baiyi couldn't help laughing and said: "To deal with them, you only need to understand the power of space. However, your current level is too low to use the power of space, so let me give you some power of space." !"

As soon as the words fell, Master Hou in white suddenly slapped out a palm, which landed on Ye Fusheng's chest.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting the power of space. Within 24 hours, you will not be affected by space power, and you can travel through any non-restricted space!"

"Fuck... can it still be like this?"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he also understood the strength of Lord Hou in White.

Although there is a big gap between him and Xing Yun in strength, Lord Hou in White is also the top man in the entire human race!
Space power is not too difficult for him.

"Go, get rid of these distorted spaces as soon as possible, there are still many things to do later!"

Lord Hou in Baiyi sighed, and looked into the distance again. He had a premonition that this time, if he was not careful, a big battle would break out!
But now, the human race is not yet ready for a war with the undead and demons.

Therefore, this time, he must solve it perfectly.

Even if it can't be solved, a few strong men must be killed, so that the demons will be afraid and dare not attack in a short time.

Ye Fusheng didn't know what Lord Baiyi was thinking. After gaining space power, he grinned and flew towards the remaining distorted space.

Sure enough, with the power of space, those monsters with the ability to distort space can no longer affect Ye Fusheng, not even the Thunder God Tiger.

In this way, the Thunder God Tiger broke out with all its strength, without Ye Fusheng even swinging a few swords, the 8000 million blood points had already evaporated.

In less than 10 seconds, the space distorted and exploded.

The speed was getting faster and faster, and Ye Fusheng cleaned up more and more distorted spaces, which made Baiyi Hou Ye quite satisfied, and nodded slightly.

Soon, an hour passed, and Ye Fusheng almost cleaned up the distorted space.

Accompanied by the explosion of the last distorted space, Lord Hou in white immediately flew in front of Ye Fusheng, and said with a light smile, "That's right, little guy, you've done a good job, this is your reward!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the mission. You will be rewarded with 800000000 experience points, 100 million reputation points, and 20 merit points! 5 legendary points!"


"This mission actually gave me 5 legendary points all at once?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was a little surprised when he saw the reward.

It is too difficult to obtain legendary points. Unexpectedly, such a level of mission can be obtained.

Now, Ye Fusheng can barely open a star, and he still needs 4 legendary points, maybe he can open it after completing one more task!

In this way, Ye Fusheng looked forward to the next mission even more.

"you are welcome."

Ye Fusheng smiled lightly: "Master Bai Yi, is there anything else that I need to do?"


Lord Hou in Baiyi straightened his expression, and said in a deep voice: "Originally, there are many things that I didn't want you to know, but it's very difficult for me to do it alone. Since Master Xingyun is worried about you, I will naturally not stop you! "

"Now, although the distorted space has been dissolved, there are still many Shadow Clan people ambushing on the road. I suspect that their goal is to hinder my army and want to play tricks in the rear!"

"So, I need you to sneak into the rear, find their base camp, find out their details, and disrupt their actions. If possible, you can lure their strongest one out. I will take Ouyang Jia, follow them secretly, leaving only one clone to attract their attention!"

"If you can really lure out the person behind the scenes, I can definitely kill him!"


Hearing this series of words, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. It seems that Lord Hou in Baiyi wanted him to be both a scout and a bait!
But that's fine too, if the task is difficult, maybe the rewards for him will be better.

"Okay, I promise!"

Without thinking too much, Ye Fusheng directly agreed.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully activating the follow-up task [Spying the Military Situation], lurking into the demon area, finding the void space, and the reason for the rampage of the Shadow Clan. If you can attract a powerful BOSS, the reward will be doubled after the task is completed! Mission rewards: rich experience rewards!"

When the task was activated, Ye Fusheng didn't leave any ink marks, and immediately controlled the Thunder God Tiger, and suddenly flew into the sky.

Since you want to lurk in, you must not let the Shadow Clan ambushing on the road find out.

In this case, either take a detour, or fly high into the sky, where even the Shadow Clan can't detect it, and then run rampant!

Fortunately, the Thunder God Tiger was powerful enough to be able to fly high enough to take Ye Fusheng towards the Demon Race area.

"Phew...the thunder god tiger is here, even if it is one of the seven emperors of the demon clan, I can handle it!"

"What's more, with Ouyang Jia here, no matter what happens, I will not lose!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Lord Hou in white suddenly sighed softly, and the next moment, between him and Ouyang Jia, there was another pair of shadows separated, which were exactly the same as the two of them.

Looking at each other and smiling slightly, one of them, Lord Hou in white and Ouyang Jia, slowly disappeared into the space.

The mission is officially started!
(PS: Update on 6.20!!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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