Invincible in one touch

Chapter 294 Lurking, Eavesdropping on the Plan

Chapter 294 Lurking, Eavesdropping on the Plan

Galloping in the sky and flying for a long time, the Thunder God Tiger said sullenly: "It has surpassed those Shadow Clans who were lurking, will it fall down and rush into the Demon Clan area?"

"Have you surpassed those guys who are lurking?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng glanced at the time, and only about a minute had passed, and he couldn't help but patted Tianlei Shenhu on the head: "Yes, this speed is still very fast."

"If that's the case, let's go down!"

Tianlei Shenhu didn't speak, but looked hopeless.

Think of it as a majestic tiger of the generation, the king of the orc clan, but now it has become someone else's mount, and it has to be patted on the head.

How aggrieved is this?
However, no matter how aggrieved it is, it can only endure and obey Ye Fusheng's words.

Otherwise, when Xing Yun came, even if it was killed, no one would avenge it.

In order to survive, it can only endure it!

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and even with the cover of the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger, when Ye Fusheng sneaked into the Demon Race area, some people felt something strange.

Soon, hundreds of monsters rushed towards the area where Ye Fusheng landed under the command of elite monsters.

Fortunately, they failed to detect the specific aura, otherwise, after knowing the existence of the Thunder God Tiger, they would definitely send a large force to encircle and suppress it.

In the sky, Lord Hou in white looked at Ye Fusheng and Tianlei Shenhu, and shook his head involuntarily.

That's too silly, didn't I give you the power of space earlier?

Don't you know that you are surrounded by the power of space?

In that case, at a long distance, the powerful demons would not be able to sense the arrival.

However, things were already like this, and Lord Bai Yi didn't bother to say more, not to mention, it was a good thing to attract attention, so they wouldn't have to investigate by themselves.

All the way waiting for the monsters to come to your door!

on the ground.

Tianlei Shenhu shrunk his body, restrained all his strength, and said dully: "When I come to the Demon Race, I can't make any more moves! The emperor-level powerhouses are very keen in response. Once I make a move, they can instantly Sensed it, and came quickly! The emperor is coming, I can't protect you."

No matter how strong the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger is, it is only a king, and if it corresponds to the demon clan, it is the demon king.

Therefore, once the Demon Emperor arrives, it will not be able to protect Ye Fusheng.

Knowing that Ye Fusheng is relatively new, it reminded him directly, so as not to provoke too strong enemies, both of them will die.

"There is no way to do it inside the Demon Race?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng glanced at Tianlei Shenhu with a little disgust, if it wasn't for the fact that Tianlei Shenhu could add high attributes to him, he would have thought of taking it back directly.

You can't even do it, so what's the use of you?

After contemplating for a moment, Ye Fusheng continued to summon the stars.

As soon as the stars appeared, they were extremely cute, and directly added a series of buffs to Ye Fusheng. In an instant, Ye Fusheng's total blood value had reached more than 300 million!

This is the power of BUFF+ Thunder God Tiger attribute.

When Ye Fusheng puts on the Embrace of the Goddess of Life suit, he might be able to reach the upper limit of 1000 million qi and blood!

even higher!

"Sensing, where is the master, take me there!"

"You can only be a radar."

Patting the Thunder God Tiger's head, Ye Fusheng dragged Xing Xing onto the Thunder God Tiger's back and hugged Xing Xing.

Well, I finally got a two-person mount, how can I do it if I don’t experience it?

However, holding Xing Xing while riding a tiger, feeling Xing Xing's soft skin, Ye Fusheng shamelessly had other thoughts.

Xing Xing didn't understand anything, and would not reject Ye Fusheng, letting him do whatever he wanted.

After walking for a long time, when the stars were so confused that they blushed, there was a sudden roar, and not far away, a demon army rushed.

"The intruder has been found, kill without mercy!"


There was a roar, and there were all kinds of monsters in that group of demons, including those with horns on their heads, those with four hands, and those with three legs. It could be said that they were dancing wildly.

"Fuck...such an ugly monster!"

"What the hell, if I don't kill you, I'm sorry for the beautiful girl in this game!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, quickly let go of his hand, let Xing Xing put on the equipment, and he drove the Thunder God Tiger to attack and kill the group of monsters.


Even if the Thunder God Tiger couldn't use its own power, it was still a powerful boss. After getting close to those monsters, the terrifying coercion bloomed, and their legs went limp, and they fell to their knees on the ground, unable to move.

"what happened?"

"Oh my god, this seems to be the coercion of the king!"

Many monsters were terrified, Ye Fusheng was also quite surprised, but he would not miss this good opportunity, he swung his two swords and swept out, the sharp sword energy soared into the sky, beheading dozens of monsters in an instant all clean.

After Ye Fusheng killed all the monsters, he realized that he should save some time to find news about the void space.

"These monsters are a bit unkillable!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but sighed because he hadn't had the most fun yet.

It would be perfect if a few powerful bosses could come and let him use the looting technique to get more skills or special effects.

Just now, he was very interested in the power of space displayed by Lord Hou in White. I don't know if there is a boss who understands the power of space in this mission.

If there is, then there is a chance to plunder some power of space.

Practice by yourself?

No, that's impossible!

How comfortable is the plundering skill, why bother to practice it by yourself?
"Thunder God Tiger, feel it, where are there many monsters, are there powerful monsters, or where is the power of space?"

"Our task is to find the reason for the emergence of the void space, even if we can't find those monsters, it's okay."

Ye Fusheng already has an idea, if he can find the empty space first, maybe he can also plunder the power of space, and then deal with those monsters, BOSS, isn't it easy to catch?

He didn't want to be used as the bait of Lord Baiyi to catch the big boss, but in the end it was Lord Baiyi who deserved the credit.

Or, what if the big boss caught is too powerful, and Lord Hou in White is no match?
Well, at that time, I could only rely on myself to get a wife and senior sister.

But I, Ye Fusheng, rely on girls?
Ye Fusheng thought very well, but unfortunately, Tianlei Shenhu's words directly made him give up his thoughts.

"I can't feel the power of space, that's not something I can comprehend at my level."

Thunder God Tiger Hanhan said: "I can only take you to find the location of those strong men! As for how to sneak in, how to get those news, I have no ability to help!"

"Okay, then you can take me to the place where they gather."

As for Tianlei Shenhu's speed, even if Ye Fusheng is very upset, he can only change his mind and ask Tianlei Shenhu to take him to find those powerful bosses, and try to find a way to learn the news of the void space from those bosses.

Although the task given to him was to investigate the reason for the rampage of the Shadow Clan and the existence of void space, he was not asked to find the boss, but Ye Fusheng understood that if he wanted to know such news, he had to go to the boss Only in the place can we find out.

Ordinary monsters are all directed to act, how can they know the reason?
With Ye Fusheng's order, the Thunder God Tiger was extremely fast, and after a while, it had already killed countless monsters and arrived outside a huge castle.

It is said to be a castle, but it is actually just a monastery. It should have been built by the human race in the past. After being occupied by the demon race, they used the power of demon energy and blood to form a new building.

"Along the way, the monster level has reached level 180. The boss here should not be weaker than the one I encountered in Lingyue Valley, but it won't be too strong, so it should be no problem!"

"If something goes wrong, you can still call my wife, it's okay."

Squinting his eyes slightly, Ye Fusheng put away the Thunder God Tiger and let the stars wait for him to fly to the inside of the castle.

Afterwards, Ye Fusheng took the stars back to the pet space, and walked quietly towards the most glorious hall by himself.

If Xing Xing had an IQ, he would definitely be yelling at him, calling him out to touch me if it was okay, and putting it away immediately if something happened?

You don't even have a chance to give me some experience?

Ah bah, scumbag!
correct!Today's stars don't even reach level 80!

No way, the monsters Ye Fusheng met, the bosses, were all too powerful, so that Ye Fusheng didn't summon the stars much, and as time passed, its level naturally couldn't keep up.

Fortunately, the rank of the stars is high enough, even if the rank is not very high, the attributes can withstand these 200-level mobs.

If the grade is lower, the difference in grade is so big, pets don't have to fight at all.

Oh, by the way, the equipment of the stars has not been updated much.

Ye Fusheng is too busy and often forgets.

At this time, Ye Fusheng finally realized this, and couldn't help but apologize in his heart. When I have time, I will help you adjust your equipment!

On the road, he encountered patrolling monsters from time to time, the level was not too high, but they were all in groups, which made Ye Fusheng very uncomfortable, so he could only slowly dodge and sneak in.

Fortunately, those patrolling monsters have their own fixed range and patrol points. After figuring out the rules, Ye Fusheng rushed directly into the hall without any effort.

At this time, there were no ghosts in the hall, let alone demons, not even ghosts.

Ye Fusheng looked at the main hall for a while, and found that it is quite luxurious inside, many things are almost comparable to the decorations in the palace.

[Tsk tsk, it seems that these demon monsters also understand and appreciate them! 】

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng was not too surprised, anyway, in various games, except for being a little uglier, the demons are exactly the same as the human race, nothing special.

Humans like luxurious halls, so demons naturally like them, even if they don't enjoy them, they have to get them out.

At least, there is a sense of style!

Suddenly, footsteps sounded, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, seeing that someone was going to come in soon, Ye Fusheng rolled like a donkey, and rolled directly to the corner of the main hall on one side, there were pillars blocking it, it was very tight.

There are more and more footsteps, and the strong magic energy is getting stronger and stronger!

Ye Fusheng soon realized that something was wrong, the people who came here, in addition to the demons, actually had ghosts!

"It seems that the undead, demons, and ghosts have formed an alliance!"

"Is this about to attack the human race, a decisive battle? Or respond to the call of the version, and come to a chaotic rule of a hundred clans?"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised, but he didn't poke his head out to look, but just pricked up his ears, hoping to hear something.

At the level of the emperor, as long as you look at it, it will feel emotionally and it is easy to detect.

"Everyone is here!"

A hoarse voice sounded, and then the footsteps stopped. Obviously, everyone who should come has already arrived.

"Hmph, if you don't come again, you will sell me!"

The gloomy and stern voice suddenly came out: "Su Keshi, what do you mean? Why should we let the Shadow Clan be the vanguard to ambush the human army?"

"Do you know that the white-clothed Marquis who leads the team is one of the peak powerhouses of the human race. With him around, wouldn't my clansmen be sent to die?"

"Heh, you Shadow Clan, besides being cannon fodder and killers, what else can you do?"

Another sneer came: "I think this decision is very good. The Shadow Clan will be used as cannon fodder, and the shattered Zerg will destroy the space adjacent to the human race, creating more void space and making their space unstable. In this way, our Attack anytime!"

"At that time, once the human race wants to open the space channel and support Dongyang City remotely, then we will directly control the space collapse, and we will definitely destroy hundreds of thousands or even millions of reinforcements in Dongyang City in one fell swoop!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng in the corner couldn't help being startled. Damn, it turns out that the demons also have brains.

Surprisingly, he could think of this method, encircle the point to fight for aid, encircle Wei to save Zhao, and only wait for the stability of the space to be destroyed, then attack Dongyang City, force the human race to use the space channel, and then directly detonate the space in this area.

Then, the strong man who came to the rescue will definitely die without even a hair left!
Kings at the level of Tianlei Shenhu can't perceive the power of space. Can ordinary strong people hold it?

"Hehehe... I also feel that it is not appropriate to let the Shadow Clan ambush, it is too dangerous."

A sinister voice said: "If not, let's open the middle door, let the Lord in white come in, and then pretend to form an array to surround and kill them, but in fact we will set up a void space and let them do it themselves to break the stability of the space. ?”


"Do you really think that Marquis in White would be that stupid?"

The original voice said: "Master Baiyi, in just a few hundred years, he rose from the humble beginnings and reached the peak of the human race step by step. His strategy is superb. If you want to pretend to besiege and kill, maybe he will follow suit."

"I can't tell. Now I doubt whether he has sneaked into the Demon Race area."

"how is this possible?"

Hearing this, the rest of the people didn't believe it at all, and said one after another: "He is a strong man close to the god level. Once he enters the area space under our chain arrangement, there will be a reminder."

"Forget it, since you can't lure them in, you have to get rid of the Shadow Clan, otherwise, those Shadow Clan will all die sooner or later."

"That's right, we Shadow Clan people can die on the battlefield, but we can't die so aggrieved!"

The strong from the Shadow Clan also protested loudly.

"No, once the Shadow Clan withdraws, Lord Bai Yi will definitely think that we want them to come in. After all, only the physique of the human race can stabilize the space channel, and then let the void space be completely formed!"

The man said in a deep voice: "We have to make an appearance, firmly block them, and prevent them from coming in. Only in this way, they will fight to come in and help us, so that the void space is completely formed! Don't worry, I will not only let the Shadow Clan people ambush , I will also let my subordinates rush out in person, and let Lord Hou in White see our determination!"

"As for some sacrifices, it's inevitable. Please don't talk too much! Otherwise, I don't know what it means to show mercy!"

After the voice fell, the cold breath swept across. In an instant, everyone dared not speak. The entire hall was extremely silent!

(PS: 6.21, today's update, about 4400 words, 2333, it is considered auspicious!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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