Invincible in one touch

Chapter 295 Tiangang Star Activation, Super Attributes

Chapter 295 Tiangang Star Activation, Super Attributes


"Su Keshi, are you sure that you will also let your men go down to die?"

After a long silence, it was still the same voice that came out.

"What did you say?"

Su Keshi snorted coldly: "What do you mean by sending yourself to death? That's dedicating yourself to our demon clan's plan!"

"it is good!"

"Since you have said so, Su Keshi, our family is willing to give everything, I only hope that we can remember some old love in the future!"

The man's voice quieted down, and he could only admit it.

There is no way, I can't beat it again and again, and there is no reason to say it!
Su Keshi wants to send his army to die, what else can he say?
If you talk more nonsense, you are really courting death!

"Don't worry, once Dongyang City is defeated, I won't take anything. Everything, including the territory, will be yours!"

Su Keshi sneered and said: "What I want is to attack the human race! In recent years, the power of the human race has become stronger and stronger. In the battle of Sunset City, Xing Yun personally killed Empress Scarlet Moon, destroyed the memorial ceremony, and drove back the demon army thousands of feet. This is a shame, but also a reminder to us!"

"Let the human race continue to develop like this, and one day, all of us will die at the hands of the human race!"

"So, I hope that everyone can work together to complete the task and weaken the strength of the human race, instead of arguing here and there because of a little thing!"

Following Su Keshi's words, everyone continued to agree, and immediately began to discuss other matters and specific actions.

Ye Fusheng remembered everything in his heart, and his face became more and more serious. He never expected that these demons and undeads would gather together and actually come up with a huge conspiracy.

If Master Baiyi didn't ask him to inquire about the news first and directly enter the Demon Race area, they would really be doomed!
Once the void space is stable, it will affect the surrounding space. At that time, a war will break out. As long as the human race dares to use the space channel, the reinforcements will undoubtedly die!
Dongyang City, without the power of Yuan Jun, will be completely destroyed.

If the reinforcements don't come, there will definitely be no casualties in other places, and the void space will not explode, but what about Dongyang City?
It can be said that this is a conspiracy!

As long as the void space is completely formed, even if the demons spread the news here, the human race will try their best to use the space channel to transmit it.

Because, they can't give up Dongyang City.

Abandoning a Dongyang City, cold, but the heart of the people in the world!

As for rushing over?

Heh, such a dangerous battle, when you rush over, I'm afraid it will be over long ago.

Unless it is a strong person at the level of Xingyun, how many people are there in the world?
[What the hell, originally wanted to make a fuss, but now it seems that there is no way to make a fuss! 】

【This news is too important, I have to send it back as soon as possible, and let Lord Baiyi make up his mind. 】

Touching his nose, in fact, Ye Fusheng already had an idea.

Since you can't get close to the void space, and you have to block the attack, why don't you take a drastic action?
Wouldn't it be beautiful to send people directly to skip the empty space, enter the depths of the demon clan, and turn the demon clan's base camp upside down?

In that way, it can still take the initiative in the battle and let the demons choose.

Wait until the demons have no intention of attacking Dongyang City, and then find a way to find people from other groups to destroy these empty spaces.

Anyway, there are many allies of the human race, and someone will definitely be found to destroy it.

Time passed slowly, and after a while, everyone finally finished their discussions and left slowly.

Ye Fusheng didn't even dare to breathe, he hid in place, fortunately those kings, demon generals, didn't expect the human race to be so bold as to infiltrate here, they didn't investigate at all.

After a while, all the people left.

Ye Fusheng still wanted to lurk out, after thinking about it, he decided to use the city return scroll.

Anyway, with the Thunder God Tiger, it wouldn't take much time to fly to Dongyang City. Instead of lurking out and having the possibility of being discovered, it's better to go back to the city directly.


The scroll of returning to the city began to read, but before it was halfway through, the voice of Lord Marquis in White suddenly sounded in his ears: "Don't go, I've added the power of space on you, they won't feel you, come up and see you!" me!"


Hearing the sound suddenly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help panicking, and interrupted the reading immediately.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng recalled for a moment, making sure that he didn't have auditory hallucinations, his expression suddenly became weird.

What the hell, Lord in White is so strong?

Can you pass through the blockade of so many demons and undead powerhouses to come to the demon domain without making a sound, and let other people not find you and eavesdrop on this secret plan by the way?
Even if they don't have their own words, I am afraid that these demons will be played to death by Lord Hou Ye in white!
[The human race is not strong, and the laws of heaven cannot tolerate it!What the hell, my senior sister is already very perverted, and there are still perverted guys in the human race!He is indeed a man who can make my senior sisters look up to him and think he is good. The strength of Lord Baiyi will definitely not be far behind! 】

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng exclaimed, and then carefully walked away to remove it.

Even with the protection of Lord Hou in white, you have to be careful. If you are hit face to face, let alone the power of space, even the god of space, as long as you are not transparent, you can't hide it.

Quietly, passing by some guard posts quietly, Ye Fusheng turned over the wall of the monastery hall again.

After looking around, Ye Fusheng made sure there were no demon monsters, so Ye Fusheng summoned the Thunder God Tiger and flew towards the sky.

Flying all the way to the depths of the clouds, Ye Fusheng looked up, and suddenly saw Hou Ye in white and Ouyang Jia sitting cross-legged on the clouds, with a table and three teacups.

Obviously, there is a teacup for Ye Fusheng.

"Master in white, your sex is worthy of your mission!"

Ye Fusheng stepped forward, grinning and said: "I have already detected the plans of those demons, but I feel that I am unnecessary. You already know, Lord Hou."

"It was just to train you."

Lord Hou in white smiled lightly and said: "Besides, without you, I would not be able to hear their specific conversations by myself! After all, I am too strong. If I go down by myself, they will definitely be on guard. Only a trace of space power Only when it is attached to your body can it be detected clearly."

"Don't worry, you are also angry, I will not forget your credit, and I will definitely give you nothing less!"

Lord Hou in white smiled lightly, and immediately waved his right hand.

In an instant, a crystal clear and flexible force flowed in Ye Fusheng's body.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the phased missions, and rewarded with 500 billion experience points, 2000000 merit points, and 10 legendary points! Your own attributes will increase by 1%!"

"My grass?"

"Such a generous reward?"

Not to mention Ye Fusheng's 500 billion experience points, the experience value exploded, and he almost didn't directly rise to level 96!
To him, the 1% increase in all attributes is still a permanent increase, which can be described as a big surprise for him.

Then there are 10 legendary points, plus the points obtained from previous missions, it is completely possible to activate a brand new star.

I don't know what attribute bonuses will be activated later.

It is best to directly increase his attack power by 1000%. In that case, it is really a god blocking and killing a god, and a Buddha blocking and killing a Buddha!

However, that is also a daydream!

"Huh, next, I really need you to do the rest!"

Lord Hou in white looked at Ye Fusheng, and said in a deep voice: "I plan to let you go deep into the Demon Race area, enter their base camp, and disrupt the entire base camp for me. It is best to turn the world upside down and keep them away from this area. So they can all go back and kill you!"

"At that time, I will reappear and kill them all. As long as our human troops stay away from this area, the void space will not be stable, and the demons will not dare to attack Dongyang City!"

"I think so."

Ye Fusheng grinned and said, "It's better to take the initiative to attack than to sit and wait for death."

"Yes, little guy, I like you."

Lord Hou in Baiyi exclaimed in admiration, he is worthy of being the junior of Xingyun God of War, even if he hasn't grown up yet, he still has the courage.

At least, ordinary people can't do this.

Previously, Ye Fusheng sneaked directly into the core hall and wanted to eavesdrop on the plan, which was beyond his expectations. Who knew, it really made him discover the great secret.

"Hey, Lord Baiyi, if I can overfulfill the task this time and help you defeat the demon army here, can you promise me one thing?"

Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes, and asked suddenly.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Frowning slightly, Lord Hou in white was quite surprised and asked aloud.

"Ahem, before you summoned thousands of sword qi, can you teach me the moves of Yujian to kill the enemy?"

Ye Fusheng exclaimed: "That move is really powerful and handsome, I really want to learn it."

"You... still want to learn?"

The corner of Lord Hou in Baiyi couldn't help but twitched his mouth, that was one of his best skills, and he didn't want to pass it on.

"Yeah, so handsome!"

Ye Fusheng kept nodding his head, rolled his eyes, and looked at Ouyang Jia beside him.

It can be seen from the previous plot that Bai Yi really loves Ouyang Jia.

Sensing Ye Fusheng's gaze, Ouyang Jia couldn't help but smiled and said: "Bai, he has already obtained your kendo inheritance and double swordsmanship before, so it's okay to entrust this move to him. Perhaps, he can also ask you to be his teacher." , form a good relationship!"

Ouyang Jia knew that Ye Fusheng was of great help to her reunion with Bai Yi, so she chose to repay her favor.


With a sigh, Bai Yi glanced at Ye Fusheng, and sighed: "It's fine to be a teacher, I dare him to worship me as a teacher, and in a short while, Master Xing Yun will come over and break my bones!"

"Ah ha ha!"

Embarrassedly smiled, Ye Fusheng was still a little proud in his heart.

Such a powerful human race expert is so afraid of his senior sister, and he will really be able to walk sideways in the human race in the future.

Well, let alone walking sideways in the human race, as long as Ye Fusheng's cooldown for summoning his wife is over, he can go under the sun, even if he meets the rulers of the ten abyss emperors, the protoss can take him to escape. Until the arrival of Xingyun.

At that time, once Xingyun and Xingling join forces, I am afraid that the emperor of the abyss will have to kneel!

A god-level strong man, a quasi-god-level strong man, and they are all angry women, what a ghost!

It's hopeless, wait for death!
"Okay, little guy, if you can turn the devil's stronghold in this area upside down for me, and attract most of the devil generals and devil masters here, in the future, when your ability reaches, I can use all my moves , I will pass it on to you! It can be regarded as passing on the way of double swords for me!"

Lord Hou in white patted Ye Fusheng on the shoulder: "Little guy, do you dare to accept?"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the follow-up task [Drawing from the Bottom], the mission objective: go deep into the hinterland of the demons, turn the base camp of the demons upside down, and attract many powerful demons from the vanguard camp to return, task rewards, rich experience rewards , legendary points, and the swordsmanship inheritance of Master Baiyi!"

"Okay, I dare!"

Seeing that the task rewards were clearly expressed, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, and he directly agreed, feeling ecstatic in his heart.

The task rewards are clearly stated, and Lord Bai Yi will definitely not regret it. Next, as long as he destroys the Demon Clan's base camp, it will be all right.

Let Ye Fusheng fight against the demon king and demon emperor level powerhouse now, he is not good enough, even if there is a thunder god tiger, he will not be an opponent.

After all, the strength of the orcs is much weaker than that of the demons. They are both king-level existences, and the demons must be stronger. What's more, this is the home of the demons.

However, if it's just to stir up the situation, Ye Fusheng has full confidence.

As long as there is a chance, not to mention disturbing the situation, I can destroy this area of ​​the demons for you!
After receiving the task, Ye Fusheng saw that Lord Hou in white didn't say anything else, knowing that the process of the task was over, he hurriedly said his farewell, drove the Thunder God Tiger, and headed towards the Demon Clan's base camp to kill.

At the same time, Ye Fusheng opened the Legendary Road interface, saw the flickering 18 legendary points, the corner of his mouth curled up.

At this time, the first star, Tiankui Xing, has been promoted to the second rank, and further promotion requires 2 points, and the bonus is not too high, Ye Fusheng directly turned his attention to the second star, Tiangang Star!
The star of Tiangang is shining, as if Xiu Nu is waiting for the emperor to turn over the card.

The points have already been reached, Ye Fusheng will not hesitate to activate directly.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully activating Tiangang Star. The current level is first level. The effect is as follows."

Tiangang Star: After activation, it will permanently increase its own attack power by 20%, and each attack will have an additional 10% damage. It requires 30 legendary points to advance


"It really increases the attack power!"

Opening his mouth slightly, even Ye Fusheng was shocked by such exaggerated data.

20% attack power, each attack can also add 10% additional damage, now it seems that the increase may not be obvious.

But, you know, this is only the first-order Tiangang star effect!

What about advancing to the second, third, or even ninth rank?
At that time, wouldn't the attack power directly increase several times?
Can each attack be regarded as two or three attacks?

In that case, as long as the equipment can keep up, what other boss will be his opponent?

"No, calm down, calm down!"

"I'm not invincible yet!"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng really couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

Originally, he was still worried. After changing the sky burial suit, he would not be able to kill a powerful BOSS in seconds, but would only slowly drain his vitality. Now, with such a high-damage skill, he is not afraid at all!
No matter how high your blood volume is, you will never be able to withstand such an explosive damage from me!


Just when Ye Fusheng was excited, Tianlei Shenhu suddenly said: "There is a demon in front of us who has sensed our existence and has already flown up. What should we do? Kill it? Or..."

"Huh? Has someone strong from the Demon Race come up?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but sneer!
Boss, just in time!

(PS: 6.22 update, 4300 words, send it!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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