Invincible in one touch

Chapter 296 The Thunder God Tiger Who Wants to Die

Chapter 296 The Thunder God Tiger Who Wants to Die

The boss is coming, Ye Fusheng also let the Thunder God Tiger stay in the air, ready for battle.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and soon, a figure rushed from below at an extremely fast speed, and came into view.

"Who is coming?"

A monster with the head of a bird and the body of a human flew into the sky, its wings trembled, and thunder burst out.

A terrifying aura emanated from its body, obviously, this is definitely a powerful BOSS!

Before the monster approached him, Ye Fusheng released the Eye of Truth, the light flickered, and the attribute panel was floating in front of him.

Ancient Bird Demon Knox (Legendary Boss)

Rating: 180
Blood value: 650000000
Attack: 56790
Defense: 80000
Gallop: When in the air, the movement speed and attack speed increase by 50%
Invisibility: When receiving attacks or skills in the air, there is a 3% chance to make yourself unselectable

Skills: Wind Crack, Gale, Hundred Gale, Gale Tornado, Sonic Magic
Description: A leader among the demons, possessing impressive strength, his body can be used as a forging material

"So weak!"

After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, his face full of disdain.

With only more than 6000 million qi and blood, even if he didn't die immediately, I'm afraid he would be able to kill this boss in a short time.

Sure enough, after the skills and attributes were improved, even if the equipment hadn't been replaced, Ye Fusheng already felt no challenge to the legendary boss.

It is true that the legendary bosses are all dead in his hands, so what is a mere legendary boss?
Before the upgrade, four legendary bosses attacked together, and he killed them all.

"Beast race?"

"Guy of the orc race, please leave here as soon as possible!"

Knox sensed the aura of the Thunder God Tiger. Since the Thunder God Tiger had been restraining its own aura, Knox didn't sense the strength of the Thunder God Tiger, but he just cut it out to be a strong beast.

Although the orcs and the demons have not formed an alliance, they have not yet broken out into war. If the demons and the humans are about to have a war, it will be great if they can avoid conflicts with the orcs.

Therefore, Knox did not get angry, but persuaded the Thunder God Tiger to leave.

Of course, if the Thunder God Tiger is unwilling to leave, then it will act decisively.

Demons are fearless!


However, in the face of Knox's advice, Tianlei Shenhu didn't say a word, and even gave Knox a disdainful glance.

If Ye Fusheng hadn't been here, if the Thunder God Tiger met Knox, it would have dared to slap and slap Knox to death.

That's right, Tianlei Shenhu is also an extraordinary boss at any rate, and it is still very easy to kill a Knox.

In the later stages of the game, the gap can be said to be unusually large.

A legendary boss is just a stronger demon general, not even a demon king.

The legendary boss can barely be called the devil!

One level up, there is the extraordinary boss, the powerful emperor of the demon clan.

During the current game progress, the only emperor that appeared was Empress Scarlet Moon. Even if Xing Yun made a move, it would be difficult to kill her.

It can be said that there will not be too many extraordinary bosses in a short period of time.

As an extraordinary boss, even if he is just a beginner, Tianlei Shenhu has a strength far exceeding that of a legendary boss!
In a real fight, Su Keshi from before, the legendary boss, would not be the opponent of the Thunder God Tiger.

It's just that the Tianlei Shenhu is a beast race after all, it doesn't dare to make a big move in the demon race, if the people of the demon race misunderstand and think that the beast race is going to fight the demon race, then their beast race may fall into a great crisis among.

The peak strength of the orcs is insufficient, and the overall strength is not as good as that of the demons. Humans, if they are really attacked by the demons, they have no chance to resist.

Therefore, after arriving in this area, Tianlei Shenhu has been restraining his breath, and at most he will take Ye Fusheng on the road, without any desire to make a move.

"what's the situation?"

Seeing that the Thunder God Tiger was motionless, and didn't even make a sound, Knox couldn't help feeling angry, and his voice became a little cold: "If you don't leave, don't blame me for treating you as an intruder and killing you immediately!"

After the words were finished, the Thunder God Tiger remained motionless, Ye Fusheng did not say a word, he sat on the Thunder God Tiger and did not move, which happened to be hidden from Knox's sight.

"Oh, since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude!"

Knox yelled loudly, his figure suddenly sped up, his wings flapped, and several icy winds were brought up, like a tornado, rushing towards the Thunder God Tiger.

At the same time, Knox also flew towards the Thunder God Tiger, with two claws protruding out, shining with sharp light.

Obviously, Knox has made a killer move!

【Well, the demons are so vigilant, are you careful? 】

[I'm already like this, but I still go all out. It seems that I can't think of taking advantage of it to underestimate the enemy!Kill directly! 】

The corners of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng gave up the idea of ​​attacking and killing, and immediately controlled the Thunder God Tiger to fly out, constantly whining about the strong tornado, and quickly approached Knox.

"court death!"

Since the Thunder God Tiger hadn't exuded its own aura at this time, Knox thought the Thunder God Tiger was very weak. Seeing it flying towards him, he couldn't help sneering, and immediately stretched out his right claw, and the claws whirled in a gust of wind, transforming into a monster again. A terrifying gust of wind blade slashed towards the Thunder God Tiger in front of him.

"Charge Slash!"

However, before Knox got close to the Thunder God Tiger, Ye Fusheng quickly released his skills after the distance was reduced to 30 yards. His soul locked on Knox, and the skills were activated and released immediately!

In an instant, like a flash of lightning, Ye Fusheng broke through the space, brought the Thunder God Tiger with him, and slashed Knox's head with his sword.


The blade brushed against the hard head, and countless sparks burst out immediately, as well as a terrifying injury.

A full 47 damage!

That's right, with the high attribute bonus of the Thunder God Tiger's mount, Ye Fusheng's current attack power has already broken through the sky. Unless it is a legendary boss, otherwise, it can't stop his offensive at all.

Just imagine, Ye Fusheng possesses double swordsmanship, once the skill is activated, it will deal almost 100 million damage every second, and in that 60 seconds, it will deal 6000 million damage!

This legendary boss is only worth more than 6000 million blood points!
In other words, after riding the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger, the legendary boss that Ye Fusheng had tried so many ways to kill in seconds was no longer his opponent.

Originally, Ye Fusheng's output was not too bad, but he had to worry about his attributes, and he might be killed by the opponent in a few hits.

Now with the attribute bonus of the Thunder God Tiger, not only the attack power is over the top, but the survivability is also terrifying.

If you give Ye Fusheng a few more BUFF bonuses, I am afraid that the Thunder God Tiger will not have to do anything, just let Ye Fusheng stand with Knox, Ye Fusheng will be able to survive until the end, and kill the boss!

Basic attributes, and many special effects, the effects are too fierce!
"Damn it, it's the human race!"

Knox also reacted at this time, but unfortunately, under the Charge Slash skill, he was stunned in the air, and he could only watch Ye Fusheng's crazy and uninterrupted attack on it!


The twin swords kept flickering, and every time the sword was slashed, it could bring out bright red blood and inflict 50 million damage!

The blood bar slowly dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Knox felt the pain too, which made it all the more shocking.

One must know that the pressure Ye Fusheng brought to it was not strong enough at all, it felt like an ant.

Who knew that Ye Fusheng could cause such terrifying damage!

"Hey, damn it, I'm going to kill you!"

"Wind tornado!"

Three seconds later, Knox roared, and immediately spun around, bringing countless strong winds, and swept out.


Boom boom boom! -

Ye Fusheng was instantly hit by the strong wind, and his blood bar dropped one after another. However, after two seconds, after several attacks, he only lost about one-fifth of his blood value.

In total, Ye Fusheng only lost more than 100 million blood points!
With Tiankui star, Tianlei Shenhu, and many equipment bonuses, Ye Fu's blood value has already reached 500 million points, so there is no need to worry.

"Is that the only amount of patience?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng rushed forward again, this time, the icy breath gathered, and the Frozen Ghost Slash was released instantly.


The ice-blue sword energy swept across, suddenly freezing Knox, turning him into a sculpture, frozen in the air, unable to move.

Heh, with so many control skills in Ye Fusheng's hands, there is no need to compete with Knox.

After a few times of controlling skills, coupled with uninterrupted output, if you are still alive, I might as well run around naked in Sunset City!

After being frozen, Ye Fusheng rushed forward quickly, his swords shone brightly, and his skills dropped instantly.

However, when the sword was slashed, Knox, who had more than 80% of his blood, was instantly emptied of blood! -

As high as 4700 million damage jumped out, Knox's pupils shrank suddenly, and the spirit in his eyes gradually disappeared.

"Huh? Triggered the instant death effect?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was rather surprised, this luck is really weird.

I thought about triggering it last time, but it didn't trigger it all the time. Today I just wanted to try the situation where I really killed the boss. Unexpectedly, it was triggered after just a few hits.

Really boring.

However, even if it is triggered, it saves dozens of seconds.


The ice layer shattered, Knox died tragically, and countless gold coins and two pieces of equipment exploded.

As for the rest, nothing broke out.

Quickly picking up the equipment, Ye Fusheng glanced at it, he didn't even have a legendary weapon, and he didn't care about two ordinary fairy weapons.

It was of no use to him anyway.

Today, his equipment is basically ready.

Level 110 is directly equipped with the Embrace of the Goddess of Life suit, the weapon is a little more troublesome, and it can also be equipped at level [-].

As for other equipment, there is really nothing to change.

It can be said that Ye Fusheng already has no desires or desires. To kill the boss, what he needs is experience points. Even if the equipment is good, he can't use it.

There are better ones, these explosive equipment can only be sold for money or reserved for the members of the guild, but at this time the level gap is still large, and the selling price will be very low.

Explosive equipment, for Ye Fusheng, is not as good as multi-explosive skill books, or special items.

"Someone came up again, they should have noticed this guy's death!"

Tianlei Shenhu said in a deep voice: "With its strength, it is not too weak in this Demon Clan base camp. Once it dies, it will definitely attract the attention of other strong people. Maybe it will strengthen the investigation. You killed It, if it wants to destroy this place, it will be difficult!"

"Tch, do I want to make trouble? Do you want to be sneaky?"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, and suddenly asked: "How fast is your fastest?"

"Very quickly, at least, here, no one can catch up with my speed!"

The Thunder God Tiger looked proud.

In this area, there is not even a legendary level boss, let alone an extraordinary level, there is no monster that can catch up with its speed!

"In this case, you release some breath first, then send me down, and then fly to the sky!"

The corner of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, and he sneered: "In this way, they will definitely chase you, I will take advantage of that time to cause more damage!"


Breathing suddenly became short of breath, Tianlei Shenhu suddenly had the urge to slap him in the face.

Why are you so proud of yourself?
In this way, Ye Fusheng's goal has been achieved!

However, it will definitely be discovered by the demons. At that time, if the demons misunderstand that the orcs want to start a war with the demons, wouldn't it become a traitor to the orcs?
In case the beast clan is wiped out, or if too many people die, it will be a sinner through the ages!

Tianlei Shenhu is very depressed. If time can go back and the world can be restarted, it will definitely not say that its speed is fast!
Men, you shouldn't say that you are fast!


Frowning slightly, noticing the hesitation of the Thunder God Tiger, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but raised his hand and patted it on the head.


After being photographed, Tianlei Shenhu succumbed, not because Ye Fusheng was powerful, but because it suddenly remembered that Xingyun Goddess of War is this senior sister!
If Ye Fusheng tells Xing Yun that it is disobedient after returning, then its head will probably be blown away.

So, under the threat of his own life and safety, Tianlei Shenhu gave up!

What is it if one's own group is killed?
What is it if the orcs are wiped out?
Dead Daoist friends do not die poor Daoists!
Big deal, when the time comes, follow Ye Fusheng all the time, and enter the human race, it's fine to pretend to be a tiger!

"Very good, after they rush up, you quickly lead me around them, fly to the ground, and lure them away!"

The corner of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, as long as the Thunder God Tiger can succeed, then he can completely turn this base camp upside down in a short time!

"it is good!"

Tianlei Shenhu agreed, and slowly released his aura. Of course, he restrained himself a lot and did not show his extraordinary strength. Otherwise, those demons would definitely be scared away!


A cracking sound rang out.

"They're coming up!"

"Quick, send me down!"

Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, and the next moment, the Thunder God Tiger let out a low growl, and quickly waited for Ye Fusheng to rush to the ground.


Moving with all its strength, the Thunder God Tiger pierced through the space in an instant. In an instant, those strong demons were stunned. They suddenly realized that the breath had passed them and rushed towards the ground.

"Impossible, how did the comer cross our line of defense?"

"What the hell, stop talking, hurry down!"

Several strong demons looked at each other, and just as they thought about it, they felt a burst of breath rising into the sky, and immediately flew into the sky in front of them.

"Damn guy, it's too arrogant, let's go!"

His eyes were red, it was the first time for several demons to be played like this, their hearts were burning with anger, and they immediately flew high into the sky following the breath of the Thunder God Tiger.

However, none of them noticed that Ye Fusheng had already landed on the ground and had penetrated into the Demon Clan's base camp.

No one would have predicted that a huge battle would start from here!
(PS: Update on 6.23, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon, everyone remember to eat rice dumplings!!! Today is another 4300-word update!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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