Invincible in one touch

Chapter 297 Art is Explosion

Chapter 297 Art is Explosion
"With this kind of IQ, can you still become a BOSS? A bunch of trash..."

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng raised his head and looked up at the sky. At this time, the group of monsters had already disappeared. After chasing and killing the Thunder God Tiger, they reached the depths of the clouds.

In a short time, there is no way to get down!
They are too far away, unless Ye Fusheng makes a huge noise, they won't be able to sense it.

Even if it is sensed, it will take a lot of time to get down. This is the strength of Ye Fusheng's plan.

Of course, the main reason is that those few monsters are relatively stupid, and there are not a few housekeepers left behind, and they are all attracted away by the Thunder God Tiger.

"Tsk tsk, I don't know if you can find some demon chicks in the depths of the demon clan!"

"The girl from the elves is much prettier than the NPC from the human race. I haven't seen the girl from the orc race yet. I don't know what will happen to the girl from the demon race."

While walking forward, Ye Fusheng summoned the stars.

The level of monsters here is relatively high, even if Ye Fusheng's attribute is very powerful, it is still difficult to deal with too many monsters at the same time.

Summon the stars. Once you encounter a large army of monsters, you can let the stars entangle them first and prevent them from running back to deliver the letter.


Not long after, a bunch of monsters rushed out in front of Ye Fusheng, all humanoid monsters, with horns like cows on their heads, and muscular bodies all over their bodies.

"There are races!"

"Kill them!"

Seeing Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing, the group of monsters charged forward without any nonsense.

"Stars, go!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, drew out his two swords, faced the group of monsters and killed them.

Xing Xing's eyes turned cold, and the spiritual power in his body exploded.

So, three seconds later, the group of monsters turned into corpses and lay down on the ground.

"Weak... really too weak!"

"A master is lonely!"

Putting away the two swords, Ye Fusheng shook his head and continued to move forward. He didn't even look at the equipment they exploded, but just picked up gold coins all over the floor.

High-level junk equipment cannot be sold at this stage!
Keeping it is just a waste of backpack space!
The road was unimpeded, and the ordinary monsters encountered, even Ye Fusheng couldn't stop them for a few seconds, turned into corpses and lay on the ground.

Under this kind of killing, Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing finally came to a group of palaces. There were dozens of palaces, and around each palace, there were hundreds of monsters lined up neatly and patrolling uninterruptedly.

"It seems that this is the base camp of the demons!"

"I don't know, where is their granary, or where strategic resources are stored!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng kept looking around, looking for something that could achieve his strategic goal.

Not long after, Ye Fusheng locked his eyes on the outside of a palace.

At the gates of the rest of the palaces, the soldiers patrolling will keep a distance, and there are almost gaps.

However, only the demon warriors outside the palace never moved, standing firmly in front of the palace gate.

"It seems that the things placed in that palace are definitely good things!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but wonder how to attract the attention of those patrolling soldiers.

Since these demons can guard the most important palace, their strength must be much stronger than ordinary monsters.

Besides, that palace has only one entrance.

It is very difficult for Ye Fusheng to sneak in without disturbing them!

The only hope is to lure them away.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Fusheng suddenly looked at the stars.

With Xing Xing's current strength, ordinary monsters are no match for her, and they can definitely kill that palace.

As long as she shows enough strength, those guards will definitely surround and kill Xing Xing, thus ignoring the defense of the palace.

At that time, with the help of the space barrier provided by his white clothes as a cover, he was able to sneak into the palace quietly.

Even if the stars are besieged, there is no need to worry about danger.

He can take the stars back to Pet Airborne at any time!

At that time, those demon guards should have calmed down when they had no target to attack.

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng raised the corner of his mouth, and immediately controlled Xing Xing to rush out.


With the release of Shunbu's skill, Xing Xing has moved more than 50 yards away from Ye Fusheng, and the next moment, bright starlight bloomed from her body, shining brightly.

The star slash skill was released, and a sword qi flew out through the air, and slashed at a demon monster.


There was a loud noise, and the demon monster roared, half of the blood bar on its head instantly dropped, and it turned around abruptly, glaring at the stars.

Not only it, but the rest of the monsters roared when they sensed the appearance of the stars, drew out their demonic blades, and rushed towards the stars quickly.

In an instant, almost hundreds of demon monsters were attracted by the stars around the hall.

It's a pity that the guards who guarded the most mysterious and important palace were just like normal people, as if they didn't see the stars, they still stood there, motionless.

"Grass... can't attract your attention like this??!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng commanded Xing Xing again to let her go out.


After receiving Ye Fusheng's order, the stars also exploded completely, all attributes and buffs were all blessed, and the ordinary equipment on his own were all shining with starlight.


In an instant, Xing Xing's attack power soared, and almost every attack could instantly kill a demon monster.

The flashing star step skills were continuously released, and the star was like a goddess of war, killing towards the most important palace.

"Enemy attack!"

"There is an enemy attack!"

Ye Fusheng guessed right, the palace is indeed very important, it seems to hide a big secret.

When Xing Xing was killing towards the palace, the surrounding demon monsters had not yet reached the attacking range, they were all activated, and they were killing towards Xing Xing one after another.

At this time, the many guards guarding the palace were still calm and indifferent.

"The grass...isn't moving yet?!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng couldn't help wondering, what happened!

"Is it possible that you must attack them in order to attract them away?"

Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng made up his mind and let the stars approach immediately.

Fighting all the way to within 50 yards of the palace, at this moment, the guards finally changed a bit, looked up at the stars, and then lowered their heads again.

It seems that the arrival of the stars cannot attract their attention at all.

"Let you be arrogant and release your skills!"

Clenching his fists tightly, almost the moment Ye Fusheng made up his mind, Xing Xing's ultimate skill was also released.


In an instant, a lot of piercing sword aura appeared in the sky, and soon, those sword auras condensed and formed, falling like raindrops.

One after another, the sword blades fell, and the demon monsters guarding the most important palace were hit immediately, roaring, and the blood bars on their heads kept dropping.


It has to be said that monsters are monsters after all. They may have special mechanisms, but they are still dead objects.

The hatred value has reached, this time, don't want Xing Xing to say anything, those demon monsters, as if they are in heat, screaming, their eyes are red, and they are chasing Xing Xing closely.

For a moment, Xing Xing was besieged by thousands of demon monsters.

On the other hand, she was performing Star Flashing Step and Concentrating Star Slash, harvesting the lives of those demon monsters.

"good chance!"

Seeing the guards getting farther and farther away from the palace, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, and he tiptoed towards the palace.


Almost the moment Ye Fusheng came to the gate of the palace, in the distance, those demon guards seemed to have sensed something and turned around abruptly.

Fortunately, at this time, Ye Fusheng had space fluctuations on his body, which covered his distant sight for him.


As the palace gate slowly opened, Ye Fusheng successfully entered the palace under the cover of white clothes.

On the other hand, those demon monsters in the distance thought they hadn't seen anything, but they had sensed a mistake, and they were still crazily chasing and killing the stars regardless.

After entering the palace, Ye Fusheng looked around, suddenly stunned, the whole person froze in place.

What appeared in front of him were countless crystal mines and various energy bombs!

Thousands of elemental cannons, turrets, and energy bombs are arranged. Once something is triggered, the resulting explosion can instantly detonate everything in the entire palace.

At that time, perhaps, even the shields inside the demons will not be able to withstand the explosion damage.

Ye Fusheng is fine, he has invincible equipment skills, but he is not worried about explosions.

"Hiss... I said why these monsters won't be triggered even if they are so close. It turns out that there is something hidden here. It's too scary!"

"Once these things explode, let alone the headquarters of the demons, I am afraid that even the combat area in front of the demons will be affected!"

"I, really want to blow up this thing?"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng himself felt the stimulation.

Once these crystal cannons explode, maybe the demon monsters within a thousand miles will die tragically in the explosion.

Just like Ye Fusheng's forbidden spell skill released earlier!

"System prompt: Your pet's qi and blood value has dropped to 10%, and it may die at any time!"

Just when Ye Fusheng was amazed by the power of these crystal cannonballs, the system notification sound suddenly fell, causing his face to change slightly.

It is true that no matter how high the level of Xing Xing is, it is still a pet, and it is still a low-level pet that has not been upgraded much!

Therefore, after being besieged by so many demon monsters, the blood value of the star dropped sharply.

"Reclaim space!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was unwilling to let Xingxing die, so he immediately chose to take Xingxing back into the pet space.


At this moment, outside the palace, when the figure of Xingxing disappeared in an instant, the tens of thousands of demon monsters that had rioted were all stunned for a moment.

With their IQ, they would not guess where the stars went or what happened.

Even the guards guarding the palace didn't think much at this time, and returned to the gate of the palace again, with their heads held high and their chests held high, and continued to stick to their posts!
Ye Fusheng looked at the star with 3% of his blood remaining, and heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately, he didn't die.

No one knows what kind of punishment will be given to a pet of this level after it dies.

"I can't bear the damage so quickly, it seems to be a problem with the equipment!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng secretly made up his mind, when this matter is over, he must equip the Embrace of the Goddess of Life, and pass on the sky burial suit to Xing Xing.

At that time, when encountering a hard-to-kill boss, Ye Fusheng will not have the passive special effect of instant kill, and he will be able to let the stars come out to fight together.

Since she can even use equipment, presumably special effects are also effective, and she can still be used as a killer weapon.

At that time, if you put on good equipment, the stars will also become fleshy. Whether you are facing the boss or today's situation, you will no longer be in a state of residual blood.

Putting away the stars, Ye Fusheng didn't think too much, he was still looking at the things in the palace.

Walking in the palace, Ye Fusheng began to calculate.

It has to be said that this time, the demons really spent their money. In order to deal with Dongyang City, they secretly stored more than 300 crystal cannons, more than 600 crystal cannonballs, more than 200 magic bombs, and some flames.

Once so many things are thrown into the battlefield, it will definitely be a catastrophe!

"Heh... you still want to attack my human race. Now that I have seen it, I will not let your plot succeed!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng adjusted his equipment, prepared to activate his invincible special skills, raised his long sword, aimed at a crystal cannonball, and slashed loudly.


The sharp blade cut through the crystal cannonball, and in an instant, a terrifying force spread and swept out from the crystal cannonball!

Boom boom boom!
There was an earth-shattering explosion sound, almost before the power that could destroy the world burst out, Ye Fusheng instantly activated the invincible stunt.

The whole body is transparent, and Ye Fusheng can clearly see that the terrifying fluctuations are like waves, sweeping out continuously, crushing the space, and crushing to the periphery.

The so-called palace collapsed in an instant, followed by the demon warriors guarding the periphery.

Those demon guards, warriors, and even some ordinary people just lived in the vicinity of this palace, but at this time they encountered a catastrophe!
Fiery waves bloom, like a sea of ​​fire, and like a ferocious beast, devouring them instantly!

It's just a time to breathe, and those demon warriors, before they can react, have been melted into liquid by the fiery waves!
The earth crumbled and the palace exploded completely.

The power of destruction spread from the point where Ye Fusheng was standing, extending in all directions, even underground, and into the sky.

In an instant, the earth cracked, the mountains and rivers were deformed, the situation changed suddenly, and the sky was full of dark clouds!
This is not over yet, within 500 yards, all the sights are devastated, and not a single demon monster can survive.

What's even more frightening is that this kind of killing is still spreading!
The notification sound of killing the demon monster kept ringing in Ye Fusheng's ears.

Not just monsters, when the terrifying power spread to the sky, to the demon bosses who were chasing and killing the Thunder God Tiger, they were instantly knocked out, and the blood bars on their heads turned black, as if they would be killed at any moment. die!

In just an instant, dozens of bosses were all turned into residual blood!

If a player sees it, they will definitely be shocked!
In fact, not only the players were shocked, but even the bosses were shocked and stunned in place!
After all, what happened? !

"not good!!"

"This level of explosion!!! Something happened to the temple!!!"

There was a tragic cry, and more than a dozen bosses looked at each other. Every boss was extremely anxious. Unfortunately, at this time, they had lost any ability, even the ability to fly in the air, and their bodies fell rapidly.

Of course, Ye Fusheng, who caused these scenes to happen, still didn't know it, he just watched his experience bar keep beating!


Suddenly, a system bell rang!

(PS: Resume the update, after a few days after the test, there will be more updates!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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