Invincible in one touch

Chapter 298: The Black Dragon Demon Emperor Arrives!

Chapter 298: The Black Dragon Demon Emperor Arrives!


"System prompt: Due to the violent fluctuations in the base camp of the demons, the emperor in the depths of the demons is coming, please stay away as soon as possible!"

"My shit?!"

"This attracts the emperor?!"

Seeing the prompt, Ye Fusheng was a little dazed, he just ignited a magic crystal cannon casually, you told me that even the emperor was attracted?

"Made, it seems that I have to run quickly, don't run anymore! Once the emperor comes, white clothes can't protect me!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng suddenly remembered that it was very difficult to kill Empress Feiyue last time, Bai Yi was not as powerful as Xing Yun, there was no way to protect him.

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng didn't even bother to check to see if anything good had exploded around the palace, and he didn't even look at the corpses of those monsters that were swept away by the explosion and died.

Even, he didn't even get the bonus points after his upgrade!

That's right, killing the monsters in the entire demon base camp at once, elite monsters, and many leader monsters, small bosses, Ye Fusheng went straight to level 97!
If there is another big explosion, maybe it can be directly upgraded to level 98.

Of course, if the emperor who came here is also killed by him, there will be no problem in upgrading to level 100!
But it is too difficult to kill the emperor, unless Xing Yun arrives quickly, otherwise, don't dream.

Often dreaming is not good for your health!
Here, Ye Fusheng fled quickly, and by the way summoned the Thunder God Tiger who escaped earlier, and used it as a mount again, carrying him out.

At this time, Tianlei Shenhu was also confused. What's the situation? I was running just now, and suddenly a terrifying force burst out. If it wasn't for the extremely high distance from the ground in this world, I am afraid that he would be swept away by that force arrive.

He never thought that that fluctuation was caused by Ye Fusheng.

The difference in strength is too great!

Just when he was in a daze, Ye Fusheng had already taken him back, and then he wanted to take Ye Fusheng to escape, which made Tianlei Shenhu sigh endlessly, life is not easy for a tiger!
Leaving aside the escape of Ye Fusheng and Tianlei Shenhu, at this moment, the most depressed, shocked, and regretful one is Lord Baiyi!
His original intention was to let Ye Fusheng interfere with the base camp of the Demon Race, so that the kings of the Demon Race would retreat as soon as possible.

Who knows, not long after Ye Fusheng entered the Demon Clan base camp, he directly triggered an explosion of that level, causing the entire Demon Clan base camp, as well as the surrounding creatures and buildings within thousands of miles, to be destroyed, annihilated, and turned into an explosion. There was a ruin!
There are countless demon creatures who died!
Think about it, it is so difficult for Ye Fusheng to level up. Before killing so many bosses, his experience bar didn't change much. This time, he has been upgraded to two levels, which is enough to prove how many monsters he killed.

This is just an indirect kill, Ye Fusheng can't get all the experience!

"It's over... If such a big thing happens, the demons will definitely send out the emperor. With my current strength, I can barely resist an emperor. This guy really wants to play me to death!"

Lord Hou in Baiyi even had the urge to kill, turned around to look at Ouyang Jia, and smiled wryly again.

The emperor came, and there was Ouyang Jia beside him, it was really difficult to deal with.

If Ouyang Jia wasn't there, with the strength of Lord Hou in white, he could even knock back an emperor.

However, at this moment, Bai Yi not only had to protect Ouyang Jia, but also Ye Fusheng, it was really difficult to beat the emperor back.

Unless there are reinforcements!
"Master Xingyun, hurry up... Your junior brother is too capable of causing trouble!"

Sighing in his heart, Lord Hou in Baiyi couldn't help praying, hoping that Xing Yun would know what Ye Fusheng had done and rush over quickly.


Just as Lord Hou in white was struggling, a layer of terrifying dark clouds suddenly overwhelmed the sky.

Inside the dark clouds, there is a thick mountain-like aura hidden, which makes people feel desperate.

wow wow wow-

Not long after, the ghostly aura emerged, and the already destroyed land was suddenly filled with dead energy, and the black and purple gas was lingering, as if the gate of hell had been opened.

The roar continued to sound, and then, the ground trembled violently, as if being torn apart, tens of thousands of giant beasts drilled out of the ground, and immediately sealed off the area within a thousand miles.

"not good!"

Within the area, the Thunder God Tiger suddenly stopped, its pupils widened, and there was a trace of fear hidden in the eyes.

He is only a king-level existence, and now he senses the king among the demons, of course he will be afraid!
If you are not careful, it will die!

At that time, the orcs will not avenge it!
This is the tragedy of the weak and small groups.

In fact, the orcs are no longer weak.

However, facing the human race and the demon race, they really don't have much confidence.

Who made their ethnic group less powerful?
The strongest of the orc clan is only the emperor-level strength.

But in the human race, there are seven light emperor level masters!

The demon clan is even more powerful. There are more than a dozen people at the emperor level, plus the ten abyssal monarchs, each of whom is in contact with the realm of the gods, far surpassing the rest of the clan.

If it wasn't for Xing Yun's ability to suppress many emperors by himself, and to communicate with the power of the ancient gods, seize the power of heaven and earth, and resist the offensive released by the abyss monarch from hell, the human race would have been broken by the demon race long ago.

That's right, the ten abyssal monarchs look terrifying, but in fact, they cannot break through the plane of hell and cannot attack the human race.

This is also the reason why the human race can survive and gradually grow and become stronger.

"what happened?"

Sensing the fear of the Thunder God Tiger, Ye Fusheng was also surprised: "No way? The emperor of the demon clan came so soon?!"

"There's something under the ground, it's here!"

The Tiger Eye of the God of Thunder turned, and soon sensed that the ground was gradually cracking, and there was a terrifying evil burst deep in the ground, and immediately jumped up, floating in the air with Ye Fusheng.

The next moment, the ground around it cracked, and a thick black-purple fog emerged. Immediately afterwards, dozens of black giant beasts emerged from the ground.


As soon as they saw the Thunder God Tiger and Ye Fusheng, those black giant beasts roared up to the sky, and they spit out waves of black light, attacking and killing Ye Fusheng.

This time, without Ye Fusheng's control, Tianlei Shenhu felt the danger, and his figure suddenly accelerated, throwing off those black light waves.

The next moment, those giant black beasts jumped up out of thin air and waved their sharp claws, intending to take down the Thunder God Tiger and tear off its skin.

At this time, the Thunder God Tiger didn't dare to pretend any longer, roared, and suddenly there was a thunderbolt on its body surface, instantly blasting dozens of black giant beasts into powder!

Completely disappeared from Ye Fusheng's sight!

"It's dangerous. I've revealed my strength. The demon emperor will definitely sense the area we're in and come over as soon as possible!"

Tianlei Shenhu was discouraged, and quickly asked: "My lord, may I ask Lord Xingyun, and when will the previous lord come? I can still deal with these little guys, but once the king of the demon clan comes, I have nothing to do." Fight back!"

"Right away! They're coming right away!"

Ye Fusheng's voice was dignified. In fact, he didn't know whether Xing Yun and Lord Hou in white would appear, but at this moment, he had to hold the Thunder God Tiger.

Without the Thunder God Tiger, he might not even be an opponent to those giant black beasts.

Just thinking about it, the ground trembled again, and then dozens of black giant beasts crawled out of the ground, roaring upwards.

"Well, I want to see what these monsters are!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng quickly cast his Eye of Truth, and the next moment, the attributes of those giant black beasts turned into panels and appeared in front of him.

Abyss Behemoth (Elite Monster)

Rating: 255
Blood value: 80000000
Attack: 462990
Defense: 200000
Power of the Abyss: When attacking, add 50% extra damage

Abyssal Corrosion: When the target is within 20 yards, the target will be corroded by the power of the abyss, and the blood value will be reduced by 10000 points per second


Description: The giant beast that wanders in hell and the abyss all year round, possesses extremely terrifying power

"A monster at level 255? Isn't the experience very high?"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng quickly checked his experience bar.

Sure enough, after Tianlei Shenhu killed dozens of giant abyss beasts, his experience bar increased by as much as 10%!

This experience is no less than that given by some bosses!
Obviously, in the case of a huge level difference, there will be no less experience.


[This time, if I'm lucky, maybe I can really upgrade to level 100 and change into a new suit! 】

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but get excited, he didn't even have the thought of running away.

Anyway, these monsters can't cause harm to the Thunder God Tiger.

If the emperor of the demon clan really came, it would be useless for him to run, so he might as well fight and wait for the arrival of Lord Hou in white.

Lord Hou in Baiyi is also a highly respected and strong man in the human race, and he will definitely not see Ye Fusheng die.

Furthermore, even if Ye Fusheng really died, he would only lose one level, so what are you afraid of?
As for the powerful attributes of the abyss monster, Ye Fusheng didn't care at all.

Isn't it nearly tens of millions of blood, hundreds of thousands of attacks and hundreds of thousands of defenses?
Given the huge level difference and attribute gap, Ye Fusheng was indeed unable to cause damage to these abyssal behemoths, but the Thunder God Tiger could still instantly kill them!

"My lord, I'll take you away!"

The Thunder God Tiger was very timid, and it trembled when it sensed that the Demon King was getting closer.

If it wasn't for Ye Fusheng's presence, it might have turned into a thunderbolt and fled away.

"Don't run!"

Ye Fusheng hurriedly shouted: "My human race will come soon, you slaughter these abyss giant beasts crazily, and attract the demon king to me!"

At this time, Ye Fusheng also calmed down, he suddenly thought, Lord Hou in Bai Yi understands the power of space, probably he has already seen his current situation, and even came here.

It's just that if the emperor of the demon race doesn't arrive, he won't show up.

The more he thought about it, the more certain Ye Fusheng was of his guess.

If Lord Baiyi didn't have that kind of strength, Xingyun would rest assured that he would follow Baiyi deep into the depths of the demon clan to carry out missions?

Impossible okay!

With Xing Yun's degree of doting on her junior, she would never do that!

"Really want to kill?!"

Hearing this, the Thunder God Tiger trembled, and even his voice was full of fear.

"What are you afraid of?!"

Ye Fusheng sneered and said: "Don't forget the strength of our human emperor! Although there are many demon emperors and they look terrifying, in a real fight, can they be my human opponents?"


Hearing this, Tianlei Shenhu couldn't help but fell silent, recalling Xing Yun's previous strength, he immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, then I will continue to kill!"

After making up his mind, the Thunder God Tiger no longer pretended to be cowardly, and roared up to the sky. The next moment, dozens of thunderbolts burst out from beside him, turning into spears, and then at an extremely fast speed, like shooting stars, towards the giant beasts of the abyss fall.

The thunder turned into a sharp spear, and suddenly tore apart the bodies of those abyss giant beasts, extinguishing all the vitality in their bodies.

All of a sudden, one abyss giant beast died one after another, and the Thunder God Tiger flew out at a very high speed. Every time it passed over some abyss giant beasts, several thunderbolts burst out and sent them to the west.

Seeing his experience bar keep rising, Ye Fusheng became excited and almost laughed out loud.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading and reaching level 98!"

After a while, Ye Fusheng upgraded, and the experience bar was still beating wildly.

The Thunder God Tiger's eyes turned red, and he also accelerated his speed. Wherever he passed, thunder filled the sky, and even dispelled some of the black demonic energy.


Suddenly, a deafening roar sounded, and in an instant, an invisible coercion descended, like a thick mountain, instantly crushing Ye Fusheng and Tianleishenhu to the ground, unable to move.


"Can't even move? This emperor boss seems to be stronger than Empress Scarlet Moon!"

Before the people came, Ye Fusheng and Tianlei Shenhu were already suppressed by the terror and coercion, which made him especially surprised.

The Thunder God Tiger trembled.

Looking up, I can see that not far away, there is a figure floating slowly. The figure is not huge, but the power contained in his body is stronger than the stars and the sea, which makes people feel frightened.


"System prompt: Due to the arrival of the most powerful Demon Race—Black Dragon Demon King Enroth, the player is in a state of deterrence, unable to move, and all attributes are reduced by 99%!"


"This suppression is stronger than Empress Scarlet Moon!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng finally understood that there was a gap in strength between the emperors.

It's also a little scary, even the emperor is so awesome, if the abyss monarch comes, with his current attributes, wouldn't he be instantly killed with a look?

In fact, Ye Fusheng didn't know that Empress Feiyue was far stronger than this emperor.

It's just that the current Empress Scarlet Moon has not been in full strength when she confronted Xingyun several times. In addition, she didn't turn on the abyss mode, turning the surrounding environment into a hell-like environment, and her own strength was weakened by [-] to [-]% in the human realm. So much!

Otherwise, Empress Scarlet Moon would not be defeated so easily.

That's right, the demons also have their own home ground. Only in hell or the abyss can they exert their full strength.

This is also the reason why although there are many demon emperors, they are still unable to attack the human race.

"Who did I say, it turned out to be the king from the orc clan!"

En Luosi gradually approached Ye Fusheng and Tianlei Shenhu, his voice was like thunder, roaring endlessly, echoing in the air.

"So bold, the orcs are going to fight with the demons?!"

"Dare to hurt my demon people, in the future, I will lead an army of tens of thousands of demon gods to kill you and other orcs!"

The cold shout fell, and for a while, Tianlei Shenhu was terrified.

Ye Fusheng also wondered, Lord Hou in white hasn't appeared yet?

If he doesn't show up again, he might be killed by Enros in seconds!
"Tsk tsk tsk, if you disagree with me, you will be killed. You really deserve are the domineering emperor of the demon clan!"

Suddenly, a chuckle sounded, like a spring breeze blowing past the bodies of Ye Fusheng and Tian Lei Shen Hu.

(PS: Tomorrow the two updates will start!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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