Black lotus, she doesn't want to whitewash

Chapter 129 I Don't Want Him to Experience That Pain

Chapter 129 I Don't Want Him to Experience That Pain

Li Yue has nothing to do in Ye Meigui now, so she watched the show with Xia Jianxi all night until Xia Jianxi left.

"Liyue, I'm going back to Jinghai in three days, and I'll bring you roast duck."

When sending Xia Jianxi out, the two walked side by side.

"it is good."

"Then I'm going back."

"Be careful on the road." Li Yue sent her to the car.

"Don't worry." Xia Jianxi drove away.

Liyue returned to Ye Meigui, she had to tell Lan Xin and Ye Tianyu, whether Xia Jianyang and Lai Hai knew they were here or not, the time for the tragedy in the original book was coming, and she had to find a way to avoid them.
As soon as Xia Jianxi drove out, she saw a young man running crazily on the street, and there was an old woman chasing him behind. She looked around and felt that the man running in front was somewhat familiar.

She stopped the car and called the man, "Shanxiu? Is something wrong?"

She still liked the young man's magic tricks, so she asked his name.

Shan Xiu's eyes were scarlet, he glanced at her and continued running.

Xia Jianxi waited for the old woman behind her, "Old man, what happened to Shan Xiu?"

The old lady glanced at her, and when she heard Xiaoxiu's name, she guessed that they might know each other. She said out of breath, "His mother fell into the water tank, and she is now in the hospital for rescue."

Xia Jianxi nodded, and opened the co-pilot's door, "Get in the car, the hospital is quite far away, and there is no car in the middle of the night, I will take you there."

"Hey, thank you girl." The old lady got into the car excitedly when she heard this.

She looked at the car and felt a little nervous. This was the first time in her life that she sat in such a luxurious car.

Look at the things in this car, there are some novelties that she has never seen before.

Xiaoxiu didn't know how he met such a rich lady.

"Grandma, let him get in the car." Xia Jianxi understood the pain of losing a loved one too well, and hoped that such a talented young man would not experience the pain she had experienced.

"Good." The old lady swallowed nervously, looking out the window.

Xia Jianxi quickly caught up with Shan Xiu, she pushed down the car window, and the old lady shouted at Shan Xiu, "Xiao Xiu, get in the car quickly, this girl is a good girl, she will take us to the hospital."

When Shan Xiu heard this, he stopped in his tracks. He looked at Xia Jianxi suspiciously, did he know her?
Xia Jianxi smiled at him, "I'm a good friend of your manager Tang Liyue. I saw your performance at Ye Meigui just now. Get in the car quickly, and I'll take you to the hospital."

When Shan Xiu heard this, he thought of the deputy store manager. Looking at this beautiful girl, he hesitated for a second, opened the car door and sat in it.

Xia Jianxi drove towards the hospital. There was no one on the road in the middle of the night, so she drove very fast. Fortunately, the road was not too bumpy.
When Liyue found Su Lanxin, she was checking whether the electrical appliances in the conference room were turned off, and whether the sanitation was cleaned. It happened to be the last room.

"Manager!" Su Lanxin locked the door and walked in front of her, "Why haven't you gone back yet?"

Liyue hooked her shoulder, "Just call me Liyue."

Su Lanxin stuck out her tongue, "Isn't this still working?"

Of course she is called the manager during working hours, but she would only call her Liyue in normal times.

"It's time to get off work, Team Leader Su." Li Yue patted her forehead.

Su Lanxin smiled and rubbed her forehead.

"Go and change." Li Yue followed her through the garden and walked towards the dressing room.

(End of this chapter)

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