Black lotus, she doesn't want to whitewash

Chapter 130 They have nowhere to go

Chapter 130 They have nowhere to go

"Liyue, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask." Su Lanxin walked into the dressing room with her, and said something suddenly when she was changing.

Liyue changed into her regular clothes, put on her own shoes, and asked another question, "Will Ye Tianyu come to pick you up later?"

"Brother Tianyu comes to pick me up every day." Lan Xin nodded.

"Let's talk later."

Li Yue changed her clothes, and Su Lanxin also changed, she was a little depressed.

When the two walked out of Ye Meigui, they saw Ye Tianyu standing not far away.

"Go and ask him to come to my office, I have something to tell you."

"Liyue..." Su Lanxin didn't understand what Liyue was going to do.

If Xia Jianxi told her about him and brother Tianyu, or misunderstood them, it would not be the same attitude.

"Go ahead, don't you believe me?" Li Yue rubbed her head.

Su Lanxin was not that happy, she walked towards Ye Tianyu.

Li Yue looked at the two people over there, Ye Tianyu was going to leave after receiving her, but was held back by Su Lanxin, the two of them didn't know what to say, Ye Tianyu glanced at this side, and then walked over with her.

Liyue asked them to go back to Yeguigui, just to have a place to talk about things.

What she wants to say can't be discussed on this street. Now that many shops have closed, they can only come back to discuss.

"Liyue." Su Lanxin looked at Liyue, feeling a little apprehensive, and tightly held Ye Tianyu's hand.

"Let's go, go to my office and talk." Li Yue led the two into her office on the first floor.

Ye Tianyu and Su Lanxin looked at each other, and they followed behind her.

Liyue opened the door and poured a glass of water for the two of them first, "Sit down."

Her office happens to have a desk and a stool.

Su Lanxin and Ye Tianyu sat opposite her, Liyue glanced at Ye Tianyu, he was sullen and silent.

"I met Xia Jianxi today, and you should know her too." Liyue looked at the dignified expressions of the two of them, a little amused, "You don't have to be so nervous, I'm not going to fire Lanxin or report you, I just want to Tell you something."

Lan Xin raised her head, her eyes were moist, "Liyue, did Xia Jianxi say something?"

Ye Tianyu held her hand, "It's okay, I'm here."

Liyue nodded, "That Lai Hai..."

Liyue recounted what Lai Hai had done recently, and Ye Tianyu clenched her fists after hearing these things, with suppressed anger on her face.

Su Lanxin was also trembling, she remembered the secret she had never told anyone.

Ye Tianyu hugged her, he knew what she was afraid of, if he hadn't arrived in time that time, Lan Xin would have jumped off the building like those two girls.

It was also that matter, he decided to give up everything and take her away.

It doesn't matter if there is no glory and wealth, and it doesn't matter if she is abused by others, as long as she lives well.

The Su family forced her to be with Lai Hai, and the Lai family did not let her go at all. The Ye family chased them all over the city, even if those family members didn't recognize her.

"I'm worried that Xia Jianyang knows about your existence. He came to Ye Meigui today, and Lai Hai has a very good relationship with him. If he knows, it means that Lai Hai also knows."

Li Yue looked at Lan Xin and Ye Tianyu, "I have an idea."

She thought about it for a day today. At present, this is the only way to avoid the tragedy.

"Liyue, I'll listen to everything you say." Lan Xin looked up at her, she and Brother Tianyu had no other choice.

When they came to this small city in the south, they were also found, and they had nowhere to go.

(End of this chapter)

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