Black lotus, she doesn't want to whitewash

Chapter 143 She Is Huo Beiqing's Woman

Chapter 143 She Is Huo Beiqing's Woman
Lai Hai originally planned to come over to flirt with this woman and give her some money to spend the night with him, but now hearing this, he suddenly lost interest.

If she was really Huo Beiqing's woman, he couldn't move.

Even Su Lanxin couldn't move him now, so Huo Beiqing asked Su Lanxin to be Ye Meigui's manager?

Su Lanxin went to college, and there are very few talents in this place, so she is seen as normal.

Moreover, big families like the Huo family don't know what happened to the Lai family, the Ye family, and the Su family, so they don't know Su Lanxin either.

What if he touched Ye Meigui's people and angered Huo Beiqing?

"How is it?" He came back and sat down, Xia Jianyang came to his side, "How much does that woman charge for a night?"

I heard from Nuannuan that Tang Liyue loves money very much, and her parents don't want to support her. This kind of woman should be easy to coax.

Lai Hai shook his head, he glanced at the woman at the bar, she was still smiling, like a sweet smile in love.

"Why? How much does she want?" Xia Jianyang hooked Lai Hai's shoulder, "You can't be sincere to this kind of woman. She has vicious thoughts. My girlfriend said that she liked to seduce men since she was a child. I don't know How many boyfriends, is a social butterfly, with clever means."

Nuan Nuan grew up with her, it's not easy to be so kind.

The child of a female compatriot, why is Tang Liyue so disgusting.

Lai Hai glanced at Xia Jianyang, "Tang Liyue is Huo Beiqing's woman, and they are already living together."

"What?!" Xia Jianyang sat up in surprise, "Tang Liyue is Huo Beiqing's woman? How is that possible!"

When the other young masters heard this, they all looked at Xia Jianyang with surprise in their eyes.

Huo Beiqing gave their Liyue a place close to the water? !
"There's nothing to be surprised about." Lai Hai crossed his legs and drank the wine in his glass, "Tang Liyue is very beautiful, and this beauty is rare in Jinghai, and Huo Beiqing and Master Huo are the owner of this night rose. It’s normal for people to sleep together.”

The other young masters all bowed their heads, if they could fight for someone else, Huo Beiqing's words - it's useless.

Xia Jianyang sat on the sofa, swallowed his saliva, took a sip of red wine from his glass, and suddenly re-examined this question.

If Tang Liyue married Huo Beiqing, then she married Tang Nuannuan, wouldn't he and Huo Beiqing be brother-in-law?
no no no-

Tang Liyue is not worthy of marrying into the Huo family. How could a big family like the Huo family recognize a daughter-in-law from a small mountain village.

But if she really got Huo Beiqing's liking, that's not necessarily the case.

After all, no one can control Huo Beiqing's status in the Huo family.

Lai Hai squeezed the cup tightly, "Let's put Su Lanxin's in advance, she has become Ye Meigui's manager, I don't want to touch her. My people will look for Ye Tianyu first, as long as Ye Tianyu is dead, all problems will be solved." Also solved."

"Okay." Xia Jianyang responded in a low voice.

Lai Hai's eyes were a little scarlet, and he couldn't move the two women he wanted to move.

According to what Tang Liyue said just now, Huo Beiqing will come to Yunhai City in the next two days, and if possible, he would like to talk to Huo Beiqing.

He will take Su Lanxin back. Even if it's a woman he doesn't want, he won't allow her to be with other men. This is just slapping him in the face of Lai Hai. How can he gain a foothold in Jinghai.

But Xia Jianyang was thinking that he wanted to tell Nuan Nuan about Tang Liyue being with Huo Beiqing.

If he can really become a brother-in-law, Xia Jianyang has calculations in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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