Chapter 144 Show him cute

After Liyue hung up the phone, the show on the stage also started, and the group of young masters also quieted down, and everything seemed to have returned to calm.

She returned to the office with two clean apples at the bar.

Lan Xin was walking back and forth anxiously in the office, she was a little panicked when she heard the door opening, and when she saw that it was Li Yue who came in, she immediately greeted her.

"Liyue! How is it? Did Lai Hai make things difficult for you?" Hearing Lai Hai's arrival, her whole body trembled. The hatred and fear were born in her heart, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

"Eat an apple to calm the shock." Liyue stuffed the apple into her hand. Apples are a rare commodity at this time, and they can only be eaten in Yeguigui.

I have to say that the Huo family is really kind to the employees. The planning department drinks milk and eats fruits every day, and they get Ye Meigui for the endless pear moon, which makes everyone feel good.

"I'm not in the mood to eat apples now." Su Lanxin held her hand, "Liyue, tell me quickly? Is he still outside?"

"It's okay, I'll solve it for you." Liyue took a bite of the apple, "I think his sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks are like a mouse, and his brain is also as big as a mouse. He can solve it in a few words."

"How is it possible!" Lan Xin was very worried, "That guy Lai Hai is too extreme, he won't let me go until Brother Tianyu and I are caught."

If it was so easy to solve, she wouldn't run away from marriage.

Liyue patted her on the shoulder, took her hand and sat on the stool, and then said: "I just played a scene with Jianxi, saying that Master Huo promoted you to the manager of Ye Meigui, after all, Lai's family is in Beijing Hai is just a sesame mung bean, he dare not touch Huo Beiqing's people at all, you are safe for the time being. If he harass you in the future, you will move out that you are Ye Meigui's manager and have signed a life safety agreement. If something happens, the Huo family will I won't let him go. Then say that I am a good friend, if you go out, say that you have an appointment with me, if I don't see you, you will be anxious, you must protect yourself."

This is the only plan for the present. If she had a family background like a big brother, she would not be so passive.

"Liyue..." Lan Xin held one of her hands, her eyes were moist, "Thank you, Liyue, thank you so much."

She really didn't know what to do, she was afraid to think of Lai Hai, let alone see him.

She can only work hard to overcome that fear, and she must deal with it calmly like Liyue——

"Go and tell Ye Tianyu to be careful, Lai Hai won't be able to touch you, and might deal with him."

"Don't worry about Brother Tianyu, he's very smart, and he's practiced before, so it's possible to escape if he can't beat him."

Liyue is already very worried about her own affairs, and they should solve Brother Tianyu's affairs by themselves.

"But don't worry, Ye Tianyu has also signed a labor contract. Now he is also one of the designers of the Huo family. If Lai Hai wants to move you, he can only start with Master Huo. When Master Huo comes back, I will Tell Master Huo about it."

She must be devout, cook something delicious for the boss, or give some gifts, hoping he will not be angry.

If he gets angry, I will... draw him some cute comics?

Last time, the villain she drew was cute, and the boss helped me too.

With just three swishes, the three big men fell down——

"Liyue, I don't know how to repay you for helping me so much." Su Lanxin lowered her head, if she had met Liyue at Su's house before, she could give her a lot of money to make her life better.

(End of this chapter)

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