goblin summer

Chapter 2 Winter on the West Coast

Chapter 2 Winter on the West Coast


"Is being beautiful a sin?"

The beautiful girl who speaks in such a narcissistic tone to the mirror is named Luo Lian. According to my observations these days, even if she just goes out to buy a bottle of soy sauce, she still spends at least an hour doing hair and two hours doing makeup and trying on clothes.

According to our goblins, this kind of woman is commonly known as a "black tea whore", or the kind of high-end Dahongpao.

Thanks to her, her golden and jade-like appearance attracted a lot of men with different styles to stop at the door of her jewelry store every day, and then bought a necklace as thick as a hair at an exaggerated price to win The beauty smiled.Look at her neighbor, Ka Kun, who is 1 meters tall and lives in 8 square meters. Maybe he is 180 centimeters below him.

I really laughed, just relying on those two love letters to get this kind of woman, it's more realistic to dream!

Cough cough, as for why you said that I spend time at Lori Ann's house every day, it has to start with our Goblin Village year-end tourism conference last week.


"GBL is not just a simple religious organization, GBL is the abbreviation of Grand Blue Lore", which is the 'blue sea of ​​truth', it tells us that through the accumulation of knowledge, people are closer to perfection!Don't you think so? "

The little sister named Ophelia stood on her toes and waved her powder fist, making a speech to a large group of congregants wearing strange coats.

"It turns out that GBL is not the abbreviation of our goblin's name." A white-skinned goblin complained to me. His name is Kai Nuo, and he is a rare white-skinned goblin that can only be born among thousands of goblins. He is also a popular candidate for our next patriarch.

But judging from the fact that he only understood this after listening to the lecture for half an hour, the future of our village is worrying...

"I said Keno, how boring it is to just listen to lectures here, why don't we go to the West Coast to see girls in swimsuits?" In order to build a good relationship with the future leader, I suggested.

"What's so good about a girl in a swimsuit?" Kai Nuo's expression was a bit strange: "As for the goblins in our clan, you have the strangest personality. Everyone likes Xiaofeng in the village, but you just like humans, right? Don't you still miss that woman named 'Seria'?"

"You don't understand, Celia is not an ordinary person." Hearing this name, I giggled twice: "Quickly tell me, do you want to go to see the swimsuit girl?"

Kai Nuo hesitated for a long time, and then said solemnly: "We are all grown up, so don't think about playing every day."

Hearing what he said, I couldn't help admiring in my heart. As expected of the future village chief, I'm still at the stage of looking at women, and Kai Nuo already wants to play with women.

"Since you're going, you can't do without money." Said, Keno threw me three gold coins. "Remember to bring some souvenirs back."

I patted Kai Nuo on the shoulder and praised it for its loyalty. What are three gold coins enough for?Then... for souvenirs, bring him a shell from the beach on the west coast!
With such thoughts in my heart, I embarked on the road of hunting beauty to the west coast.

As expected, it is the largest port in the Principality of Belma, on the west coast.There is a lot of traffic, people coming and going, hawkers yelling and girls everywhere on the street, showing the unique vitality of this place.I squatted all day on the west coast and didn't see a single babe in a swimsuit.Disappointed, I decided to find a place to stay overnight.

I have to say that people in this kind of port city are open. When I was thinking about finding a secluded place to sleep on the street, a woman with heavy makeup stopped me.

"Hiccup, night monk fire?"

"What nightlife?" Is this a game only played by people in the city?I thought so.


I can understand every word she said, but I can't connect it together.But I claim to be quite familiar with the way of life of human beings. A woman with heavy makeup pulls a passing goblin into the alley... There is only one purpose!

She's selling me!As for what to sell...it's nothing more than small pills...

Hmph, my aftertaste is showing at this time, I don't want to embarrass my clansmen here.So I shouted loudly
"How much!"

"It's not expensive. The unified price for you Goblins is only 50 gold coins."

"It's too expensive, I only have 3 of them."

The woman with heavy makeup immediately became unhappy: "Oh my god, three? Are you a pig?"

The first nightlife on the west coast ended without a problem.

So I decided that besides Celia, I would not have anything to do with other women.After all, no other woman is as empathetic as she is.

So I'm targeting places where men gather.

Well, I think someone has already guessed.

At that time, I didn't know that it was Luo Lian's jewelry store. I only knew that there were a lot of men blocking the door every day.Wait for Lori Ann to get up and open the shop.

To be honest, I still feel a little panic about this kind of scene with many people. I am relatively strong in our village, but I am still weaker than humans.And our green skin is easily recognizable.The fangs on the mouth also make us look a little hideous.

Goblins are a different race to humans, and they will inevitably be discriminated against on the street.

In terms of discrimination and exclusion, human beings can be said to be the best in the world.

It is obviously a natural defect, an injustice brought by God, but it will always be laughed at by others.Even if you are perfect and good, other people's jealousy can embarrass you.Some people seem to be right only by discriminating and excluding those who are different.

Therefore, in the eyes of goblins like us who are born different, the eyes of humans are indifference and contempt.

However, what happened next took me by surprise.

This group of men who fell in love completely ignored the existence of me as a different species. Their fiery eyes just stared at the store door.

The door opened.

The graceful and luxurious golden long hair seems like an exaggerated red dress to show off herself.However, such a gorgeous dress could not conceal her outstanding face at all, and her amber-like brown pupils revealed a color of confidence.

Such a beautiful face was carefully decorated by her, and her carefully carved eyelashes trembled slightly.

Ah, her eyes are talking.

"Bewitched by my beauty?"


She was Lori Ann, the most beautiful woman on the West Coast.

But I'm already immune to it.

Because I have seen Celia's natural beauty, this kind of carved beauty naturally cannot attract me...

But I still took a sneak peek.

The gorgeous long skirt and luxurious fox fur wrapped her body, revealing only a little brilliance on her chest.Her skin was very fair, and her collarbones were very deep.

I found my face was burning a bit.

The store door opened, and the group of men naturally ran into the store, flattering and buying all kinds of jewelry in her store to win her favor.I only have three gold coins in my pocket, and I can't even afford a jewelry box.So I can only watch it in the store.

"Hey, why is there a Mr. Goblin here?" She walked over, and the sound of her high heels slapping was very pleasant: "I'm Lori Ann, welcome to my jewelry store, what do you want to buy? Let's talk first , except for things that don’t exist here, there are others!”

In fact, I just took the village chief's ride to travel.

"Get out!" A well-dressed noble youth pointed at me and said, "This is not the place for lowly creatures like you to come!"

Oops, bro, let me tell you something, it is a very stupid behavior to increase your own worth by belittling others in front of women.

Women's hearts are kind, and they will sympathize with the weak, even if they have no good feelings for the object they protect.

Lori Ann looked at him, her voice was sharp: "Racism is not a good thing on the West Coast."

Perhaps it was Luo Lian's words that had an effect, and other people in the store began to criticize the noble young man.Come to show off your fraternity and generosity in front of Lori by reprimanding this racially discriminatory nobleman.

Ah... By the same token, you are all out.

"Miss Lorian, why didn't I see your pet Dinkas?"

The topic of racial discrimination is finally over, and the courting men are carefully looking for topics again.

"It got lost near the Dragon Man Tower in the Sky City." Luo Lian said with some concern, looking at her expression, it was obvious that she wanted to ask these men who were pursuing her for help.

But almost everyone looked embarrassed.

"That's such a pity, my Miss Lorian, those dragon people are fierce and ruthless, and Dinkas may never return..." someone persuaded.

"Dinkas is a poodle, I will find a way to get you another one to keep the bloodline pure." Another suggestion was made.

"How about I take you to Hutton Mar to relax? Maybe one day Dinkas will come back when he's hungry!"



Almost everyone was trying to persuade Luo Lian to give up, saying how powerful the Dragon Man was and how difficult it was to find it.But I knew in my heart that these were not the answers Lori Ann wanted to hear.

The west coast is a port city, and people's life is very fast.And these suitors are not idle guys. Seeing that Luo Lian was obviously not happy, they left the shop reluctantly with regrets on their faces.

In the jewelry store, only me and the owner Lori Ann, who are jobless, are left.

"I said...do you want me to get it back for you?" I said to the somewhat disappointed Lori Ann.

"You? Can Mr. Goblin do it?" Lori Ann's tone was a little unbelievable, but I saw the joy in her eyes.

"It's not that you asked me to kill the Dragonman, but just looking for a dog, so what are you afraid of?" I said to Luo Lian, "What kind of dog is Dinkas?"

Lori Ann frowned, and then she spoke softly to me.

"Come with me, we'll talk inside."

(End of this chapter)

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