communication psychology

Chapter 1 Prologue

Chapter 1 Prologue

There are no two identical leaves in the world, and no two identical people.Even identical twins, who look exactly the same, often have different personalities and interests, let alone strangers.However, humans are social animals, and the survival and development of each individual cannot be separated from the existence of groups.In addition to the individual nature, everyone has sociality without exception, because everyone is a member of society.This is doomed that interpersonal relationship is the top priority of social life.The rapid development of modern society requires people to cooperate with each other in the workplace and help each other in life.

According to statistics, most of the people who resign frequently in the workplace are due to improper handling of interpersonal relationships.This result is obviously surprising.Aren't work ability and professionalism the most important capital in the workplace?I regret to tell you that the answer is no.Among IQ and EQ, EQ obviously affects people's life to a greater extent, affects people's work, and even determines people's destiny.It can be seen that appearing in front of everyone with a high EQ attitude and establishing a good interpersonal relationship for yourself is the magic weapon for walking in the workplace and living a smooth life.

Of course, communicating with people is more than simply talking.The so-called communication is not only to speak, but also to achieve the purpose of speaking.Many people think that in order to handle interpersonal relationships well and be popular, they must be flattering and master many skills in interpersonal communication.Undoubtedly, these are indispensable.But the more important point is that if we want to get our words into the hearts of others and make our own words hit the nail on the head, we should first understand people's psychology, and further master communication skills based on common sense of psychology.

The development of modern society is getting faster and faster, and people's hearts are becoming more impetuous and complicated.Walking in society, we cannot guarantee that everyone we meet is what we like and appreciate.So, when we meet someone we hate, should we take a detour?Obviously it won't work.But if we understand psychology, the result will be different, because we can understand the other party faster by observing the other party's speech and behavior, and then gain insight into the other party's psychology, so that we can take the initiative in interpersonal communication, successfully conquer the other party, or at least Make your communication with each other more harmonious.It can be seen that effective communication must be based on understanding and respect for others.

Regarding psychology, many people imagine it to be mysterious and mysterious, and even think that as long as they learn psychology, they can see through the minds of others.In fact, psychology does not work so magically.However, psychology can indeed help us better understand the psychology of others, thus laying the foundation for better communication with others.For such a subject that is not esoteric enough, smart people can still realize its important role.Of course, it is impossible for any discipline to be divorced from reality, and the same is true for psychology.A lot of theoretical knowledge in psychology can only be carried forward if you apply what you have learned.All of this requires us to be flexible and adaptable.

In order to be able to do well in social situations, and to become a popular social star, from now on, let's learn more about psychology!When you have a self-contained system of communication psychology, you will find that you have benefited a lot, and you will trust and value this new discipline in the social field more!
(End of this chapter)

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