communication psychology

Chapter 4 Understand body language and let the signals sent by the other party be used by yourself

Chapter 4 Understand body language and let the signals sent by the other party be used by yourself

In daily life, in addition to using language to communicate, people also have many other auxiliary languages, such as facial expressions and body movements.Body movements seem to be careless, but they are the true reflection of people's inner activities.Therefore, if we can accurately identify other people's body language, we can read other people's hearts more deeply, so as to promote mutual communication and communication, and make mutual understanding and understanding, which has a great impact on the development of interpersonal relationships. benefit.

Only by understanding the eyes can one detect the heart

As an ordinary teacher, Jiajia always does her best in her work and never cheats.She often said that a teacher is a job of conscience, and must be worthy of one's own conscience, the parents who are eager to expect, and the children who are thirsty for knowledge.For this reason, when the new semester comes, many teachers are copying lesson plans, but Jiajia insists on preparing lessons and never slackens.Perhaps because of her hard work and sincerity, the children also gave her satisfactory answers.In this senior high school entrance examination, 20 children in Jiajia's class were admitted to key high schools, while other classes had only a dozen or so, and some classes had only seven or eight children.For this reason, the principal looked at Jiajia with admiration, often praised Jiajia in front of other teachers, and called on everyone to learn from Jiajia.

After the new semester starts, the school has an opportunity to study abroad.Originally, there were two places in the school, but the principal specially approved one place for Jiajia, so teachers with similar conditions began to compete for the other place.In the end, Teacher Sun, who has a good relationship with Jiajia on weekdays, got the spot.Jiajia was quite happy when she thought of going to study with Teacher Sun.After all, the study lasts for more than a month. If you go with a teacher who can't get along, it will undoubtedly be very painful.However, what Jiajia never expected was that the day before she was about to leave for study, the principal suddenly asked Jiajia to stay and take on the teaching task, and gave the place to Qianqian.Seeing Qianqian's complacent look, Jiajia questioned: "Qianqian, you must know what's going on!" Qianqian looked at Jiajia with firm eyes, shook her head one after another, and said, "I really don't know what's going on!" I know, you can only ask the principal. I am also puzzled, it is like a 'pie in the sky'! How did such a good opportunity fall on my head!" Jia Jia was puzzled and asked directly The principal, the principal only said that the teaching task is arduous and must be undertaken by Jiajia.It was not until a long time later that Jiajia learned the truth from other teachers: it turned out that someone went to the principal and said that Jiajia and Teacher Sun had an improper relationship, so they could not be sent to study at the same time.As for who said this sentence, Jiajia knew it without asking.Qianqian has always been dissatisfied with Jiajia in every possible way, and she has no principles and no bottom line in her actions. Looking back at the way she said she didn't know at the time, Jiajia felt disgusted.Since then, she has been careful and guarded against Qianqian in every possible way, for fear that she will play tricks on herself again.

When a person looks at you firmly, does it necessarily prove that there is no ghost in his heart?Many times, people deliberately make their eyes firm just to cover up their weak hearts.Qianqian in the case is such a person, and because she has no principles and bottom lines in her actions, she can cover up herself without shame.Normally, we make eye contact when interacting with other people, but now be careful, because a person who stares at you intently to prove their innocence may just be lying.In this regard, a psychologist conducted a special experiment, and the results proved that more than [-]% of liars will stare at each other intently.It can be seen that we can no longer use those outdated experiences to judge whether a person is lying by looking at them, especially for those who are prone to lying.

Generally speaking, people who lie often have wandering eyes because of guilty conscience, and dare not look directly at or make eye contact with the person they are talking to.But there are also some cunning and sophisticated people who will deliberately avoid the information that these body language may reveal. This requires us to have a discerning eye, and combine his usual behavior in a more nuanced way to figure out his heart.

Many master liars intentionally make their gaze firmer precisely because they know that their wandering gaze will betray them.But no matter how hard they try to hide it, their pupils will give them away.Therefore, in the process of interpersonal communication, if we want to understand other people's hearts by observing their eyes, we should be more serious and meticulous, and not let go of any subtle changes in the other person's eyes, so as to discover the other person's true face.

In many cases, we can still infer the psychology of others through the movement of the eyes.In the process of interpersonal communication, the position of the eyes is different, and the mentality is also different.For example, when superiors and subordinates discuss work, the superior's line of sight is usually emitted from a high place and then projected down naturally.This is due to the normal psychology of those with high positions always wanting to maintain majesty and scrutiny towards their subordinates.This kind of look reminds us to maintain a humble and low profile in front of our superiors, because this is the employee that the boss wants or admires.

Nod at the right time to express concern and appreciation
In an advertising company, the division of various departments is often not so clear.For example, sometimes when receiving a difficult planning case, professional planners will be limited by their thinking and unable to break through the routine, so the boss sometimes issues a company-wide solicitation order to solicit advertising proposals.Just like this advertising planning case, all members of the planning department worked overtime for several days, but the plan still did not satisfy the customer.In desperation, the boss had to brainstorm ideas and get employees from other departments involved.Of course, the boss also promises to provide high bonuses to non-planning employees who provide proposals and are selected.As a result, everyone seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and their whimsical ideas continued one after another.In the end, the boss selected three proposals from the feedback, one of which was made by Lina from the finance department.In order to maximize customer satisfaction, the boss decided to let the planners of these three plans explain in front of the customer, and let the customer make the final decision.Seeing that the day to see the client is coming, Lina is obviously a little nervous. She is not a professional advertising planner, and she is very worried that her plan will pale in comparison.Plus, she's never had experience explaining a presentation in front of a client, and she's even more nervous.

On the same day, Lina and two other colleagues from the planning department came to the meeting room of the client company.First, the two colleagues from the planning department talked about the presentation document, and Lina studied silently while listening.In the end, she decided to just tell the story on her own terms.After she finished talking about her original design intention with a nervous mood, she saw the client nodding slowly.She couldn't help secretly delighting: Has my plan been approved?This made her feel extremely excited and more relaxed.She talked eloquently. Although she was not professional enough, the client nodded several times.Sure enough, Lina's creativity was recognized by the client, and all she has to do next is to perfect the details with the cooperation of professional advertising planning.Now, Lina is famous.She knew in her heart that it was the nods of the clients that motivated and encouraged her.

Without a well-timed nod from the client, Lina might have given up midway through her presentation, lacking confidence and feeling depressed.After all, compared with professional advertising planning, although her creativity is very good, it still lacks a lot of details.Fortunately, the timely nod from the client made Lina realize her own value, and she was full of confidence again.

Human language and body language are controlled and directed by the brain.All human expressions are concentrated on the head, so the head is often the focus of people's attention and observation of body language.It can be said that when observing a person, the information obtained from the head is the most accurate.Nodding, referring to bowing one's head forward quickly, is an expression of agreement, salutation, or order; the words come from the poem "Send Songjiang Lu Guimeng Chushi" by Qi Ji of the Five Dynasties: "Whoever opens the mouth for the Tao, nods when the poem is completed."

Nodding on general occasions expresses affirmation and appreciation.The most common way for Chinese people to say hello is to smile or nod, and at the same time raise their hands.Nodding can also express affirmation, agreement, encouragement, etc.It can be seen that nodding is an indispensable language symbol in social interaction. We can always get support from other people's nodding actions and increase the motivation to continue communicating.Nodding is a response, a response of attention, from which we can often find affirmative value, thus making communication more smooth, natural, relaxed and happy.

Of course, we should not only recognize our own value from the nodding of others, but also nod appropriately when communicating with others.In this way, even if we don't say a word, others will see our intention and approval from our nodding movements, so we can talk more confidently.Otherwise, if there is no strong support to make it full of follow-up motivation, how can we continue to persevere?At any time, you should not hesitate to express your opinion, especially your affirmative opinion.Even if the situation doesn't allow you to make a sound or interrupt someone's conversation, you can express your approval and approval with the simplest gesture - nodding slowly.

Nodding frequently, may mean boredom and urging

As a newcomer in the workplace, Yu Nan insists on reporting work every day, thus urging himself to make faster progress.At the beginning, Yunan's reporting work was very popular with the manager, and the manager often called on other colleagues to learn from Yunan and complete the work seriously and rigorously.However, after a period of time, Yunan felt the change in the manager, that is, when he was reporting work, the manager no longer patiently guided him, but nodded frequently.Because of lack of experience, although Yunan felt that the manager was different from before, he didn't clearly realize the change in the manager's attitude.Therefore, he still reports to work as always.

On a Friday afternoon, my colleagues finished their work early and were ready to go home for the weekend.Ten minutes before leaving get off work, Yu Nan reported to the manager with the results of the day's work.Just as Yu Nan said a few words, the manager began to nod one after another. Yu Nan couldn't help asking: "Manager, I think my job is very ordinary, and I don't have any special achievements. Why did you just say a few words, and you Nodding one after another?" Hearing Yunan's question, the manager smiled helplessly, and said, "Yu Nan, you are really a college graduate! You have no work experience at all. In fact, people nod to express affirmation, but if Frequent nodding means negative. I think you have been in the company for a while now and have accumulated some work experience, so you don’t have to report to work every day in the future. Look, I am also very busy at work every day. For you, just to lighten my burden. If everyone came to me to report to work, wouldn’t I be too busy! Besides, I also have a family to take care of after get off work, so I, like every one of you, look forward to It's time to get off work on Friday!" After hearing the manager's words, Yunan suddenly realized, and he hurriedly left to avoid delaying the manager's time to get off work on time.

As a college student who just graduated, Yunan not only lacks work experience, but also has no understanding of many hidden rules in the workplace.Therefore, he always reported to the manager before leaving get off work as always, which caused the manager to be dumbfounded.Therefore, the manager had no choice but to hint at Yunan by nodding frequently, but Yunan didn't pay attention at all.In desperation, the manager had no choice but to popularize the common sense of body language to Yunan, making him realize that excessive work enthusiasm can be very embarrassing if used in the wrong place.In addition to expressing boredom, many people will nod frequently in order to express urging when they are in a hurry.

Nodding to express agreement, agreement, understanding, affirmation or approval mostly means agreement of intention.But if the other party does this action too frequently, you will sound an alarm in your heart, which may be a signal of impatience and perfunctory.Frequent nodding does not necessarily mean affirmation, especially when you are talking, the other party does not make eye contact with you, and nodding is not blindly shaking at the end of the sentence, it is to remind you that the other party is no longer interested in listening to you Talked, you should end the conversation.

All in all, there are no fixed rules for both verbal communication and the auxiliary role of body language.Therefore, we must be witty and flexible, and understand and comprehend the meaning of others according to the actual situation on the spot.Otherwise, because of misunderstanding or being indifferent to other people's gestures, we will eventually lead to embarrassment and even tension in our relationship with others.

There is another situation, that is, when you are talking to others, the other person is absent-minded and has no idea what you are talking about, and when you ask, he nods hastily and continuously, which is also a sign of boredom.Just as a sentence used in different situations or spoken by different people often has different meanings, the same body language often has its own unique meaning when used in different situations.We must be very careful to distinguish the subtle differences in these body language, in order to truly understand the meaning of others, so that we can communicate more friendly with others.

Water cups are placed, and the position measures the psychological distance

As an older young woman, her figure is not good enough, her appearance is not beautiful enough, Xiao Yin almost has her brain troubled by personal problems.No, seeing that the weekend is coming, she has no choice but to participate in the blind date again, otherwise, her parents will chatter non-stop, and even punish her not to eat.Seeing that she is almost 30 years old, and Xiao Yin's attitude is not as careless as in previous years, she gradually feels that her parents' urgency and nervousness are justified.Therefore, although she still seems to be at odds with her parents on the surface, she cooperates a lot with blind dates.Early on Saturday morning, she got up and began to clean herself.Since there is no natural beauty and graceful figure, at least it should be slightly modified by clothing and makeup.

Xiao Yin heard from the introducer about this man's situation. He is 38 years old, divorced, but has no children, works in a foreign company, and has a postgraduate degree, which can be regarded as a good condition.For such a condition, if the other party is not divorced, Xiao Yin may feel that there is no need to see her at all; but since the other party also has a so-called shortcoming, she has also developed some confidence.Walking into the coffee shop agreed in advance, Xiao Yin saw a burly figure with his back facing him from a distance.She couldn't help but get excited, her heart was pounding.At the moment when he saw the handsome face of the other party, Xiao Yin was really moved.However, the man seems not so satisfied, but Xiao Yin still wants to show his own advantages and fight for himself.They chatted one after another like this, the man's behavior can be regarded as a gentleman, neither particularly enthusiastic nor cold towards Xiao Yin.After the man took a sip from his coffee cup, Xiao Yin discovered a detail: Originally, the man's coffee cup was near the middle of the table, very close to Xiao Yin's coffee cup.However, when the man put down the cup again after drinking the coffee, he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and actually put the coffee cup on the right side away from Xiao Yin.Although the man did not show any intention of rejecting Xiao Yin from the beginning to the end, but Xiao Yin understood that the man's heart was like his coffee cup, and he wished to hide away.That being the case, Xiao Yin consciously ended the conversation.After returning home, her parents asked her how the blind date turned out. Xiao Yin smiled bitterly and said, "There is no hope. I think I must lose weight first, so that I can find the other half of my life."

Xiao Yin is undoubtedly very careful. Although the man is polite to her, she can feel the rejection implied in the man's gentlemanly demeanor.Especially when he saw the man put the coffee cup away from her, Xiao Yin further confirmed his guess, so he wisely ended the conversation.Although Xiao Yin really wants to find a boyfriend and start a relationship, she also knows that emotional matters cannot be forced, so she can only live with the situation.

After the man took a sip from the coffee cup, Xiao Yin discovered a detail: Originally, the man's coffee cup was near the middle of the table, very close to Xiao Yin's coffee cup.However, when the man put down the cup again after drinking the coffee, he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and actually put the coffee cup on the right side away from Xiao Yin.This detail made Xiao Yin see the other party's intentions. Although the man had always been a gentleman out of etiquette, his body language unintentionally revealed his inner thoughts.When a person is not very satisfied with the person he is talking to, he will deliberately keep a safe distance, but men can’t do behaviors that hurt women’s self-esteem out of upbringing. show no interest.

Everyone lives in relationships, and no one can live alone without being connected to others.Therefore, whether the communication with others is smooth or not is often related to whether we can live happily.In this case, we must carefully observe the body movements of others, so as to speculate on the psychology of others and get along better with them.Not only water glasses can show the psychological distance between others and you, but in many cases, the placement of other items will also show certain psychological trends.Therefore, we should pay attention everywhere, try to communicate with others, and manage interpersonal relationships.

Seat changes help you put pressure on others quietly

In this negotiation, Lin Yun, as the representative of the company, managed to be neither humble nor overbearing, and had a certain amount of advance and retreat.This project is huge and involves many interests of the company, so Lin Yun is very cautious.Up to now, the negotiations have been carried out for two and a half days, and the negotiations in the afternoon will play a crucial role and even determine the overall situation.For this reason, although Lin Yun was very tired, he did not dare to slack off at all.

As in the morning, neither negotiating party wanted to make concessions on the distribution of profits.Seeing that more than an hour passed, Lin Yun decided to put pressure on the opponent.He first made an excuse to go out to answer the phone and left the meeting room. However, when he came back a few minutes later, Lin Yun did not return to the seat opposite the main negotiation party.Instead, he sat casually in a seat near the door, and his attitude seemed a little casual.This seemingly random move really put a lot of pressure on the opponent.Lin Yun saw that the other party's main negotiation was obviously tense, and seemed to be afraid that Lin Yun would terminate the negotiation at any time.Afterwards, the other party said in a friendly negotiation tone: "Mr. Lin, you see, our negotiations have been going on for nearly three days, which fully demonstrates the sincerity of both of us. If we finally break up because of the profit distribution issue , that would be a pity. I think so, as the guests, we will take the initiative to give in. As the host, you have also shown a high profile. As long as we both make a concession, the efforts of these three days will not be in vain. " Lin Yun was secretly happy when he heard the other party's statement, but he didn't show it. Instead, he said in embarrassment: "Mr. Zhang, I have indeed compromised to the maximum extent. But since you said so, I can't If you don't give you face, don't make it too difficult for me, okay?" In this way, the two hit it off, Mr. Zhang did make a big concession, and Lin Yun also gave up part of the profit symbolically. In the end, They all happily signed a letter of intent for cooperation.

The reason why Lin Yun was able to put pressure on the other party when the negotiation entered a heated stage was because he changed seats quietly.Of course, Lin Yun does not hope that there will be no result in the end, given that great efforts have been made in the negotiation.Therefore, he did not directly put pressure on the other party, but through seemingly inadvertent body language, conveyed an accurate message to the other party, that is, he was tired of negotiating and wanted to end it as soon as possible, and did not want to continue the endless tug-of-war down.As a guest, the representative of the other company immediately became anxious when he saw the message sent by Lin Yun.Therefore, he immediately expressed his position and showed a moderate attitude, and finally took the initiative to promote the final result of the negotiation.This result was exactly what Lin Yun wanted.

China is a country of etiquette, and there is a lot of emphasis on seating.The basic requirements for taking a seat are as follows: take a seat after others; out of courtesy, when sitting with a guest or at the same time, you must distinguish between superiority and inferiority, invite the other party to take a seat first, and do not take the seat first; when taking a seat, if there are acquaintances sitting nearby , you should take the initiative to say hello to each other.Lin Yun changed his seat and did not return to the seat opposite to the other side's main negotiation table; instead, he sat casually in a seat near the door, which increased a safe distance to a certain extent. They give hints to the other party, express a kind of perfunctory and resistance, and increase the psychological pressure of the other party, so as to achieve their own negotiation goals.

Why can a seat change put pressure on others?This is because it is often believed that people's preference will be expressed in the choice of seats.To give the simplest example: if you want to get close to someone, then you can't help but get close to him; on the contrary, if you want to alienate someone from the bottom of your heart, you will keep physically close to him. distance.Therefore, we can not only express our inner feelings through seat changes, but also accurately understand other people's mentality by observing other people's seat changes.In this way, you will naturally gain insight into people's hearts, and you will be able to communicate with others more targetedly.

Tiptoe pointing, spying on other people's psychological secrets

Rose didn't like to go to her father's house to collect living expenses the most. Every time she went to her father's house, especially when her stepmother was present, she felt like she was sitting on pins and needles and wished she could run away after taking the living expenses.However, in order to meet her, her father always asked her to collect living expenses in person.Seeing that it was time to get living expenses again, Rose began to worry early on.Sure enough, it was the stepmother who opened the door for her.After entering the door, Rose sat on the dining chair facing the door, anxiously waiting for her stepmother to speak.Although the stepmother would not ridicule or ridicule her in front of her father every time, she could always feel the coldness in the stepmother's heart, and Rose knew that the coldness was aimed at her.For this reason, Rose kept looking forward to the day when she would be able to live independently and have financial ability, and would no longer have to rely on the charity of her stepmother to study and go to school.

Dad asked Rose a lot of questions, all about Rose, and the stepmother sat next to her with a fake smile on her face.Rose managed to talk to Papa for a while, then couldn't sit still.But she was very sensible, and she was embarrassed to say goodbye directly to hurt her father, so she excused herself to go to the bathroom, and when she came back, she not only sat on the dining chair near the door, but also unconsciously pointed her toes in the direction of the door.At this time, the stepmother looked at her with sharp eyes, and then said to her father: "You, stop nagging. Rose is just here to get living expenses, but you always ask for excuses. Look at Well, she can't wait to go, she can't wait to step out the door, you have to be more sensible, don't ask any more." Dad noticed that Rose's toes were pointing towards the direction of the door, and then looked at Rose Said: "Okay, since you don't want to stay longer, let's go. Remember, call Dad if you have any difficulties." Rose heard this sentence, as if a criminal received an amnesty, she hurriedly said Let your feet go.The stepmother was right, she wished she could step out the door and leave this embarrassing and embarrassing place for her.

When a sensible girl faces a woman who re-establishes a family with her father, she will inevitably think of her mother, and even fight for her mother, which directly determines that the relationship between a girl and her stepmother is always tense.In the same way, very few stepmothers will accept the daughters born by their husbands and ex-wives completely and sincerely. Therefore, no matter how much they cover up, they will still show the indifference of being thousands of miles away.Therefore, it is completely understandable that Rose feels on pins and needles every time she goes to her father's new house.Because of the strong resistance in her heart, she couldn't help showing her thoughts when choosing a seat.Moreover, she couldn't help pointing her toes towards the door, and her stepmother finally saw the psychological movement.Fortunately, the harshness of the stepmother also saved her, and her father let her go understandingly.

Millions of years ago, when humans could not speak, their legs and feet could quickly respond to threats around them, fleeing or attacking, without even having to think rationally.Because of this ancient response, the movement of the legs and feet is the most honest form of body language.Human behavior is controlled by the brain.And what you express when you naturally don't control it is what your subconscious wants to express.And Rose's toes pointing to the door is also a subconscious body reaction. It is hard for her to speak, but her body honestly expresses her heart.

In many cases, the position of the toes pointing to the door is not intentional, but a subconscious action of people.Because of this, we can use this to gain insight into people's hearts and understand people's real thoughts.Of course, if you consciously want to leave a place but are embarrassed to say it directly, you can also use this method to hint at the other party.On the contrary, in the process of communicating with others, if you observe similar behaviors of the other party, you should clearly realize that the other party does not want to continue the conversation with you, so you can end the conversation wisely.Otherwise, when the other party is anxious to end the conversation, but you still make long speeches on your own, how can you leave a good impression on others!This kind of thoughtfulness can help you communicate and communicate better with others.

Checks watches frequently, signaling that the conversation should be ended

As an insurance salesman, John can chat with many big customers, not because he is so knowledgeable or humorous, but because he is very good at observing words and emotions, and can grasp the psychology of customers well.One afternoon, John had an appointment to meet with a large client.The client is the boss of the company with more than 1000 employees.He not only wants to buy insurance for his family, but also for his employees.It was not easy for John to get the opportunity to meet the boss, so he cherished this opportunity and made full preparations in advance.

Five minutes earlier than the scheduled time, John was already waiting outside the boss's office.The boss opened the door and saw John, visibly taken aback.Maybe he was so busy with his day that he forgot about the date.John thought comfortingly.However, when he saw John, the boss still remembered the appointment, and he immediately invited John into his office.After browsing through the detailed plan made by John, the boss saw John's professionalism and rigor, so he was embarrassed to directly reject John's introduction.However, he was in a hurry because he forgot about this appointment and had other things scheduled.During the 5 minutes when John introduced the proposal, the boss kept looking at the time, or at the wall clock on the wall, or at the watch, or glanced at the phone in a casual manner.John realized that although this opportunity was not easy to come by, if I was so ignorant, I would only lose the opportunity to meet next time; on the contrary, if I could take the initiative to leave, I might leave a good impression on him instead.Thinking of this, John smiled and said, "Do you have something to deal with? It doesn't matter. I can come back another day when it is convenient for you." The boss smiled ashamedly and said, "I'm really sorry, I forgot our appointment. So an important meeting was arranged. Thank you for your understanding, I will definitely ask the secretary to arrange a time as soon as possible so that we can meet again." John said goodbye politely.Sure enough, as he expected, because of his sense of humor, the boss asked the secretary to arrange a time equivalent to twice the scheduled time of the last appointment, to have a detailed discussion with John.Because there is plenty of time this time, John not only introduced his insurance plan and the types of insurance involved in it to the boss in detail, but also showed the boss the insurance contract.Not long after this meeting, he signed an insurance contract with the boss. The boss also praised him and said: "You are different from many insurance brokers I have met. They stalk you, but you are very professional and dedicated. .”

Because he took the initiative to leave, John won the approval and affirmation of the boss, and finally successfully signed an insurance contract with the boss.In fact, the reason why John was able to get this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was because he was good at observing words and emotions. He saw that the boss frequently checked the time, so he realized that he should take the initiative to leave.

John noticed the boss's body language: During the 10 minutes when John introduced the proposal, the boss kept checking the time, or at the wall clock on the wall, or at his watch, or pretending to glance at his phone casually.On the one hand, this means that the boss may not be very interested in his conversation, and on the other hand, there may be other urgent matters to be dealt with. In short, he expressed a hint that he wanted to end the conversation. By suspending the conversation, not only did not arouse the other party's disgust, but also won a more favorable opportunity.

In life, we inevitably have to deal with all kinds of people.Many times, we have to grasp the timing and stop the conversation just right.In the face of important people, we often have the opportunity to meet with them, and it seems a bit unwilling to give up easily. This requires us to observe the situation and determine from various signs that the other party really does not want to continue the conversation, so as to end the conversation wisely. Talk, leave now.Although this may seem like a lost opportunity, in fact we may get more and better opportunities because of it.Especially when the other party checks the time frequently, you must end the conversation immediately and leave decisively.I believe that when you insist on doing this, you will definitely have unexpected gains!

(End of this chapter)

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