communication psychology

Chapter 3 Communicate smoothly and keep in mind 8 basic principles

Chapter 3 Communicate smoothly and keep in mind the eight basic principles
The secret of a good communicator is that they have mastered the skill of speaking and can always say something that makes others feel happy.Moreover, these people can always use words to guide others, as if they were born with the ability to "call the wind and call the rain"!However, the premise of achieving smooth communication is to keep in mind some principles of interpersonal communication, so as to create a pleasant conversation atmosphere and establish a good communication model, thereby promoting effective communication.

The basis of interpersonal communication, respect mentality cannot be less
Seeing that it was getting late, the aristocratic youth Henry walked for a long time in the forest, but did not reach the edge of the forest. He realized that he was lost, and couldn't help becoming more and more anxious.He kept galloping his horse and walked for about half an hour, and finally saw a figure walking forward not far away.Henry rushed up quickly and shouted: "Hey, where is there a place to stay?" The man turned his head and saw Henry riding on a tall horse, and pointed forward without saying a word.It turned out that this man was a hunter with a shotgun on his shoulder, maybe he was a mute.Thinking so, Henry continued to whip his horse and ran forward.The dust raised by the horse's hooves choked the hunter who fell behind and coughed non-stop.

Henry walked for another half an hour, but still didn't see a place to stay.At this time, it was getting darker and darker, and he couldn't help worrying.If the beast came out, he would be defenseless and unable to protect himself at all.Suddenly, he realized that maybe there was no lodging here, and it was just his lack of respect that the hunter had pointed at him as punishment.For this reason, Henry hurried back, wanting to find the hunter again to ask for clarification.Sure enough, he walked back along the original road, and after about 20 minutes, he saw the hunter in the distance.This time, he got off his horse early and waited by the side of the road with the horse. When the hunter approached, he asked respectfully, "Hello, is there any lodging nearby?" The hunter looked up at him, slowly Said: "There is no human habitation for dozens of miles here. If you don't mind, just go with me to the temporary resting place for hunting for one night, otherwise, once the wild beasts come out, I will die." Henry nodded quickly in agreement, and let The hunter puts the shotgun and dry food on the horseback.This time, Henry always maintained respect for the hunter. After arriving at the hunter's hut, he quickly helped the hunter light the fire and cook.The hunter not only distributed his dry food to Henry, but also specially roasted a hare for Henry.After getting up early the next morning, the hunter showed Henry the way in detail, and Henry quickly walked out of the big forest.

In this case, the reason why the hunter didn't show Henry the way for the first time was because Henry treated him very badly, not only condescending, but also bossy, and made him eat a lot of dust.The second time, Henry realized his problem and knew that the hunter should be respected, so he hurried back the same way, dismounted early and waited by the roadside, waiting respectfully for the hunter to come over.Sure enough, when Henry's attitude became respectful enough, the hunter's attitude towards him also changed.The hunter not only took him back to the hut where he was resting, but also distributed dry food to him, and even specially roasted hares for him.From this little story, it is not difficult to see that respect is the basis of interpersonal communication.If we lack respect in the process of interacting with others, then we will also be disgusted by others, or even deliberately teased.This is true among strangers, but we must maintain an attitude of respect for many acquaintances.A celebrity once said: "How you treat others, others will treat you." Therefore, if we want to be respected by others, we must respect others, so that interpersonal communication can develop in a better direction.

Everyone wants to be respected by others, because it can satisfy our psychological needs.Especially in social life, people are always eager to be recognized, respected and praised, and everyone is no exception.Therefore, whether we are facing strangers or familiar people, we must respect others without exception.Only in this way can we gain the respect of others and make communication smooth and unimpeded.

No one likes others to speak to us in a commanding tone. Even if we have to accept it sometimes due to our status and circumstances, we will feel disgusted.Do unto others, do not impose on others.Therefore, in the process of communicating with others, try not to use a blunt tone or a commanding tone, but should use a discussing tone and a polite attitude to let the other party fully feel your respect, so that the other party can accept it. Will also be happy.

The premise of good communication, smiling is very important
Martin was going on a business trip, and at this moment, he was hurrying to the station.Because of the traffic jam, he arrived at the station half an hour later than originally planned. Although it was not considered late, the ticket check for the departure station had already started.Just as Martin hurriedly walked towards the ticket gate, a middle-aged man suddenly stopped him.The middle-aged man looked about 40 years old, wearing tattered clothes, but very clean, probably working in this city.Martin seemed to reflexively observed the man's appearance immediately.Next, he waited suspiciously for the other party to speak.The middle-aged man seemed very shy, hesitated for a few seconds before hesitantly said: "Excuse me, can you lend me some money! My wallet was stolen and I need to buy a ticket to go home." This scam also It's too old-fashioned, it has been exposed countless times, Martin looked at the middle-aged man indifferently, and was about to leave.At this time, a ten-year-old boy came out from behind the middle-aged man, smiled and said to him: "Uncle, what my father said is true. We are going to Dangshan, and it costs 86 yuan to buy two tickets. Can you Help us?" Looking at the little boy's smile, Martin hesitated.After all, children shouldn't lie.However, there are too many such scams.The boy continued to smile at Martin, his eyes full of hope.In the end, Martin thought to himself: Forget it, isn't it just over 80 yuan?If the father and son really need help, they will have to live on the streets without money. I would rather be cheated than see such a thing happen.Thinking of this, he gave them 100 yuan.The middle-aged man said gratefully: "Wait a minute, I will return the remaining money to you after I buy the ticket. Please leave me the address, and I will send the money back to you." Martin shook his head, Said: "Forget it, it's not worth leaving the address. Use the rest of the money to buy a bottle of water for the child!" After finishing speaking, Martin entered the ticket gate. He still likes to sit in the train and wait for the departure with peace of mind.

Before entering the train, Martin, an old smoker, took out a cigarette and wanted to wait until he was done smoking before entering.Later, he answered another call, which delayed some time.Just as he was about to enter the carriage, he suddenly heard shouts from a slowly moving green leather train.He looked up and saw the boy leaning half out of the car window, waving to him!It turned out that they really needed the fare money to go home, and Martin was very relieved.

The crowded station has always been a place where all kinds of scammers run rampant.Therefore, when Martin encountered a request for help, he first suspected that the other party was cheating money, which was not excessive at all.When he was about to reject this seemingly old-fashioned scam, the little boy's smile made him change his mind.Although before this, Martin and the father and son were completely strangers, but the innocent and longing smile of the little boy made him change his mind. He would rather be cheated out of 100 yuan than miss a couple who really needed help. father and son.In this way, he generously gave the father and son 100 yuan, allowing them to take the train home smoothly.There is always truth in the world.No matter how rampant the scammers are, people are still willing to help those who really need help.During this brief communication, the boy opened Martin's heart with a smile, and also won help for himself and his father.

Smile is the most beautiful makeup of human beings.When you face a stranger, if you want to get help from the other party, or want to have a friendly conversation with the other party, then you must decorate yourself with a smile.In any case, it is very difficult for people to refuse a person who smiles at them, because a smile is the most moving language.It is important to note that the smile should be completely from the heart and sincere.People's senses are very keen, they can always tell which smiles are genuine and which ones are fake.

When smiling, we should also make eye contact with others.Eyes are the window of the soul, if you want to be recognized by others, you should open the window of your soul to others.If you combine a smile with your eyes, it means that half of your communication is successful.From now on, let us smile at others with an open heart, and you will find that more and more people smile around you, and your relationship with each other will be more harmonious.

Smiles are indeed magical, and even if people know that there may not be any emotional color behind the smile, people will involuntarily show their liking.A smile is a very important social card of a person. When speaking, a decent smile will give people a sense of intimacy, and will virtually shorten the distance between the two parties, thereby forming a harmonious communication atmosphere.

Timely listening posture is good, and then the sound effect is wonderful
As an "airborne soldier", Zhang Qiang came to the company to work as a department manager, so he inevitably felt a little guilty.After all, he's the only middle manager in the company who isn't born and bred, and he's mostly in charge of the company's sales.This must be a "veteran of the dynasty" to be able to restrain those experienced salesmen!What should Zhang Qiang do in the face of the unknown situation of the department?In fact, he had already figured it out.

Not long after Zhang Qiang took office, the company will launch sales competitions in various regions.Zhang Qiang is in charge of the East China region, what strategy should he adopt to win?For this reason, Zhang Qiang found the subordinates in charge of sales in each city and held an emergency meeting.At this meeting, after Zhang Qiang announced the company's competition rules, he said to everyone: "Everyone is an experienced person in charge of each city. Now let's brainstorm and see how we can work together to win!" In a word, Zhang Qiang is waiting for everyone to express their opinions.Everyone had a free discussion for a few minutes, and then starting from Shanghai, the "big leader" in East China, the leaders of each city expressed their views.Hearing this, Zhang Qiang couldn't help but secretly rejoiced that he didn't engage in "one-word teaching", because the opinions of these city leaders are indeed extraordinary, even Zhang Qiang, who has quite a lot of sales experience, felt enlightened after hearing it.In this way, Zhang Qiang not only hid his clumsiness cleverly, but also brainstormed and harvested everyone's wonderful ideas.Later, Zhang Qiang led his subordinates to select an optimal plan and improved it. In the end, their sales ranked first in the company.In addition to being happy, Zhang Qiang invited everyone to dinner and thanked everyone for their insights.For a long time, Zhang Qiang has held meetings in this way of listening. No matter what questions or problems there are, everyone is encouraged to express their opinions without reservation.Later, although he sat in the position of department manager for a long time and had a certain understanding of the department's situation, he still used this method. After all, for the sales industry, only the front-line salesperson is the most able to speak. right.As for Zhang Qiang, because he speaks after brainstorming, the gold content of his speech is always high, and he has been unanimously approved by everyone. He quickly established his prestige and created great convenience for his future work.

In daily communication, even in the workplace, many people make the same mistake, that is, they can't wait to speak up.They seem to feel that only when they speak loudly can they be considered an authority figure.As everyone knows, if your speech lacks listening and understanding, it will backfire, and even make people have a bad impression of you as having no real talent and learning, let alone a loud voice?At any time, we must listen first, so that we can better understand the truth of the matter and make the best choice based on the reality.Zhang Qiang is undoubtedly very smart.As an "airborne soldier", especially he has to lead those experienced sales staff, if he makes a slip of the tongue, it is easy to give others a handle.Therefore, in order to protect himself, he first adopts the method of listening, and at the same time, he also shows his excellent style of not engaging in "one-speaking" and brainstorming as a leader.In this way, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Many people think that only by chattering can others hear their voices. As everyone knows, listening is often a different kind of speaking, and it is the most powerful silent language.There has always been a saying in ancient Greece, which means that a wise man decides what to say based on experience, but a truly wise man decides when to be silent based on experience.It can be seen that in order to communicate and communicate with people better, we not only need to know when to speak and what to say, but also know when to listen.Especially for many people who are not eloquent enough, instead of expressing themselves in a hurry, it is better to take the way of listening and learn more about others, so as to help themselves accurately grasp the other party's mind, and finally speak to the other party in a word heart to heart.This is also the reason why many people are still not recognized even though they are eloquent and eloquent.From now on, we should learn to listen.Just as sharpening a knife does not cut wood by mistake, listening will not delay our expression, but can make our expression more efficient and more targeted.

Impetuous mentality is not advisable, patience is more touching

Every day after school from kindergarten, Lele always chattered to her mother about what happened in the kindergarten.On the way home, his mother would give him a certain response, but when he got home, because his mother was busy cooking, she didn't have the patience to listen to Lele's confession.Sometimes in the kitchen, Lele stood next to her mother and continued to talk, but her mother became impatient and said: "Okay, baby, let's go out and play, mother is going to cook." After such a long time, Lele gradually changed. I have to be taciturn, and never talk to my mother with a small mouth.Once, my mother picked up Lele from school and found that Lele was abnormally silent, so she asked him, "Honey, what fun things are going on at school today?" Lele shook her head and said, "It's nothing, it's the same as usual. "My mother said suspiciously: "Hey, weren't you the most willing to tell your mother about the school? I heard that your school's dinner today is Orleans roasted wings, which is your favorite." Lele was still depressed and said : "Well, yes, but it's tasteless, far from what you eat at KFC." Seeing that Lele was not in high spirits, her mother realized that the problem was serious, and continued to ask: "Why don't you like talking anymore? Lele pouted and said, "What is there to say? Besides, you don't like listening to me at all!" At this point, mother realized the reason why Lele has changed so much.It turned out that Lele felt her mother's impatience, so she lost interest in speaking.

A little child, who has just entered kindergarten, can sensitively feel his mother's attitude towards him, let alone an adult.Just imagine, if you talk to others with great interest, but the other person shows obvious boredom or absent-mindedness, do you still have the heart to continue talking?As the saying goes, "Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you", we must be patient enough in the face of other people's confessions, because this is also a manifestation of respect for others.

In a sense, patience is the greatest gift we can give to others with a raised hand.When we have the patience to listen to each other's talk, when we have the patience to observe the other party's mood carefully, and when we have the patience to help the other party solve their problems, what the other party can feel is far more than our contribution, and our sincerity. Inner respect and kindness.From now on, let us give others enough patience on the basis of respecting others.As long as you keep doing this, you are sure to be rewarded in your relationships.

Good words, three winter warm, bad words hurt June cold
Wu Juan is the sales champion in the company. Of course, Wu Juan has been the sales champion more than once, so she is always self-righteous, even walking with her head held high.However, Wu Juan does have the capital to be proud of. Even in the case of an overall decline in the company's performance, she can maintain a steady increase in sales performance, which is indeed admirable.Colleagues are also convinced of Wu Juan, who makes her outstanding performance!

Some time ago, there was a new girl in the company who was also a salesperson.This little girl has just graduated from university and has no work experience. Not only is her performance mediocre, but she doesn't even know much about the world.No, the company held a meeting a few days ago, and the little girl actually sat in Wu Juan's seat.Although the seat is chosen randomly every time, because of Wu Juan's special status, she always sits on the left side of the rostrum.Maybe it was because she admired the leader, or maybe she wanted to get more attention from the leader, the little girl took the seat first without knowing it.After Wu Juan came, she sat down next to the little girl angrily, and said sarcastically, "Girl, do you know who you are? Just sit here. You are so close to the leader, aren't you afraid?" Does the leader take you as an example of the opposite?" The little girl's face turned red and white, seeing that her colleagues were paying attention to them, she couldn't help asking: "Isn't this seat just for you?" Wu Juan said even more sharply: "You can sit casually. However, I think with your ability and qualifications, you should sit on the rostrum. 'The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each wave is higher than the first wave'!" The little girl was held by Wu Juan. He cried so much that he didn't even attend the meeting, so he ran away crying.Later, the leader criticized Wu Juan after learning about this, saying: "You, although you have a good performance, you can't bully others. The little girl is new here, even if you don't know the rules, you should be more tolerant as a senior, why bother to speak ill!" A month later, Wu Juan was expelled from the company due to illegal operations.This surprised the colleagues very much. They couldn't figure out why the company made such a fuss this time!After a long time, everyone found out that the little girl who was ridiculed by Wu Juan was actually the daughter of a senior leader of the company, and she came down to experience life "incognito".Wu Juan's illegal operation and her behavior are indeed not conducive to the unity of the employees, so she was expelled from the company.

Wu Juan certainly didn't expect this little girl to have such a strong background. Although her departure made people feel regretful, it was also very happy.Nowadays, no one dares to domineeringly over the heads of colleagues like Wu Juan because of her good performance.As for Wu Juan, I'm afraid she never thought that the ruin of her bright future was actually related to a few bad words.

As the saying goes: "A good word warms the winter three times, and a bad word hurts the June cold." Many times, people will say some hurtful words because of emotional agitation or psychological imbalance.After they vented, they thought the matter was over, but they didn’t know that these words were like nails nailed into people’s hearts. Even if time passed and the nails were finally pulled out by your sincere apology, they would still leave deep marks, forever cannot be eliminated.Especially in the workplace, most people cherish their own face very much. In this case, if we stab the hearts of others in order to show off our quick tongue, it will definitely bring great obstacles to our professional life. Even lay hidden dangers.Therefore, we should be kind to others and make our language as beautiful as our appearance.Even if it is sometimes difficult to control your emotions, you should try your best to control your words, because what you say is like water that has been poured out, and you can never take it back.

Create a good atmosphere and talk to win a win-win situation
In May 1984, Ronald Reagan, then President of the United States, was invited to visit Fudan University in Shanghai.According to the plan, he will meet and interact with more than 5 students in the school's auditorium.Hearing that they were going to meet the President of the United States face to face, these college students were all very excited and nervous.Although Reagan was not nervous, he had to consider how to communicate better with the students.After thinking about it, he gave the students a very relaxed opening statement.At that time, facing the dark crowd of students in the audience, he smiled and said: "Actually, I have an indissoluble bond with your school. My wife Nancy once studied at Smith College in the United States, and your principal, Mr. Xie Xide, is her Alumni. In this way, I am also friends with everyone here, and we have a deep relationship." As soon as Reagan finished speaking, the students in the audience gave him thunderous applause.Reagan's opening remarks not only helped the students relieve their nervousness, but also brought them closer in an instant, and also helped him establish an amiable image, which was unanimously recognized by the students.

President Reagan's words clearly expressed his desire to get close to his classmates, and at the same time, he also showed his approachable side in front of them.He successfully narrowed the distance between himself and his classmates and created a pleasant atmosphere for conversation.It was precisely because of his opening remarks that the subsequent communication and interaction became easy and enjoyable.In everyday life, it is difficult for almost everyone to avoid interacting with other people.Especially in places with many people, a relaxed and pleasant conversation atmosphere will not only make the participants in the conversation more natural, but also make the whole conversation achieve the expected purpose as expected.It is important to master conversation skills, but the conversation atmosphere obviously affects the progress of the conversation, so how to create a good conversation atmosphere is also very important.

In daily life, whenever we need to socialize, we might as well imitate President Reagan's appearance and "get close" with others to create a good atmosphere for conversation.Some people may ask: "If you are a complete stranger before, how can you 'get close' with others?" In fact, as long as you are willing, you can find common topics.For example, two mothers with children can start with the topic of children, people from the same province can climb up to fellow villagers, or you have both lived in the same place, and even you both have the same brand of clothes... In short , All kinds of reasons can successfully help you get closer to the other party, as long as you are caring.In any social situation, our greatest fear is silence.As long as the atmosphere of the conversation is harmonious and harmonious, people will naturally participate in the conversation and even speak freely.In this way, heart-to-heart conversations become a matter of course, and we benefit a lot from it.

Observing words and expressions before speaking out, effective communication is skillfully facilitated
John does a fantastic job as a realtor.He can always make a deal in the cold wave of the market. Just a few days ago, he just sold a house to Chinese investors from China!Why is John able to do so well?This is inseparable from his ability to observe words and colors.In fact, John, the Chinese who just sold the deal, had seen the house with many brokers, but he was still not satisfied.

That day, John took this Chinese man to see a house, and first looked at a high-end apartment.The Chinese frowned and said, "Isn't this as big as my home in Beijing?" John quickly changed the subject and asked, "Do you like single-family villas? Living in a villa is completely different from this kind of apartment, very Freedom." The Chinese eyes lit up and said, "However, I heard that single-family villas are usually in the suburbs! Will the security be bad, and if the children need to come to the United States to study in the future, will they be too far away from the school? ?” John pondered for a while and said, “Oh, I see. You not only need investment, but also consider that your children may come to study in the future, right?” The Chinese nodded and said, “A broker brought I have seen several detached villas, but they are all too far away, not only far from the school, but also far from supermarkets and shopping malls, and shopping is not convenient. If I were asked to go to the supermarket and drive for more than an hour, I would definitely go crazy. "John laughed and said: "Okay, I understand your exact needs now. If it's convenient for you, I'll make an appointment for a few villas that meet your requirements right now, and you can go and have a look." acquiesced.John quickly made an appointment for a house. He first took the Chinese to see two houses, but the Chinese didn't show anything.Until the third set, the Chinese looked very carefully, and asked the homeowner if there were any termites in the house.John was secretly happy, feeling that the Chinese had already taken a fancy to the house.Originally, he planned to show the Chinese a more expensive and better house, but he was hesitant because he was worried that the price would exceed the expectations of the Chinese.Therefore, he simply chose to end the house inspection, and said to the Chinese: "The third house I'm showing you is the best and most cost-effective among all the houses." Sure enough, after thinking about it for a day, the Chinese decided to After buying this house, he is also very grateful to John for finding him a good house that is suitable in all aspects!

If John can't observe the situation, the client will be hesitant after looking at a more expensive and better house in the back.Fortunately, John understood the client's psychological state through observing words and expressions, and thus touched the client's heart with a single sentence, allowing the client to order this house almost without thinking, and facilitated the transaction.In fact, the first thing people in the sales industry need to figure out is people.Only by understanding the customer's mind and timely insight into the psychological changes of the customer can we better grasp the customer and facilitate the transaction.

It is undoubtedly the most important thing to have a pleasant conversation with others, to open their hearts, to make others trust you and have a good impression of you.However, we are meeting many people for the first time in our lives, or we don’t know them well. In this case, how can we speak clearly?It doesn't matter, maybe you didn't know someone well before, but as long as you can observe the words and expressions, you can quickly understand what the other person is thinking, so that you can speak to the other person's heart and make them feel shocked.

In fact, there is no shortage of examples among the folks.As early as a few decades ago, we would see some fortune tellers when we walked casually in the streets and alleys.Thinking about it now, fate is completely unknown, and no one can penetrate the mystery of fate and be a prophet.However, fortune tellers are often able to speak to people's hearts, why is this?In fact, fortune tellers have a special ability, that is to observe words and expressions.It can be said that their ability to observe words and emotions has reached the extreme, so they can guess people's minds in just a few minutes, and there are always a few words that can touch people's hearts, so that people are willing to take out money for them. , in order to know the fate of the future.If we can also observe words and emotions in the process of interpersonal communication, even if we can't reach the level of penetrating other people's minds, it is enough to see the psychological changes of others, which will play a positive role in promoting our communication with others.

Finding the right topic is the key, making communication more effective

From an early age, Galileo showed a keen interest in science.However, his father insisted that he study medicine and at the age of 17 sent him to the University of Pisa Medical School.However, no matter how hard he forced himself, Galileo could not become interested in medicine. Instead, he enjoyed listening to the famous Euclid's lectures on statics and geometry in extracurricular time.Of course, Galileo knew that he could not directly reject his father's kindness, otherwise, not only would it backfire, but it would also create a gap between him and his father.Therefore, after much deliberation, he finally came up with a good solution.

One day, Galileo asked his father who was studying in the study: "Father, why did you fall in love with your mother at first sight?" Hearing this question, his father immediately raised his head and said with a smile: "Your mother was a great beauty when she was young. I fell in love with her as soon as I saw her, and I will never fall in love with another woman!" "Of course, I am convinced of this. Father, because I am also facing such a love at first sight at this moment." Hearing his son talking about love Now, my father was very happy, and asked: "Have you got a girl you like too? This is great." Galileo said frowningly: "I am not in love with girls, but science. In my whole life Destined to only love science, just like your infatuation with your mother." Father laughed, and Galileo continued: "Although I am already 18 years old, I don't want to rush to think about marriage. I don't want to fall in love. Science is me. Father, I want to be a person who makes you proud, and I want to make some achievements on the road of science." Father shook his head in embarrassment and said, "But I don't have enough money for you to study." Galileo Can't wait to say: "Father, I can apply for a palace scholarship, as long as you say hello to your friends, I will definitely get a scholarship." The father fell into deep thought, and said: "This idea sounds good..." Galileo was happy Extremely, I immediately promised my father: "I will definitely become a scientist, and you will be proud of me!"

In order to persuade his father to agree to study science by himself, Galileo did not act recklessly, but tried his best to come up with an effective method.He first started talking about topics his father was willing to listen to, from his father's love for his mother at first sight to his own love for science, and finally succeeded in persuading his father to help him apply for a scholarship and support him in studying science.This is the charm of the topic.If Galileo had proposed rejecting medicine from the very beginning and insisted on studying science, his father might have rejected him in anger.Obviously, Galileo knew that his father was proud of his union with his mother, so this topic must have put his father in a good mood.

In the process of interpersonal communication, it is relatively easy to avoid "disgusting topics", but it is difficult to increase the interestingness of topics.Everyone needs to talk to others. The best way to start is to start with topics that others are interested in or like to talk about, and then expand from there.Picking the right topic is very important. An inappropriate topic will always make people want to end the conversation immediately, and even make people angry.On the contrary, only by choosing the right topic and letting others talk to you in a happy mood, can you express your thoughts and opinions calmly, thus leading the topic to what you want to say.In life, there are many topics that can be used as an entry point for conversation, and the key to a pleasant conversation is that these topics should make people feel happy.

If we want to make friends and be popular talkers, we need to deal with people with enthusiasm and vigor.The best way to get in touch with the other person's heart is to talk to the other person about the things that interest him most.

(End of this chapter)

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