Call of the Deer

Chapter 142 3 Gu Thatched Cottage, Liu Ji Goes Northward

Chapter 142 Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage, Liu Ji Goes Northward

Yanzhou, located in the southeast of Kyushu, has a humid climate, numerous rivers, and vast plains. It is known as a water town in the south and a grassland in the north.

Moreover, there are three unique here, one excellent heavenly scholar, two excellent precious scales, three excellent beauties, and heavenly scholars, which means that there are many gentry here, and it is known as "the southern region's scribes are the best in the world".

The second treasure scale does not refer to the scale armor, but the rich products here. As for the third treasure, it is the beauties. The women here are extremely beautiful. Period; Royal beauties are mostly produced in the southern regions, so they are famous all over the world.

Cangyuan Valley is located in the depths of Mount Putuo in the southern region. Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant here, the scenery is beautiful, and it is like spring all year round. In fact, it is very humid. In Cangyuan Valley, there is a hermit. No one knows the name of this person, but everyone knows it. This person is proficient in astronomy, knows astronomy from the top, and geography from the bottom.

Every year, people from all over the country will send people to bring a lot of money to ask about simple calculations, harvests, and natural disasters, and those people will send people to distribute the money to the poor and poor.


Under the scorching sun, a man was sitting in a gauze tent, and was carried towards Cangyuan Valley by a group of people.

"Your Majesty, the Cangyuan Valley is ahead. Mr. Liu Bowen is in the Cangyuan Valley right now..."

An extremely rough-looking man with a ferocious complexion, a long scar, and a mace in his hand led the way on a rough war horse, notifying the people in the tent from time to time.

"Feng Sheng, send someone to inform that the lonely king is here to visit Mr. Liu Bowen"

The person in the tent lifted the tent and poked his head out. This person had a pouting face, a long beard, a long beard, and eyes like dragon eyes, at least not that big. The most terrible face was full of sunspots. Unsightly, ugly.

"You guys, come with me..."

Hearing this, the man immediately called a few soldiers, rode his horse and ran towards the valley ahead...

In less than a moment, the general named Feng Sheng rushed to the Cangyuan Valley, and a trace of cooking smoke rose up, as if someone was cooking tea and cooking.

There are several thatched huts standing in the hidden valley, and there is a small pond, and there is a small pavilion in the pond. In the pavilion, there is a young man drinking and drinking by himself.

"King Hongwu came to Cangyuan Valley, please come out to meet Liu Bowen..."

As a battle armor, Feng Sheng naturally didn't know what politeness was, and he didn't have such a word in his mind, so he shouted at the top of his throat.

The person in the pavilion seemed to have heard it, turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, then entered the hut and did not come out for a long time.

And half a quarter of an hour later, the Hongwu King who was being carried finally arrived at Cangyuan Valley after a long delay, and at this time the man suspected to be Liu Bowen came out of the hut.

At this moment, the man has changed into a suit of clothes, and he looks extremely luxurious and formal, with a feather fan scarf fluttering out of the dust, sword eyebrows and star forehead, thin lips, sharp eyes, and a tall figure, just like a handsome man. Temperament is completely different from before.

"Grassman Liu Bowen pays homage to King Hongwu!"

"Sir, please get up, Mr. Jiuwen is both talented and beautiful, and he is the best in the Southern Region. When I met you today, you really deserve your reputation..."

The people in the tent slowly came out from the curtain.It also looks extremely strong, walking like the wind, with a tall and straight posture, except for that appearance, everything else is the best choice.

"King Hongwu praised it absurdly. The Caomin is a countryman with a mere reputation. How come he is like the king's ear, which makes the king laugh..."

A smile appeared on Liu Bowen's face, and he said modestly.

"Sir, you are too self-deprecating. If you are from the countryside, wouldn't I be a beggar? Hahaha..."

"Grassmen dare not..." Liu Bowen hurriedly bowed his body and said he did not dare.

"Hehehe, sir, don't be nervous. Gu's coming to Cangyuan Valley this time means that he wants to invite you to come out of the mountain and help Gu to compete in Kyushu and achieve the career of the Five Hegemons..."

Hearing this, Liu Bowen raised his head and looked at King Hongwu. His appearance remained unchanged, he was still as ugly, and his temper was still so forthright and direct. Ice-cold, slightly lowered his head, to cover up...

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. It's just that Bowen's mother passed away suddenly two years ago, and we must observe mourning for her for three years. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

Liu Bowen's mother did die two years ago, but this was not the reason for his resignation.

"Well, sir is indeed a loyal and filial person, so I don't have to force it. The lonely king will visit you again in a few days..."

Seeing that Liu Bowen rejected him, the Hongwu King had a stern look on his face, and then said with an amiable smile, as if he understood Liu Bowen very well.

However, this point cannot escape Liu Bowen's eyes. As a wise man who seeks people, himself, soldiers and the country, how can he not guess the change in King Hongwu's heart at the moment, and he will come to visit again in a few days, with an expression on his face? A hint of worry.

He knows the character of King Hongwu better than anyone else. He is a hero, even more so than Cao Cao, and no different from the reckless Liu Bang.It is what he is best at, killing donkeys and crossing rivers to tear down bridges.

Moreover, now that Kyushu is in chaos, there are many princes from all over the country, and there are countless great talents. He Hongwu King, to put it bluntly, is really not qualified to compete in Kyushu.

"Thank you King Hongwu for your understanding, Bowen is very grateful!"

Although Liu Bowen was disdainful in his heart, he couldn't show it.

After that, King Hongwu left Cangyuan Valley under the escort of Feng Sheng.

Half a month later, King Hongwu came to visit again, and this time Liu Bowen had to invite this master into the nest, and started a "long talk" in a tone of voice.

"Your Majesty, in the Southern Region, the feudal lords are fighting endlessly. Your Majesty is so talented that he seems to be an extraordinary member of the many lords. The forces under his command are also extremely powerful. It is easy to use a corner of the land, but to I want to plan for the tripod of the country, but there are some shortcomings..."

"Oh, sir, please tell me, what else should Zhu do to prepare to be eligible to compete for the position of the Ninth Five-Year Master?"

When King Hongwu heard the words, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up and asked with a little interest.

"First, there is no peerless commander, so there is no chance of winning against people like Nangong Wentian; second, there are not enough strong generals, like General Feng, like crucian carp crossing the river, there are countless in Kyushu; third, there are no top counselors to help, Hu Weiyong, the chief think-tank under the command of the king, is a talented person, but it is difficult to take on the big job; Fourth, the king's background is insufficient, such as Yanzhou king Shan Zun, this person has the blood of the Dayu royal family, and has a deep foundation. He is currently the most powerful prince in Yanzhou , and rising up in the troubled times like the king, it is full of stamina, but it is also difficult to leave, I hope the king will consider the words of the grassroots..."

Afterwards, King Hongwu was sent away, and he got another month of leisure time at home, but there was a trace of uneasiness in his heart, watching the sky at night.Knowing that there might be a catastrophe, and counting back and forth, he knew that it should be on Hongwu King at this time, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

One month later, King Hongwu came to visit Liu Bowen again.

Since the last parting, King Hongwu tossed and turned, couldn't sleep at night, couldn't eat, and Liu Ji and Liu Bowen, who were thinking about it in his heart, wished to find him immediately and persuade him to come out to help him, but Liu Bowen refused every time with the words of filial piety. It made him very angry and extremely angry.

"Berwen, since the last time we parted, the lonely king misses you so much and can't sleep..."

Talking endlessly, expressing his longing, and holding Liu Bowen's hand, Liu Bowen was very uncomfortable.

Afterwards, the two chatted freely again, discussing current affairs, and seeing Liu Bowen's views were so extraordinary, it was difficult to suppress his desire to subdue Liu Bowen anymore.

"Bowen's talent is astonishing in the past and the present, and the lonely king admires him very much. He also asked Bowen to come out to help him. The lonely king will definitely use Bowen again..."

"Thank you Your Majesty for your generosity, it's just..."

"Why? Bowen is unwilling to come out to help me? Could it be that I am a dignified prince, and I am not qualified to be your master..."

Seeing that Liu Bowen seemed to refuse again, King Hongwu's complexion suddenly changed, and he threatened with extremely bad words, his eyes were full of fierceness, and he did not hide it.

"Your Majesty misunderstood, please give Bowen another month, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer when the time comes..."

Why don't people bow their heads under the eaves?
Seeing that he could no longer hide, Liu Bowen had to pretend to think about it first, and made this tactic of delaying the attack, waiting for a future strategy.

Seeing that Liu Bowen had finally compromised, King Hongwu naturally didn't dare to push too hard, so he had to agree, but he still sent his subordinates to secretly monitor his every move, and report immediately if Liu Bowen escaped.

Regarding Hongwu King's tricks, Liu Bowen, as a servant of the dragon, knew better than anyone else, so he would not act rashly, so he quickly sent a boy to take a secret letter to take a small road to find Xu Da Xu Tiande in Fengzhou, and let him come to tell.

Seven days later, under the leadership of Xiaotong, Xu Da quickly felt the Cangyuan Valley.

"Berwen came to invite me in such a hurry, did something happen? Please tell me in detail..."

Liu Bowen had no choice but to give a general account of the crisis he encountered, and at the same time, he also told the fruit of his own calculations.

Hearing this, Xu Da frowned, stroked his forehead, and felt a headache. At the same time, there was a rare look of indignation on his delicate face.

"Berwin, you asked me to come here, but is there a way to solve this crisis?"

Xu Da, who knew Liu Bowen well, looked at Liu Bowen who was sitting in front of him, and asked for a solution.

"I have a plan to wait for work with ease, and that is to go north to Dongzhou to join the Ming Lord!"

Liu Bowen shook the feather fan lightly, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Xu Da opposite.

"Going north to Dongzhou? This is too much to make a fuss about, right? We just need to hide, and Hongwu King still can't find us. Why do we have to go north?" Xu Da was taken aback when he heard this, and asked a little puzzled.

"Tiande, it's a time of troubled times, and it's the time for you and me to devote ourselves to it and make contributions. How can we hide our names and hide in the sea of ​​people? Isn't it a waste of great talent?"

"Then you don't need to go north, right? Didn't you say that King Hongwu invited you to come out of the mountain? Then you just promise, and let you show your talents and ambitions..."

Hearing this, Xu Da was even more puzzled, and some couldn't understand what this friend meant.

"Oh, Hongwu King Zhu Yuanzhang can only share joys and sorrows, not riches and honours. Otherwise, I would be so distressed. Li Shimin of Dongzhou, Minghao of Beizhou, Yingzheng of Zhongzhou, Cao Cao of Xizhou, Liu Che of Beizhou, these talents are all enlightened masters." , the other princes are all floating clouds, and they have no ability to swallow the world...

Especially Bei Minghao, this person is known as Bole, and at the age of a mere weak crown, he has become the leader of a state, which is extraordinary, and now he is the most powerful person in Dongzhou. Only by voting for him can he have a chance Develop your ambitions without being taboo..."

Liu Bowen began to list the princes of the world for Xu Da to analyze one by one.

When Xu Da heard the words, he was a little moved, especially when he heard that Bei Minghao had the name of Bole, his generals were like clouds, and counselors were like rain, he began to yearn for him.

The two hit it off immediately, and planned to secretly set off northward in a few days to join Yanhuang King Bei Minghao.

It's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. Liu Bowen's fate should be catastrophe. His servant Zhou Shi, who is greedy for money, has long been bought by Hongwu King Zhu Yuanzhang, so he naturally told Zhu Yuanzhang about Liu Bowen in secret. Sheng stood by and waited for the rabbit, laying in ambush on the road he must pass, and wanted to capture Liu Bowen alive in one fell swoop.

When the sun was setting the next day, Liu Bowen sent a boy to pretend to be cooking, while he and Xu Da rode horses, secretly left Cangyuan Valley by a small path, and headed north.



Passing by the Qingni Path, just when the two of them relaxed a little, an arrow flew out, heading straight for Xu Da's face.

Xu Da is worthy of being a peerless warlord, needless to say his force, he pulled out the green steel sword in a flash, cut off the flying arrows with one sword, and at the same time his expression changed drastically.

"No, Bowen, there is an ambush ahead..."

Then he drew out his spear and immediately stepped forward to block Liu Bowen, for fear that Liu Bowen would be plotted against.


Suddenly, a group of soldiers and horses rushed out of the forest in front of them. There were about 500 soldiers, all of them were wearing blue battle armor.

"The dog thief Liu Bowen dared to run away privately, he simply didn't know what to do..."

Feng Shengze stood in front of him, his eyes full of murderous intent, and he was very jealous that this weak young man was treated so favorably by the lord.

"It seems that we have to stay here today..."

Liu Bowen smiled miserably, looking a little lonely. The so-called death before leaving the teacher will always make the hero burst into tears, but he has not yet realized his ambition, and he will die here aggrieved. It is really not reconciled.

"Why should Bowen be discouraged? Just five hundred soldiers want to keep Xu and the other two. You really underestimate me, hmph..."


"You don't need to say too much, just watch someone protect Bowen and break out of the siege..."

"Dog thief, let someone die..."

Xu Da lifted Liu Bowen from his horse and pulled him behind him. The two of them rode together, pointing their spears at Feng Sheng's troops, and rushed over.

"Damn it, how dare you underestimate a certain family..."

Feng Sheng saw that this young man was killed by two people at the same time. He was so angry that his nose was smoking and his eyes were spitting fire. Not knowing whether to live or die, he immediately swung his long knife and killed him with the momentum of thunder.

"Good time, look at the gun!"

The so-called literati love poetry, warriors love martial arts!

Xu Da saw that although Feng Sheng looked fierce, he was not afraid, and was eager to try. He didn't feel intimidated by the fact that there was a person behind him, so he directly rode his horse and killed him.



They went back and forth fifty or sixty times, and there was no winner or loser at all. Both of them were extremely excited and fell into a state of ecstasy.

And Xu Da's marksmanship is as good as a god, if there is Liu Bowen behind him who needs to take care of him, he will probably gain the upper hand at this moment.

One hundred rounds... two hundred rounds...

woohoo hoo...

The two were out of breath, fighting heartily, and they both felt like they hated seeing each other late, but Feng Sheng was extremely surprised. , it can be seen that his martial arts are not as good as him, and he was immediately surprised.

And the green-armored tiger guards behind Feng Sheng were even more shocked to see that their master and this little-known kid had reached such a level without losing, because he was still taking care of Liu Bowen.

As for Liu Bowen, he was almost dying at this time, not because he was injured, but because she was just a Confucian scholar who had no strength to restrain a chicken, why had she ever swung Fang Qiu on a horse, and traveled back and forth with Xu Da for so long today, Of course, the liver and intestines are broken, and it is difficult to breathe...

"Heaven...Tiande, if this...goes on like this, I think...I will...not reach Dongzhou..."

Liu Bowen passed out immediately after speaking, Xu Da woke up like a dream when he heard the words, slapped his forehead, knew something bad happened, and ignored Liu Bowen.

Immediately, he tore off a piece of cloth from his body, tied Liu Bowen firmly to his body from behind, and was about to run away.

"Boy, don't try to escape, take your life..."

As Zhu Yuanzhang's general, Feng Sheng's ability is not weak, he has recovered his breath at this moment, and came to kill again, but Xu Da had to be forced back again.

Seeing Feng Sheng's entanglement, Xu Da's face suddenly became angry, and he scolded: "Get out of the way, otherwise Xu will kill you..."

"Hehe, you are a brat, and you have a burden behind you, and you dare to threaten to take my dog's life. You really don't know how to live and die, and you will die for someone..."

This time Xu Da took the lead in killing him, because he was afraid that things would change if he was late, and he was afraid that something might happen to Liu Bowen behind him, so he planned to make a quick decision...

"Flying fire meteor thorn!"

"Running Thunder and Gale Wind Slash!"


With one blow, Feng Sheng and Xu Da passed by.

"Come back and pierce the heart!"

"Burst Thunder Fire Slash!"


The two fought again for more than a hundred rounds, and the fight was tied again, and Xu Da's face was a little weak and pale at this time. As for Feng Sheng, it was not much better, the tiger's mouth was broken, and the sword was wrapped in blood donation.

"The dog thief will take his life..."

Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of Xu Da's mouth, and he came to kill with a gun, then swayed his gun, passed by him, and went straight to the group of blue-armored tiger guards behind him.

"No, he wants to run away, quickly surround him..."

Feng Sheng saw it once, and shouted in shock, at this moment Xu Da kicked the horse's belly, and the horse rushed past the defense of the green armored tiger guard like a frightened bird.

The main reason is that the Qingjiahuwei didn't notice and was caught off guard.

When he was about to break through the siege, Xu Da cut off the Qingjiahuwei battle flag with a single shot, picked up the broken flag with his left hand, and ran into the distance.

"Shoot arrows, shoot them dead..."

Seeing that Xu Da was running away quickly, and it seemed that he could not catch up, Feng Sheng scolded him bitterly.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Hundreds of arrows whizzed towards him, Xu Da saw the remnant flag in his hand spinning rapidly, and all the arrows were immediately disappeared into the forest...


 In this chapter, the codeword is 5000+, I hope everyone will support and subscribe, I will definitely write more exciting, please

(End of this chapter)

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