Call of the Deer

Chapter 143 Wu Yan was born, and the brave descendant

Chapter 143 Wu Yan was born, and the brave descendant

Just when Feng Sheng failed to capture Liu Bowen and hurried back, Huizhou City in the south of Yanzhou saw a different scene.

As Zhao Tiancheng, the lord of Huizhou, grew old, his second son was fighting more and more fiercely, and he almost drew his sword to face each other.

Zhao Tiancheng had two sons, Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi, who were half-brothers.

As the so-called tiger father has no dogs, Zhao Tiancheng is one of the most powerful generals in the Yu Dynasty. Naturally, Zhao Kuangyin brothers after the generals are also extremely extraordinary. They can shoot arrows on horseback and compose poems on horseback.

Moreover, the two are even more ambitious. The eldest brother Kuangyin can still bear it, while the younger brother Guangyi is extremely high-profile. He takes the lead in every battle and has repeatedly made military exploits. Concubine.

However, Pan and Yang, the subordinates who followed Zhao Tiancheng to conquer the world, had some disagreements. First, Yang Ye was always strong and strong, while Pan Mei had the appearance of a famous general, but she couldn't get along with Yang Ye in terms of personality.
Secondly, the Pan family is thin, with only one son, while the Yang family has seven sons and two daughters. They all have the style of generals and are very jealous in their hearts. But with Zhao Tiancheng's coordination, the two sides can restrain themselves a little. two.

The Yang family and the Pan family supported the eldest son Zhao Kuangyin and the second son Zhao Guangyi respectively, and both wanted to send the person they supported to the position of the lord of Huizhou.


In the capital, on the street, because of Zhao Tiancheng's good governance, it is natural that people live and work in peace and contentment, and the people's livelihood is good.

"Second Highness, it is said that a group of famous concubines have come to Qingcui Building recently, do you want to go and see them?"

On the street, two luxuriously dressed men were swinging their feather fans, walking swaggeringly on the street, all passers-by gave way to salute, with fear on their faces.

These two are Zhao Tiancheng's second son, Zhao Guangyi, and Pan Mei's son, Pan Weizheng. Both of them have extraordinary martial arts skills, but they both have a hobby, that is, they are addicted to sex.

So they share the same smell, and they often come out to fool around, which makes Zhao Tiancheng and Pan Mei a little annoyed, hating that iron can't be made into steel, and sitting around is a shameful act.

"Hahaha, Weizheng still understands my thoughts, hahaha, let's go and have a look together..."

Hearing this, Zhao Guangyi laughed and said, while pulling Pan Weizheng towards Qingcui Building.

While the two were walking, they suddenly saw a lot of people gathered in front of them, pointing, not sighing.

"Oh, how pitiful, at such a young age, relatives passed away like this, lonely, alas, the world is difficult..."

"Yeah, right now, Huizhou is still better than other states and counties who have been fighting for years, and the name is not worth living..."


"Stop and tell His Highness, what's going on ahead?"

When Zhao Guangyi saw the person in front sighing, his curiosity arose, so he quickly grabbed him and asked him questions.

When the man saw it, he was so sad, his expression changed, and he actually met these two lustful people, that woman was finished...

"This... this... this..."


"What the hell, you fucking don't want to live anymore, tell me quickly..."

Pan Weizheng saw that this guy was hesitating, hesitant, but he didn't say anything, he got angry, slapped him to the ground, and scolded him again and again.

"Young General Pan, ahead, there is a woman in front who sells her body to bury her father..."

It seemed that he was afraid of being beaten, so the man could only say Ai Ai expectantly.

"It's over if you don't say it earlier, you have to get beaten up to say it, why are you so cheap? Get out..."

With an impatient expression on Pan Weizheng's face, he waved his hand and told the general to come away, while he followed Zhao Guangyi who was leaving, and ran forward.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, the Second Highness is coming, get out of the way..."

When everyone heard the words, they all showed fear and slowly moved away. At this time, Zhao Guangyi finally saw the face of the woman inside.

Lost for a while, both Zhao Guangyi and Pan Weizheng stared blankly at the lovely and pitiful woman in front of them, feeling at a loss what to do.

"Girl, next time, Pan Weizheng, you"

"Ahem, girl, Zhao Guangyi, the son of Huizhou King Zhao Tiancheng, is willing to pay for your father's burial. Will you go back with me..."

Seeing that Pan Weizheng took the lead, how could Zhao Guangyi agree?Coughing again and again interrupted his speech, and began to show off and deceive.

At this time, the woman's face was full of indifference and a trace of disgust.

"Little girl Wu Yan, her family was in trouble, and she went to seek refuge with her distant relatives. Unexpectedly, her father died halfway, and her money was exhausted, so she had to sell herself to bury her biological father... As long as the two young masters help me to bury my biological father, I will serve him forever..."

The woman began to introduce her ups and downs in tears, Zhao Guangyi and Zhao Guangyi looked at the beautiful face of the woman, unable to extricate themselves for a while.

"Girl, Pan is willing to...

"Cough, cough, girl, His Highness is willing to bury the girl's father generously, and also ask the girl to come back with me. You should know that no one can help you here except me, so you know how to choose..."

"Second Highness, you..."

At this time, Pan Wei was looking at the despicable and shameless Zhao Guangyi who interrupted his speech twice, and suddenly his face was angry, and he glared at Zhao Guangyi who ignored him.

When Wu Yan heard the words, there was a look of grief and indignation on his face, and then he glanced at his father's body that was starting to stink on the ground, so he could only suppress his anger and nodded slightly, but his eyes were full of anger and resentment.

But Zhao Guangyi was overjoyed when he saw Wu Yan nod his head in agreement, and seeing Wu Yan's Qingcheng face, his heart was very hot, so he hurried forward to help him.

"Stop it, in broad daylight, you dare to forcefully marry a civilian girl, it's really hateful, let her go..."

At this moment, there was a sudden shout from behind, very angry, and Zhao Guangyi was also very angry. In this land of Huizhou, in broad daylight, someone dared to eat him openly, it was simply against the sky.

Looking back angrily, he froze for a moment, and saw a man standing not far away from him, this man was more than nine feet tall, with a handsome complexion, brows standing horizontally, fists clenched, and he kept shouting angrily.

This person is Yang Yansi, the seventh son of Yang Ye. He is the hottest one among the seven sons of Yang Ye. Of course, he is also the most powerful.

Seeing that it was Yang Yansi, the seventh son of the Yang family, Zhao Guangyi suppressed his anger immediately, and scolded in a cold voice: "Who am I?

"Fuck your mother, you actually use your power to overwhelm people and grab famous women. Today I will teach you a lesson, watch the punches!"

As expected, Yang Yansi's fiery temper could not be changed. He didn't care what Zhao Guangyi said, so he swung his iron fist, only taking Zhao Guangyi's face, completely ignoring his identity as the second son of Huizhou Prince.

At this time, Wu Yan, who was kneeling on the ground, looked at Yang Yansi, who was glaring at Zhao Guangyi and rushed towards Zhao Guangyi, and a gleam of wonder and emotion flashed in his eyes.

And Zhao Guangyi saw that this Yang Yansi dared to offend and was so rude, so he was also very angry and rushed over.


The two wanted to catch it with iron fists, and they hummed, extremely fierce.

On the other side, Pan Weizheng saw Yang Yansi, a pervert, fighting with Zhao Guangyi, and had no intention of stepping forward to help him. First, he resented that Zhao Guangyi had interrupted his speech repeatedly to fight for the beauties. Second, if Yang Yansi would leave If he got the beauty, he would still have a chance to get her, so naturally they were happy to fight.

Soon, the two went back and forth, fighting each other for more than a hundred rounds, and Zhao Guangyi gradually lost. After all, Yang Yansi was the bravest of the seven sons of the Yang family, and Zhao Guangyi was not an opponent of Yang Yansi.

Yang Yansi took the opportunity to punch Zhao Guangyi on the right chest, this punch was fierce and domineering, he knocked Zhao Guangyi to the ground with just one punch, vomiting blood from his mouth.

"You, the second-generation ancestor, have harmed countless innocent girls, and today I want to express my anger for them."

An angry Yang Yansi looked at Zhao Guangyi, who had fallen to the ground and became a fish, and couldn't hide the anger in his heart anymore, so he stepped on Zhao Guangyi's crotch fiercely.

"Ah, you dare to abolish me, I want you to die."

Only a shrill scream came from Zhao Guangyi's mouth. Zhao Guangyi was in pain, his face was sweating, he convulsed, and then passed out.

"Yang Yansi, you are so bold that you openly abolished the Second Highness, you are dead, you are dead..."

At this time, when Pan Wei saw Zhao Guangyi being knocked down by Yang Yansi, and his ancestral roots were abolished, his face turned pale in shock, and he broke out in a cold sweat unconsciously. He was afraid that Yang Yansi, a madman, would do something out of the ordinary. Go, stand up immediately.

"Huh, Pan Weizheng, you are a despicable and shameless villain, and you have the face to speak out in front of the young master. Is the injury healed from last time? Do you still want to try the young master's fists?"

Yang Yansi didn't care, and looked at Pan Weizheng who was like a clown with contempt, and taunted him.

"You, you, you wait..."

Pan Weizheng's face turned red when he heard the words, and he said you three times, and finally angrily lifted Zhao Guangyi who had fallen to the ground and left, and could no longer care about the beauty Wu Yan.

At this time, Yang Yansi stepped forward, helped Wu Yuan, picked up the stinking dead body of Wu Yuan's father, and walked to the coffin shop in front.

"Here, that girl, follow me to the coffin shop, I'll help you buy a coffin, let your father be buried, and he can be buried as soon as possible..."

Looking at the beauty at this moment, Yang Yansi's face flushed a little, he didn't know what to say, he was dumbfounded, without the sharp look before.


Seeing Yang Yansi's cute side, Wu Yan burst into a smile, covered his mouth, and laughed, his willow eyebrows were slightly curved, beautifully dressed, Yang Yansi looked at Wu Yan like a fool for a while, and Wu Yan also blushed a little.

"Thank you son for saving my life, Wu Yan has nothing to repay, I am willing..."

"Girl, don't, don't, Yansi just doesn't want to see this kind of bullying. It has no other meaning, but I will help you bury your father..."

When Yang Yansi saw that Wu Yan was going to say something like serving, he quickly raised his hand to stop him, but Wu Yan was relieved when he heard the words, and then he felt a small sense of loss unconsciously in his heart, and his mood was difficult to understand for a while...

After that, Yang Yansi bought a coffin and burial objects, and asked someone to help him bury Wu Li's father. Seeing that he was helpless, he persuaded him to go home with him and live temporarily.

But Wu Yan only hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and then agreed. After all, in its view, Yang Yansi was quite upright and upright, not like the kind of person who talks sweetly and has a sword in his belly.

And when the two returned to the Yang Mansion, in the palace, Zhao Tiancheng looked at Zhao Guangyi, who was crippled and fainted from the serious injury, his face was extremely gloomy for a while, and he wrote three secret letters, which were sent to the Yang Mansion , Pan Mansion, and Wang Mansion.

But at this moment, in the entire capital, the news that Yang Yansi abolished His Highness the Second Highness has spread throughout the streets and alleys, and the Yang Mansion is naturally no exception.

Yang Ye, the head of the Yang family, was sitting in the living room, his face livid and extremely angry.

"Brother Ye, Si'er is a bit like you, he is so impulsive, I will give him a good reprimand when he comes back..." Yang Ye's wife She Saihua comforted her.

"It's all about you, always pampering this bastard. Now, if something goes wrong, the king will definitely be furious and anger the entire general's mansion. Who can afford it? Ah..."

As soon as She Saihua said something, Yang Ye immediately found a punching bag and roared angrily at She Saihua.

"Father, mother, I'm back..."

"You bastard, kneel down for me..."

Just at this moment Yang Yansi came in, Yang Ye immediately scolded him angrily and made him kneel down...


(End of this chapter)

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