Call of the Deer

Chapter 144 The Great Ancestor’s Choice, The Yang Family Exterminated

Chapter 144 The Great Ancestor’s Choice, The Yang Family Exterminated

"What happened to Dad? Did Yan Si do something wrong?"

Seeing that Yang Ye's face was very ugly, Yang Yansi immediately lowered his head and said in a low voice, not daring to look into Yang Ye's angry eyes.

"You bastard, you dare to pretend to be a fool, who gave you the courage to openly abolish the Second Highness, you are going to send the entire Yang family to the guillotine..."

"Father, didn't you say that you have to be upright and upright, and you will draw your sword to help when you see injustice?"

Yang Yansi raised his neck and looked directly at Yang Ye, without any regret, as if this was what Yang Ye taught him to do.

"You, naughty son, heaven on earth, what evil did I, Yang Ye, do to give birth to such an unfaithful and unfilial naughty son..."

Yang Yeqi's face turned red from blue to green, he vomited blood, trembling all over, pointed at Yang Yansi, and was speechless.

"Brother Ye, don't be angry, Si'er is still young and ignorant, so don't be so angry..."

"Father, it's not good, the king sent a secret letter..."

At this moment, the eldest son Yang Yanping rushed in with panic on his face.

Although Yang Ye vomited blood angrily, he was a warrior after all, so he naturally had the aura of not changing his face when the mountain collapsed in front of him. He gave Yang Yansi a hard look, and opened the letter for a closer look.

Seeing this, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy and terrifying, his whole body trembled unconsciously, and his face turned pale unconsciously.

I saw twelve big bloody characters written on the letter: send the heads of the seven sons, and keep the Yang family safe!
Faced with such a fact, how could Yang Ye send his flesh and blood relatives to the guillotine so cruelly, and for so many years, he had fought for Zhao Tiancheng and made many military exploits, but now, because his son was deposed, he ended up like this, It really chilled him.

"One person does things and one person is responsible. Father, please take the head of Yansi and send it to the king. I don't want to implicate the entire Yang family because of mine..."

"Father, you can't, please save the seventh brother..."

At this time, the other five sons of the Yang family all rushed in, kneeling on the ground together, grabbing the ground with their heads, and pleading for Yang Yansi.

"Brother Ye, this king is too unreasonable. Brother Ye has been fighting for him for many years, but he is so heartless, it is really chilling..."

She Saihua's apricot eyebrows were erected, and she scolded angrily with a gloomy face.

"Yan Si, father, how could it be possible to see you go before me, now my Yang family is doomed, if I want to survive, I can only turn to His Highness for help, I hope His Highness can help my Yang family..."

Yang Ye seemed to be ten years old suddenly, his face was silent, his tone looked extremely tired, and the light in his eyes also dissipated a lot.


"Your Highness, General Yang, come to see His Highness, do you want to..."

"Let him in..."

Sitting on the main seat, Zhao Kuangyin had no joy or sorrow in his eyes, but if he looked closely, he could tell that Zhao Kuangyin was very excited at this time, and finally Yang Yansi, a lunatic, relieved him of his serious troubles, it was simply thankful.

"Your Majesty, only you can save the child's life now. I beg you to save the child for the sake of the veteran's assistance for many years. The veteran will definitely repay you..."

Yang Ye knelt on the ground and kowtowed fiercely, hoping that Zhao Kuangyin could help and save Yang Yansi's life.

"Old General Yang, you also know that the father's favorite is the second younger brother, and now Yansi has blatantly abolished the second younger brother, which has greatly dealt a blow to the face of the palace, and the current situation is unstable, which is even more fatal, so father We must kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, knock the mountain to shake the tiger, who told Yan Si to do such a stupid thing at this time, alas, I can't do anything..."

In order not to affect his status, Zhao Kuangyin would not be so stupid as to tease Zhao Tiancheng's beard, so he naturally rejected Yang Ye, although he has always been loyal.

Hearing this, Yang Ye turned pale and left in a daze.

Just before Yang Ye left Zhao Kuangyin's house, Zhao Tiancheng sent a secret letter with only two words: Yang, kill!

Zhao Kuangyin immediately dispatched soldiers to surround the distraught Yang Ye.

Seeing that he was surrounded, Yang Ye didn't panic, looked at Zhao Kuangyin behind, and asked loudly: "But the king wants to destroy my Yang family?"

"That's right, the younger brother of the Yang family committed an injury, hurting my second brother, under the order of my father, I have to follow..."

Zhao Kuangyin froze for a moment, then said coldly.

"Okay, okay, the king ordered the minister to die, and the minister had to die. Since ancient times, there have been countless people who unloaded the mill and killed donkeys. Yang is waiting for you below, hahaha..."

After speaking, he drew out his long sword and killed himself.

So far, a good generation of good generals was forced to commit suicide.

And at the moment of Yang Ye's death, whether it was Yang Yanzhao who was far away in Dongzhou, or the other six brothers in Huizhou, they all felt angina pain unconsciously, and there was a faint uneasiness in their hearts.

But at this time, She Saihua took out a letter, opened it and read it out.

"Yanping... Yansi, Paifeng... If you don't come back after an hour, it means that something happened to your father, then you will immediately take your mother out of Huizhou City and go north to Dongzhou. Yan Zhao is currently in Yanhuang King If Bei Minghao works, he will be able to settle you down. In the end, I hope you will not avenge me for my father..."


"Father, I want to avenge you, so I will kill that thief Zhao Tiancheng now..."

Angry Yang Yansi immediately picked up his weapon and was about to go out.

"Yang Yansi, stop, your father died for you, don't you know how to protect yourself? Zhao Tiancheng's army is everywhere in Huizhou now, why are you going to take revenge..."

Enduring the pain, She Saihua began to reprimand the angry Yang Yansi bitterly.

"Mother, don't you want to avenge your father?"

Yang Yansi roared with blood red eyes.

"Didn't your father say that your sixth brother is in Dongzhou? He told you to go to him and talk about revenge in the future, so let me go now..."

She Saihua ordered someone to deliver the prepared package to her six sons and two daughters, and reluctantly reprimanded everyone to leave.

"Mother, if you don't go, we won't go..." The six sons and two daughters knelt on the ground and begged.

"Go, don't go, mother will die in front of you..."

Seeing that the children were still unwilling to leave, She Saihua immediately took out a dagger, pressed it to her throat, and threatened with tears in her eyes.

"Mother, I kowtow to you..."

Seeing that their mother was so resolute and threatened with their lives, the children naturally did not dare to disobey. The eight of them kowtowed nine times, wiped away their tears, took the parcels and weapons, and left the Yang Mansion very sadly, towards the Go outside the city.

Not long after they left, Zhao Jun killed General Yang's mansion...

"Come here, surround the Yang Mansion, kill them in, don't let anyone go..."

The leaders were Yang Ye's old enemy Pan Mei and Zhao Tiancheng's general Wang Yan. The two men had received the secret letter and immediately organized an army to control Yang Ye's Yang family army. Then they received the news that Yang Ye was dead. At the same time, he led the army to the Yang Mansion.

"Rush in, no chicken or dog will be left behind..."

A stern look flashed in Wang Yu's eyes, and then he gave the order to leave no one behind, but Pan Mei didn't seem surprised. Indeed, when Yang Ye gained power, he was too upright and offended many people, including There is a great general, Wang Yi.

After everyone rushed in, they began to brutally massacre, slaughtering the entire Yang family and rushing into the main hall.

At this moment, She Saihua was the only one in the hall, sitting on the main seat, staring coldly at Wang Yi and his like who rushed in.

"She Saihua, where are the seven sons of the Yang family? Call them out."

Wang Yu glared at She Saihua, with a gleam of lust in his eyes, and scolded her.

"Hand it over? Hehehe... My son has been away from Huizhou City for a long time, hahaha..."

Facing numerous Zhao Jun, She Saihua showed no fear, sneered again and again, and her eyes were full of contempt.

"Looking for death, dare to let the criminal go without permission, the crime deserves death..."

A stern look flashed in Wang Yu's eyes, and then a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes.

"Hey, if I catch you and parade them in the streets, let's see if those traitors will come to rescue, hey..."

"Thinking of threatening my son with me, dreaming!"

Then he pierced his left chest with a knife very decisively. The decisiveness of his actions made people have to obey. Then he died. The husband and wife died in Huizhou one after another, and died on the same day.

She Saihua is a woman who does not give in to her husband, she is extremely chaste, in order to hold back the enemy and buy time for her son to escape, she resolutely stays, and in order not to let herself become a trap of being tempted, she commits suicide extremely decisively, which can be described as kindness and wisdom Coexisting, chastity and determination stand side by side.

At this time, the six sons and two daughters of the Yang family had already arrived at the gate of the city, but it was completely sealed off at the moment, so it was so airtight that even a mosquito could hardly fly out.

Knowing that they could not come to Huizhou in secret, the eight people knelt on the ground again, bowed in the direction of Yang's mansion, and said: "Mother, you can go at ease, in the future, you will definitely send your troops south, wipe out Zhao Jun, and avenge your father and you." "

"Brother, what should we do?" The fourth son Yang Yanhui looked at his elder brother Yang Yanping and began to ask.

"Now we can only kill it, brothers, are you confident to kill it?"

As the eldest brother, Yang Yanping naturally has a sense of responsibility and a heavy burden. Looking at the Yang Mansion, Yang Yanping murmured in his heart: "Mother, please rest assured, I will definitely take my younger brothers and leave safely..."

"Brothers, go out with Big Brother..."

Eight people, each holding a long gun, rushed to the gate of the city.

And the guard at the gate of the city is Li Yao, Wang's confidant. Li Yao is cruel and cruel. When he saw that it was the remnants of the Yang family, he was shocked, and then he was overjoyed, and shouted angrily: "Whoever kills the remnants of the Yang family will be rewarded with a hundred gold..."

When a group of soldiers heard the words, they all beat the eight members of the Yang family one after another, but the mere mob was naturally no match for the eight members of the Yang family.

Li Yao was a little anxious, his eyes flashed sharply, he took out his bow and arrow, bent his bow and set up an arrow, and aimed at the two girls , to kill the two girls first.

Yang Yanping has been paying attention to Li Yao's movements, seeing that he is despicable and shameless and wants to plot against his brother and sister, he immediately became anxious and shouted angrily.

"Eight sisters and nine sisters, be careful..."


But the arrow had already been shot, Yang Yanping was shocked immediately, and rushed over without thinking about other things.


The arrow hit Yang Yanping's left shoulder, blood flowed profusely immediately, and he lost the battle on his left shoulder.

"Big brother..."

Seeing this, the other seven people turned pale with fright, roared angrily, their eyes were blood red, angrily beheaded and killed all the Zhao Jun who rushed forward, and rushed over.

"Brothers, I'm fine..."

Yang Yanping's face was a little pale and huge, but when he spoke angrily, he was very angry, and he didn't look like he was injured.

However, Li Yao's assassination with back arrows immediately ignited the anger of the eight members of the Yang family. The fighting power of the eight members increased rapidly, and it was difficult to find any chance to attack for a while.Li Yao had no choice but to send someone to ask Wang Yu for help.

In less than a moment, eight people beheaded nearly a thousand Zhao troops, and there were less than two hundred defenders at the gate of the city. It seemed that they would be done and left Huizhou City, but Wang Yu arrived with a large army.

At this moment, everyone's faces were pale, and they became desperate, thinking that their parents' revenge would never be avenged.

"Brothers, it's time to be loyal to Old General Yang, follow me to kill him, and help the young general to get out of trouble..."

Suddenly, at this moment, an army came out from the side, it was Yang Ye's Yang family army, and the three thousand Yang family troops rushed over like tigers and wolves, shouting angrily.

Seeing this, the eight Yang Yanping were immediately overjoyed, knowing that there was hope of escape, they immediately exerted their strength again and rushed towards the gate of the city.

When the more than 200 people at the gate of the city saw this, they knew that these eight people could no longer be stopped, and the generals of the Yang family were all brave and good at fighting, and they had a good reputation. After cutting a few times, he fell to the ground and howled.

Seeing this, the eighth general of the Yang family was a little surprised, and then with the help of a few well-meaning soldiers, opened the city gate.

Naturally, Wang Yu didn't want these remnants to run away. The so-called weeding does not eradicate the roots, and the spring breeze blows life, once the tiger is released, there will be endless troubles.

"Follow me to kill, I must not escape the remnants of the Yang family, kill..."

At this time, the Yang family's army also arrived, and when they met Wang Yu's army on a narrow road, they naturally glared at them. The angry Yang family's army would naturally not be polite to these people who made trouble.

They used all their strength to attack these thieves. The Yang family's military discipline was extremely strict, and the combat effectiveness of the soldiers was also the strongest under Zhao Tiancheng. If Zhao Tiancheng hadn't kept suppressing them, Yang Ye must be the chief general under his command.

Seeing this group of desperadoes trying so hard to stop them, Wang Yu suddenly became furious, his murderous intent spread, and his attacks became more ruthless.

At this time, Pan Mei also led troops to the gate of the city. With the addition of this new force, even the Yang family's army began to be defeated.

"You guys bring some people to help the major general get out of trouble, I'll stop him for a while..."

The leader was Pang Ying, a veteran under Yang Ye's command. With a roar of anger, he fought hard to kill the coalition forces of Wang Yan and Pan Mei.

Several leaders rode their horses out of the city gate one after another, rushed to Yang Yanping and others, got off their horses and gave up their mounts for them to escape.

"Major General, please get on your horse, the last general will stop you for a moment..."

The eight of them were not mother-in-laws either, so they got on their horses one after another and rode away to the north, disappearing from sight in a moment.

And a group of Yang family troops wiped off the horseshoe prints, and took the rest of the people to the east...

But at this time, Pang Ying and others were finally beheaded by Wang Yu and Pan Mei, and they chased them out. When they saw the horseshoe prints, they chased towards the east, because the east was the base camp of the Yang family army.


(End of this chapter)

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